Buch lesen: «Heath's Modern Language Series: Mariucha», Seite 13



e and (used only before

i or


¡ea! come on! well!

eclesiástico, -a ecclesiastic, of the church

echar put forth; drive out; put, put on; throw, cast;

– sangre bleed;

– a,

—se a start to;

—se lie down

edad f. age;

de — aged

edificar build

edificio m. building, structure

educación f. education

educar educate

efecto m. effect; fact;

en — that is so, in truth, really

eficaz efficacious, efficient

efusión f. effusion

egoísmo m. selfishness

egoísta selfish

¡eh! eh! pshaw!

ejemplo m. example, instance;

sin — unparalleled

elección f. choice, election

electricidad f. electricity

eléctrico, -a electric

elegancia f. elegance

elegante elegant

elemento m. element

elevar raise; p.p. high

elogiar praise

elogio m. praise

ello neut. pron. it;

– es the fact is

embajada f. embassy

embajador m. embassy

embarcar put aboard a vessel;

—se embark

embargo: sin — nevertheless

embarullarse become mixed or confused

embestida f. attack

emblema m. emblem

emoción f. emotion

empalagoso, -a sweet to satiety, insipid

empalizada f. fence

emperatriz f. empress

empezar begin

emplear employ

emplomado, -a leaded (with leaden ribs)

empobrecer impoverish

emprender undertake, begin

empresa f. enterprise

en in, into, on, over, at, to; with; as, like;

– esto meanwhile

enamorado, -a (de) in love (with); n.m. lover

enamorarse de fall in love with

enardecerse grow bold

encadenar chain, bind

encaje m. lace

encajería f. III, 106 (assortment of) laces

encantador, -ra enchanting

encantar enchant; fascinate

encanto m. enchantment, charm, delight

encarcelar imprison

encargar charge, order; commission;

—se de look after

encargo m. commission, order

encastillarse shut oneself up (as in a castle)

encender light, kindle

encerrar shut up

encima (de) above, on;

por — above

encoger shorten, shrink; p.p. timid

encontradizo: hacerse el — pretend to meet by chance

encontrar find, meet; consider;

—se be; meet

encubrir conceal

encuentro m. meeting;

al – de to meet

enemigo, -a hostile; n.m. enemy

energía f. energy;

con — energetically

enfadoso, -a annoying

énfasis m. emphasis

enfermedad f. sickness, disease

enfermo, -a sick

enfrente in front, opposite

engañar deceive, fool

engaño m. deception

engordar fatten

engrandecimiento m. betterment

enhorabuena f. congratulation

enigma m. enigma, riddle

enjalma f. light packsaddle

enjundia f. fat, richness

enlazar put one's arm around

enloquecer render insane, bewitch

enmienda f. correction, amendment

enmudecer grow dumb, be silent

ennegrecer blacken

enorgullecer make proud

enredadera f. vine

enredo m. entanglement

enrejado m. trellis

enriquecerse grow rich

ensancharse expand

ensanche m. expansion, enlargement

enseñar teach; show

ensueño m. dream, imagination

entender understand;

se entiende of course; I, 794

entendido I see

entendimiento m. understanding, mind

enterar inform;

—se de learn, find out, inquire into; take note of

entereza f. firmness

entero, -a whole, entire, all

entierro m. burial

entonación f. intonation

entonces then, at that time;

por —,

por aquel — at that time

entrada f. entrance

entrar (en) enter, go in, advance; come upon; trans. lead in

entre between, among;

– tanto meanwhile

entreabrir half open, push ajar

entrega f. delivery

entregar give over, hand, deliver

entremetido, -a meddlesome

entretener entertain; detain;

—se kill time; take pleasure; delay; p.p. diverting; amused

entretenidito, -a (dim. of

entretenido) very much absorbed

entrevista f. interview

entrometido, -a meddlesome

entusiasmar rouse to enthusiasm

entusiasmo m. enthusiasm

envenenar poison

enviar send

envidioso, -a envious

envilecer debase

envolver wrap

equipaje m. (also pl.) baggage, luggage

equivocarse be mistaken

ermita f. hermitage

error m. mistake, error

escalera f. stairs, stairway

escalerilla f. small stairway

escandalizarse be scandalized

escándalo m. scandal, rumpus, outrage;

armar or

dar un — make trouble

escapar escape

escarmiento m. chastisement, merited lesson

escasez f. need, scarcity

escena f. scene, stage

escenario m. stage

escéptico, -a sceptical

esclavina f. priest's collar

esclavitud f. slavery

escoger choose, select

esconder hide, conceal;

—se lurk, hide, be hidden

Escorial, El m. the Escurial (the enormous monastery erected by Philip II on the east slope of the Guadarrama mountains, thirty miles north-west of Madrid. It is said to contain 16 patios, 2673 windows, 1200 doors, 86 staircases, and 89 fountains.)

escribir write;

por escrito in writing

escuchar listen to

escuela f. school


esa that;



eso that one, that;

eso es just so;

eso sí to be sure, indeed;

a eso de at about;

por eso on that account

esfera f. sphere

esfuerzo m. effort

esmeralda f. emerald

espacio m. period, space

espalda f. (also pl.) back

espantoso, -a terrific, terrible

España f. Spain

español, -la Spanish;

el Español = el Teatro Español the foremost theater of Madrid

esparcir scatter

espectáculo m. sight

esperanza f. hope

esperar expect, await, wait (for), hope (for)

espeso, -a thick

espesura f. thicket, dense wood or brush

espíritu m. mind, spirit

espléndido, -a splendid

esposo, -a m. and f. husband, wife;

—os husband and wife

espuma f. froth, foam

esquela f. note

establecer fix, bring about

establecimiento m. establishment

estación f. station

estado m. state, condition

estallar burst forth

estancia f. room

estante m. shelves, bookcase, stand

estar be (temporary condition; location)

este, -a this; the latter;



esto this one, this; the latter;

en esto during this time

Esteban m. Stephen;

San – de Gormaz an ancient village on the river Duero, in the province of Soria

estepa f. steppe, barren plain

estimación f. esteem

estimar value, regard

estimular stimulate, quicken

estipular stipulate

estoico, -a stoic

estola f. stole

estorbar trouble, prevent, be a hindrance, be in the way

estrechar press, grasp, clasp

estrella f. star

estrellar dash against

estrenar play or wear for the first time

estrepitoso, -a loud, noisy

estrujar crush, squeeze

estudiar study, prepare

estúpido, -a stupid

estupor m. amazement

eterno, -a eternal

etiqueta f. etiquette, form

evitar avoid

exacto, -a exact

exaltación f. excitement, passion

exaltado, -a excited

examinar examine

exasperado, -a exasperated

exasperarse become excited

excelente excellent

excepción f. exception

excesivamente excessively

exceso m. excess

excitado, -a excited

exclamación f. exclamation

excluir exclude

exhortar exhort

exhorto m. letters requisitorial (request sent by one judge to another)

exigencia f. demand

exigente exacting

exigir require, demand

existencia f. existence, life; pl. stock

existir exist

expansión f. expansiveness

expectación f. expectation, period of waiting;

con — expectantly

expediente m. proceedings, action; procedure

expiación f. expiation

expiar expiate

expirar expire, die away

explanada f. esplanade, level piece of ground

explicación f. explanation

explicar explain

exponer expose

expresar express

expresión f. expression

expresivo, -a expressive

exquisito, -a exquisite; extreme

éxtasis m. ecstasy

extender extend, stretch, spread

extensión f. expanse

exterior m. exterior

extinguir extinguish;

—se die out

extraer extract

extraordinario, -a extraordinary

extraviarse go astray, become lost

extremo, -a extreme; n.m. end, extreme;

por — extremely


fábrica f. factory

fabuloso, -a fabulous

facción f. feature

fácil easy

factura f. bill, invoice

facha f. appearance, look; show, "sight"

fachada f. façade, front

falda f. skirt

falso, -a false

falta f. fault, mistake; omission, failure, lack;

hace – it is necessary or needed;

sin – without fail

faltar go back on, fail, not be present; be lacking, be missing;

poco le faltaba he came near

fama f. reputation

familia f. family

familiaridad f. familiarity

fantasía f. imagination

fantástico, -a fantastic

fantasmón m. conceited ass

farolito m. Chinese lantern

farsante m. hypocrite, bluffer

fascinar fascinate, hypnotize

fatalidad f. fatality

fatiga f. weariness; trouble

fatigar fatigue, tire

favor m. favor;

por — please

favorecer favor, aid

fe f. faith;

buena — good faith

febril feverish

felicidad f. happiness; I, 749 pl. good-bye

feliz happy; fortunate

fenomenal tremendous

feo, -a homely, ugly

feria f. fair, market, holiday

ferial m. market, fair

feróstico, -a capricious, wayward

ferrocarril m. railway

ferviente fervent

fervoroso, -a ardent

festejo m. feast, entertainment

feudalismo m. feudalism

fiar (de, en),

fiarse (de) trust (to)

fidelidad f. fidelity

fiera f. wild beast

fierecilla f. little savage

fiero, -a fierce, savage

fiesta f. fête, celebration, holiday;

hacer —s a caress, play with

figura f. figure, form, appearance

figurar figure, appear;

—se imagine, fancy, suppose

fijamente fixedly

fijar fix;

—se become fixed;

—se en notice

fijo, -a fixed, unchanging;

de — surely

Filomena f. Philomena

fin m. end, object;

al — finally, at last;

en — in short, anyhow;

por — finally;

a – de,

a – de que in order that

finca f. country house

fingir dissemble, pretend; imagine, make up; p.p. feigned

fino, -a courteous, thoughtful; delicate; particular; fine, of good quality

firma f. signature, signing

firmar sign

firme firm, solid;

en — solidly

firmeza f. firmness

fisgón, -ona m. and f. prier, questioner

fisgonear pry

fisonomía f. face

flaquear weaken, fail

fleje m. strip of iron, hoop

flojo, -a small, weak

flor f. flower; (fig.) cream

foco m. focus; cluster (of lights)

fogoso, -a impetuous

foie-gras m. (French) fat goose-liver (used for a rich paste)

follaje m. foliage

fomento m. stimulation, fostering;

Ministro de — title of one of the cabinet officers in Spain; his duties correspond somewhat to those of our Secretaries of the Interior, Commerce, and Agriculture

fondo m. depth; background; rear of stage

forma f. form;

en — in due form

formal formal; serious, conscientious

formalidad f. formality, punctuality

formar form;

– causa or

proceso bring suit

fórmula f. formula, form

formular formulate, draw up

foro m. back (of the stage); rear

fortalecer strengthen

fortaleza f. strength of mind; resistance, endurance; fortress

fortificar strengthen, fortify

fortuna f. fortune;

hacer — make one's fortune; bring big money

forzosamente necessarily

fráicas = fábricas

Francisco m. Frank

frase f. phrase, sentence

fraude m. fraud

frenético, -a in a frenzy

frente f. forehead; m. and f. front;

– a opposite, facing, face to face with;

en – de in front of

fresco, -a fresh, brand-new; cool, cold

frío, -a cold; n.m. cold;

hacer — be cold (of the weather)

frondoso, -a leafy, shady

fruta f.,

fruto m. fruit

fuego m. fire

fuente f. spring, fountain; running water

fuera outside;

– de outside;

– de lo común unusual

fuerte strong, powerful, vigorous; harsh

fuerza f. strength, force; dint

fugaz fleeting, passing

fundamentar explain, give a reason for

fundamento m. foundation

fundar m. foundation

furia f. fury

furioso, -a furious, raving

furor m. fury

futuro, -a future


gaceta f. gazette, newspaper

galanteo m. intrigue, flirtation, gallantry

galantería f. gallantry

galería f. gallery; veranda

gallardía f. elegance, courage

gallardo, -a, gallant, handsome, confident

gana f. (also pl.) desire;

de buena — willingly;

de mala — unwillingly; III, 36

es – de they go out of their way to

ganancia f. gain, profit

ganar gain, get, earn;

– a win, beat

ganguita f. (dim. of

ganga) bit of luck

garantía f. security

garganta f. throat

garra f. claw, clutch

gastar waste, spend, wear, use, keep

gasto m. expense

gaznápiro m. simpleton, booby

generación f. generation

género m. kind, sort; race; cloth, material, goods

generosidad f. generosity

generoso, -a generous, noble; (of wines) rich, heady

gente f. people, folk, persons

gestión f. exertion, effort

gesto m. face, gesture, manner

gigante giant, gigantic; n.m. giant

giorno (Italian, day);

a — as bright as day

girar turn, revolve, whirl about;

– sobre sí turn around

giro m. turn, course

gloria f. glory, heavenly bliss

glorieta f. arbor, bower

gobernación f. government;

Ministro de la — one of the cabinet officers, having in charge local administration, mail and telegraphs, public health, etc.

gobernar govern, manage

gobierno m. government

golpe m. blow, stroke, bang;

dar — create a sensation

gordo, -a fat, huge

gota f. drop

gozar (de), (con) enjoy, take delight

gozo m. joy

gozoso, -a joyful

gracejo m. wit

gracia f. attraction, grace, cleverness, wittiness; favor; pl. thanks

gracioso, -a amusing, funny

grande, gran great, large; n. grandee (cf. note to IV, 116)

grandeza f. greatness

grandioso, -a imposing

granjería f. profit, profitable trade

grano m. grain

gratificación f. tip, gratuity

gratitud f. gratitude

grato, -a pleasing, acceptable

gratuitamente gratis, free

grave serious; low

gravedad f. gravity

gritar shout, shriek, call out

grito m. cry, shout, shriek

grupo m. group

guante m. glove

guapo m. bold fellow

guardar keep, observe; watch, guard; (also refl.) put away, keep

guardarropa m. wardrobe

guardia m. policeman; f. guard;

la – civil the rural police

güelo, güela = abuelo, abuela

guerra f. war

guisar cook

guitarra f. guitar

gustar please;

no me gusta I don't like

gusto m. pleasure; taste; pl. likes and dislikes;

mucho — pleased to meet you;

tener – en be glad to


ha = hay; III, 38

¿– lugar? can I come in?

haber have; impersonal

hay, etc. there is, there are;

hay que one must;

– de hacer have to do, must do, will do, be about to do;

dos meses ha two months ago

habitación f. room, apartment

habituar accustom

habladurías f. pl. gossip

hablar speak, talk;

– mal scold

hacer make, do, create, cause;

hace … ago;

hace tiempo a long time ago;

¿qué tiempo hace? what is the weather like?

—se be made, take place, occur;

hace cuatro meses que estoy pidiendo for four months I have been asking;

—la buena make a break, get into trouble (cf. note to II, 86)

hacia toward

hacienda f. estate, property; farm, farm lands

hacha f. hatchet

hada f. fairy

¡hale!: – con ellas go at them

hallar find;

—se be

hambre f. hunger;

tener — be hungry

harapiento, -a ragged, in rags

hasta up to, as far as; until; even;

– que until

hectárea f. hectare (about 2 1/2 acres)

hecho m. fact; deed

hechura f. workmanship;

—s de casa homemade model

heredar inherit

herencia f. inheritance

herir wound, strike

hermana f. sister

hermanito m. little brother

hermano m. brother;

—s brother and sister, brothers and sisters

hermoso, -a beautiful

hermosura f. beauty

heroína f. heroine

herramienta f. tool, instrument

hierro m. iron

hija f. daughter, child

hijita f. little daughter

hijo m. son, child; offspring, result; pl. children

himno m. hymn

hiperbólico, -a hyperbolical, exaggerated

hipócrita hypocritical

hipotecario, -a of a mortgage;

con garantía —a with collateral security

historia f. story; history

hogaza f. large loaf of bread

holganza f. idleness, leisure

hombre m. man;

– de bien honorable man;

¡– de Dios! man alive!

hombro m. shoulder

hondo, -a deep, profound

honra f. honor

honradez f. honesty, fair dealing

honrado, -a honorable, honest

honrar honor; p.p. honest, honorable

honroso, -a honorable

hora f. hour; time;

es primera – de la noche it is early evening

horizonte m. horizon

hormigueo m. swarming, movement

horrendo, -a dreadful, hideous

horroroso, -a fearful

hortalizas f.pl. green vegetables

hospitalario, -a hospitable

hostil hostile

hoy to-day

hueco m. hollow, opening

huir (a), (de) flee, run away escape (from); IV, 398

– el cuerpo dodge, avoid conflict

hulla f. soft coal, bituminous coal

humanidad f. humanity

humano, -a human

humilde humble

humillación f. humiliation

humillante humiliating

humillar humiliate

humo m. smoke; pl. conceit, presumption

hundir sink, crush, plunge;

—se sink, be ruined

huracán m. storm


ídem (Latin) the same (as that just mentioned), ditto

identificarse con (una idea) seize, catch (an idea)

iglesia f. church

ignominia f. infamy, ignominy

ignorancia f. ignorance

ignorar not to know

igual equal, like, the same;

– que just as

igualar equal

iluminar light up, illuminate

ilusión f. illusion

iluso, -a deluded, impractical

ilustre illustrious, noble

imagen f. image

imaginar imagine; intend, think of

imaginativo, -a imaginative, of vivid imagination

imitar imitate

impaciencia f. impatience

impaciente impatient

impávido, -a undaunted, bold

impedir prevent

imperioso, -a imperious

impertinencia f. impertinence

impetuoso, -a impetuous

imponer impose

importancia f. importance

importante important

importar matter

importunar bore, trouble

imposible IV, 74 hopeless

ímprobo, -a painful, laborious

impropio, -a (de) unsuited (to)

improvisar improvise

imprudencia f. imprudence

imprudente imprudent

impulsar impel

impulsivo, -a impulsive

impulso m. impulse;

dar — set in motion

impune unpunished

in aeternum (Latin) forever

inaudito, -a unheard of, extraordinary

inauguración f. inauguration

inaugurar inaugurate

incandescente incandescent

incapaz unfit, incompetent

incierto, -a uncertain

incitar urge

inclinación f. inclination

incluso, -a included, including

incoar begin (a lawsuit)

incomodarse object, take offense; p.p. disturbed, irritated

incontrastable irresistible

inconveniente I, 560 unfortunate; n.m. drawback, objection

incredulidad f. incredulity

incurrir en incur, bring upon oneself

indecente rotten

indecible unspeakable;

gozo lo — I take unspeakable pleasure

indicación f. sign

indicar indicate, suggest, point to; p.p. (medical) indicated

indiferente indifferent

indignación f. indignation

indignado, -a indignant

indignarse get indignant

indiscreción f. indiscretion

índole f. nature, character

indudable undoubted, clear

indulgente indulgent

indulto m. pardon

industria f. industry, business

industrioso, -a industrious

inefable ineffable

inerme defenseless

inesperado, -a unexpected

inexpugnable impregnable

infalible infallible

infamante defaming, dishonoring

infame infamous; n.m. wretch

infantil childish

infeliz wretched, poor, unhappy, unlucky

inferior inferior

infierno m. hades, hell;

del quinto — see note to III, 76

infinito, -a infinite; adv.

—o infinitely

inflamar inflame

influencia f. influence, political power

influir en influence

informalidad f. unreliability, breach of faith

informar inform

infortunio m. ill luck, misfortune

infundir instil

ingenioso, -a ingenious

ingenuo, -a ingenuous, candid

ingerencia f. interference, meddling

Inglaterra f. England

ingratitud f. ingratitude, act of ingratitude

ingrato, -a ungrateful, disagreeable

ingreso m. money received, amount to one's credit; entrance, admission

iniciar begin, initiate

inicuo, -a iniquitous, wicked

injurioso, -a insulting

injusticia f. injustice

injusto, -a unjust

inmediatamente immediately

inmenso, -a immense

inmóvil motionless

inquebrantable unconquerable

inquietar worry

inquieto, -a anxious, restless

inquietud f. restlessness, anxiety

inquilino, -a m. and f. tenant

insano, -a insane

inscribir inscribe, record

inseguro, -a uncertain

insistir insist

insolencia f. insolence

insolente insolent

inspiración f. inspiration

inspirar inspire

instalar instal, settle

instancia f.:

juzgado de primera — lowest court, primary court

instante m. instant, moment;

al — at once;

por —s every moment

instinto m. instinct

instrumento m. instrument

insuficiente insufficient

insufrible insufferable

intachable stainless

inteligencia f. intelligence, mind

intensidad f. intensity

intenso, -a intense

intentar try

intento m. intention;

de — on purpose

interés m. interest

interesante interesting;

hacerse el — make oneself an object of attention

interesar interest;

—se por take an interest in

interior inner, interior; n.m. interior

interioridad f. private affair

internarse slip in

interrogar question

interrompir interrupt

íntimo, -a intimate

inusitado, -a unaccustomed

inútil useless

invención f. invention, conception, idea

inventar invent

inverosímil improbable

invierno m. winter

invitación f. invitation

invitar invite

invocar invoke

ir go, be about to; sometimes replaces

ser as an auxiliary;

—se go away, depart;

vase (in stage directions) exit;

vaya I declare, well;

vaya usted con Dios good-bye;

¿Quién va? Who goes there? I, 364

vaya que ponerte a hablar to think that you should start talking; see also under vaya

ira f. wrath, anger

iracundo, -a angry

irascibilidad f. irritability

irascible irritable

irónico, -a ironical

irreflexivo, -a thoughtless

irrisorio, -a ludicrous

irritar irritate

izquierdo, -a left; f. left hand, left