Buch lesen: «Notes and Queries, Number 201, September 3, 1853», Seite 6

E. G. R.

Arms of See of York (Vol. viii., p. 111.).—It appears that the arms of the See of York were certainly changed during Wolsey's time, for on the vaulting of Christ Church Gate, Canterbury, is a shield bearing (in sculpture) the same arms as those now used by the Metropolitan See of Canterbury, impaling those of Wolsey, and over the shield a cardinal's hat. This gateway was built in 1517; yet in the parliament roll of 6th Henry VIII., 1515, the keys and crown are impaled with the arms of Wolsey as Archbishop of York (see fac-simile, published by Willement, 4to. Lond. 1829), showing that the alteration was not generally known when the gateway was built.

Although the charges on the earlier arms of the See of York were the same as on that of Canterbury, the colours of their fields differed; for in a north window of the choir of York Minster is a shield of arms, bearing the arms of Archbishop Bowett, who held the see from 1407 to 1423, impaled by the pall and pastoral staff, on a field gules. The glass is to all appearance of the fifteenth century.

T. Wt.

Leman Family (Vol. viii., p. 150.).—Without being able to give a substantial reply to R. W. L.'s Query, it may assist him to know that Sir John Leman had but one brother (William), who certainly did not emigrate from his native land. Sir John died, March 26, 1632, without issue; and was buried in the chancel of St. Michael, Crooked Lane, London. His elder brother, William, had five sons; all settled comfortably in England, and not at all likely to have left their native country. One of the Heralds' Visitations for the counties of Norfolk or Suffolk would materially assist your Philadelphian correspondent.

T. Hughes.

Position of Font (Vol. vii., p. 149.).—In the church of Milton near Cambridge, the font is built into the north pier of the chancel arch; and from the appearance of the masonry, &c., this is evidently the original position. I have visited some hundreds of churches, and this is the only instance I have observed of a font in this position. Numerous instances occur where it is built into the south-western pier of the nave.

Norris Deck.




Our worthy publisher has just issued a volume which will be welcome, for the excellence of its matter and the beauty of its various illustrations, to all archæologists. These Memoirs illustrative of the History and Antiquities of Bristol and the Western Counties of Great Britain, and other Communications made to the Annual Meeting of the Archæological Institute held at Bristol in 1851, certainly equal in interest and variety any of their predecessors, and whether as a memorial of their visit to Bristol to those who attended the meeting, or as a pleasant substitute to those who did not, will doubtless find a resting-place on the shelf of every member of the Society whose proceedings they record.

We cannot better recommend to our readers Dr. Madden's newly published Life and Martyrdom of Savonarola, illustrative of the History of Church and State Connexion, than by stating that this remarkable man, whom some Protestants have claimed as of their own creed, while as many Romanists have rejected him as a heretic, is viewed by Dr. Madden as a monk of Florence at the close of the fifteenth century, who was of opinion that the mortal enemy of Christ's gospel in all ages of the world had been mammon; that simony was the sin against the Holy Ghost; that the interests of religion were naturally allied with those of liberty; that the Arts were the handmaids of both, of a Divine origin, and were given to earth for purposes that tended to spiritualise humanity; and who directed all his teachings, preachings, and writings to one great object, namely, the separation of religion from all worldly influences. On this theme Dr. Madden discourses with great learning, and, some few passages excepted, with great moderation; and the result is a Life of Savonarola, which gives a far more complete view of his character and his writings than has heretofore been attempted.

Books Received.—History of England from the Peace of Utrecht to the Peace of Versailles, by Lord Mahon, Vol. V. This volume embraces the period between the early years of George III. and 1774, when Franklin was dismissed from his office of Deputy Postmaster-General; and, as it includes the Junius period, gives occasion to Lord Mahon to avow his adherence to "the Franciscan theory;" while the Appendix contains two letters in support of the same view,—one from Sir James Macintosh, and one from Mr. Macaulay.—Confessions of a Working Man, from the French of Emile Souvestre. This interesting narrative, well deserving the attention both of masters and working men, forms Part XLVIII. of Longman's Traveller's Library.Remains of Pagan Saxondom, principally from Tumuli in England, drawn from the Originals: described and illustrated by J. Y. Akerman, Part VI. containing coloured engravings of the size of the originals of Fibulæ and Bullæ, from cemeteries in Kent; and Fibulæ, Beads, &c. from a grave near Stamford.


History and Antiquities of Newbury. 8vo. 1839. 340 pages. Two Copies.

Vancouver's Survey of Hampshire.

Hemingway's History of Chester. Large Paper. Parts I. and III.

Correspondence on the Formation of the Roman Catholic Bible Society. 8vo. London, 1813.

Athenæum Journal for 1844.

Howard Family, Historical Anecdotes of, by Charles Howard. 1769. 12mo.

Tooke's Diverson's of Purley.

Nuces Philosophicæ, by E. Johnson.

Paradise Lost. First Edition.

Sharpe's (Sir Cuthbert) Bishoprick Garland. 1834.

Lashley's York Miscellany. 1734.

Dibdin's Typographical Antiquities. 4to. Vol. II.

Bayley's Londiniana. Vol. II. 1829.

The Scripture Doctrine of the Trinity Justified. 1774.

Parkhurst on the Divinity of Our Saviour. 1787

Berriman's Seasonable Review of Whiston's Doxologies. 1719.

–– Second Review. 1719.

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S. Z. Z. S. We have a letter for this Correspondent; how shall it be forwarded?

J. S. G. (Howden) is thanked for his collection of Proverbial Sayings—all of which are however, we believe, too well known to justify their republication in our columns.

Y. S. M. would oblige us by naming the subject of the communications to which he refers.

Photography. Mr. Sisson's communication is unavoidably postponed until our next Number, in which Mr. Lyte's Three New Processes will also appear.

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