Buch lesen: «Space: one hundred one story of surrealism», Seite 4


And on a farm near Edinburgh, the cook’s cows lived, they ran to the table, cut themselves, lay down on the pan, seasoned themselves with vegetables; potatoes, carrots, onions, garlic and peas. People, meanwhile, ate, smacking their lips and saying what good cooks are. It used to happen that Monroe would come in to eat a goose stew, the rams would take out knives, cut those, marinate them in sauce, stew them in a roaster, and serve them on the table. If, however, the meat did not go well into the stomach, the goose meat pulled out its arms and pushed off the walls of the trachea to fall into the bottomless crater of acid. When people, after two, I tell you God, days, defecated, the geese flew out of the fecal ditch, regenerated back into birds, and made their way to the farms where they were killed, only to be back on the table. Imagine what self-sacrifice in the name of saving the hungry. Such would be miracles, but in Australia and Africa,

If you put on a baseball cap, the baseball cap will slide down the body, and you will disappear under it, falling into a fairy tale. And if you swing and throw yourself into the water, the baseball cap becomes a ship. If you say, casually, that you have a fat ass, you will become Kilimanjaro. Yes, yes, everything is strange, but what is strange when everything in the world is so simple. If you jump from a plane, you can see how you become a pancake, and if you lie down on the road on the highway, you can see how mincemeat is made. If you hit the rhino on the nose, you can notice that in addition to three holes, there is both the fourth and the fifth, and if you put a bandwagon of the elephant, then the Niger will not help you. Even Niger will not help Negro if Niger is fighting with a niger.

Clouds. We fly through the clouds and see unusual animals jumping outside the porthole, so unimaginably delightful, just imagine. They jump so high that they hit the moon with their heads and sing that today is a better day than yesterday, ten times better, can you imagine?

And here I presented. But not only unicorns, kangaroos and coyotes jump there, but the most unusual of them – such as centaurs, well, how could it be otherwise if they are not animals, well, people, you agree?

They jump so high that the moon trembles from a thousand heads striking it. And a huge gnome lives on that moon, this gnome was born there a long time ago, I don’t even remember what century it was – I know for sure that this gnome loves animals, so much so that he invites them to live with him, promising them delicious food and grass. In addition to the centaur and the minotaur, of course, no one agrees, but how could it be otherwise, who knows who this dwarf really is.

You sit on your chair and wonder why you looked at the sky so often and didn’t see them because you were so grown up and distracted by all the nonsense around you. In an instant, you wanted to change, remembered how as a child you dreamed of becoming a dragon or an eagle, flying high up and shitting on those who were against you. Today, you left all your affairs to rest and rushed forward, through the clouds, cutting them on the plane – only you cannot fly to them, and they cannot enter the plane to you – they do not even see you, because they were not told that there are adults in the world, besides children, who can see them. They themselves saw the children and waved either their tail or their hooves and said hello to the children, accompanied them with shouts and flew away towards the sunset.

The children laughed and rejoiced. But there were also adult children among them, when the little ones pointed a finger at a unicorn and said how beautifully it chews a marmalade cloud, they did not see anything and simply twisted their finger around their temple and said that it was time for them to see a psychiatrist to be cured. But childhood does not need to be cured, it was childhood that gave us happiness, well, really… Can you imagine how many adults who are unhappy because they have become adults, they are interested in money and how many people will come to dinner, how big their hall and house will be, how much acres to reach beyond the horizon of their land, that’s all!

And then… the unicorns flew over the horizon, and the most fascinating animals appeared in the sky, and not even animals… fish of different sizes, perches, crucian carp, dolphins and sharks, jellyfish and killer whales swam among them, among them were stingrays and jellyfish- dwarfs, skates and a thousand more clown fish, they circled in a round dance and turned the sky into a real holiday – fireworks from them, this is the best thing the children have ever seen. And there were fireflies among them that shone, and flew up to the porthole and circled outside the window until they were called crickets, composing a song for them, come here, something cool has been prepared for you here. They flew away, followed by hummingbirds, they often liked to fly through the sky and catch these fireflies, but today was a different day – a day of piety and friendliness. These are the things that are happening in heaven, but only adults forgot a long time ago,

Somehow you may be lucky, and you will believe in miracles at the age of forty, at a hundred years, when you are still alive and your mind is not busy earning as much as possible, and achieving as much success as possible – everything in this world is beautiful, even without the money that you save up all your life – it’s so simple.

One day, flying like this in the sky on an airplane, you will fall asleep, and when you wake up you will see purple frogs jumping on your clothes, then do not be afraid, everything is fine. In fact, only you can see them, otherwise all people would have long since jumped from their seats and panicked, not even an hour, and then the plane will fall – these are magic frogs, they do not come to adults and boring people. Rejoice. Just for a moment you began to believe in miracles, and miracles are all around you. Many of them will jump on the floor, chameleons will run along the walls, hummingbirds and jellyfish will run through the window, and below, the whale swims so majestically, waving its fin so hard that the clouds rush over the horizon forty times faster than ever.

From under the wires of the garlands – who lived there in the country of the Lilliputians; a brush flew out and began to chirp that he did not agree with the hand of the padishah holding his ass. After all, he is, you know, straight and against fisting! Drowning himself in the toilet, he doesn’t like it, you see. And who, pray tell, likes it, except maybe a dog named “Moo-mu”. He also played such BDSM games with Gerasim, went fishing and drowned, they really enjoyed it. They say that Mu-mu drowned himself with his paw by the hair in order to get more adrenaline. With the other hand he beat himself on the second, but the second was cruel, laughed and bit, throwing the first hand into the urn near the shore with piranhas. A dwarf-nose lived in the lake, on his hump they danced break-dance and tango. Each time returning to life, the dog barks at people, provokes anger, and asks them to drown him in a basin in the bathroom. His silky hair would then jump on his back, blown by the wind of diamonds. He loves it, except he can’t die, his head hits the floor, and he’s sniffing the dust left behind by Flash last week when he ran after Ant-Man in search of the microverse on the flea’s back.

Yorshik beat the padishah’s hand until the padishah stuck his head into the toilet and scribbled marmalade from the walls of the zombie city. The zombies there were scary, they were toothy, terribly screaming, stretching their paws and trying to eat marmalade before the brush. Yorshik ate them by their impudent paws, and there is no other way to get rid of these infections. Mr propper cries when he sees them. Even he cannot wash their dirty faces.

– Yes, you choke! – spitting zombie arms and legs on the crocodile’s back underwater. He sat at the bottom of the toilet and read the newspaper “Komsomolskaya Pravda” spreading his paws on a deck chair, smoking a Hawaiian cigar made of worms. He smiled contentedly, laughing as he turned the page to another. So it was, I swear to you the life of cockroaches all over the world! Yes, so that they all die, if I’m lying! Yes, cake in my mouth! The same thing, they immediately believed, they still doubted.

If only Aunt Motya, the most insidious of all turtles in the world, knew that his son spends his money like that, she would return and beat him with a belt of chainsaws and sharp saws. And then I would sell leather on the black market for shoes. Blondes from Moscow are very turned on by crocodile skin. They even die when they stroke the skin of a crocodile. That’s how much they love each other.

And here, a beautiful deer lived in Narnia, he ran away from there that week, went out to Kazan, wiped the snot from his face and began to cry. All people were without body hair. It’s horrible… terrible and frightening. Seven years have passed since then, since yesterday, because he considered, like, one day, seven years. Butterflies taught him so that they lived one day in his world.

The hippo loved cotton candy, and every evening he went to work with the cloud people and pulled pieces from the clouds, and made cotton candy out of them, sprinkled with sugar on top. Of course, people did not know this, that they made cotton wool from clouds, because when they gave cotton wool to hippos, they plugged their nose during bleeding, and their buttocks during injections. Hippo spread your arms to the sides and ran away. He cried for three days, then his eyes dried up, and he climbed into the lake, which he himself cried out. He drank half, mixed the rest with mud and became a statue, until better times. He will wake up tomorrow, when people will say “today” not today.

A goose lived in a column of one giant, he had the ability to know all the songs in the world, and all the languages of the world. He barked all day in Mongolian, Tajik and Chinese. He knew physics and chemistry, zoology and astrology, and every evening he thought about the stars about millet porridge. One day, returning from a Negro disco, the giant forgot the black speakers. And the Negroes do not stand on ceremony for a long time, they stole the column and brought it to the point where they sold burnt things. Here they are vtyuhivayut column, when suddenly, a goose beatboxing, speaks in the voice of Putin, everyone immediately fled, and some of them killed themselves in the name of God. It’s not surprising, since Satan himself got in touch through the speakers.

– I will slaughter you all, gentlemen and gentlemen, I will sell your offal on the black market for free. We’ll make activated charcoal out of blacks.

Well, how can you not be afraid. For the hands of a white man to touch them, but this will never happen!

Once, Mike Tyson took a loan and did not pay it, and waited for collectors. There was a knock on the door, several whores lay on the threshold, a hundred million dollars in suitcases and Elon Musk, tied and gagged. Mars was in his eyes. People from that planet waved their hands, fired salutes and laughed. They bought a ticket for this performance today. The whores hovered at Tyson’s feet, without panties, and demanded that he be gentle with them, because they are from the planet of the veil, and their skin is fragile, like crystal.

The mummy, returning from the other world, found that all the toilet papers were sold out by alarmed people during the coronavirus. It became a shame for the mummy to walk naked, and lies in a coffin and waits for toilet paper with a three-layer soft face of children to appear instead of paper.

In Zeeland, under the bricks on the beach of the Maldives, in a large hole, maniac mushrooms live, they run around with kitchen and hunting knives and kill people. They pounce on people’s heads, cut out their ears, eat them, break their legs and put them under themselves instead of legs, put on their heads instead of a hat and run around the clearing, laughing, happy. Snowdrops, chanterelles, fly agarics and a variety of mushrooms catch people, trip them, then pounce, tie their legs and drag them into a hole and skin them there.

In Bashkiria, herbivorous wild people live, primitive. Seeing people from neighboring republics, they hide under a stone, and sit, wait for people and attack them with spears. Their hair is pulled out and glued under the armpits, arms, legs and chest. They believe that hair should be all over the body. And they worship monkeys because they have the most hair.

I saw him the summer before last, when the stars were killed by a fragmentation grenade. The grenade shattered into pieces, and little dwarfs with knives and forks flew out of them, and they stabbed the star into the tank, having previously tied their mouths so as not to scream. Here he was among them – my little brownie, manual. His name is Seryoga. He is a legless invalid. His leg was bitten off by sharks when I threw him over the side of the boat. He tried to climb back, but my boot was not simple, with one sharp blow I opened his venous vein, and he, like a fountain, flew back, and the shark grabbed him and dragged him down. When Seryoga shouted that he would let me stay with him for a week, I immediately pulled his body without legs from the water. Then he started threatening me. Can you imagine me? That I’m a bad friend. Son of a bitch! I had to throw him back, where he was torn to pieces by piranhas, because the back is also a leg. The chest remains yes hands. He didn’t scream anymore. It is understandable, I closed his mouth with a sock, which I removed from my foot. I protected them and never took them off for ten years. He could not pull them out, because I tied his hands in his rectum, and pulled him out through his nose, and with a bow, and with a bow. When a week later, three years ago, the time came to leave the house, I had to roll it up in a carpet and throw it in the trash. And he told everyone that he had gone on a business trip abroad. But whoever asked me, no one actually saw my brownie. We shared responsibilities at home equally. He cleaned, cooked, washed, brought money, repaired and bought everything, and I watched the weather on TV and told me when to go out so that he would not get caught in the rain. Every time he left, slamming the door on his skateboard, I laughed because he forgot to put on his shoes, stupid Seryoga. He tumbled down the stairs. He loved it – as he himself said, he loves parkour and break dancing, in a word, wallowing on the ground. I also laid a place for him on the floor of dirt and old, worn underpants with dead rats. In the morning I opened the cage, walked him on the balcony, while he was doing business there, and he himself would put it in a bag. Sometimes, I didn’t have time to walk with him, I needed to be lazy, he grabbed himself by the leash and walked himself. When the alarm clock rang, he pulled himself out of the balcony. When he did not obey, he beat himself on the armature on the balcony, and pinched his temple with the door. Only strangely he did his business due to the lack of a backside, and shit from his mouth all the time. I told him that you can just open his stomach and pull everything out, it’s not the case to defecate through the mouth. And he, you see, does not want to be cut. But then it will be convenient. Sew on the lock and open it,

So. They took him away in a dustbin, never saw him again until that day. Well, I didn’t see him, I watched him through binoculars in the photograph on the wall of his mother, no more, I remembered with good words. How he cleaned, walked himself and washed the toilet. Now I had to buy brushes and sponges. But he licked everything well, to a shine. When the cat hit him on the back with a stool, he smiled. The cat did not like crybabies and began to scalp Seryoga. There is not a single living seamless place on the face. The cat beats him, then sews him up, sitting by the fireplace. However, I forgot to mention how the mother poured slop on the photo, it was probably his favorite dish. When he was still alive, he always ate food from a bucket under the sink. And it turns out he is quite alive.

You know, he was kind of cruel. The street has changed him. He began to carry a fork in his pocket. When he tangled under the feet of the dwarves, like a withered locust leg, they kicked him, pulled him up on a rope and strangled him. Then a huge dwarf came out and boxed. Sometimes, they even hung a rug on him and beat him with a hoe to knock off the dust. To get the dust out of the carpet faster, he vacuumed the dust into his mouth and licked it until it was shiny. He knew very well that cleanliness was more important. Cleanliness is the key to survival.

When he saw me, he immediately begged me to help him. Well, the hurricane was there, a sandstorm of incredible proportions. And I’m kind, I couldn’t pass by, I took a hoe and began to help shake out the dust, knock it off the carpet, with all my might, in order to finish faster. Somehow the hoe got stuck in my head, I put both feet on the skull and barely pulled it out. Kissel dripped from him. And immediately Seryoga’s legs grew. He got up, grabbed the dwarfs and bit off their heads, spat out and ran at me, shouting that I was finished. I pulled out my magnum and fired right between the eyes. The double plexus of his eyes flew out of his head and crashed into the tree behind him. Woodpeckers flew in and started pecking at his eyes, so they then lost their beak. It turns out that Seryoga was short-sighted, and woodpeckers saw only far-sighted. Near-sighted eyes are denser than a diamond, while far-sighted eyes are as light as air. No wonder the universe is expanding and all the planets are moving away from each other. Even the worms know this when they crawl through my friend’s intestines.

With a quick jerk of the mongoose, I took out his eyes and tore them into nine pieces, then fed them to mice, and told him to guess where his eye was. He looked at the mice and said that here and there. But I didn’t guess. He got upset. I fried him fried eggs from mice, gave him, then, after all, I also fed mice. I gave him, of course, of course, on the right ear, from where the toothpick was sticking out. He brushed his back teeth like that after eating meat.

And so, his eyes grew, but he did not dare to goggle them at me, they grew under his feet. All in the final went. Then he adapted to crawl like a worm in order to see everything ahead of him. He crawled over cow dung, over mud, over grass, over engine oil. Spat.

Then I got tired of it, I pulled it out of the socket, and it became a toaster. You see, he didn’t like being a toaster either. I took it by the tail and threw it into the aquarium with the whale. The whale chewed it, chewed it, spat it out.

“Shit,” he said, and went to bed, powdering his nose. Poseidon was sitting there, on a leash, on a chain and barking bubbles. He maintained the humidity in the room so that oxygen circulated.

Then I hired a shark as a servant to eat him and poop him back out to realize that he was nothing compared to other creatures. Of course, he did not like being a slave, but he humbly obeyed me until he found a genie ring and made a wish for freedom.

“Run across the ceiling thirty times, show a rabbit on your finger seven times and become a wolverine three times, that’s all,” said the genie, and disappeared.

He could. It was easy, but he did it the hard way. He became a wolverine by sticking table knives to the bones of his hand, sewing a rabbit onto his finger, and running across the ceiling in a frozen lake, and became free.

When he came to me to demand his house back, I gave it to him without argument. But he did not give up the apartment. Then he grabbed me by the neck, bit off my trachea, and spit it out into a vat of acid. Then he rolled me in concrete, tiled me in the bathroom, and sprinkled me with chamomile water, which I’m allergic to, and I became swollen, all the pimples became rounded like an egg, and he kicked me there when he took a bath. I climbed out of the wall, slammed him against the tiles on the floor, dipped his face in blade shards, and walled him up in a soap bottle, flattening him to the size of an aspirin. He swam there, wiping the walls with his hands, trying to see me. I swirled the shampoo and smeared it on my hair, but not on my head. He was allergic to hair. This often happens if you use something often. He fell. Seryoga too. They fell together. His dignity and courage.

The toaster was strange.

And then I woke up. The roommate looked at me and told me to wash the dishes. I went and washed. Did everything around the house while he sat and laughed from the TV shows. I didn’t like it. I grabbed the refrigerator and hit it on his impudent head. He turned around saying:

– Ay, bleat – and gave me cunts. And in the dream everything was so cool. When will I also become a fifth-year student and use my first-year slaves. Dream dream

The onion peel was able to skillfully soar above the trash can and catch flies in its arms, so that later it could be fried in a pan and eaten. It is understandable, people often do not think about it. You think that everything in the world is so simple, and the onion creature has no soul, fools, but here it is. Only she lives in another dimension, there, people, are just decorations for their world. More precisely, the husk does not see moving things, and concentrates on one, slow movement, like a fly. They see a fly only because they fly right before their eyes and they are small, and people block the whole view, like a canvas of a built wall, their largeness makes them invisible. Therefore, when we look at the husk, it stands peacefully and does not hunt, because it does not see the enemy in front of it. But as soon as we leave, and go back to the kitchen, when suddenly it turns out, that the husk moved a few centimeters deep into the cabinet. This is how she hunts for flies, cockroaches and sweeps the dust where she will sleep.

People, of course, think that this is all because of the wind, but everything is much more complicated.

But the flies, they are still those geniuses. You can see how they fly away somewhere and disappear, looking for them and not finding them. This is because when we get close to their house, they fly out of the pocket dimension, where they have satellite TV, sofas, tiny dogs and spoons so that we do not find their house, and fly away from that place. They love their place of existence. When everyone around goes to sleep, the flies go hunting and carry bread crumbs, pasta, salt, sugar into their hole, fly in and make tea. They feed their children in cocoons. On TV they show huge caterpillars on cabbages, how ants milk them, and butterflies, picking up those, carry them to a more productive place, where there is more fresh cabbage and delicious cucumbers. Sometimes, when switching channels, you can find how two rhinoceros beetles are fighting in the arena for a large piece of the ball and a girl, with whom they will mate after the end of the match. But then they smile and high-five themselves, dump the girl, split the ball in half, and go off drinking whiskey together. They know for sure that taking each other’s lives because of some woman is sheer stupidity. They are smart. And the girl stands at the edge of the arena and sighs, the locust judge runs up to her, and she does not know any other choice, and mates with him, only she cannot have children with the locust. And, if they were, they would be disabled and backward. Since then, the girl has become disillusioned with men and mates with just about anyone to satisfy her needs. Everyone started calling her that – a consumer-consumer. that taking each other’s lives because of some woman is sheer stupidity. They are smart. And the girl stands at the edge of the arena and sighs, the locust judge runs up to her, and she does not know any other choice, and mates with him, only she cannot have children with the locust. And, if they were, they would be disabled and backward. Since then, the girl has become disillusioned with men and mates with just about anyone to satisfy her needs. Everyone started calling her that – a consumer-consumer. that taking each other’s lives because of some woman is sheer stupidity. They are smart. And the girl stands at the edge of the arena and sighs, the locust judge runs up to her, and she does not know any other choice, and mates with him, only she cannot have children with the locust. And, if they were, they would be disabled and backward. Since then, the girl has become disillusioned with men and mates with just about anyone to satisfy her needs. Everyone started calling her that – a consumer-consumer.

Far, far away from where the dimension of flies lurks, there is a dimension of potatoes. There, potatoes plant people in the ground and watch how they grow, and every six months they cut off their heads and cook soup out of them. Pushing a spoon to the throat, the potatoes feel how a person gives off a delicious aroma. Stewed, fried, slices, mashed potatoes, slices, with peel – they make dishes out of people’s heads in various ways. Children especially love them, and ask for supplements. Then, mom and dad go to the garden and cut off another handful of ears, eyes, nose and tongue, and go home to fry them in a pan. Here – meat has always been in the first place, as the potato is the food of salvation in our world. There were no other animals there. But, nevertheless, if you rustle through the back streets of the beds, you can find macaques and orangutans, gorillas and chimpanzees. Potatoes do not distinguish them very well, therefore, every spring, when they go out into the dimension of people, they euthanize these animals and drag them to their home, making them in reserve. Only they often come with a large abundance of hair on the body and head, and you have to clean them off better than people – with a human cutter. Monkeys scream like not people, but potatoes distinguish only silence and do not hear voices. But as soon as a person is silent, the potato immediately thinks that this is a rational animal, and they begin to cry. For just a second, they cry until they chop them for borscht, make zrazy out of them and put whites in the oven. But as soon as a person is silent, the potato immediately thinks that this is a rational animal, and they begin to cry. For just a second, they cry until they chop them for borscht, make zrazy out of them and put whites in the oven. But as soon as a person is silent, the potato immediately thinks that this is a rational animal, and they begin to cry. For just a second, they cry until they chop them for borscht, make zrazy out of them and put whites in the oven.

Every morning outside Norway, Zlatoust Logan, the son of Wolverine, wakes up. He works in a cane field and collects sugar. He is driven by a horse, hitting him on the back with a whip, forcing him to drag a plow lassoed around his neck. Not only does he collect sugar canes on the field, but he also has to plow the land along the way. Horses sit on a plow and drink martinis with an umbrella on a glass. They are constantly laughing, discussing something. But, this time, Logan, most likely, he was tired of being a slave, went against his masters. More specifically, parents. He was found in childhood in a cauldron of radioactive uranium and tellurium, and they took him in. The horses did not think that he would survive, they took him as an entrance stuffed animal to frighten predators. But one day, the scarecrow began to cry when the horse, entering the house drunk, brushed its hooves on the baby’s teeth. Then he, waving his hand, without knowing it, not realizing it, cut off the horse’s hooves. And even then, the horse neighed. He’s always neighing. Logan grew up to be a good worker. I didn’t think that there were other people, my parents didn’t show it to anyone. That’s why he thought he was an invalid, who was a bit different from them. And the horses, when he asked them, laughing, without words, answered that he sees himself as a two-legged, and all the rest as a four-legged – a horse. He believed everything. There was nothing to compare. As proof, they pointed to themselves and neighed:

You see that we are horses, so we see that you are a horse.

“Okay, dad and mom,” he said, and dragged the plow with his parents.

But on this day, out of the corner of his eye, he saw a car on the other side of the field, there was a man standing there, bipedal. And Logan doubted that his parents were telling the truth, uncovered his claws, and attacked them demanding an answer. Immediately the parents bowed their heads, put ropes around their necks, and began to plow the ground and gather reeds. It was clear that it was impossible to hide everything from him for so long. On that day, Logan left his only home and went to the car, and neighed, getting on all fours, trying to communicate with the man. The man, seeing him, fell to the ground and rolled with laughter. And almost died. Then he got up, dusted himself off, twisted his finger at his temple, got into the car, took out a gun and told him to get out of here – an underdeveloped schizophrenic. Logan didn’t understand, of course, and walked towards him, wiggling his butt as if he had a tail. And then a man shot at him, the bullet reached Chrysostom and ripped off all the skin from his face. Logan spat out pellets from his mouth, flew up to him, turned around and kicked him in the chest, that all the organs flew out of him – his heart crashed into a bough about ten meters from Logan, a crow flew up, pecked, fell to the ground and died immediately. The heart could not be blacker from sin, poisoned. Even the tree crumbled. And the land became unsuitable for plants. Logan got into the car and pressed what he saw, on all the pedals and began to turn the steering wheel in all directions. The car flew up and rushed down the road, right into the ravine, and reached the parents’ house, destroyed their house. The gas boiler exploded and started a fire. Then the boiler fell on the father’s head, and shredded him, and the second fragment landed on the mother, and she began to burn. Logan flew out of the car, the equipment flew onto a stone, rolled over, a branch stuck into the tank, and the fuel splashed right on the mother, who immediately burned in the agony of pain. The fried meat smelled good. Chrysostom drooled, and having attacked the body of his parents, he possessed them to the bone, because the instincts of a predator cannot be put anywhere. Logan had never seen meat and did not even think that you can eat meat, he smelled the smell, realized he was different, and ate them. Father with salt, mother cut into small slices, like a sausage. True, it gave off gasoline, but everything was quickly ventilated. Finishing his mother, Logan saw the second horse inside her, small, even her eyes did not open. Instead of eating it, he left the little one behind, built a house out of trees nearby, and raised him to be a real person. Taught him to speak. Read. Subtract. They studied together, according to the books that one day the god lowered on them, opening the heavens. Holding out the books, he said: