Buch lesen: «Heath's Modern Language Series: Mariucha», Seite 14



¡ja, ja! ha, ha!

Jacinto m. Hyacinth

jactancia f. boasting, conceit

jactancioso, -a boastful

jamás never; ever

jamón m. ham

jardín m. garden

jefe m. chief, head; III, 27 chef

Jesucristo m. Christ

Jesús m. Jesus; (as an exclamation) Heavens! gracious!

¡– me valga! Heaven save us!

jornal m. day's earnings, wages

Josefita f. Josie

joven young; m. and f. young man, young woman

jovenzuela f. girl of poor appearance

jovialidad f. joviality

joya f. jewel, gem

júbilo m. joy, jubilation, rejoicing

Judas m. Judas;

más falso que — an utter fraud, utterly false

juececillo m. little judge

juego m. game, gambling

juez m. judge

jugar play

juicio m. wits, judgment, decision;

tener — be sensible

julio m. July

juntar join

junto, -a near, beside; pl. together; prep.

junto a near

juramento m. oath

jurar swear

jurídico, -a legal, juridical

justicia f. justice; forces of the law

justiciero, -a just, with the sternness of a judge

justo, -a just, righteous; exact; adv.

-o just so; right

juventud f. youth

juzgado m. court; courthouse

juzgar judge


labio m. lip

laborioso, -a hard-working

lado m. side, direction

lago m. lake

lágrima f. tear

lamentarse complain

lamento m. complaint

lámpara f. lamp

lana f. wool

lanzar utter;

—se a enter

lapis-lazuli m. lapis lazuli

largas f.pl.;

dar — play for time

largo, -a long

lástima f. pity; pitiful object, wreck;

me da — I feel sorry for;

le tengo — I feel sorry for him

lastimero, -a sorrowful, sad, regretful

lateral lateral, side

lavar wash, wash away

lección f. lesson

leer read

legado m. legacy

legítimo, -a legitimate, lawful

lejano, -a distant

lejos far, at a distance

lengua f. tongue, language

lenguaje m. language

lentitud f. slowness

lento, -a slow

leña f. wood, firewood

león m. lion

León m. Leon

letra f. letter, bill of exchange

levantar raise;

—se get up, arise

ley f. law; loyalty; legal standard;

de — genuine

leyenda f. inscription, motto

libertad f. liberty

libertar set free, free

libramiento m. order, draft

librar free, deliver

libre free, rid;

aire — open air

libro m. book

liga f. garter

ligero, -a light, slight;

a la —a hastily

lima f. file

limosna f. alms

limpiar clean, dust

linaje m. lineage, family

lindo, -a fair, pretty, handsome; prosperous

liquidación f. liquidation, settlement (of an account)

liquidar settle (an account), settle up

lobo m. wolf

local m. place of business, premises

loco, -a mad, wild, foolish

locura f. madness, folly; III, 211 special weakness

lógico, -a logical

lograr succeed, obtain, gain

loquinario m. half-crazy fellow, scatterbrain, loony

lucecita f. little light

lucero m. morning star, bright star

lucir shine, grow light; display; p.p. brilliant

lucha f. struggle

luchar struggle

luego presently, later, very soon; then, therefore;

muy — at once;

hasta — I'll see you soon

lugar m. place, room;

tener — take place

lúgubre gloomy

lujo m. luxury, display

lujoso, -a luxurious

lumbre f. open fire, bonfire, kitchen fire

luminoso, -a luminous, bright

luna f. moon

lunes Monday

lustre m. brilliancy, luster, purity

luz f. light


llamamiento m. call, knocking

llamar call; knock, ring;

—se be named

llamativo, -a loud

llanto m. weeping;

romper en — burst into tears

llave f. key

llegar (a) arrive (at), come (to), reach; happen

llenar fill, comply with

lleno, -a full

llevar carry, bring, carry away; follow; lead, escort; experience, suffer;

—se carry off, lead away

llorar cry, weep, mourn

lloroso, -a tearful


madre f. mother

Madrid the capital city of Spain, with about 1,000,000 inhabitants

Madril = Madrid

madrugar rise early; (figuratively) be on the watch

maestro, -a m. and f. teacher, master; adj. masterly

magia f. magic

magnificencia f. magnificence

magnífico, -a magnificent

majo, -a gay, fine looking

mal adv. ill, badly, wrong; n.m. evil, disease, harm;

del – el menos I must make the best of it

maldad f. evil, wickedness; trouble

maldito, -a cursed

malhumorado, -a ill-humored

malicioso, -a malicious

malo, -a bad, evil, wrong; weak, wretched, petty, poor

mamá f. mother

mampostería f. rubblework

mancha f. spot

manchar stain, disgrace; streak

mandar command, order, send

mandón m. man in power, boss

manera f. manner, way

maniatar handcuff

manifestación f. declaration, explanation

manifestar declare, express, tell, show

Manila f. Manila;

mantón de — see


mano f. hand

manojito m. small bunch

manojo m. handful, bouquet

mansedumbre f. mildness, gentleness

manteca f. butter

mantener keep, maintain; support, pay living expenses

mantilla f. mantilla (lace scarf for the shoulders or head)

mantito m. cloak

manto m. cloak

mantón m. shawl;

– de Manila embroidered silk shawl, see note to III, 215

manutención f. support

mañana f. morning; adv. to-morrow;

pasado — day after to-morrow

mar m. and f. sea

maravilla f. marvel

maravilloso, -a marvelous

marcha f. march;

en — come on

marchar walk, progress, march;

—se go away

marfil m. ivory

María f. Mary;

– Santísima the Holy Virgin

marido m. husband

Mariquita f. dim. of


Mariucha f. (affectionate dim. of

María) Mollie

marqués m. marquis; pl. marquis and marchioness

marquesa f. marchioness

mártir m. martyr

martirio m. martyrdom

martirizar torment

mas but

más more; other; plus;

—– bien rather;

—– que except;

no – que only;

por – que in spite of the fact that, however much

masa f. mass; 849

en – general

máscara f. mask

matalotaje m. mess

matar kill

materia f. matter, material

material m. stock

matrimonio m. marriage, matrimony

máximum m. maximum

mayor greater, greatest; larger, largest; elder, eldest; head, chief

mayoral m. stage driver

mecánico, -a mechanical

mediador m. mediator, instrument

medianería f. partition wall

mediano, -a medium, moderate, ordinary

medio, -a half; n.m. midst, environment; means

mediodía m. noon

medir measure, measure out

meditabundo, -a thoughtful

meditación f. meditation

meditar ponder, meditate

mejor better, best

mejorar improve

melancolía f. melancholy

melancólico, -a melancholy

meloso, -a honeyed

memoria f. memory;

de — by heart

mendigar beg

mendigo m. beggar

menester m. need; employment, occupation;

haber — need

Menga f. Dominica

mengua f. disgrace, shame

menguado, -a mean, cowardly

menor less, slighter

menos less, least; except;

al —,

a lo — at least;

a – que unless

menosprecio m. contempt

mensaje m. message

mensajero, -a m. and f. messenger

mensual monthly, a month

mente f. mind

mentecato m. fool, imbecile

mentir lie

mentira f. lie;

parece — it seems impossible

menú m. (French) bill of fare

mercado m. market

mercancía f. merchandise, articles

mercantil commercial

merecedor, -ra deserving

merecer deserve

merienda f. afternoon tea, (light) lunch

mérito m. merit

mesa f. table, desk;

– de noche night stand

mesmamente (dialect) even

mesmo = mismo

metálico, -a metallic

meter put, put in, set;

—se en enter into, concern oneself with


de — for my part

miá = mira

miedo m. fear

mies f. harvest

mil a thousand

milagro m. miracle

millón m. million

millonaria f. millionairess

milloncejo m. a trifle like a million

mina f. mine

minero, -a mining

ministro m. minister; secretary (in a government cabinet)

minucioso, -a minute, careful

mío, -a my, mine, of mine;

el —o, etc. pron. mine;

lo —o what is mine

mirada f. glance, look

mirar look, look at; regard, consider;

mire usted you see, see here;

– por look out for

misa f. mass;

– mayor high mass

miserable wretched, in poverty

miseria f. poverty; bits, wretched trifles

misericordia f. mercy

mísero, -a wretched

mismo, -a same, very, own, self;

lo — the same thing;

mañana — no later than to-morrow

misterio m. mystery

mitad f. half, middle

mito m. myth; legendary person

mixto, -a mixed;

tren — train with freight and passenger cars

mocoso, -a (literally, with running nose) dirty, too young to take care of himself

moda f. fashion

modales m. pl. manners

modelo m. model

moderno, -a modern

modestia f. modesty

modesto, -a modest, requiring little

modista f. dressmaker, modiste

modisto m. ladies' tailor, designer

modo m. way, manner;

de otro — otherwise;

de – que so that

molestar trouble, pester, irritate;

—se put oneself out, trouble oneself

molestia f. trouble, annoyance

momentáneo, -a momentary

momento m. moment;

al — in a moment, at once;

de un – a otro at any moment

monaguillo m. acolyte, assistant in church service

mono, -a m. and f. monkey; adj. pretty, cute

monte m. mountain, wooded hill

Montevideo the capital of Uruguay; 350,000 inhabitants

montón m. heap

morir die

moscón m. bluebottle fly; bore, nuisance, pest

mostrar show, display

mote m. nickname

mover(se) move, stir

movimiento m. movement, gesture; impulse

mozo, -a youthful; n.m. youth; porter, waiter, man of all work; n.f. girl

mozuela f. wench, (country) girl

muchacha f. girl

muchacho m. boy, youth

muchedumbre f. crowd

mucho, -a much, much of a, great; many, many a, long; adv.

—o very; hard;

¡—! good! yes indeed!

por – que however much

mudar change;

—se move

mudo, -a dumb, silent

mueblaje m. furnishings

muebles m. pl. furniture

muela f. molar

muerte f. death

muesama f.

= nuestra ama, nuesama madame, mistress

muestrario m. collection of samples, show case

mugriento, -a dirty, greasy

mujer f. woman; wife

mujercita f. 170 narrow woman

multiplicar multiply

multitud f. multitude

mundo m. world;

todo el — everybody; the whole world

municipal city (used as adj.)

murmullo m. murmur, whisper

murmurar murmur, whisper

muro m. wall

musgoso, -a mossy

música f. music; empty phrases, nonsense

músico m. musician

mutuo, -a mutual

muy very


nacer be born; arise

naciente growing, newborn

nacimiento m. birth

nada nothing; anything; not at all; at all;

—, – never mind;

– más que only;

– de carta let's not use a letter

nadie no one; any one

nariz f. nose, nostril

natural natural, native

naturaleza f. nature

navaja f. knife, razor

necedad f. folly

necesario, -a necessary

necesidad f. necessity, need

necesitar need

necio, -a foolish; m. and f. fool

negativa f. refusal

negociar trade

negocio m. business

negro, -a black; n.m. negro

nene m. baby

nervioso, -a nervous

ni neither, nor; not even;

– siquiera,

– tan siquiera not even

Nicolás m. Nicholas

nido m. nest

ningún, ninguno, -a none, not any, not one; no one

niña f. girl, child

niño m. boy, child; pl. children;

muy niño very young

nivel m. level

no no, not;

– más only

nobilísimo, -a most noble

nobleza f. nobility, generosity

nocturno, -a night (used as adv.), nocturnal

noche f. night;

de — at night, nighttime

nogal m. walnut

nombrar appoint, name, mention

nombre m. name, Christian name

noramala (= enhoramala):

– con confound …!

norte m. North; polestar, guiding star; direction

nota f. note, tone;

tomar – de take account of

notar observe, notice

noticia f.(also pl.) news;

tener — learn

novecientos, -as nine hundred

novedad f. novelty;

de gran — the very latest style

noventa ninety

novia sweetheart, fiancée, "girl"

novio m. lover, fiancé

nube f. cloud

nuevecito, -a brand new

nuevo, -a new;

de —o again

número m. number

nunca never; ever


o or;

– bien or else

obedecer obey

obediencia f. obedience

obispo m. bishop

objeto m. object

obligación f. duty; debt

obligar oblige, force, compel

obra f. work; deed

obrar act, work, operate

obscuridad f. obscurity, darkness

obscuro, -a obscure, dark

obsequiar entertain, treat

observación f. observation

observar observe

obstáculo m. obstacle

obstante: no — nevertheless

obstinarse persist

obtener obtain

ocasión f. occasion, opportunity

ocultar hide, conceal

ocupación f. occupation

ocupar occupy, occupy one's attention;

—se be occupied, pay attention;

—se en look after; p.p. busy

ocurrencia f. occurrence, whim

ocurrir occur, happen

ochenta eighty

ochocientos, -as eight hundred

odio m. hatred

odioso, -a odious

oficialidad f. body of officers

oficio m. trade, profession

oficioso, -a officious

ofrecer offer

oído m. ear; hearing

oír hear

ojo m. eye;

¡—! take care!

ola f. wave


—se de forget

omitir omit

omnipotente omnipotent

opinión f. opinion

oponer oppose;

—se a oppose

oportuno, -a happy, fitting

oprimir oppress, weigh down

oprobio m. opprobrium, disgrace

opulento, -a rich

Ora pro nobis (Latin) pray for us (a response; cf. note to III, 224-225)

oración f. prayer

orar pray

orden m. order, system; f. order, command

ordenar order

ordinario, -a ordinary, common

organizar organize

orgullo m. pride

orgulloso, -a proud

origen m. origin

originar cause

orla f. border

oro m. gold

ostentación f. show, display

ostentar display

otro, -a another, any other, other; else; different;

—a vez again


pa = para

paciencia f. patience

pacífico, -a peaceful, quiet

padecer suffer

padre m. father; pl. parents

pagar pay, repay, pay for;

—se de be pleased with; p.p. pleased, tickled

pago m. payment

país m. country, nation

paiz = parece

paja f. straw

pájaro m. bird; fellow

palabra f. word; floor (turn in speaking)

palabrería f. empty talk

palacio m. palace, mansion

palaciote m. huge house

palmadita f. pat

palo m. stick; blow with cudgel

palo-tarja m. see


palpar feel, feel about

pan m. bread, loaf

pana f. corduroy

pandereta f. tambourine

pantano m. swamp, slough

paño m. cloth

pañuelo m. handkerchief; kerchief

papá m. papa, father

papaíto m. daddy

papel m. paper; stock; part, rôle;

hacer mal — make a poor appearance;

yo no hago —es I don't pretend what isn't so

paquete m. parcel, bundle

par equal, alike; n.m. pair, couple; peer;

sin — peerless, unequaled

para to, in order to, for, toward;

– mí in my opinion;

– que in order that;

– sí to himself, yourself

parálisis f. paralysis

paralizar paralyze

parar stop, stay; end, land, remain;

venir a — land;

parado en firme stock-still

pararrayos m. lightning rod

parásito m. parasite

parecer appear, seem; refl. resemble;

al — apparently

parecido, -a like, resembling; n.m. resemblance

pared f. wall

paroxismo m. paroxysm

parque m. park

párroco m. parish;

cura — parish priest

parroquia f. parish

parroquial parochial

parte f. part; place, side;

en todas —s everywhere;

la mayor — the majority, most

particularmente especially

particular private

partida f. game; lot

partidita f. small amount

partir start, set forth; split

pasa f. raisin;

– de Corinto (dried) currant

pasacalle m. passacaglia (name of an old Spanish dance, of a slow and rather solemn nature; now applied to a quick march tune)

pasado, -a past, last;

– mañana day after to-morrow

pasamanería f. passementerie, lace

pasar(se) pass, come in; happen; undergo, suffer;

– de be more than;


—se get along; p.p. last, past

pasear(se) stroll, loiter, walk about

pasión f. passion

pasito m. short step

pasivo, -a passive

paso m. passage; step; right of way; incident;

abrir el — make way, clear a path

pastor m. shepherd;

– de almas spiritual guardian

paterno, -a paternal

patio m. inner court of a house

pato m. duck

patria f. country, native land

pausa f. pause

pavipollo m. young turkey

pavonearse strut about, put on airs

paz f. peace

pechera f. shirt front

pecho m. breast, chest, bosom

pedacito m. tiny piece

pedazo m. piece;

– de bárbaro = bárbaro

pedido m. order (commercial)

pedir ask, beg, require

pedrería f. jewelry, gems

Pedro m. Peter

pegar hit; stick, glue

peignoir m. (French) wrapper, dressing gown

peine m. comb

peldaño m. step

pelo m. hair

pena f. sorrow, trial

penar suffer

penetrante penetrating

penetrar penetrate

penoso, -a painful, hard

pensamiento m. thought

pensar think, intend; expect; consider, think over, think up

pensativo, -a thoughtful

pensión f. pension, board

penuria f. penury, extreme poverty

peña f. cliff, rock

peor worse, worst

pequeño, -a small

perchero m. clothes rack

perder lose; ruin, waste; p.p. wicked, dissolute;

loco perdido hopelessly insane

perdición f. perdition, evil

perdonar pardon, forgive

pérfidamente treacherously

perfil m. profile

Perico m. dim. of


periódico m. newspaper

perla f. pearl

permanecer remain

permiso m. permission

permitir permit

pero but

perpetuo, -a perpetual

perro m. dog

perseguir pursue, persecute

persistir persist, continue

persona f. person

personaje m. personage, character

perspicacia f. clear-sightedness

pertenecer belong

pertenencia f. holding, property

perturbación f. disturbance

perverso, -a perverse

pesar m. sorrow;

a – de in spite of

peseta f. peseta (the unit coin of Spain; worth about 20 cents; it is divided into 100 céntimos)

pesimismo m. pessimism

pesimista pessimistic

peso m. weight; dollar

petición f. asking, request

petitorio m. begging, constant asking

pez m. fish

picar bite, sting; vex; smart; breakup;

– alto have lofty aims

picardía f. malice

picaresco, -a mischievous

pícaro, -a rascally, wretched, confounded, mischievous

pie m. foot;

de — standing, able to be about, on foot; 80 on their feet;

en — standing

piedad f. pity; piety

piedra f. stone, rock, gem

pieza f. piece; play; room

pila f. font;

nombre de — Christian name

pintoresco, -a picturesque

pisada f. footstep; footprint; stepping

pláceme m. congratulation, felicitation

placer m. pleasure

plano m. plane, projection

planta f. sole of the foot, foot

plantar plant;

—se en take one's stand

plata f. silver

plateresco, -a plateresque (a highly ornate style of architecture combined with sculpture; it flourished in Spain in the 16th century)

plaza f. square, market place

plazo m. space or limit of time, time of payment

plebeyo m. plebeian, man of vulgar birth

pleno, -a full

pliego m. sheet, envelope

pluma f. pen; feather

pluvial: capa — cope

poblar people, fill

pobre poor, weak

pobrecillo m. poor fellow

pobrecito m. poor creature

pobreza f. poverty

poco, -a little, few, slight; adv.

poco little, not very, not much;

– menos que almost; n.m. a little;

dentro de — soon;

para — faint-hearted

pocho, -a faded, discolored

poder be able, can;

no – más can't stand it longer;

no – menos de can't help; n.m. power

poderoso, -a powerful

podrido, -a decayed, rotten

poético, -a poetic

policía f. policing

política f. politics

político, -a political

polvo m. dust

pollo m. chicken

pompa f. pomp, show, splendor

poner place, put, put on; lay, fix; send;

—se put on; become;

—se a begin to, set out to;

—se en camino start out

poquísimo, -a extremely little

poquito m. bit

por for, through, along, across, on, at, by, to, in, over, on account of; in order to; as; per; referring to;

—– qué why;

—– malo que however ill;

—– si to see whether; in case

porcelana f. porcelain

porque because; in order that

por qué (as n. m.) reason

porquería f. filth; trifle, shabby thing

portal m. vestibule

portalada f. portico; opening

porte m. cost of carriage, freight;

—– pagado prepaid

Porto m. a city in Portugal; hence Port wine

poseedor, -ra m. and f. possessor

poseer possess

posibilidad f. possibility

posible possible

posición f. position

positivo, -a positive

potente powerful

Potosí m. a province of Bolivia, famous from its earliest history for rich silver mines

pozo m. well

práctica f. practice

practicable real, capable of functioning

práctico, -a practical

precario, -a precarious

precio m. price

preciosidad f. gem, beauty

precioso, -a charming, beautiful; precious

precipicio m. precipice

precipitar hurl; hasten;

—se rush

preciso, -a necessary

preferir prefer

pregonar publish, announce, cry aloud, proclaim

pregonero m. town crier

pregunta f. question

preguntar ask (a question)

premio m. reward

premioso, -a slow, with difficulty

prenda f. garment, article of value

preocupación f. prejudice, preconception

preocupar worry, concern;

—se de concern oneself with, make provision for; p.p. concerned, anxious

preparación f. preparation

preparar prepare

presencia f. presence

presentar present, introduce;

—se appear

presente present;

los —s those here present

preservativo m. preservative; conservation

presidio m. fortress; military prison

préstamo m. loan

prestar lend

presteza f. speed, haste

presumir presume, suppose, imagine

presunción f. presumption

presuntuoso, -a conceited

presuroso, -a hasty, in haste

pretender try, intend, wish

pretendiente m. suitor

pretensión f. intention, expectation; claim, pretension

preterición f. omission

prevalecer prevail

prevenir warn, inform; provide against, foresee; p.p. ready

prever foresee

previsión f. foresight;

en – de foreseeing

primero, -a first; adv.

—o first, at first

primitivo, -a original

primor m. beauty, exquisiteness, beautiful quality

principal principal, leading

príncipe m. prince

principiar begin

principio m. beginning; principle;

en un – at first

prisa f. haste;

a – quickly;

dar – urge to hasten

prisita intensified form of


privación f. privation

privar deprive

probabilidad f. probability

probar prove, try, try on, test, taste; suit

proceder proceed; n.m. procedure, behavior

procesar try (in court), bring suit against

procesión f. procession;

la – va por dentro (his) thoughts are kept to (him)self

proceso m. suit

procurar try; procure

prodigar lavish

producto m. product

profecía f. prophecy

profeta m. prophet

profetizar prophesy

profundo, -a deep

prohibir forbid

promesa f. promise

prometer promise

prontitud f. promptness

pronto, -a ready, speedy; adv.

—o soon, quickly;

por de –,

por lo – provisionally, for the present

propender tend, incline

propiedad f. ownership, property, estate

propietario m. proprietor, owner

propina f. tip, gratuity

propio, -a one's own, private; proper, same;

tú – you yourself;

—– de befitting, suited

proponer propose

proporción f. proportion; match

propósito m. aim, intention;

a – by the way; suitable;

a – de speaking of

prorrumpir burst out

proteger protect

protesta f. protest

protestar protest

provecho m. profit

proveer provide

provenir arise, be caused by

Providencia f. Providence

provincia f. province

provinciano, -a provincial

próximo, -a near, nearby, approaching

proyecto m. project, plan

prueba f. test, trial; proof

publicar publish

público, -a public; n.m. public

puchero m. pot, pan; stew; pl. pouting, whimpering

pueblo m. people, common people, nation; town

puerta f. door, gate

pues well, then, just so; why!

¡– no! of course! why not?

puesto p.p. of


—– que since; although; n.m. position, post, stand, stall

pulga f. flea

pulso m. pulse, wrist;

a – by strength of hand

puntilla f. lace edging

punto m. point;

en – precisely;

al – at once

puntualidad f. punctuality, promptness

puño m. fist

purgatorio m. purgatory

puro, -a pure; n.m. (Havana) cigar

púrpura f. purple

pus =


putrefacto, -a putrid, rotten