Buch lesen: «The coordinates of awakening. 2022», Seite 3



I was approached by a twenty-five-year-old girl who had problems with personal relationships. Or rather, she didn’t have any relationships at all.

She was cute and funny. Perhaps one of the oddities that could be noticed was the expression of her eyes. Or rather, the feeling that sometimes a very, very strange black-and-brown glow would light up in her eyes, turning her face from doll-like cute to chiseled-cold.

In such moments there was a feeling that it was not safe to be around her. Something subtly changed in her appearance, lasted for a split second and disappeared; and her soft and friendly manner of communication reduced the strange sensations to nothing. “It seemed” – the feeling was leveled towards her, but the aftertaste remained…


We have set a session time. I was supposed to give her tests to see where in her relationship stereotypes there are substitutions of concepts. So, when she came in, I gave her some simple test instructions and handed her the folder. She reached out trustingly for the sheets, but I froze: her face expressed the same benevolent calm, but her eyes! They went from blue to dark, deep, and prickly. Her voice and demeanor combined with those eyes gave rise to an uncontrollable sense of danger.

– Can I read what’s in your subconscious a little?’ I asked, inwardly shuddering at her too-close presence, her presence in my office. The consciousness itself automatically analyzed how to protect itself and whether the door of the office was locked. ‘Stop it! I said to myself. – Calm down, there’s a child in front of you… " And, surprised at my own active reaction, I put the tests aside.

“Yes – » she said shortly, “where should I sit?”

I placed two chairs, one facing the other, almost in the middle of the room.

“This is yours,” I pointed to one, “this is mine,” and sat down on the other. Her kindness and acceptance of the situation eased my anxiety a little, but the sense of danger still grew. There was a sense of something close and sharp, but very hidden.

– It feels familiar, like it’s happened before – " she said thoughtfully, settling into the chair. – I shouldn’t move the chair, right?

I didn’t tell her that. But she was right, you shouldn’t move it.

Meanwhile, her eyes had turned a very dark brown. Danger…

– Well, let’s get started…

I knew that I needed to turn on the points under the jaw, and “open the system control box”. I reached out and touched the dots.


I don’t know, maybe I turned away for a second, while I was surprised at the knowledge that was opening up in me. Of course I was – a whole methodology, with instant explanations – an amazing accompaniment to the practice! Only these methods were not familiar to me.

But when I looked into her face again, it was as if I couldn’t see it, nothing but the blackness of her eyes.

“Get away from me!” a male voice said from her mouth.

“Who are you?”

– Get away from me, you’re hurting me, – the voice is hoarser, and immediately girlish: – Marina, what is it? What’s wrong with me? – blue eyes…

I took a step forward and touched her chin again.

“Stand back!”! ! a man’s voice roared. The black eyes were looking at me again, but there was nothing else, because they absorbed all the attention.

“Who are you?”

“None of your business! Stand back!

“Come out,” I said, and touched her chin again. A stream of heat and energy passed through my fingers.

The girl abruptly got up from her chair, as if she was about to hit me, but didn’t dare.

I imagined the energy of my hands merging into a single ring around the black-and-brown current that vibrated within her now – her hands, raised for a blow, fussily moved, trying to remove something invisible from her face.

“Don’t choke me! Don’t choke me-ah-ah!!!” – her body suddenly howled very loudly. I automatically glanced at the office door: I wonder if anyone hears this now, what they’ll think. And strengthened the imaginary loop.

The girl collapsed to the floor. However, there her body gathered in focus on her hands and knees and with some incredible speed moved from me to the corner:

“Don’t choke me!!!” the body hissed, twisting its neck unnaturally. I was afraid that she would break her neck, and I ran to her. However, according to the method, I had to simultaneously burn the creature – “this type of creature is not brought into the worlds, due to its low development and colossal destructiveness,” the training film continued in my head – and catch the girl so that she would not harm herself.

The body slammed its head into the wall at full speed. I caught it just before it hit. She began to have convulsions: “Don’t choke me, don’t choke me, don’t choke me…” – her eyes are now blue, now black.

“Look at me!”! ! I was shouting in a whisper – people in the hallway could probably hear the scuffling. “Look at me, I’m with you!”! ! Push him away, push him out, do you hear me?!!!

The flash of her convulsions almost took my eye out. I held her by the shoulders. The convulsions began to weaken.

I was reconnecting to her mind, searching for her personal flow – this flow is vital to restore.

– I can hear you – " a girl’s voice answered, and a startled face with blue eyes turned to me:

– I hear you… I can feel you… " and began to cry.


It took us both a few minutes to recover. It turned out that the creature had completely blocked, but not disabled, her consciousness. Everything that happened to her, she saw, but was locked inside her own body, as if in a case.

The strange black-brown gleam in her eyes was gone. Never again did her eyes turn black after that incident. My hands were shaking for a couple of hours. I still gave her the tests.


A few months later, she came to me again in a confused state: “Now I write some strange symbols! ‘All day,’ she said, and held out the paper. I can’t stop! Is this an obsession again?”


After that session, young people began to get acquainted with her quite often, and, since she worked in a prestigious place, her personal life now changed rapidly: she had both beautiful productive communication and romantic tryouts. I suggested that she wait at least a couple of months for a serious relationship: to get used to her new self.


There was a scribble on the paper she was holding. Holding tightly and a lot. I asked her to write something short and handed her a sticker.

She drew the symbols. They didn’t look chaotic. They had a system, and I suddenly ran my hand over them.

In my mind, it was as if someone spoke quickly…

I moved my hand very slowly again, hovering over each sign and writing down the words as I went.

Here is the phrase that turned out:

The great ones rise to the sky with equal ease and sink into the mud.

“Write again,” I said. More scribbling. Word by word is forming in my head again:

When the world is born, it never stands on its feet.

– More.

The solitude of the one rushing towards the goal is filled with grace.

“Let’s do something else.”

Success plays the games of fate with a child’s passion.


Oh my God! I can’t write generalizations on this level! It was so beautiful and bright. I also tried to draw the signs. My hand, slowly adjusting, began to write on the sheet:

I finished. Then the words began to form in my head by themselves:

Change begins when there is an end to tears and doubts. They speed up – if inspiration comes. Let changing your life be akin to an exciting game!

This is a message to me, I realized.


From that day on, and for several months after, hymns, songs, nursery rhymes, and just poems in that language rang in my head.

The music – grand, like hymns and marches, did not leave me for a moment. And the phrases themselves repeated in my mind, when a person asked me for help and sat down in front of me on a chair.

The energy flow, clean and bright, enhanced by ancient sayings, was ten times stronger than my usual level of energy supply.

Each symbol corresponds to the elements of the human genetic code, and each of them restored the human consciousness with great speed and correctness.

It was an ancient dialect that the Mentors called “intergalactic.”



I was also shown that, unlike the two-dimensional symbols of modern languages, this language has a three-dimensional structure, distributed over the levels of energy flows and the connections between them.

For two years I practiced with interest. Until one of my friends noticed that my adverb is very similar to the video posted on the Internet. That’s how I learned about the Senzar language.

Only in 2014, I went to a website where a woman reads a message in this language. Some of the phrases and the phrases she used were already familiar to me. The symbols that she wrote were identical to those that my client wrote.

I copied one of the pages of the text and “translated” the first column, wondering: why was this text shown to me?

Didn’t THEY have a more popular person who could get this message out to more people than me?

Why would I, a minor psychologist and an extremely complex sociophobe, who lives on books, be entrusted with such a wealth – because no one will appreciate this material, since I do not have the necessary influence to distribute it.


I called the owners of the site, and they confirmed that my attempt to “translate” is the first intelligible one. Before that, the text could not be deciphered. The Senzar language died 700 years ago, its logic was lost.

In my Internet resources, this text is posted everywhere, but not everyone, as practice has shown, is able to understand it.

For the first two years after the publication, my clients, one after another, asked me to explain its fragments. Some were very offended that I “write so incomprehensibly”. And only since 2016, this text began to be understood independently.

Now it has the largest audience in Zen compared to my other publications. But there are only two reviews: one is strange, the other is almost negative.

I am very interested in what you, my reader, will see in it. But I decided that I would probably explain some of the paragraphs in this book.

The pure text, without my remarks, can be found on my pages on the Internet.


Stop, brothers! Clear your mind to open the gates of knowledge of the infinite universe. Release your knowledge to the search for the ultimate life-creating truth.

We suffer endlessly from your attempts to self-destruct and search for ways to collapse ourselves.

It is possible to stop the processes of self-destruction through the study of the essence of the layers of consciousness of the planet, identical to the essence of human consciousness [initiation/incarnation/structure].


Wherever the words are in square brackets-I did not have a suitable term for the right concept. Therefore, in parentheses, a figurative series of the most closely related concepts is presented. The text in parentheses is read as a conceptual Monoblock.

Initiation is the entrance to the highest self-realization and usefulness to the World. There are initiations which are activated automatically as the life support system matures. They are, as you understand, marked in psychology as age-related crises. But in fact, each such transition opens up a new layer of access and energy levels and can completely change a person’s life.

From incarnation to incarnation, a certain layer of potential for this realization and garbage accumulates at each energy level. It happens that this “garbage”, like a time bomb, opens together with the formation at the energy transition and can lead to life-threatening situations or extremely bright luck.

Quantity to quality-that’s the motto of transitions. Only the hidden layers of information and programs brought from past lives have a very large weight here.

The structure is the structure of the “Human"system. I described it further in the text. We shall continue.


Everyone on this planet is able to achieve the highest level of knowledge, akin to God, taking the path of changing the worldview.

The currents of the Universe, passing through you, still preserve the nature of your bodies from inevitable mutations. However, this is not an endless process.


In general, everything here is also familiar, just for a second you need to imagine it: everything is energy. The vast universe is a single current. Part of it is our galaxy. Part of the galaxy is our system. We are part of the system. The main thing is that all energy moves with a single speed and at a single pace.

Therefore, we are built like this and remain like this, no matter what.


You are trying to bleed out your races by combining them into a common energy flow, which will irrevocably lose the valuable keys of self-rebirth.

The pure blood of the Initiates should not interfere with each other, and interracial marriages should be excluded.

Stop the slaughter of the planet’s indigenous peoples, who carry the powers of this world on their shoulders. Their energy flows are too unique to be carelessly destroyed.

Renounce the cult of death and look ahead. Understanding the infinity of your life, even for a hundred centuries to come, will cool your fervor of destruction.

You will be born on your planet until the full cycle of incarnations is complete, even if it is burning with fire because of your fault; it is painful to restore its flows, even if the energies will embody you as freaks or monsters.


This is my favorite piece.

The cult of death – that’s how the story turned out: we all live in fear and expectation of death. Some consciously, some not. And death-as a phenomenon-is not what it seems at all. Each of us has had contact with the dead at least once in our lives, there are those who talk, there are even those who have access to the world of the dead. And in the reverse order: people receive messages from the world of the dead, and the different levels of disembodied transformational worlds, to which our life support Systems move after rejection of their material bodies, now and then intersect with our usual reality, and in the closest layers even duplicate them.

The world of the dead, of course, has its own laws and its own bandits. However, those who we call ghosts are mostly just a little scared,” disembodied " [sorry, left without a body] for a while for the purpose of renewal, but not fully aware of this, people. You do not need to offend them or burn them out, they also do not need to be rude. If you’re afraid of them, tell them you can’t help them. If you feel sorry for them, pray and ask for a stream of light for them: this is a kind of elevator for moving them.

We are all just energies of different densities that make up the thoughts and fantasies of our planet.

No one will move to any other planet, because we are all the consciousness of our World. Thoughts cannot move separately from the body to another brain. And even if the body is in complete pain, thoughts will still be born in their head, complementing the painful delirium.

We will suffer, but we will still arise on our planet until it is completely destroyed.


Come to your senses! Your world cannot become a desert, because your prototypes will remain in it, coming to the dead earth in their turn, even if the day cannot change into night, and the landscape will be solid sand.

The denial of the laws of life has never led a race so far from true development. We are watching you, but we are afraid to interfere, because the canvas of your mental spaces has changed too much [drained, plastered, blackened]. To restore it by force means to destroy your psyche, since your idea of the worlds is fundamentally contrary to the ideas of development.


This was unexpected for me. Before the activation, I felt that something was not quite right in our world, but I realized that everything was not as it should be, much later. And it’s not just our belief in dying, or our lack of understanding of God.

The most unpleasant thing is that our World has lost a lot of energy somewhere, and its body can be compared to the body of an anorexic: the metabolism is so disturbed that harmless food cannot be absorbed and perceived as toxic, and special food must be created anew. This causes the energy layers of reality to “stick together”. And since each layer carries its own energy code and the realization of life phenomena, it turns out that in the fused layers, the elements of the codes are mixed, and accordingly, the concepts of people living in these layers are destroyed and replaced.

From this arises our biggest problem: our excessive autonomy [the realization of freedom to complete solitude] and savagery [analyzing what is in front of our noses, and mindlessly consuming for pleasure]. There is nothing wrong with this in the philosophy of our civilization.

In our civilization, it is customary to live once, focusing on the material, at best, adhering to the fictional boundaries of a far-fetched conscience. The criteria for all this is blurred.

In fact, a blind man must first choose his life position, then have time to take some place in the food chain, but in the end, everything will remain here, and he will disappear, at best, protecting his own offspring. Blindly and not for myself, according to incomprehensible criteria in ugly traditions.

Don’t judge me harshly now. I exaggerate on purpose. I try to find the words to express as accurately as possible the feeling that comes to a person in moments of comprehension of reality.

But it shouldn’t be this dark. We are not children who grew up in the wild and used to shit where we live. We try to keep ourselves in order. Only how? Nothing is clear. And there’s still so much shit going around.

Now imagine that everyone will see the light at once. They will see other people’s thoughts and machinations, their true partners, what awaits them in the future, who has shat on them and who will shit on them; lies in promises, true motives, the system of interaction at any level, no matter where they look. The pain caused will be everyone’s pain.

Secrets will disappear, and in their place will come a comprehensive knowledge of what is really there. In all the details.

Many will go completely mad. Someone will go into psychosis in fear of the future. Frustration and massive amounts of indigestible information will crush the psyche of many people with a modern upbringing. Add to this the hundreds and thousands of memories of previous incarnations that are activated in consciousness from the memories of the wrong death. Everything will become transparent: the bad and the good, the funny and the scary.

Everyone will hear and see with their whole body, constantly, 24/7.

One day I came across a man who could also observe everything he wanted in my life. And I could hear him watching me.

His idea of women was completely superficial, on the level of pickup lines. His age was over forty, his family life wasn’t successful. His life can be characterized by the term” former”: ex-military, ex-husband, ex-womanizer. He had a lot of women and a lot of love stories. It was in his mind every time he turned to mine. His curiosity was attracted by the intimacy of my life, moments of depilation, or morning toilet, or washing in the shower, or other intimate moments. He didn’t like me. Sometimes he thought about “hooking up with me” completely disregarding the fact that I have a child and a husband and I am happy with them. About my future, about the fact that he is absurdly breaking into my personal space, about the fact that I am unpleasant, he didn’t not think even once. He liked showing me his sexual intercourse, too.

I asked him several times not to peek. He laughed and when we met, he was happy to discuss with me what and how I do in my personal life.

After a while, his constant presence in my intimate space, his hungry curiosity, tired me very much. I urged him to stop interfering with my life. But he couldn’t. I blocked him. He began to rush into my reality, as it was cooler for him than for some people watching the reality show “The House 2”. I once hit him with energy, breaking his ability to see. I haven’t heard from him since. Our mutual friends told me that he then disappeared from communication for three months. And out of my life forever.

This is not the only case where people can look into other people’s lives. There is even a special term for this – “mental Internet”. However, using this case as an example, I wanted to show that in the boundless transparency, spirituality will play a significant role and you will have to make an effort in interpersonal communication to make everything fall into place and take comfortable forms.

We are not in the habit of living like this. The life-support system of virtually the entire population is crippled and depleted by constant cruelty, improper deaths, black spots, extraneous energy interventions that are not usually noticed, and many other extremely destructive phenomena.


Self-destruction of the planet is inevitable with such approaches. However, your planet is not one world, but nine. Of these, you are the dominant stream. Eight-other vibrations that align the models of the universe into a single network of interconnected systems.

The energy flows crippled by your civilization require urgent radical changes in the flow vibrations that determine the self-preservation system of all systems of this world.

The ascent to normal is possible only with a total reorganization of the processes of self-healing of the planet.

We have started the process of restoring the chosen [earth gods] as a system of control over the development of reality; demigods-to monitor changes in the methodology of the way of life and traditions; geniuses – to revive the ways of action. Traditions that have lost their vitality will go away forever.


If you’ve been paying attention, geniuses wake up at 33 or 40. Then they live. If a genius is awakened before the age of 12, his life is extremely short or at the next age turn he is carried away into self-destruction.


Change is coming. Do not expect external destruction. There won’t be any. Changes will occur imperceptibly, and one reality will replace another by changing the governing forces. The true rulers will return to the world.

It is not people who make the decision about the movement of the universe. And it’s not for people to decide what to do with their World. Rather, the World decides what to do with people and everyone living in it.

Garbage processes initiated from the outside are very frightening to us, since you have lost your bearings and live as if you are really born once, and the Universe is just a place of accumulation of Celestial bodies.


And this is already about the fact that humanity is included in the life support system of super-systems. As a painful part of them, the super-systems will either have to heal us against our understanding, or cut us out by the roots.


Remembering the true essence of yourself is the key to restoring processes. We send you the elements of true knowledge about the system of the world, so that when you recognize it, you will be imbued with faith and come back to us with others who have risen from the ashes of non-existence, who are going to the highest wisdom through the centuries of their paths, who are able to reproduce and give birth to true worlds and create the souls of other worlds.

You are indestructible. Remember this when the hand goes up to destroy. You will be born again to see the destruction and live in it.

To stop the processes of self-destruction, it is necessary to realize the points from which you are moving in your civilization:

* Residual effects of military actions that block the correct reproduction of the gene pool;

* Blood loss, which excludes movement on its own Path, as the energy balance of forces is disrupted, and the entire system of connections and relationships among people is shifted;

* Remnants of the minds and consciousness of alien beings whose interventions clog the information space;

* The desire for destruction, dictated by the stopping of the processes of consciousness.


Here it is said that with a sharp, poorly realized death, a person is born several subsequent incarnations according to psychophysical indicators below his natural level, and he is actually not able to fulfill his own Measure of usefulness to the required extent.

The blood carries energy codes. The loss of blood by a person is the devastation of the ability to realize the plan.

At best, a person will strive to complete the Task at the limit of their physical and emotional strength, making a lot of mistakes along the way, but some will not master it at all or will die in the process. And now imagine, there are more than fifteen million such people from the Second World War, plus millions who died incorrectly from the wars of the twentieth century, plus those who died from violence and other things. Recovery in these forms of violations takes from three to seven incarnations. That is, in fact, the entire mass of humanity is reborn with extremely unpleasant errors.


You are able to perceive [consciously] up to 4 processes, fixing them in oral speech, and you miss 1000, because the speech you use is destructively slow.

What you call clairvoyance is actually a natural way of transmitting information. But due to some conditions, you are so isolated from each other that it is easier for you to destroy the other than to show your imperfection.

Moving forward requires contemplation and returning in the transfer of the image series to each other. This will allow you to clear your thoughts properly and stop the processes of destruction by forcing the acceleration of information exchange. Low thoughts will go away because of their absurdity; loneliness will disappear as a phenomenon.


By the way, animals easily use the transfer of the figurative series to each other. They can transmit their experience to another individual in a few seconds and maintain contact with any other animal being on the planet from any distance.

They laugh at us. But their programs force them to serve us, and they obey. Often consciously accepting death, knowing what awaits them. The form of death of many excludes their development.

I do not know if it was the same before the Disease of our World.

However, when faced with various life situations, I understand that many animals seek and call their people, serve them, putting all their efforts to fulfill their higher Tasks.

Dogs, cats, birds and other animals very clearly distinguish people with abilities from the general mass and consider it a great honor to serve such people.


We do not argue, it is painful and shameful to show yourself in the ugly form in which you are now. Therefore, you will need to return to your original image in order to understand your true essence. Not everyone is capable of this now. Your civilization has produced a lot of creatures in which the true processes are simply absent. We can’t classify them any other way than as genetic garbage. Their paths are finite. We have to admit that their paths will be interrupted. If they die, they will not be born again. Their energies will be distributed to their true owners.


This is about people who are parasitic, and about those who have allowed parasitic energy creatures into their life support system, but feed them and harm other people under their influence, quite deliberately.

Without genocide, by natural aging, such people will be removed from the incarnation. But forever.


When you begin to hear each other clearly, the races will be resurrected. This is because every energy stream of the planet has a carrier – race; the rebirth of the energy stream is the rebirth of the carrier.

In large numbers, people will be born who can speak and understand languages that were considered lost or dead. Nations that you only remember as legends will rise from oblivion.

Not everyone will be able to marry each other, as joint paths are difficult for such couples. They exclude the full birth of a new soul corresponding to a particular kind of world.

You are not the first and not the only ones in the universe who take such a path, however only you reside so painfully long in a dark period. There are worlds in which there is aggression similar to yours and those without aggression. And every world has a twin, tied to kindred energy flows.

It is very important that the connection of such worlds is wholesome. In your case, the twin world is isolated, which excludes the management of aggression in your world. A person was born who is able to remedy this, but we do not know if she can do it, since her psyche has undergone significant changes. Mother of the World is a woman – whose prototype is a system of self-reproduction, the umbilical cord of the World. Her integrity is broken and more than one reincarnation is needed to restore her, but we activated her, returning to the world what was lost. It’s too early to broadcast this knowledge for the sake of this woman. Although her life, exaltation and restoration are inevitable. It is useless to kill and torment her. Her essence is the essence of the world, and pain is the source of the birth of catastrophes and destruction. Let her go her way without pain – it will save millions of lives.

Energy flows will not be restored chaotically. We have provided some twists and turns of events to facilitate your rebirth:

We will encase aggression in their carriers until they completely withdraw from their active states; We will restore the true energy of the masculine principle [by the way, I have never heard of the concept of “male happiness”, have you?].

We will restore the energy flows of the planet destroyed by battlefields, explosions, beasts, mistreatment.

We will restore places of power and the ability to hear higher beings [your saints].

We will remove otherworldly consciousness from your world.

We will protect the lives of the first true ones, since for self-healing and self-regeneration they will have to rise from the most destroyed and wretched human communities.