Buch lesen: «Cow-Gong»



1  Hello

2  Preamble.

3  Dahoam (At home)

4  Declaration of love

5  Beloved Cows

6  Cojones

7  Cloister

8  Farsightedness

9  Tractor

10  Schui (School)

11  Patience

12  Tidy

13  Midsummer celebrations

14  The lives of others

15  The cart

16  Speak less – listen more

17  Traction

18  Never Enough

19  Reverse

20  Craft

21  Role play

22  Testosteron

23  Surface tension

24  Beauty care

25  In the beginning lies the end

26  Perspicuity

27  History

28  Cow wisdom

29  The fence

30  The End


My name is Kay Uwe Rott.

I look forward to accompanying you on your journey through my 26 short and slightly longer gazing lights. Lightning flashes that shot through my brain during my wanderings in the cow kingdom


After long considerations I decided to publish my first little booklet in English on Amazon.

But I have to explain something.

I didn´t translate this book. Two internet translation programs did it for me. I took the German text, copied it and adopted it 1:1.

Why did I do it?

On the one hand I want to show the state of artificial intelligence and on the other hand the texts should show how difficult communication is sometimes. Often we understand and interpret words and statements in a wrong context. It becomes particularly difficult when different cultures with different languages try to find a way of communication by using a common foreign language.

If you read the following stories it would be great if you always keep this aspect in mind.

So ... this is my attempt to point out communication difficulties. In many places the online programs have succeeded in translating. But there are also places where the programs could not follow me mentally or do not understand the meaning of my statements.

Dahoam (At home)

To be honest, I can't remember exactly how many times I've driven with my Vespa in this southern region of Munich over the years - no matter if summer or winter. Some magical circumstance attracted me exactly to this place. Maybe it was the view or the infinite peace that I felt when I saw the Karwendel. However, it could also be that my Upper Franconian Kulmbacher small town roots led me here. At some point and somehow my wish to be allowed to live exactly in this region came true. I would like to mention at this point that I have never seriously wished for it. I have never stood on my Munich balcony in a stubborn, universal, spiritual, wish-fulfilling posture of the night and asked the universe for help. It happened on its own. So now I live exactly at this time in the place where my subconscious seems to have always wanted to live.

I felt right at home in my new home. There are people who say that I have similarities with a dog. I quickly slam into a corner and feel right at home. This is probably due to the fact that I am a dog in the Chinese zodiac sign. What this means is something everyone can research independently on the Internet.

After my arrival in my new home not a day passed and I immediately began to explore my new neighborhood and my natural environment.

During my walk through the village, which resembles an open-air museum, since almost all houses are at least 200 years old, I noticed that the people here are more accessible and more open, contrary to all statements that Upper Bavaria is stubborn, ignorant and grumpy. We greet each other with a friendly "Servus" or just wave to each other - no matter if you know each other or not. Just somehow “Dahoam” (at home) … a very amazing fact, which I was never allowed to experience in Munich.

My second stage was a meadow directly adjacent to our apartment, where a herd of cows grazed happily. I thought to myself "OK - cows" - nothing special. I know cows and have probably seen thousands in my life without really paying attention to these animals.

All I knew was that they were milking pets, ruminants, barbecued meat and cloven hoofed animals, and on top of that they left huge cow dung crap, had an enormous pee stream and are actually stupid - well, at least they look pretty stupid when you drive past them. They usually lie lazily around, eating, pooping or pissing. That's it - I thought to myself. That was and is of course all total cheese, because this prejudice should change very soon. In this context I think that prejudices or a certain negative attitude should basically be kicked in the bucket.

They simply block the view of the essential and possibly also the access to a deeper truth.

After I had nothing better to do, I thought to myself: "Go!” Just go to the critters and see what happens".

Said - done.

Directly at the cow fence I found a small bench framed by apple trees. I sat down, lit a cigarette and watched the cows go by.

Well, I thought at least so far that I am actually a quiet person, however, due to my city life I was an inwardly always driven contemporary without ever having noticed it.

Starting from this decision to sit on the bench to observe the cows in peace, over the weeks I developed a really deep affection for these animals, combined with deep, superficial, critical, spiritual, confused, stupid and sometimes funny enlightenments and experiences. I would never have thought it possible how instructive animals and especially cows can be. From now on I decided to say "Servus" to my new acquaintance at least once a day.

As I said before, on my journey through my new home, the southern Munich outback, I came across many natural inconsistencies and liquid anti-personnel mines that were in stark contradiction to my previous city life.

During urgent waiting, patience and meditation exercises, often directly threatened by death and in the face of a tiny fence barrier between cow and man, I was overcome by the thought of creating this little booklet.

The wisdom that came over me at the sight of the cows is neatly thought through and of distinct depth, as it can actually only come to the mind of an EX-city person - a Staderer. On the following pages I will tell you about exactly these personal insights. Sometimes it is a matter of one- or two-line insights. At one point or another, however, I will give some deeper and more detailed insights into my thinking, my intuitions and my spiritual achievements.

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