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Dana Mentink


Coast Guard rescue swimmer Brent Mitchell wants only one gift for Christmas: to find his sister. When he discovers that her disappearance is tangled with the death of private eye Bruce Gallagher, he joins forces with Bruce’s daughter Donna to investigate. Grieving Donna is as tough as the determined military man…and both will stop at nothing to find the truth. But the duo soon discovers that a murdered father and a missing sister merely top a looming pyramid of secrets on Coronado Island. Deadly secrets. These unlikely partners have vowed to stick together until their most important case is closed—but they may pay with their lives.

Pacific Coast Private Eyes: Sisters Fighting Crime

“Was he the one that attacked you at the office?”

“I don’t think so. He sounds different.”

Brent took Donna by the shoulders. “Are you sure?”

Her hands closed over his. “Right now, I’m not sure of anything.”

And there it was, the twin strands of courage and fear shining in her expression. There was such strength in those eyes, yet at the same time she was fragile, vulnerable. He pulled her close.

“You could have been hurt,” he murmured.

He heard her breath catch. For a split second she relaxed into him, her cheek grazing his, lighting a glow inside him before she pulled away.

“I’m okay.”

Two blooms of pink appeared on her cheeks. He looked away at the cloud-cloaked horizon to regain his composure and let her find hers.

“I don’t care what she left or didn’t leave. I need to know what he’s done to my sister.”

DANA MENTINK is an award-winning author of Christian fiction. Her novel Betrayal in the Badlands won a 2010 RT Reviewers’ Choice Best Book Award, and she was pleased to win the 2013 Carol Award for Lost Legacy. She has authored more than a dozen Love Inspired Suspense novels. Dana loves feedback from her readers. Contact her via her website at

Dangerous Tidings

Dana Mentink

This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us

and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins.

—1 John 4:10

To the One who left the throne to walk among us.



Back Cover Text


About the Author

Title Page

Bible Verse

























Dear Reader




Dark shadows drifted across the tiny office window. Even the lights strung along the ferryboat across the way could not chase away Donna Gallagher’s tickle of unease as she gazed out at San Diego Bay. Rain beaded on the glass, a winter storm. The vessel was already crowded in spite of the weather. In the upcoming three weeks, the number of visitors would swell as eager Christmas shoppers came over from the mainland and overnight guests arrived for the Hotel del Coronado’s holiday festival. Twinkling white lights, ice-skating, fireworks and hot cocoa. The perfect Christmas in the beautiful island town of Coronado.

Every year since she could remember, her father, Bruce, had accompanied Donna, her three sisters and their mother to the festival. Every year, until now.

The pain in her chest started up again and tears pricked her eyelids. In the corner of the office stood a small pine tree, decorated with handmade ornaments. Each daughter had taken great pains to craft the perfect ornament for their father’s office tree, except two years ago when Donna hadn’t made one. The unfairness of it burned in her. This year, she was fully recovered and ready to make up for lost time. It was the holiday that would finally erase her disastrous rebellion, bury it firmly under a pile of happy memories.

The Gallaghers were all healthy, Candace finally on her feet after her husband’s death in Afghanistan five years prior and Donna recovered from the crash, physically, anyway.

She had not yet put the finishing touches on her wooden cable car, a remembrance of their trip to San Francisco, where she’d turned back to God and decided to start living again, thanks to her father. But now it was too late. Christmas held no joy for Donna this year, and she wondered if it ever would again.

Besides the grief, something dark and frightening poked at her instincts. Bruce, her father, her hero, had been murdered, she was certain of it. All around her, on every inch of floor and the sleek wooden tabletop, lay stacks of files that she’d extracted from the cabinet. The answer to his death lay inside, she was positive. Wind rattled the office windows. She jumped.

She could not shake the sensation that someone was watching her, waiting to make sure she didn’t find her answers. Paranoia? Exhaustion? Her sisters would probably say both. They thought she was in denial, her imagination exacerbated by grief and stress. And guilt, her heart added. There was no murder, they insisted, just an accident.

And her impulse to sift through her father’s cases and play the part of a private investigator, as he had been?

A ludicrous attempt to take control of her grief. She was a veterinarian, after all, not a detective. But ever since she’d started looking through Bruce Gallagher’s paperwork, there had been hints of danger.

Nerves, she told herself. The vehicle that appeared in her rearview mirror too often, the repeated hang-up phone calls on the office line. She looked out onto the darkened street. A truck drove slowly along, pulling to the curb outside. Was it the same truck she’d imagined was following her? Heart thudding, she stood behind the screen of the curtain, watching. A soft glow from inside, the flicker from a cigarette. Who would stop for a smoke here? Stomach tight, she watched.

One long minute and the vehicle drove away. The breath whooshed out of her. Paranoid, Donna.

She picked up her father’s most recent file from the “active” tray on his desk. The neat label, Mitchell, P., rang a bell deep down in her memory. Mitchell, P. Her memory supplied the full name. Pauline Mitchell.

It was not Pauline’s face that sprang into her mind but the face of Radar, her German shepherd. Something ticked up deep in Donna’s stomach. She’d treated Radar a month earlier, and when she’d called to check on the dog’s improvement a few days later, there had been no answer and no return of her messages.

Inside the file there was only one sheet of paper, adorned with her father’s nearly microscopic handwriting.

Her eyes wandered to the small picture on the desk—Bruce, in his marine dress uniform, arm slung rakishly around his wife, JeanBeth. What had her father’s interest been in Pauline Mitchell? She must have been a client, but as far as Donna had known, they’d never met.

The office phone rang, shattering the silence and jolting her nerves. Too late for a business call. She blinked hard and went to switch off the ringer.

But what if it was the hospital calling about Sarah? Her youngest sister was stable now, the doctors assured her. Safe after being pried from behind the wheel in the crash that had killed their father.

She reached to pick it up, stopping in uncertainty until the message kicked in. “Pacific Coast Investigations. Please leave a number and I’ll return your call.” Her father’s voice on the recording nearly took the knees from under her. There was the obligatory beep and then a long pause. Could she hear breathing on the other end of the line? She was not certain. The caller ID was unfamiliar. Wrong number?

She picked it up. “Hello? Who is this?”

Silence. There was someone on the line, she was sure. The same person who’d called and hung up a dozen times. “I said, who is this?”


A creak from the hallway brought her to her feet.

“Calm down, already,” she chided herself.

It was Marco, no doubt, her father’s business partner and a longtime family friend. He had a key and came and went as he pleased. She heaved out a sigh. Now nearly forty, Marco was a former Navy boxing world champion, and she did not have to worry about her safety while he was around. Marco loved her and her three sisters as if they were his own kin, even if her relationship with Marco had been downright prickly at times. He was grieving the loss of Bruce Gallagher, too.

She picked up the file again and the paper slipped out and fell to the floor. She bent over to retrieve it. A shadow flitted through her peripheral vision.

She froze.

Her paranoia again?

Or was someone else there in the empty office?

It was her imagination, she decided, until she heard the creak of a floorboard.

* * *

Brent Mitchell finally felt his muscles loosen. The run had eased the nervous energy that cascaded through him. Even though the coast guard doctor had firmly cautioned him to take things slow during his recovery, Brent figured the four-mile jog fit the bill, since he’d normally run six. The rain didn’t slow him down. Instead, it washed the Southern California air so clean it almost hurt to breathe it.

Another ten to twelve days of leave from his job to rest from a concussion might as well have been an eternity, and a short run seemed like a better option than going slowly insane. Besides, he could not lose a twist in his gut, that same sensation that he’d gotten just before the last time he’d dropped from a helicopter into a heaving ocean. Something wasn’t quite right. He checked his phone again. No messages.

There were plenty of reasons why his sister, Pauline, might have split town for a while, leaving calls unanswered. She could be mad at him, which he richly deserved. He was probably in the running for the “worst brother of the year” award. Still, he felt a niggle in his gut. Pauline had a temper, but she was also quick to forgive and this period of radio silence had lasted longer than usual. He’d even gone so far as to let himself into her house, but found nothing out of place. Still, the uneasiness continued, so he’d snatched up an address tacked to her bulletin board and followed it to the front walkway of a neatly tended little building on Coronado Island at eleven thirty on a crisp December night.

His cell phone vibrated. “Brent Mitchell.”

No answer at first. “Where...where is she?”

He stiffened. “Who are you looking for?”

The breath on the other end was short, panicky. Click. Disconnect.

Brent stared at the phone. Wrong number? Or someone who was also looking for his sister? He pushed Redial and waited. Endless ringing. No answer.

Focus on the now, he told himself, though his nerves were firing like a rifle volley. Follow up on that call later.

Of course the business he’d sought out was closed, dark, except for dim light that shone through the shutters upstairs. Nothing out of the ordinary, except maybe for the beat-up truck parked in front. Not a neighborhood for trashy vehicles.

He headed up the walkway to read the lettering on the front window just as a big man with a crew cut stepped out from the shadows.

“Help you?”

His arms were muscled, damp with sweat, as if he, too, had been out for a run. He kept his hands loose, slightly away from his body, alert. Coronado Island was home to North Island Naval Air Station and across the water from Brent’s own coast guard base. The area was thick with military types. This guy could be anyone from a navy SEAL to a petty officer. Brent figured the guy was too old to be petty officer, and, since it was just plain stupid to antagonize a navy SEAL, he tried for a friendly tone. Brent could be a smart-mouth, but he didn’t have a death wish. “Just out for a run.”

“In the rain?”

“That’s the best time to run. The tourists are all inside.” He shot a look at the darkened building. “What kind of business is this?”

“Why do you want to know?”

Brent raised an eyebrow. “Why shouldn’t I?”

“You’re trespassing.” The man eased forward a little.

Brent tensed but did not back down. If it was going to come down to something physical, he wouldn’t run from it. “Public place.”

“Private property.”

The obstinate mule inside him kicked to life. “You don’t own this sidewalk and it’s an innocent enough question. Don’t see why you’ve got your back up about it.”

The guy looked him up and down. “You’re persistent. Navy?”

“Coast guard.”

A slight derogatory smile. “Puddle jumper, huh?”

Brent answered through gritted teeth. “Rescue swimmer.”

He humphed, but there was a slight relaxing in the posture. “Knew a coastie swimmer.”


“Got my buddy out of a jam after Katrina hit. You work that mess?”

“Fifteen saves in one night.” Including a three-day-old infant whose panicked father had shoved the baby into Brent’s arms while they were in a rescue basket at 150 feet in the air and Brent was struggling to operate the hoist. His fingers tensed automatically with the memory. That fragile life in his hands. All on him whether the child lived or died.

They stayed silent a moment.

Brent jutted his chin. “You military?”


“Swabbie, huh?”

No smile this time.

“I worked Katrina, too. Helped out building Camp Lucky. Know it?”

Brent nodded. It was the makeshift facility built by the military to collect the animals rescued from the hurricane. “We pulled out a golden retriever who ended up there. There were plenty we couldn’t get.” Plenty of helpless lives all around him then. They’d lost people and animals alike. It stuck in his craw.

The big man shook his head and Brent saw that he, too, understood about rescues gone bad. Losses that neither one of them would admit to.

“Wanted to take all those animals home with me.”

Something squeezed tight inside Brent. Pauline had said the same thing after the Loma Prieta quake when she’d helped with rescue efforts and come home with Radar. He straightened. “Brent Mitchell.”


“You always this hostile to passersby?”

“We’ve had some trouble.”

“Do tell.”

Marco remained silent, no doubt weighing how much to confide. The sensation in Brent’s gut kicked up a notch. Trouble seemed to be going around.

Where is she? The desperate voice stuck in his mind.

“That your ride there?” Marco gestured to the truck parked at the curb.

“Nope. Came on foot.”

“Got to go check something out.” Marco turned, stopping to throw a comment over his shoulder. “We’re a private investigation business. Now get lost, Coastie.” He took off at a brisk walk toward the building.

Private investigation? Why had Pauline been interested in such a service?

Where is she?

He mulled it over for a minute. Good sense would dictate that a guy with a concussion, confronted by a burly navy type, should turn around and go home. Then again, normal men with common sense would not dive into the heart of a raging ocean in high winds to snatch up a victim moments away from death. Pauline always said he had a decided lack of good sense.

Semper Paratus was the coast guard motto.

Always Ready.

“Ready or not,” he said under his breath as he followed.

* * *

Donna whirled around so fast she upset the empty water pitcher she’d left on the table. It clattered to the floor but did not break. She ignored it, still tingling with fear over what she’d thought she’d seen out of the corner of her eye behind the bank of file cabinets. The creak of the floor had not repeated itself. Her eyes were playing tricks. Must be.

The cell phone shook in her hands as her finger hovered on the buttons to call 911. Breath in her throat, she tiptoed toward the cabinets. She crept slowly until she got within a step of the cabinet’s edge, then quickly poked her head around, ready to summon help.

No one. She heaved out a breath. There was no one there in the office, save one silly, frightened, grief-stricken twenty-seven-year-old woman.

Her sisters were right. Her mountain of sorrow and regret was causing her to imagine things. She retrieved the pitcher and walked it back to the conference room, the file folder tucked under her arm. She settled into a chair at the side. The head of the table would always be her father’s spot. Her throat thickened. Had it really been only two weeks since he was sitting there, strong and solid, thumbing through files and drinking the ultra-strong coffee he enjoyed? Only two weeks of anguish and grief so strong she’d had to take a leave from her veterinary practice? The Gallagher family had spent endless hours listening to the detailed police findings. It was an accident that took their father’s Lexus over the guardrail and down a rocky slope along Highway 1. Days had been spent wondering whether Sarah would recover and watching their mother remain at Sarah’s bedside, deep in prayer.

Suppose they were right and it had been an accident. Sarah, the driver, had been rear ended, causing the Gallagher’s car to plunge over the side. The other driver had not stopped. Maybe Sarah would regain her memory of the accident and confirm that it had been nothing more than a horrible, tragic mistake.

But something did not feel right—she had the feeling she got sometimes when a dog’s symptoms told one story but her gut supplied another. Odd that the driver had not stopped to call for help.

Before his death, her normally cheerful father had been preoccupied, working late hours, investigating some case that he had not wanted to discuss.

Or, she thought with a pang of guilt, had they all been too busy to listen? She had her own career, her sister Sarah had a busy life as a surgical nurse, and Candace was grieving over the loss of her marine husband with a child to raise. Most worrying of all was Navy Chaplain Angela, struggling to recover from a devastating tour in Afghanistan.

They’d all been happy that Bruce Gallagher had started up his private investigation service. It gave him purpose, and he’d enjoyed solving cases only for people with military connections. It filled that part of his soul that had never stopped being a marine. Semper Fidelis was not just a motto to her father. He had been faithful to his family and the corps until the last moment of his life. He’d always done the right thing, the difficult thing, even when she’d openly despised him for it.

She opened the file again. She’d removed the folders from the cabinet methodically and this was the only one from the drawer labeled Current that she had not gone through thoroughly. Pauline Mitchell’s file. Inside, there was only a list of names.


The others were crammed full of statements, detailed bank information and even photographs, but this one had nothing except a list of names.

3. Darius Fields

2. Jeff Kinsey

1. Brent Mitchell

The shadow caught her eye. Her head jerked toward the door. Again, nothing. Only the pounding of her heart, the rasping of her own breath. Then she thought she caught the sound of someone moving along the front walkway. Clutching the file in her hand, she shot to her feet. She’d lock the door to put her mind at ease.

As she pushed the chair out, a man’s hand reached from under the table and wrapped around her ankle, the fingers slick with sweat.


Brent trailed a step behind Marco as they sprinted up the steps. He finally caught the name on the front window as he passed.

Pacific Coast Investigations.

Why hadn’t Pauline mentioned it? His heart sped up a notch, but there was no time to indulge the feeling. They arrived in a well-appointed office cluttered with files. A Christmas tree occupied the corner, and he caught a whiff of pine.

Marco scanned the room.

“What are you looking for?”

“Thought I told you to beat it.”

“I don’t take orders from swabbies.”

Marco’s eyes swiveled to the conference room just as the door slammed shut. He raced to it and tried the handle.

“Donna?” he yelled, pounding on the door. “Are you in there?”

Brent opened his mouth to ask a question, when Marco picked up a chair and crashed it into the door. Bits of wood splintered everywhere, but the door didn’t budge.

He didn’t waste time questioning. If there was a woman in there not responding... “Is there another way in?”

“One exit door to the outside.”

“On it.” Brent sprinted back down the hall and out the front door, then rounded the corner of the building.

He reached what he supposed was the correct door. Locked, but there was a large window to catch the bay view. He pressed a hand to the glass and peered in. A guy with a ski mask knelt, his knee on the back of a prostrate woman. He saw only her cascade of wavy blond hair, her hands splayed away from her body, fingers balled into terrified fists. Across the room the door vibrated as Marco attempted to force it, probably with his booted foot this time. Despite Marco’s muscles, it was going to take a while and the woman on the floor had no time to spare.

Brent tore his eyes away from the horrifying scene and hunted for something solid and heavy. No rocks or handy blocks of wood. He’d do what coasties did best: improvise.

Time to do some damage.

* * *

Donna lay on the floor stomach-down, as the man in the ski mask had directed after he’d locked the door. Her heart thundered in her throat. He must have seen something in the window, because he eased off her for a moment to look. Instantly, she was on her feet, scanning the room for a weapon with which to protect herself. There was nothing in the perfectly ordered space except for the pitcher, which she snatched up.

The intruder’s mouth twisted into a smile.

Notice the details, she heard her father say. Most witnesses can’t offer anything helpful to catch the offender.

Dark eyes, Caucasian, tall. But was she going to live to be a witness?

He stepped close and she swung the pitcher with all her might at his head. With one hand he batted it away. It spiraled through the air, hit the corner of the table and broke. He grabbed her by the arms, forcing her down into a chair.

Tears of pain trickled down her face. Terror left her limbs thick and lifeless.

“What do you want?” she whispered.

He loomed closer, dark eyes glittering, lips inches from hers. “You.”

Fear turned to adrenaline. She twisted and writhed in the chair, but his grip did not loosen.

“Your pops was a big-shot marine-turned-investigator,” the man said. “Are you a private eye, too?”

She shook her head, teeth clenched together.

He tangled his fingers through her hair. “That’s right. You’re not a detective.” Leaning close, he spoke into her ear. “You’re just a scared little girl.”

Each word shot through her, his hot breath searing her temple.

He pulled a knife from his belt. He was going to kill her.

Again she struggled, striking out at his chest, clawing at his face, pulling at the ski mask until he jerked out of reach.

He smiled, teeth harsh white against a tangle of facial hair, the hint of beard. “I guess you think you’re tough, don’t you?” He wrapped a strong hand around her throat, the other grasping the knife. “Little girls who think they’re tough like men. You know what happens to them?”

She tried to loosen the fingers around her throat, but he was cutting off her air.

“I said,” he hissed, “do you know what happens to those little girls?”

She kicked out, missing him.

Now his mouth was pressed against her forehead and he kissed her.

Revulsion nearly made her gag. Tears stung her eyes, but she would not let him see her completely lose it.

“Those little girls...” he whispered in a tender singsong voice, “die.”

* * *

Brent saw the guy pull a knife just before he found what he was looking for, a small stone bench. Not more than a stool, really, but heavy.

He pulled it from the shrubbery, heaved it above his head and hurled it into the window. It shattered with a crash. He dragged it in a circular motion to swipe away the glass. Then he was up and over, clearing the threshold just as Marco smashed through the opposite door.

The man looked from Brent to Marco and made his decision. He went for the door.

Brent pursued. He managed to grab some of the guy’s black sweat jacket, just enough to knock him off-balance. He stumbled, but he did not go down.

Brent lunged for him again, but the guy surged forward, tackling Marco, who went over on his back. The assailant rushed by and clattered down the hall. In seconds, Marco was on his feet and chasing after him.

Should he follow or stay? It wasn’t even a contest. Brent’s heart was always with the victim. He turned back to the woman. Her thick lashes framed wide eyes, so blue, so vibrant. He flashed on Carrie, long dead, his fault. Knock it off, Brent.

“Are you—?” he began.

He didn’t finish the thought before she picked up a glass shard from the pitcher, wielding it like a knife.

“Get away,” she said breathlessly, face wild with fear. “Don’t touch me.”

He held up his hands, palms out. Panic could be as dangerous as any emotion—he knew from having rescued many people on the brink of drowning. Rational thought always took a backseat to the primal need for self-preservation. Many times he’d had to physically subdue a victim in order to save both their lives. The thought rippled across his mind before he could stop it. Had Carrie felt panic in those last few moments before she drowned? With an effort, he blinked the thought away. He kept his tone light, reassuring. “It’s okay. He’s gone. I’m not going to hurt you.”

Her skin was dead pale except for two spots of color that appeared on each cheek. “Get away.” Drops of blood dripped from her palm where a glass shard was cutting into her skin.

He stayed still, hands where she could see them. “My name is Brent. I work for the coast guard.” He pointed to her hand. “You’re bleeding. Why don’t you let me help you with that?”

She blinked, still gripping the glass. Slowly she looked at her hand as if she hadn’t known what was in it.

“The man...” she stammered.

He nodded. “I saw him. He ran away and he’s not coming back. Marco’s chasing him.”

“Marco.” The dazed look in her eyes subsided and he could see her body begin to tremble like a leaf in storm-tossed water.

“Why don’t you sit down?” He pulled a chair out, careful not to touch her. “I’ll stay here with you until Marco comes back, okay?”

She still didn’t assent, but neither did she pull away when he pushed the chair toward her. Her trembling was violent now and she collapsed into it.

“I’m just going to call the police.” He did so, eyeing her the whole time, checking to make sure that she was not slipping into shock.

“What’s your name?” he said as he finished the call and clicked off the phone.


“Nice to meet you, Donna.”

He took a knee and slowly, very slowly, touched her wrist with his finger. “Can you open this hand for me?”

“Are you a doctor?” she whispered.

“Rescue swimmer and an EMT. I’ve been known to try my hand at doctoring a time or two. I’m a whiz with bandages.”

Her fingers opened like a flower and he flicked the glass away. Taking a pile of napkins from the sideboard, he pressed them to the cuts on her hand. “Squeeze, okay? Not too bad, just some shallow wounds. Probably won’t even need stitches.” Her fingers were elegant, long and tapering, strong. He found himself glad she would likely not bear a scar from the attack, not a physical one, anyway.

Mentally he’d been measuring the time, wondering about Marco. Shouldn’t he have returned by now? Her eyes, which he now saw were true navy blue, never left his face. She was, he realized, now that the terror was ebbing slightly from her expression, lovely. Like Carrie, only not.

Sirens sounded in the distance.

“Won’t be long.”

“Where’s Marco?” she said, only a slight tremble in her voice now.

He eyed the door. “As soon as the cops get here, I’ll go find him.”

She caught her full lower lip between her teeth.

“Don’t worry—from what I saw, he’s a big gorilla.”

Marco appeared in the doorway. “The gorilla’s back.”

Brent’s gut relaxed until he saw the ragged edge on Marco’s shirt and the blood seeping into the waistband of his jeans.

* * *

Donna leaped from the chair, brushed aside Brent’s restraining hands and ran to Marco. “You’re bleeding.”

“Minor. Did he hurt you?”

“No. Just scared me. Sit down. This man...” She looked at Brent. “He’s got some medical training.”

Brent raised an eyebrow. “You should do what she says. I’m certain she’s smarter than you.”

Marco reluctantly sat in the chair and Brent took a look at his wound. “Long and shallow.”

“Minor, like I said.”

Donna snatched up more napkins and handed them to Brent, who placed them on the wound. When he tried to hold them in place, Marco swatted his hands away.

“I can do it.”

“What happened?” Brent asked. “You forgot to duck?”

“Sliced me, and made it to his truck.”

Donna knew she should be terrified that the crazy attacker was out there somewhere, but at the moment, she could feel only relief. Marco, a man who was like a brother to her, was not seriously hurt.

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