The Babes in the Wood

Umfang 5 seiten


The Babes in the Wood

4,99 €

Über das Buch

Now ponder well, you parents deare,

These wordes which I shall write;

A doleful story you shall heare,

In time brought forth to light.

A gentleman of good account

In Norfolke dwelt of late.

Who did in honour far surmount

Most men of his estate.

Sore sicke he was, and like to dye,

No helpe his life could save;

His wife by him as sicke did lye,

And both possest one grave.

No love between these two was lost,

Each was to other kinde;

In love they liv'd, in love they dyed,

And left two babes behinde:

The one a fine and pretty boy,

Not passing three yeares olde;

The other a girl more young than he

And fram'd in beautye's molde.

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