Buch lesen: «Electra», Seite 9



caballero, m., gentleman.

caballerosidad, f., nobleness, generosity.

caballo, m., horse.

cabecera, f., head of a bed.

cabello, m., hair.

caber, to be contained, be possible; no – en, to be incapable.

cabeza, f., head; sentar la —, to become serious.

cable, m., cable.

caciquismo, m., great cunning.

cachazud-o, -a, inactive, very slow.

cada, each, every.

Cádiz, Cadiz.

caer, to fall, decline.

café, m., coffee.

cáfila, f., crowd, multitude.

caído, past part. of caer.

caiga, etc., pres. subj. of caer.

calavera, f., wild, reckless fellow.

calculista, m. and f., mathematician.

cálculo, m., reckoning, calculation.

Calderón, prop. noun.

caldo, m., broth.

calidad, f., kind, quality.

calma, f., calm.

calmar, to calm.

calor, m., heat.

calladit-o, -a, very silent, very quiet.

callar, to conceal, be silent.

calle, f., street.

callejuela, f., detour, subterfuge.

cama, f., bed.

cambiar, to alter, change.

camino, m., road, path, course; – sesgado, crossroad, detour.

campaña, f., campaign.

camposanto, m., cemetery.

cana, f., —, pl., gray hair.

candor, m., honesty, candor, frankness.

cansancio, m., weariness.

cansar, to weary, fatigue.

cantar, to sing.

cantidad, f., quantity, portion.

canto, m., song, singing.

caña, f., cane, reed.

capital, m., capital (money or stock).

capítulo, m., chapter.

caprichos-o, -a, capricious.

caprichud-o, -a, obstinate, stubborn.

cápsula, f., capsule, scale of a balance.

cara, f., face; a – descubierta, openly.

carácter, m., character.

carbón, m., coal.

carcajada, f., hysteria.

cardíac-o, -a, cardiac.

carecer, to lack, be without.

carga, f., load, cargo.

cargante, accuser.

cargar, to load; – con, to take up bodily.

cargo, m., charge, account; hacerse – de, to take into account.

caricia, f., caress.

caridad, f., charity.

cariño, m., affection.

cariñosamente, affectionately.

cariños-o, -a, fond, affectionate.

Carmen, prop. noun.

carrera, f., career, road, race, course, swift pace.

carta, f., letter.

cartera, f., portfolio.

cartita, f., note.

casa, f., home, house; en —, at home.

casamiento, m., marriage.

casar, to marry; refl., to marry, get married.

caser-o, -a, domestic.

casi, almost.

caso, m., case, fact; hacer —, to heed; hacer – de, to pay attention to.

castigar, to chastise, correct, afflict.

castigo, m., correction, punishment.

castillo, m., castle.

catálogo, m., catalogue, list.

catástrofe, f., catastrophe.

categoría, f., class, category.

catequizar, to catechize.

caterva, f., crowd, number.

catorce, fourteen.

caudal, m., wealth, property.

causa, f., cause, reason; por – de, on account of.

causar, to cause.

cautelos-o, -a, cautious.

cavilos-o, -a, captious, fretful, petulent, cross.

cazuela, f., stewpan, earthen pan.

ceder, to yield, submit.

cegar, to blind.

celebrar, to celebrate, rejoice, be glad.

celo, m., zeal.

cementerio, m., cemetery.

censurar, to censure, blame, criticize.

centro, m., centre.

ceño, m., frown.

cerca, adv., near; – de, prep., near.

cercado, m., inclosure, field.

cercan-o, -a, adjoining.

cercar, to beset, surround.

cerebro, m., brain.

cero, m., naught, zero.

cerrar, to shut, close.

cerril, rude, rough.

certidumbre, f., certainty.

certificar, to certify, register.

censurar, to censure, blame, criticize.

cesar, to cease.

cesta, f., basket.

cestilla, f., little basket.

ciega, pres. of cegar.

cieg-o, -a, blind.

cielo, m., sky, heaven.

cien, see ciento.

ciencia, f., science.

científic-o, -a, scientific.

ciento, hundred.

ciert-o, -a, certain, sure.

cierto, adv., certainly.

cifra, f., figure, number.

cifrar, to count, comprise; – en, to center on.

cilindro, m., cylinder, tube.

cinco, five.

cincuenta, fifty.

cinta, f., ribbon, tape.

cintura, f., waist.

ciprés, m., cypress tree.

circuito, m., circuit.

círculo, m., circle.

civil, civil.

Clair de Lune, moonlight. (Fr.)

clamar, to cry, cry out, lament, beg.

Clara, prop. noun.

claramente, clearly.

claridad, f., clearness, glory, brightness.

clarísim-o, -a, very evident.

clar-o, -a, clear, evident, plain.

clase, f., class, order.

claustral, claustral.

clavar, to fasten, fix, rivet.

clemátide, f., clematis.

cobre, m., copper.

cocina, f., kitchen.

cociner-o, -a, m. and f., cook.

coger, to catch, take, gather.

coincidir, to coincide.

coja, pres. subj. of coger.

colar, to enter secretly, strain, filter.

colegio, m., college, school.

cólera, f., anger, rage.

coléric-o, -a, angry, passionate.

colgar, to hang, suspend.

colmar, to fill, heap upon.

colmo, m., crown, culmination.

Colón, m., Columbus.

color, m., color.

combatir, to combat, fight.

comedor, m., dining room.

comer, to eat.

comida, f., food, dinner.

como, as, like, apparently; – que para, since, because.

¡cómo!, how! why!

¿cómo? how? why?

compadecer, to pity.

compadezco, pres. of compadecer.

compañera, f., companion, comrade.

compañía, f., company, society.

comparación, f., comparison.

comparar, to compare.

compartir, to share, divide.

compasión, f., compassion.

completar, to complete.

complet-o, -a, complete, perfect.

cómplice, m. and f. accomplice.

componer, to construct.

comprar, to buy, purchase.

comprender, to comprehend, understand.

comprobar, to prove, verify.

comprometer, to compromise.

común, common.

comunicación, f., communication.

comunicar, to communicate.

comuniquen, pres. subj. of comunicar.

comúnmente, generally.

con, prep., by, with; – tal que, conj., provided that; – que, conj., so then; – todo, nevertheless.

conceder, to give, grant.

concepto, m., thought, idea.

conciencia, f., conscience.

conciliador, -a, conciliatory.

cónclave, m., conclave, assembly.

concluir, to conclude, terminate, end.

concluyen, pres. of concluir.

concluyeron, pret. of concluir.

concluyo, pres. of concluir.

concret-o, -a, concrete, exact.

condenar, to condemn.

condición, f., condition.

condoler, to pity.

conducir, to conduct, lead.

conducta, f., behavior, conduct.

conductibilidad, f., conductibility.

conferencia, f., conference, meeting.

conferenciar, to hold a conference.

confesar, to confess.

confianza, f., confidence.

confiar, to confide, trust.

confidencia, f., confidence.

confidente, m. and f., confidant.

conformar, to suit, submit, resign.

conforme, conformable, agreed, resigned.

confortar, to comfort, strengthen.

confundir, to confuse, confound, perplex, put to shame.

confusión, f., confusion, perplexity.

confus-o, -a, confused.

congregación, f., congregation.

conmigo, with me.

conminación, f., threat, menace.

conocer, to know.

conocimiento, m., acquaintance, knowledge, consciousness.

conozcas, pres. subj. of conocer.

conozco, pres. of conocer.

conquistar, to conquer.

consagrar, to dedicate, consecrate.

consecuencia, f., consequence.

conseguir, to get, obtain, succeed.

consejo, m., counsel, advice.

consentimiento, m., consent.

consentir, to consent, allow.

conservación, f., preservation.

conservar, to preserve, keep.

considerar, to consider.

consientas, pres. subj. of consentir.

consigo, with himself, with herself, with them.

consiguiera, imp. subj. of conseguir.

consolar, to console, comfort.

constante, constant, unalterable.

constar, to be evident, certain.

consternad-o, -a, terrified.

consternar, to strike with amazement.

construcción, f., construction.

consuela, pres. of consolar.

consuelan, pres. of consolar.

consuelo, m., joy, consolation.

consulta, f., consultation.

consultar, to consult.

consumad-o, -a, consummate, accomplished.

Contadora, prop. noun.

contagiar, to infect, corrupt.

contar, to tell, relate, count.

contemplar, to contemplate.

contemporáne-o, -a, contemporary.

contemporizar, to temporize.

contener, to repress, restrain.

contentar, to satisfy, please.

content-o, -a, pleased, satisfied.

contestación, f., reply.

contestar, to reply.

contiene, pres. of contener.

contigo, with you.

contingencia, f., contingency.

continuación, f., continuation.

continuamente, continually.

continuar, to continue.

continu-o, -a, continual; de —, constantly.

contra, against.

contradictori-o, -a, contradictory.

contraproducente, opposite to that desired.

contrariar, to oppose, annoy.

contrariedad, f., opposition.

contrari-o, -a, contrary, adverse.

contrario, m., contrary, opposite.

contratista, m., contractor.

contribuir, to contribute.

contribuyo, pres. of contribuir.

convalecencia, f., convalescence.

convencer, to convince.

convencimiento, m., conviction.

conveniente, convenient.

convenir, to agree, acknowledge, be proper.

convento, m., convent.

conversación, f., conversation.

conversión, f., change.

convertir, to convert.

convicción, f., conviction.

convidar, to invite.

conviene, pres. of convenir.

convirtió, pret. of convertir.

conyugal, conjugal.

coñac, m., cognac.

cooperación, f., coöperation.

copa, f., glass, goblet.

corazón, m., heart.

coro, m., choir.

corpachón, m., large body.

corrección, f., correction.

corregir, to correct.

correo, m., post office.

correr, to run.

corresponder, to agree, correspond, return, respond.

corretear, to ramble about, go about.

corrid-o, -a, expert; de —, fluently.

corrigiendo, pres. part. of corregir.

corro, m., circle (some game in which children form a ring).

corromper, to corrupt, pervert.

corruptor, m., corruptor.

cort-o, -a, short.

cosa, f., thing, matter.

coscorrón, m., slight blow on the head.

cosita, f., little thing.

cosmos, m., world, universe.

cosquillas, f., pl., tickling.

costado, m., side.

costar, to cost.

cráneo, m., skull, head.

creación, f., creation.

crear, to create.

creciente, growing, increasing.

creencia, f., faith, belief.

creer, to think, believe.

creyendo, pres. part. of creer.

criada, f., servant.

criado, m., servant.

criar, to foster, nurse, bring up, create.

criatura, f., creature.

criminal, m., criminal.

crío, m., little fellow.

crisol, m., crucible.

cristal, m., crystal, mirror.

cristian-o, -a, Christian.

criterio, m., criterion, standard.

crític-o, -a, critical.

cruel, cruel.

cruz, f., cross; en —, adv., with extended arms.

cual, which, like; el —, la —, lo —, rel., who, which.

¿cuál?, what?

cualidad, f., quality, trait.

cualquier, see cualquiera.

cualquiera, anybody, whatever, any.

cuán, adv., how.

cuando, when.

¿cuándo?, when?

cuant-o, -a, how much, as much,nall.

¿cuánt-o, -a? how much? how many? what?

cuanto, adv., as much as, all; en —, as soon as; cuánto tiempo, how long.

cuarenta, forty.

cuarto, m., quarter, room.

cuatro, four.

cuatrollón, see cuatromillon.

cuatromillon, four million.

cubierto, past part. of cubrir.

cubierto, m., cover; pl knives and forks, table cutlery.

cubrir, to cover.

cucharadita, f., small spoonful.

cuelga, pres. of colgar.

cuello, m., neck, collar.

cuenta, pres. of contar.

cuenta (me), imperat. of contar.

cuenta, f., account, concern.

cuente, pres. subj. of contar.

cuente, imperat. of contar.

cuento, pres. of contar.

cuento, m., tale; ser mucho —, it is too bad; it is too much.

cuerda, f., cord, spring, force; por bajo —, adv., secretly.

cuerd-o, -a, prudent.

cuerpecito, m., little body.

cuerpo, m., body.

Cuesta, prop. noun.

cueste, pres. subj. of costar; – lo que —, at any cost.

cuestión, f., question.

cuidado, m., care, fear, solicitude.

¡cuidado!, look out! take care!

cuidados-o, -a, careful.

cuidar, to care for, look after, take care.

culpa, f., fault, transgression.

culpable, guilty.

cultivar, to cultivate.

cumplir, to fulfil, complete.

cuna, f., cradle.

curar, to cure.

curiosidad, f., curiosity.

curiosill-o, -a, somewhat curious, a little curious.

curso, m. course, course of lectures.

curva, f. curve.

custodiar, to guard.

cuy-o, -a, whose.


charla, f., chatter.

charlar, to chatter, chat.

chic-o, -a, small, little.

chico, m., little one, little boy.

chifladura, f., mania, whim.

chillido, m., cry, scream.

chiquilla, f., little girl.

chiquillada, f., puerility, childishness.

chiquill-o, -a, small, little, (a diminutive of chico).

chiquillo, m., little boy.

chiquitín, -a, small, little, young.

chiquitit-o, -a, little, young.

chiquit-o, -a, little, young.

chispear, to sparkle.

¡chist! an exclamation (silence).

¡chitón! hush!

chopo, m., poplar tree.


da, imperat. of dar.

Dante, prop. noun.

daño, m., harm, damage.

daños-o, -a, harmful.

dar, to give, cause, make; – un paso, to take a step; refl., – tono, to praise one's self; – a, to look out upon, open into; – parte, to inform; – prisa, to hurry.

de, of, to, with, in, by, at.

, pres. subj. of dar.

deber, to owe, ought; – de, must have; – ser, must be.

deber, m., duty.

debid-o, -a, due, proper.

debiera, imp. subj. of deber.

débil, weak, feeble.

debilidad, f., weakness.

debió, pret. of deber.

decente, decent, becoming.

decidir, to determine, decide.

decir, to say, tell, call; es —, that is to say.

decir, m., saying; es un —, it is a way of speaking.

decisión, f., decision.

declaración, f., declaration.

declarar, to declare, explain.

decoración, f., decoration.

decorar, to decorate.

decoro, m., honor.

decoros-o, -a, decorous, decent.

dedicar, to dedicate.

defender, to defend.

defensa, f., defense.

defensor, m., defender, protector.

defiende, pres. of defender.

defiende, imperat. of defender.

defiendo, pres. of defender.

dejar, to leave, allow, let, forsake, cease, disturb.

dejo, m., accent.

del = de + el.

delantal, m., apron.

delante, adv., before; – de, before.

delegado, deputy, delegate.

deleitar, to delight.

deletrear, to spell.

delicad-o, -a, delicate.

delicios-o, -a, delicious.

delirar, to rave, talk nonsense.

delirio, m., delirium.

delito, m., crime, transgression.

demás, besides; los —, the others.

demasiad-o, -a, too great, too much, excessive.

demasiado, adv., too much, excessively.

demonio, m., demon.

demos, pres. subj. of dar.

demostrar, to show, demonstrate.

demuestra, pres. of demostrar.

den, pres. subj. of dar.

dentro, adv., within; – de, prep., within.

deprimir, to humble.

derech-o, -a, right, straight, just.

desabrimiento, m., dejection, asperity.

desafiar, to defy, challenge.

desagradar, to displease.

desagraviar, to make amends.

desairad-o, -a, unfortunate.

desaliento, m., dismay.

desamparada, forsaken.

desapacible, rough, disagreeable.

desaparecer, to disappear.

desatar, to untie.

desatinar, to talk nonsense, be wild.

desavenencia, f., discord, dissension.

desazón, f., uneasiness, trouble.

desbaratar, to destroy.

descalabrar, to wound the head.

descansar, to rest, repose, pause.

descanso, m., rest, peace.

descargo, m., discharge, acquitment.

descarriar, to lead astray.

desconfiar, to distrust, doubt, suspect.

desconocer, to ignore.

desconocid-o, -a, unknown.

desconozco, pres. of desconocer.

desconsolad-o, -a, disconsolate.

descontar, to discount.

descubiert-o, -a, bare, uncovered.

descubierto, past part. of descubrir.

descubrimiento, m., discovery.

descubrir, to discover.

descuidar, to neglect, relieve from care, not to care; refl., to be negligent.

desde, prep., since, after, from; – que, conj., since; – ahora, adv., immediately.

desdichad-o, -a, unfortunate.

desear, to wish, wish for, desire.

desempeñar, to take, accept, fulfil.

deseo, m., desire, wish.

desequilibrio, m., lack of equilibrium.

desesperación, f., despair.

desesperad-o, -a, desperate.

desgracia, f., misfortune, calamity; por —, unfortunately.

desgraciadamente, disgracefully.

desgraciadísim-o, -a, very unfortunate.

desgraciad-o, -a, unfortunate.

deshacer, to destroy, crush.

deshonrar, to dishonor.

desidia, f., indolence.

deslumbrante, dazzling, brilliant.

desmayad-o, -a, pale, weak.

desmayo, m., dismay, terror, fear.

desmoralizar, to demoralize.

desorden, m., excess, confusion, disorder, turmoil.

despacio, gently, little by little.

despachar, to despatch, send off, be busy, be engaged.

despacho, m., office.

despedir, to take leave, dismiss, discharge.

despediste, pret. of despedir.

despertar, to awake.

despiadad-o, -a, cruel, heartless.

despidiendo, pres. part. of despedir.

despierta, imperat. of despertar.

despierte, pres. subj. of despertar.

despiert-o, -a, awake, vigilant.

desplegar, to display.

despliegan, pres. of desplegar.

desplomar, to overhang, burst out.

despotismo, m., despotism.

despreciar, to despise, disdain, scorn.

desprecio, m., contempt, scorn.

desprender, to free one's self.

después, adv., afterward, since, then; – de, prep., after.

desquiciar, to unhinge, shake.

destacar, refl., to be detached.

destinar, to destine, appoint.

destornillad-o, -a, rash, thoughtless, indiscreet.

destrozo, m. havoc, destruction.

destructor, -a, destroyer.

destruir, to destroy.

destruyamos, pres. subj. of destruir.

destruye, pres. of destruir.

desvalid-o, -a, destitute.

desvanecer, refl., to vanish, fade away.

desvanecid-o, -a, vague.

desvarío, m., caprice, delirium, wildness.

desvergonzad-o, -a, impudent, shameless.

desvirtuar, to take away the strength.

detener, to stop, detain, check, stay.

detengas, pres. subj. of detener.

detengo, pres. of detener.

determinación, f., resolution, determination.

determinar, to determine, decide.

detestablemente, detestably.

detestar, to detest, abhor.

detiene, pres. of detener.

detrás, behind.

devoción, f., devotion.

devolved, imperat. of devolver.

devolver, to return, restore.

devorar, to devour, swallow.

di, pret. of dar.

di(me), imperat. of decir; – que sí, say yes, say so; – que no, say no, of course not.

día, m., day; el mejor —, adv., some fine day, one of these days; de —, by day; el – de mañana, in the future.

diablillo, m., little demon, little rascal.

diablo, m., devil.

diablura, f. deviltry.

diabólic-o, -a, devilish, diabolical.

diálogo, m., dialogue.

diámetro, m., diameter.

diariamente, daily.

Díaz, prop. noun.

dibujar, to draw, sketch, design, outline.

dibujo, m., drawing, sketch.

dice, pres. of decir.

dicen, pres. of decir.

dices, pres. of decir.

diciendo, pres. part. of decir.

dictar, to dictate, suggest.

dicha, f., joy, pleasure.

dich-o, -a, past part. of decir.

dichos-o, -a, happy, blessed.

diera, imp. subj. of dar.

dieron, pret. of dar.

diez, ten.

difícil, difficult.

difícilmente, with difficulty.

dificultad, f., difficulty.

difunt-o, -a, dead, deceased.

diga, pres. subj. of decir.

diga, imperat. of decir.

digamos, pres. subj. of decir.

digas, pres. subj. of decir.

dignidad, f., dignity.

dign-o, -a, worthy, suitable.

digo, pres. of decir.

dije, pret. of decir.

dijeron, pret. of decir.

dijisteis, pret. of decir.

dijo, pret. of decir.

diligencia, f.., diligence, business, affair.

dínamo, f., dynamo.

dinero, m., money.

dio, pret. of dar.

Dios, m., God; pl., gods; ¡por —! for goodness sake; ¡—! gracious; ¡– mío! dear me.

diplomático, m., diplomatist, astute person.

dirá, fut. of decir.

dirás fut. of decir.

diré, fut. of decir.

diría, cond. of decir.

dirigir, to direct.

discernimiento, m., discernment.

disciplina, f., discipline, training.

discípula, f., disciple, scholar.

discípulo, m., disciple, scholar.

discret-o, -a, discreet, ingenious.

disculpable, excusable.

discurrir, to devise, invent, contrive.

discusión, f., discussion.

disentir, to dissent, disagree.

disfrutar, to enjoy.

disgusto, m., disgust, grief, ill-humor.

disienta, pres. subj. of disentir.

disimular, to hide, disguise.

disimulo, m., dissimulation; con —, quietly, secretly.

dislocad-o, -a, restless.

disparar, to shoot, go rapidly.

disparatar, to act or talk absurdly.

dispendios-o, -a, costly, expensive.

dispensar, to excuse.

displicencia, f., displeasure, dislike.

displicente, fretful.

dispón, imperat. of disponer.

disponer, to dispose, prepare, arrange.

disponga, pres. subj. of disponer.

dispongamos, pres. subj. of disponer.

disposición, f., disposition, aptitude.

dispuesto, past part. of disponer.

disputar, to dispute, argue.

distancia, f., distance.

distinción, f., distinction.

distinguir, to distinguish, favor, honor.

distint-o, -a, distinct, different.

distraer, to distract.

distraído, past part. of distraer.

divagar, to wander.

divers-o, -a, different.

divertid-o, -a, joyous.

divertir, to amuse, entertain.

divinidad, f., divinity, goddess.

divin-o, -a, divine.

doble, double.

doce, twelve.

doler, to pain, give pain.

dolor, m., pain, affliction, grief, sorrow.

dolorid-o, -a, afflicted, grieved, tormented.

doloros-o, -a, painful, sorrowful.

dominar, to rule, dominate.

dominio, m., dominion, authority.

don, m., a title used before the baptismal names of men.

donaire, m., witty saying, joke.

donde, where, wherever.

¿dónde? where? ¿a —? whither? ¿de —? whence?

doña, f., a title used before the baptismal names of women.

dormidit-o, -a, asleep.

dormir, to sleep.

dormitorio, m., dormitory.

Dorotea, f., Dorothy.

dos, two.

doscient-os, -as, two hundred.

dotar, to endow.

doy, pres. of dar.

dubitativ-o, -a, doubtful.

duda, f., doubt.

dudar, to doubt.

dudos-o, -a, doubtful, uncertain.

duele, pres. of doler.

duelen, pres. of doler.

dueña, f., mistress.

dueño, m., master.

duerme, imperat. of dormir.

dulce, sweet, gentle.

dulcísim-o, -a, very sweet.

dulzura, f., gentleness, sweetness.

durmiendo, pres. part. of dormir.

dur-o, -a, hard, stubborn.