Buch lesen: «Heath's Modern Language Series: Mariucha», Seite 12


autoritario, -a authoritative

autorizar authorize, make lawful

auxiliar m. assistant

auxilio m. aid

avanzar advance

ave f. bird, fowl

avenirse (a) agree (to), be willing;

—– (con) correspond (to)

aventurar risk;

—se venture, make bold; p.p. venturesome

avergonzarse be ashamed

avisar send word, warn, notify

aviso m. notification, warning;

mandar — send word

ay ah! alas!

¡– de! alas for…, woe to…

ayer yesterday

ayuda f. aid

ayudar aid, help

ayuntamiento m. city hall, city government

azaroso, -a checkered; unfortunate

azulejo m. glazed tile


bailar dance

baile m. dance

bajá m. pasha

bajar descend, go down, come down, sink, drop; lower

bajo, -a short, low, lower, lowest; of low station;

piso —o first floor;


en voz —a,

por lo —o in an undertone;

—o comercio petty trade

bajo under, beneath

balcón m. balcony

banco m. bank; bench

bandurria f. a sort of small guitar

banqueta f. stool

bañar bathe

baño m. bath

barato, -a cheap

Bárbara f. Barbara

bárbaro, -a barbarous; stupid

Barcelona f. the capital city of Catalonia, and the chief manufacturing city of Spain; on the Mediterranean; more than 1,000,000 inhabitants

barnizar varnish

barredera f. dragnet

barrer sweep

barriga f. belly

base f. basis

bastante enough, plenty, much, no little, a good deal

bastar be enough, suffice

bastón m. cane

basura f. garbage, rubbish

batalla f. battle, struggle

batirse fight (a duel)

bautismal baptismal

beatífico, -a beatific

beber drink, drink up

belleza f. beauty

bello, -a beautiful, fair

bendecir bless

bendición f. blessing

bendito, -a blessed

benevolencia f. kindness

benigno, -a mild

berza f. cabbage

besar kiss

beso m. kiss

bíblico, -a Biblical

bien well, very well, all right; indeed; very;

o — or else;

no — no sooner

bien m. good; blessing, dear;


—es de fortuna property, estate;

—es raíces real estate

billete m. ticket; bill, bank-note

blanco, -a white

blanquear whiten, cleanse

blasfemia f. blasphemy

bobita f. silly girl

boda f. wedding

Bohemia f. the crystal glass manufactured in the neighborhood of Haida and Steinschönau, Bohemia, is world-famous

bola f. ball

bolsillo m. pocket

bolsón m. big purse

bondad f. goodness, kindness

bonito, -a pretty

bordar embroider

borrar erase, wipe out

borrico m. donkey

bosque m. wood

Brasil, el m. Brazil

bravísimo splendid! fine!

bravo, -a wild; courageous

brazo m. arm

breve short, brief

bribón m.,

-ona f. rascal, scoundrel, wretch

brillante brilliant, bright; n.m. diamond

brillar shine

brillo m. show, appearance, brilliancy

brío m. spirit, energy

broma, bromita f. jest, joke

bronce m. bronze

brotar bud, burst forth

brusco, -a sudden

brutalidad f. brutality

bruto, -a stupid, ill-mannered; n.m. brute, beast, stupid

búcaro m. earthen jar

bueno, -a good, kind, good-hearted; fine, nice;

estar — be well;

—o very well, all right;

—o está this is fine

buffet m. (French) refreshments

bulla f. racket, shouting

burla f. joke, trick; mockery, sneer

burlarse (de) make fun (of), jeer (at)

burlón, -ona mocking

buscar seek, hunt, look for

butaca f. armchair; orchestra seat (in a theater)


cabal complete, perfect

caballero m. gentleman; sir

caballo m. horse;

a — on horseback

cabello m. (a single) hair; pl. hair (of the head)

caber be contained in; be room for; be possible

cabeza f. head; mind;

un mala — a scapegrace, wild fellow

cabizbajo, -a dejected

cacicón m. super-boss

cacique m. (political) boss

cada each, every;

– cual each one

cadáver m. corpse

cadena f. chain

cadete m. cadet, schoolboy

Cádiz Cadiz (the southernmost large city of Spain; an important Atlantic seaport with 70,000 inhabitants)

caer fall; suit;

– en notice, think of; II, 485

no había caído … I hadn't thought of that

cafetín m. small café

caja f. box; wrapping

cajón m. drawer; box

calavera m. rake, scapegrace

calcular calculate

calificación f. description, judgment

calma f. calm

calmar calm

calmoso, -a calm, slow

calor m. heat, warmth;

hace — it is hot

calvario m. Calvary, place of torment

calzada f. highway, avenue

calzado m. footwear

callar be silent, keep still; omit to mention, conceal

calle f. street

cambiar change, exchange

cambio m. change, exchange;

en — on the other hand

caminata f. trip, journey

camino m. way, road

camisolín m. ruffle (on the neck or bosom)

campana f. bell

campaneo m. sound of bells

campesino, -a m. and f. countryman, countrywoman

campo m. field; country

canalla f. mob, rabble; m. scoundrel

cancelar cancel

candelero m. candlestick

candoroso, -a naïve

cangrejo m. crab, crayfish

cansar weary, tire;

—se grow tired; trouble oneself

cantar sing; crow; n.m. song

cántaro m. jug, jar

cantidad f. quantity, sum

canto m. song

capa f. cape, cloak

capilla f. chapel

capital m. capital, wealth; f. capital (city)

capitalito m. neat little capital

capricho m. caprice, whim

cara f. face

carantoñas f.pl. wheedling, caressing

carbón m. coal

carbonero m. coal

carbonífero, -a carboniferous, coal-bearing

cárcel f. jail, prison

carecer de lack, be without

carga f. burden, load

cargamento m. load

cargar load

cargazón f. cargo, loading on

cargo m. burden, duty; care, charge;

hacerse – de consider, regard

carguita f. small load

caridad f. charity

carilla f. page

cariño m. affection, caress

cariñoso, -a affectionate

Carlsbad a city in Bohemia with famous hot springs

carne f. meat, flesh

caro, -a dear

carretero m. carter, cart driver, truckman

carro m. cart, coach

carta f. letter

cartera f. wallet, pocketbook

casa f. house; family; firm;

a — home;

en — at home

casamiento m. marriage

casar marry (trans. and intrans.);

—se con marry

casco m. frame, crown (of a hat)

caserón m. great old house

casi almost

caso m. case; fact;

al — to the point;

hacer – de or

a pay attention to; I, 445

estar en el – de be the sort of person to

casorio m. (hasty) marriage

casta f. race, family

castañeteo m. clack

castaño m. chestnut tree

castigar punish

castigo m. punishment

castillo m. castle

casual casual, result of chance; I, 678

de lo más — pure chance

casualidad f. chance

catedral f. cathedral

catequizar catechize

caterva f. crowd, mob

catorce fourteen

caudal m. sum, estate, fortune, property

causa f. cause; (law) case;

formar — bring suit

causar cause

cauteloso, -a cautious

caverna f. cavern

caviloso, -a distrustful

cebolla f. onion

ceder yield, make over, grant the use of

cegar blind;

—se lose control of oneself

celestial heavenly

centella f. lightning; spark;

al modo de — very suddenly

céntimo m. centime (1/100 of a peseta, or 1/5 of a cent)

centinela m. and f. sentinel

centro m. center

cerámica f. ceramics (the art of pottery)

cerca near, close;

– de near, nearby

cercano, -a nearby, close at hand

cerradura f. lock

cerrajería f. locksmith's work or trade

cerrar close, shut, seal

cesta f. (large) basket, hamper

cestilla f. small basket

ciego, -a blind

cielo m. heaven; sky;

– mío my darling;

el dinero del — charity money

ciencia f. science; knowledge

ciento, cien one hundred;

por — per cent

ciertamente certainly

cierto, -a true, certain; a certain;

de —o for certain;

estar en lo —o be right;

por —o to be sure;

ser —o be true

cincuenta fifty

cínico m. cynic

cinismo m. cynicism

cintura f. waist

circunstancia f. circumstance

ciudad f. city

civil civil;

guardia — rural police

civilmente according to the common law

claridad f. light; clearness

clarito perfectly plain

claro, -a clear, evident; plain-spoken; bright;

—o of course

clase f. kind, class, rank

claustrado, -a cloistered, (of a patio) having an arcaded walk about the sides

claustro m. cloister

clave f. key

clavel m. pink, carnation

clero m. clergy

cobarde cowardly

cobardía f. cowardice

cobrar collect

cocina f. kitchen; cooking, cuisine

cocinero, -a m. and f. cook

coco m. bugaboo, bogy man

coche m. coach, carriage; stage

cochinito m. little pig

coger catch, seize, take; pick

coincidencia f. coincidence

cola f. train (of a gown)

colegio m. college (corresponding in grade to our boarding school)

cólera f. anger

coliseo m. theater, playhouse

colocación f. investment

colocar place, find a position for, invest

colosal tremendous

comanditario: negocio — silent partnership (in which one party furnishes capital but has no share in the management)

combate m. combat

combatir oppose

combinación f. combination

comedia f. comedy, play

comedimiento m. decency

comer eat; devour; gnaw; dine

comercial commercial

comercianta f. business woman

comerciante m. merchant, dealer

comercio m. commerce, business

cometer commit

comida f. food; dinner

comisión f. commission

como as, like; as if, if; about;

– que since; why! to such an extent that

cómo how, how much, what, why; like what;

¿A – dais? For what do you sell…?

comodidad f. comfort

cómodo, -a comfortable, convenient


—se de pity, feel sorry for; p.p. pitying

compañero, -a m. and f. companion

compañía f. company

compartir share

compasión f. pity;

tener — pity

compasivo, -a pitying, of pity

complacer please, satisfy

completo, -a complete;

por —o completely

complicidad f. complicity

comprar buy

compra-y-vende III, 167 going into business

comprender understand

compromiso m. obligation

compungido, -a sorrowful

común common;

por lo — usually

comunicación f. communication

comunicar communicate

con with, by;

– que and so

conceder grant; yield

concepto m. conception, idea, opinion

conciencia f. conscience, consciousness;

a toda — very conscientiously

concierto m. concert

concluir finish, conclude;

casa concluida a ruined house

concordia f. harmony

condenado m. wretch

condenar, condemn; p.p. confounded

condición f. condition; disposition;

en —es ventajosas at a high rate of interest

conducir conduct, escort, convey

conducta f. conduct

conducto m. channel;

por – mío through my hands

conferenciar hold a conference

confesar confess, confess to

confesonario m. confession

confesor m. confessor

confianza f. confidence

confiar (en) trust, hope; p.p. trustful, confident

confirmación f. confirmation

confirmar confirm, make good

conflicto m. conflict, conflicting emotions, plight

conformarse con agree to

conforme (a) corresponding to, agreeing with; adv. agreed

conformidá = conformidad f. agreement

confundir confuse, confound, mingle

confuso, -a confused

conjunto m. union

conmigo with me

conmover affect, stir the feelings of

conocer know, be acquainted with;

se conoce it is evident

conocimiento m. acquaintance, knowledge

conquistador m. conqueror (applied chiefly to the Spanish explorers of America)

consagrar devote

conseguir obtain, accomplish; succeed

consentir consent, consent to

conservar keep, still have, preserve;

—se be preserved

considerable important, large

consideración f. consideration, considerateness; importance;

de — important

considerar consider; p.p. considerate

consistir consist

consolar console

constante constant, unchanging

consternación f. consternation

consternado, -a in consternation

consuelo m. consolation

consumar consummate, put into effect, bring about

contar tell, relate; consider; count;

– con count upon, rely upon, expect; possess, call one's own

contemplar watch, observe

contener restrain; hold back; contain

contenido m. contents

contentarse be satisfied with

contento, -a satisfied, pleased, happy; n.m. contentedness, happiness

contestación f. answer

contestar answer, reply

continuar continue

continuo, -a continuous, constant

contra against;

en – mía against me

contraer contract

contrariar vex, oppose

contrario, -a opposite, contrary;

al —o on the contrary

contratiempo m. setback, disappointment

contratista m. contractor

convencer convince

conveniencia f. convenience

conveniente expedient, desirable

convenio m. agreement

convenir (en) agree (to); be fitting, proper, necessary; suit

convento m. convent

convertir convert

convicción f. conviction

convidar invite

coquetear coquette

corazón m. heart, affection, courage

cordial cordial

Corinto m. Corinth (an ancient Grecian city);

pasa de — currant (the name currant is derived from Corinth whence the fruit is said to have come first)

corona f. crown

coronel m. colonel

corpulento, -a thick, of great girth

corral m. yard, corral

corregir correct, make a correction

correo m. mail

correr run; spread

corresponder correspond; respond, belong

correspondiente corresponding

corretaje m. commission

corriente current, ordinary;

– de zurcidos y arreglos all darned and in order

corro m. group, circle

corromper spoil, corrupt; p.p. corrupt

corrupción f. corruption

corruptela f. abuse

cortadura f. cut, notch

cortar cut, cut short, interrupt;

– el paso block the path

corte m. cut;

dar un – a put a stop to

corte f. court, capital;

hacer la – a court, woo

cortés courteous

cortesía f. courtesy

corteza f. bark

cortito, -a very short

corto, -a short, small;

—a edad early age;

– de entendimiento ignorant, stupid

cosa f. thing, something;

poca — not much; pl. whims, ideas; affairs;

– de about;

era – de arrastrarla she deserves to be dragged by the hair

cosecha f. crop, harvest

coser sew

cosilla f. trifle

costar cost

coste m. cost

costumbre f. habit, custom;

de — usual

cotizable quotable, quoted (on the stock exchange)

creador m. creator

crear create

crecer grow, increase; p.p. large, great

crédito m. credit;

documento de — commercial paper

creer believe, think

crescendo m. growing louder

criada f. (maid) servant

criado m. servant

criar nurse, bring up

criatura f. creature; child

crimen m. crime

criminal m. criminal

crisis f. crisis, attack

cristal m. glass, window;

de —es glassed in

cristalería f. glasswork, glass, glassware

cristiano, -a Christian

Cristo m. Christ; I, 59

¡– con ella! bless her heart!

¡– con todos! bless my soul! etc. (but in Spanish these are more drastic oaths)

crítica f. criticism

crucifijo m. crucifix

crudeza f. plainness, crudeness

cruel cruel

crueldad f. cruelty

crujía f. row or suite of adjoining rooms

cruz f. cross

cruzar cross, fold

cual which;

el, la, lo —, etc., rel. pron. which;

cada — each one;

– si as if;

tal o — such and such a

cuál what, which, of what sort

cualidad f. quality


cualquier any, of an ordinary kind; whatever; pron. whoever, any one; often used ironically as V, 18

– la

rinde no one can subdue her; n.m. commonplace fellow, anybody

cuán how

cuando when;

de vez en — from time to time

cuanto, -a as much, as much as, all, all that, whatever;

tanto o —o a certain sum; pl. all who;

unos —os a few;

en —o as soon as;

en —o a as for

cuánto, -a how much, how many

cuarenta forty

cuarto, -a fourth;

a la –a va la vencida the fourth time cannot fail

cuarto m. quarter; room; copper coin worth four maravedís (i.e., 2/17 of a real or about 2/3 of a cent)

cuatro four;

las — four o'clock

cuatrocientos, -as four hundred

cubrir cover

cuchillo m. knife

cuello m. neck

cuenta f. account; bill;

sacar — reckon;

hacerse – de consider;

tener en — consider, take into account

cuentecita f. little account

cuento m. story, tale

cuerda f. rope, string; I, 608

se le acabó la — she's at the end of her string; V, 25

de esa — of that sort

cuerpo m. body; mass; waist

cuesta f. slope;

a —s on one's back

cuestión f. problem, question, dispute

cueva f. cave, den

cuidado m. care, attention; fear;

estar al — watch

cuidadosamente carefully

cuidar (de) take care (of), keep; I, 993 do my best;

—se pay attention (to)

culpa f. fault, blame, guilt

culpable guilty

cultivar cultivate, foster

cultivo m. cultivation, farming methods

culto, -a cultured; n.m. worship; cult, religion

cumplimiento m. compliment; accomplishment, fulfilment

cumplir fulfil, keep, perform, carry out; complete

cura m. priest

curia f. bar, legal profession

curial legal

curiosear pry around, eavesdrop

curiosidad f. curiosity

curioso, -a curious, strange; inquisitive

curiosón, -ona inquisitive

curita dim. of


cursi m. and f. snob, aspirant to high society, newly rich person; one of bad taste

cuyo, -a whose, of which, of whom


Chablès a French city about 100 miles southeast of Paris. In the district near it a famous white wine is produced

charlar gossip, chat

Charlottenbrunn a village in Prussia near Breslau, with alkaline waters

chico, -a little, small; n.m. boy, little fellow; youth, young fellow; pl. children

chiquilla f. child, girl

chiquillo m. child, boy

chopo m. poplar

choque m. shock


dama f. lady

damasco m. damask

dar give;

– a open on;

me da por I have a liking to;

– de sí afford;

– la mano a help;

—se por consider oneself;

le ha dado la ventolera she has taken it into her head;

lo mismo da it's the same thing

de of, from; in; with; by; than; as

deber owe; ought, should;

debe de he must or is to

deber m. duty;

en – a owing

débil weak

debilidad f. weakness

decadencia f. decadence, decay

decidir decide, resolve; (also refl.)

decir say, speak, tell; call; mean;

diz it is said; p.p.

dicho aforesaid

declaración f. declaration

declarar declare, make a statement

decoración f. decoration

decoro m. honor, reputation

decoroso, -a decent, proper

dedo m. finger

defecto m. defect, failing

defender defend, protect

degradar degrade

dehesa f. pasture

dejar leave; let, allow; let alone; give up;

—– de fail to; cease to; I, 727

– mal disoblige

delantal m. apron

delante in front (of one);

por – to the fore

delatar report, make known

delicado, -a delicate

delirar be delirious, get foolish

delirio m. madness

delito m. crime

demás remaining;

lo —,

los — the rest, other;

por lo — otherwise

demonio m. devil, demon, deuce;

tener los —s en el cuerpo be very sharp

dentro within;

– de,

por – de within; V, 145

me sale de — it comes natural

deparar grant

depender depend

depravado, -a depraved

derecha f. right hand, right side

derecho, -a right; straight; n.m. right; law

derramar shed

desabrochar unhook, unbutton

desagradable unpleasant

desairar rebuff, repulse

desalentado, -a discouraged; breathless

desaliento m. discouragement

desalojar dispossess, turn out

desaparecer disappear

desarmado, -a unarmed

desarrollarse develop, grow

desarrollo m. development

desastre m. disaster

desatinado, -a foolish, crazy

desazón f. displeasure, worry

descalzo, -a barefoot

descanso m. rest

descarado, -a impudent, impertinent

descarnado, -a undisguised

descasar unmarry

descender descend, alight

desconcertar disconcert, confound;

—se become confused

desconfianza f. lack of confidence, distrust

desconfiar distrust, fear that … not; p.p. distrustful

desconocer be ignorant of; not to recognize; p.p. unknown

desconsolado, -a disconsolate

desconsuelo m. affliction

descontar discount, deduct

descrédito m. discredit

describir describe

descripción f. description

descriptivo, -a descriptive

descubierto, -auncovered, bare

descubrimiento m. discovery

descubrir discover, find out; reveal, disclose; give away, tell on; uncover;

—se take off one's hat

descuidar be easy, not to worry;

—se neglect, be careless or slothful

desde from; since;

– los diez años since I was ten years old;

– luego at once; of course;

– que since

desdén m. disdain

desdicha f. misfortune

desdichado, -a unfortunate, poor

desdoblar unfold

desear wish, desire

desechar put aside

desencantar disenchant, destroy the illusions of

desengaño m. disappointment, disillusionment

desenmascarar unmask

desentenderse de pretend not to notice, avoid responsibility for

desenterrar disinter, unearth

deseo m. desire

deseoso, -a desirous

desesperación f. despair

desfachatado, -a impudent, shameless

desfogar vent, free, relieve

desgracia f. misfortune;

por — unfortunately

desgraciado, -a unfortunate

deshonra f. dishonor

deshonrar dishonor

designar indicate, specify

desistir desist

deslumbrar dazzle

desmandado, -a disobedient

desmayo m. fainting

desmedido, -a unusual, excessive

desmentir give the lie to

desmerecer lose merit, decline

desnudo, -a naked, destitute, bare

desobedecer disobey

desolado, -a in despair

desorden m. disorder

despacio m. slowly; at leisure

despechar enrage

despedir dismiss; accompany on departure;

—se de take leave of

despejar clear away, clear out;

—se clear up, grow bright

despensa f. pantry

despertar(se) wake up

despierto, -a awake

desplegar display

despojar strip, change one's clothes

despotricar (familiar) talk wildly, fly off the handle

despreciar despise

despreciativo, -a scornful

desprecio m. scorn, disdain

desprenderse de take off

después afterward, later;

– de after

destapar uncover, open

destierro m. exile

destino m. destination; position, job (especially in the government service); fate

destrozar lacerate

desvanecerse faint away; p.p. giddy

desvanecimiento m. faintness

desvarío m. extravagance, derangement

desvelado, -a wakeful, watchful

desventura f. misfortune, trial

desvergüenza f. impudence

desvivirse por make every effort to

detener arrest, stop;

—se stop

determinación f. resolve

determinar find out, determine, fix, define, decide;

—se a make up one's mind to; p.p. specific, certain

detrás (de) behind

deuda f. debt

devoción f. devotion;

a su — devoted to him

devolver return, give back, restore

devorar devour, take in silence

día m. day;

de — by day, by daylight, daytime;

buenos —s good morning

diablo m. devil, the deuce

diablura f. prank, mischief, deviltry

diabólico, -a diabolic

diamante m. diamond

dicha f. happiness, good luck

dicho, -a aforesaid

dichoso, -a happy, fortunate;

el – arreglo that blessed remodeling

Diego m. James

difunto, -a dead, deceased

dignarse deign, be so good as to

dignidad f. dignity

digno, -a worthy

dilación f. delay

dilema m. dilemma

diligencia f. diligence

dimonio = demonio

dineral m. mint of money, vast sum

dinerito m. small sum

dinero m. money

Dios m. God;

¡– mío! I declare! oh dear!

vaya usted con — good-bye

diputado m. deputy (representative elected to the Congreso)

directamente directly

dirigir direct;

—se go toward, go to, address

discípula f. pupil

discreción f. discretion

discreto, -a discreet, sensible, intelligent

discurrir conceive the idea, think up

disgustar displease, annoy

disgusto m. disappointment, disgust; sorrow, annoyance

disimular dissimilate, disguise

disipación f. dissipation

disparar fire (a gun);

—se burst out; p.p. uncontrolled

dispensar excuse, pardon

displicente surly, cross

disponer dispose, arrange, prepare;

– de dispose of, have at one's disposal;

—se get ready; p.p. disposed, ready

disposición f. intention, frame of mind

disputa f. dispute

disputar dispute

distancia f. distance;

a — from a distance

distinción f. distinction

distinguir distinguish, favor; p.p. distinguished, of high social station

distinto, -a different

distraer distract, amuse

distribución f. distribution

distribuir distribute

divagar wander

divertir amuse; p.p. amusing

dividir divide

divino, -a divine

diz see decir

documento m. document;

– de crédito commercial paper

dolor m. sorrow, grief

dolorido, -a pained

doloroso, -a painful, full of grief

domar tame, conquer

dominar master, dominate

don don, Mr. (gentleman's title, used only before the Christian name)

donde where; in which, upon which;

– quiera wherever

dónde where;

¿por —? which way?

dormir sleep

dos two;

a las — at two o'clock

doscientos, -as two hundred

duda f. doubt;

sin — surely

dudar doubt, hesitate

duelo m. duel; grief

dueño m. master, owner

dulce soft, sweet; m.pl. sweets, candy

duplicar double

duque m. duke

duquesa f. duchess

durante during

durar last, remain

dureza f. harshness

duro, -a hard, severe; n.m. dollar (five pesetas)