
Chapter seven

Members and candidate members are clustered around me. I go around the eyes of the neighborhood.

«There are no working conditions, even the minimum! No table, neither chairs, nor carafes with water, nor telephones – for nothing, that they don’t need a damn thing here! But nothing, colleagues: we will have everything!

We become in a circle. I stand in the center, of course – like the sun in relation to its customers. I see: Jesus does not actively like this. Recently… well, not the time… well, if you take the sequence of events, throughout all of them Izzy demonstrates his dislike for me more and more often. But now he is forced to restrain his ambitions: Paul is «not canonized» and remained with the people. Therefore, a friend must know his number. And he is, though not the «sixteenth», but not the first. But, «trick» with the setting of «many called, but yes few chosen» «does not pass» here. There are no called ones: all are favorites.

«Well, we are organized!» I smile, but for a very short time… that is, immediately turn off the smile. «And we were formed not to collectively sit on the throne. And we will not divide the Noosphere into tetras or detion too. Comrades, we will „steer“ together! What’s your opinion, dear colleague Caesar?»

I notice the already familiarly stretched index finger of Guy Julius.

«Dear Chairman! I agree with the collective nature of leadership. But there must be a center connecting us all. There must be the organizer. That is, the person who will take the decision of all procedural issues. Otherwise, our Supreme Soviet will turn into a ship without sails and helmsman.»

«But you cannot do without a helmsman in the open sea!» Mao Zedong reminds himself almost in the song format. I smile to the Chinese companion encouragingly: the pun was a great success.

Caesar smiles knowingly: the man really did not spend time when it was «in the form of a formless spirit»: he self-educated thoroughly.

«I thank my colleague Mao for a good pun, but the question is a serious one. Having learned a little of the distinguished Chairman – I am not talking about Chairman Mao right now – I have no doubt, that great things are waiting for us. So, the Supreme Council must be a truly working body.»

I once again «patting myself on the head»: what colleague I got!

«If I truly understood, colleague Caesar suggests that we establish the post of Chairman of the Supreme Council?»

Caesar does a fine job with his head.

«You truly understood me, dear Chairman!»

– Then I propose Caesar!


Quickly we got along with him: «the ball is to the left, the ball is to the right»!


«I offer myself!»

Eyes present, as if on cue, turn on «self-nominee»: this is… Jesus! Ay, how immodest it is, comrade! Or: «why not?»? Should someone still be first – let only in terms of lack of modesty? But the guy should, at least, think about it, at least, figured the chances of success! Or is he trying to secure a place for the future, forcing us to come to terms with the inevitable? «Gutta cavat lapidem non vie, sed sepe cadendo»? «Water sharpens a stone not by force, but frequent fall»? So, is it a colleague Jesus? Well, if in fact, so, then for a long time you will have to «fall»!

For a brief moment, an atmosphere of awkwardness reigns among us. Here, to you – and emperors! Here, to you – and the prophets! It would seem: God himself… or, whoever… told them to «push their elbows» and «climb over their heads», but it turns out: they are people, like people! Not a single boor… except for one… who does not seem to consider himself as such.

Members and candidates diligently look away not only from Jesus, but also from each other. Have to intervene: the guy, it turns out, nobody’s fool! And in the «Holy Scripture» he is such, too, cleanse! This is what life does for a man! Although in this case it would be more correct to say: «this is what death does to a person, especially this death: on the cross!»

«Elections – logically – cannot occur on an unopposed basis. The choice is, roughly speaking, giving preference to „someone from“. Therefore, I ask you to include in the protocol for voting not only the candidacy of the self-nominee Jesus, but my candidate also.»


Only Mohammed – the poetic soul – can so artistically request information! Excellent vocals complement the hands, in the oriental manner extended to me like to heaven. No analogies, but for some reason the Maghreb sorcerer from «Aladdin’s Magic Lamp» is immediately remembered: «Star of Suhain: tell me the name!»

«I propose to elect our colleague Stalin as Chairman of the Supreme Council!»

The pipe falls out of the mouth of Joseph Vissarionovich: colleague did not expect such a turn obviously. For a while he remains without text. But at Caesar right there to be material for sound. Before «going on the air,» he glitters with his eyes in Stalin encouragingly.

«I support! As far as I know, colleague Stalin has extensive experience in leading the work of the plan we need. He, if I am not mistaken, headed both the ruling party and the government, was the Supreme Commander in Chief. He united Eurasia under his scepter. Finally, the main thing: he is a master of bringing together different views!»

Caesar has not yet finished giving out a panegyric – and Stalin is already grumbling contentedly in his mustache: the information has been assimilated and processed.

«I thank colleague Caesar for such a high appreciation of my modest works. But, maybe, someone wants to say a word in support of the candidacy of Jesus?»

Caesar immediately passes us with a triumphant glance: «what did I say?!» His jubilation is understandable: Stalin did not mark on a competitor, but, on the contrary, lifted him and even «shook off the dust»!

But there are no people willing to «stand up» for Jesus. More than that: I am afraid no matter how Muhammad made a report on the theme of the «false God». Muhammad is an capable guy, and if he «gets to the microphone», I will not envy Jesus! That’s because, taking the floor, Muhammad will immediately take for «Christ»! I think that the Quran researcher was not quite right, who attributed the merit of the creation of Islam to the triumvirate – and even in such words: «Muhammad thought, Abu Bakr spoke, and Omar did». The triumvirate was, and Abu Bakr and Omar were complicit, but Muhammad thought, spoke and did with them, and without them!

But, praise… In general: the «matrix of the earthly prophet» is silent. Mohammed only frowns at the «self-promoted». Thank you for understanding, colleague Mohammed! I open my mouth, but they are ahead of me.

«Dear colleagues!»

Lenin did not get rid of his famous burr in the sound of «p.» in the Noosphere also.

«I have great respect for my colleague Jesus. This is certainly, brilliant person, a man of exceptional talent, but…»

Demonstrating chagrin, Lenin claps his hands on his thighs… at least in their form.

«… to my deepest understanding, colleague Jesus cannot be unifying center! He is a man of another character! After all, as far as I remember, when he was an earthling, bring not a peace, but a sword! What consensus can there be?! No, at this place we need a person, who would be different from him just more than his temperament, less capriciousness… Well, why I list: you read my „Letter to the congress“, in which gave an assessment of Stalin and some other comrades!»

Lenin pauses – and already triumphant at Stalin’s address.

«By the way, dear colleague Stalin, this applies to you too! You, too, are not fit for the role of the „unifying center“! Yes, my friend!»

The last words are illustrated by the classic «pose of the fert»: the body forward, the thumbs of both hands behind the sides of the vest, the head with a smile from somewhere below. Stalin, whom, it seems, not at all does not touch the jubilation of Ilyich, takes out the empty pipe – probably, tobacco they have not yet been delivered to the Noosphere – and good-naturedly grins at his mustache.

«I do not mind, colleague Lenin.»

Smile falls from the face of Lenin: he not yet accustomed to the noospheric familiarity. And from whom: from the object of criticism?

«Therefore, I once again thank Caesar’s colleague and I declare my withdrawal. I don’t want to be a bone of contention.»

Having honored the decency of Stalin, everyone together looks at Jesus. But the guy diligently «out of stock» – as if he says: «To hell to you, but not self-withdrawal! Do not wait!»

«In conclusion – a few words on the subject of contention.»

Stalin, it turns out, has not «left the podium» yet.

«So, here: „so that there is no discord between free people“, I suggest choosing the one, by whom we are reborn to almost human life.»

Jesus is immediately orphaned in terms of views: they are all immediately redirected to me. And then: if a man and suffered for all of humanity – not for that, but for «that.»

«I propose to vote immediately!» Stalin jiggles the shutter». «Why should we delay: everything is clear!»

Izzy immediately «goes out» with all cash «lights». That’s not because his «quench»: enthusiasm dried up, for, as a colleague said Stalin: «everything is clear.» Final score: fifteen zero to my advantage. That is, for me —all members, except for me and Izzy: applicants do not vote – and all candidates.

«Thank you for your trust!» I do not twist too much soul: although I was counting on it, it was not sure. Or rather: I was not absolutely sure of unanimity. «I hope that you will not remain ungrateful.»


«I am on the issue of trust too.»

The number of words does not reduce the number of participants amazement: everyone participates. I do not delay a moment of celebration: everything is good in moderation.

«I propose to elect our colleagues Caesar and Stalin as my deputies. Immediately – anticipating questions – I have some words about the essence of the substitution. So, the Vice-Chairman – with a capital letter – is responsible for the block of questions assigned to him. What kind of questions? Various: ensuring law and order, state security, external relations, if in those there will be a need. Another group of issues: the provision of employment, the organization of its cultural leisure, housing, utilities. In addition, the Deputy, as is already evident from the title itself, will replace me for the time of my absence.»


Colleagues are not original, but objective. And then: what could be the absence in the Noosphere?! More precisely: from the Noosphere?!»

«I hasten to dispel your bewilderment!»

«Haste» does not prevent me from anticipating the «dissipation» of the corresponding smile: with a mixture of mental superiority. Nothing: the chair is possible.

«We have not yet begun to live in the Noosphere, colleagues! And who can vouch for the fact, that our rudimentary ideas about it correspond to reality? As the saying goes: wait and see! In the literal sense: when we live —then we will see. But it is advisable to prepare for the „viewing“ now – just in case!»

«It is reasonable – like everything that our Chairman says!» Caesar «pours me oil» generously. Of course, this does not remain without reaction of colleague Jesus: the boy is no longer green, but turns black face. It is blackening in a complex: from envy, and from grief.

«I support our dear colleague!» Napoleon joins Caesar. «I propose not to delay the voting procedure: it’s time to start doing business!»

I have been working out the approval to Bonaparte for centuries and «open an account». Pure formality: unanimously.

«It seems, «with the papers» is over!» I smile. And this time I’m not the only one who smiles: all my colleagues passed the «path of bureaucracy»», regardless of the «time of vocation». «Then, as a colleague Napoleon correctly noted…»

Once again I celebrate the encouraging look in Bonaparte, already not pink, but red with embarrassment. Apparently, I «went over the dose». But these are not cards: busting is here only for the benefit.

«… it’s time to do business! To begin with, let’s decide the crucial question: „build“ or not „build“?»


Colleagues are perplexed t at meat firs, then at each other. Under apologizing physiognomy I immediately lay my hands on my chest.

«I, apparently, inaccurately said, colleagues! I did not mean cohorts or battalions! I’m talking about the banal construction: housing, social facilities… well, and so on!»

«A-a-a-a!» the team is restored in unison. But the joy of comprehension is replaced by bewilderment immediately. «Why should we?»

I did not doubt the likelihood of such a question. More than that: waited it. And general bewilderment would not take me by surprise. But Genghis Khan was to be his spokesman! «By role»… and by status! But this is not him: this is Bonaparte! Genghis Khan has not yet joined the work, but Napoleon is participating «for both himself and that guy»! Okay: the question is in the case, not for the sake of points for activity. Moreover, even Caesar is skeptical.

«Why do we need this», colleague Napoleon? That’s good question. Really: why? Why, if we, the local ones, are only the form, the shell of the earthly selves! I’m not talking about thoughts: everyone, who had it, has it now. I say about the shell. Or, as a colleague said, Stalin: «about the image of man». Yes, our shell is incorporeal: no bones, no intestines, no meat, no tripe! Therefore: there is no need for food, drink, air, medical care! And since there is no climate, no needs for clothes, shoes and in housing, of course, too. Hence – the legitimate logic of the average man in the street: «Why?!» The man in the street is, of course, not Napoleon: a colleague merely expressed a «general opinion». And then: somehow we been here thousands of years without everything! And yet I go with this question to you! Why am I doing this and why what am I proposing to do?»

I shut up impressively and start «livestock accounting»: I glance over my head. The most intelligent have already realized. I have no doubt that «Caesar will be the first at the microphone» – and my colleague does not fail me.

«I understand you, dear Chairman. Thank you for not only you do not climb over the heads, but you also become flush with us!»

Of course, the easy landscaping of Jesus’ face does not elude my gaze: the guy has once again been turned over by praises.

«Let’s consider this a preamble to our first decision! Let’s back into the mainstream. So, colleague Caesar: what do you understand?»

Caesar respectfully bows his head.

«Dear Chairman, I understand your idea! Your thought… Sorry: but my understanding of your thought…»

Here it is – a gentleman!

«… such: if we are people, then we must live in a human way! Even cattle do not live in an open field!»

«What, there, cattle, colleague Caesar!» Lenin connects. Even primitive people did not want to live in caves!»


Caesar shines in Ilyich in gratitude for the company.

«Romulus did not stay in the cave: he founded the city!»

The argument is not quite «from that opera», but «it will good with beer».

«You’re right, colleague Chairman!»

Now I am honored by Caesar: in the Roman manner, he puts his hand on my shoulder.

«We will build!»

«But first we will vote!» I chill the ardor of the Roman correctly. Needless to say, the vote is openly formal. Even Genghis Khan does not want to «soak in the rain» – what to say for representatives of sedentary peoples! Even Jesus spoke in favor of the construction! More precisely: he kept silent in favor of construction: he did not give a vote against. But this decision was probably harder for him than the others! At least, because I had to discard not a nomadic notion, but a personal prejudice! He stubbornly does not want to support me and those, who support me, but he can’t but not support: common sense is ours. And this quality of Jesus is being filled more and more, despite the fact, that the process goes along with the growth of personal ambitions.

«It was smooth on paper,» Stalin reminds about himself in a favorite manner. «What will we build: castles in the air?»

«Not in the eyebrow, but in the eye!» The people together «back their colleague with their shoulders». There are no fools, and «delay» is a temporary category… even in the absence of time.

«But this is true, colleague Chairman!» Napoleon is the first to get upset, despite on the exclamation mark. «What are we going to build from?!»

«Calm down, colleague!»

I do not linger with the answer – more expensive – at the same time anticipating a classic soothing gesture: the palm – «forward face». The gesture is accompanied by a mine of superiority on the face – for greater persuasiveness.

«Everything is taken into account by a mighty hurricane!», as one comrade said! Yes, as long as we have available one absence only! But everything is in our hands! Remember, who we are here and for what? Exactly: we are brains and experience! And here we are – for the same thing! For brains and for experience, that is!»

«…» Stalin’s eyes begin to clear up, but I have no time to wait for the «final development», although it would not hurt to encourage a colleague’s hunch.

«Exactly, colleague Stalin!» so I do: I encourage, that is. «A working tool, as well as materials, can be created, knowing the theory, the specifics of production and the characteristics of materials!»

Following Stalin, Mohammed also flourishes.

«Ay, how are you right, dear Chairman! For it says: „When Allah will decide some business, he will only say to him: „Be it!“ – and it happens“! Aw, what a fine fellow you are, dear!»

For the «dear» and other praises, of course, thanks, but I, frankly, mean something different. There is no question about Allah, «may the Almighty forgive me!» But the prophet, as a participant in the creative process, deserves not only condescension, but also encouragement. And I do not delay with the right thing.

«Yes, dear colleague Mohammed, the principle of action is about the same. „Allah“…»

«Sapienti sat!»: I am quoting for the initiates only. And then: why hurt a good man? For the light, almost weightless grin of Stalin and Caesar, I see: men are of the same opinion. And Mohammed is not so far from the truth… Unless, of course, take into account the «factor of Allah».

«… Yes, so, here, «Allah» says his «Be!» with knowledge of the matter obviously! Not as an amateur, but as a specialist… in any industry, on which he says this is his «Be!»

Mohammed’s face blooms with additional paint. At the same time, I am honored with a couple of grateful views of the prophet. Here it is: interfaith harmony is in action! An atheist, a Muslim and a pagan will always get along with each other, if they do not «push themselves out», as one comrade would say! Although, about interfaith harmony, this is me: «after all, we are no longer on Earth», as once stated with bitterness another comrade, already in the context of a different environment. We should not have any confessions: this is not the «letter» that should be followed! Well, as for the occasion with Mohammed, then I respond to good only with good, even if a friend makes mistakes with the «source» of good.

«So, we have a similar situation, dear colleague Mohammed! If the master imagines all this, he can easily imagine! Well, that is the whole process: how it works, and what it is made of! After all, here, in the Noosphere, not only the best minds of theoretical and applied sciences, but also masters of all kinds of crafts are gathered. Not artisans, but Masters with great the letters „m“! Should they rely on knowledge and experience – and the Noosphere will show the result in kind! Everything will come true, as rightly noted by the dear colleague…»

That’s another curtsy in the direction of Mohammed – and the return surge of sympathy.

«… based on science and production. Knowledge and experience will give the right tool for the job, and the right material. They cannot be invented, but they can be created! In thoughts, but precisely to create! More precisely, recreate: with accurate calculations and „without any“ fantasies! Only such a result can manifest itself with Noosphere! That is, only with accurate knowledge of the subject can appear „accessories“!»

I make one more round bypass. Comrades already suspect me of intent, but «nobody dives into the trenches». I make sure again that «not everyone got into our tight circle!» And I honestly confess:

«That’s right, colleagues: I intend to. I think on the theme of „who to charge“?»

Two hands rise at once: Caesar and Stalin. This is both well and bad. And the question is not in dialectics: the choice is always fraught with not only responsibility, but also the consequences of giving priority. It is easy to lose not only illusions, but also sympathy. But, unlike many other cases, the choice is always made. I am not an exception.

«Yes, colleague Caesar will not be offended at me, but I think that this business is better… to blame: you need to entrust your colleague to Stalin. „This business“ means: general idea, design and estimate documentation, personnel selection, execution control. Why precisely to Stalin?»

I grin, as if to precede the illustration with the answer. And I am not mistaken: my colleagues are smiling knowingly. Nevertheless, I make an excursion: «repetition is the mother of learning».

«Colleague Stalin is not only in terms of «the whole world of the violence, we destroy to the ground…». He is more in part: «… and then…» Well, that is: «we will build a new world…»

I mean nobody, but Lenin suddenly begins to change color from red to white and back. Sorry, colleague, if I hurt you… inadvertently. Although… Well, agree, Ilyich: of course, you did not want… maybe… it happened… but only this is because of you – «the whole world is down to the ground»! No, I understand: someone needs to destroy! This is not only a dialectics, but a vital necessity also. More than that: the truth of life. To create a new one in place of the old, you need to clear the ground! But here, as you can see, there is nothing to clear. Well, there is no force application object. And in terms of construction… well, just be honest: is this in terms of others?!

«Let us recall what „sins“ are counted for colleague Stalin: collectivization, industrialization, rearmament of the army, restoration of the destroyed country in a miserable five years, the transformation of shrill Russia in the second empire of the world! A colleague, Stalin is able not only to search, but also to find „frames“. And he not only finds them, but also brings them to readiness. Well, since the diamond is adjusted to a royal cut diamond. And, most importantly: not only Stalin’s colleague, but also his appointees are able to control the process, and to ensure the desired result by the right time! This is a great gift, and not to everyone it is given!»

Caesar courageously transfers «the bitterness of the pill», but I understand that now it is advisable to splash a little balsam.

«All of you are not only great generals, but also great statesmen. Each of you has not only military feats.»

For the benefit of the case I will scribble a little: for Genghis Khan, for example, there are no labor achievements. «On the line of truncation of heads» Tamerlane prevailed also: he was an asset only Samarkand. A colleague is better known as the «master of dismantling other people’s buildings». But as one comrade said: «in art, it is possible to exaggerate – it is possible to downplay!» The art of telling the truth is no different from all others in this respect, including from the art of lies also.

«All of you – each in his time – so to speak, „worked hard“ in the field. Everyone in their own time!»

I’m not in vain duplicate with the exclamation mark and, moreover, I pause: «sapienti sat!» We have everything here «sapienti» Therefore, the faces of colleagues simply do not have the right to ignore a insight. And so they do: they insight. Caesar is the first in the line of moment of insight by guesswork.

«You, as always, are right, colleague Chairman! The scale of the creative activity of each of us is incomparable with what we did… no, better: Stalin, a colleague, accomplished! Even I, who built cities from Egypt to Britain, will not dare to stand in one row with my colleague Stalin!»

I add my voice to the collective admiration, and when it seems a little, I add the appropriate look. But Caesar – praise the «gods», «patronizing» him! – do not delay «with the moment of personal leadership».

«The difference in technical capabilities must also be taken into account! I, of course, read something here, consulted with my comrades – but this is not enough for this guide! In short, this is what is commonly said on Earth now: I propose to close the debate… without opening it!»

That’s original! Although: Caesar – «he is in Africa…"… in the Noosphere, that is, Caesar!

«My candidacy, I withdraw of course.»

Caesar with a grin turns to Stalin.

«The yoke is yours, colleague Stalin: put your neck up!»

I’m not in a hurry «with the announcement of the results», because of their absence.

«Colleague Caesar, do you mind if we vote this question? Maybe comrades will have other opinions? Maybe, a colleague Jesus wants to become „self-nominee“ once again?»

Izzy blushes like a tomato and puts his hands under him. It is clear: away from sin. I have no doubt: this moment I will also be reckoned. At a minimum, Jesus already «tied up a bundle» and «made a notch». The guy is more and more resigned from himself, canonical. And not «by the day, but by the hour», as I once «counted»: right before our eyes! «People are growing!» Or rather: «Times change and we change with them!» Turns out it’s possible in the conditions of time «absent as a class» also. Where «love your enemy as yourself!»? Where «turn the other cheek to him»? Where is «forgive them, Lord, for they do not know what they are doing!»? This Jesus is clearly not going neither love, nor convert, nor forgive!»

«He does not want!» Finally, I linger on Jesus… with my feet: «Seven troubles – one answer!» «Then let’s vote. Who is for putting the heavy burden of building on the fragile shoulders of Stalin’s colleague, please raise your hands.»

Further it is possible and not to correspond to the instruction: «abstained», not to mention those who are «against», no. But I am an incorrigible formalist. As one earthly comrade, to whom the other originally referred: «Every fold on your blanket is a loophole for world capitalism!»

«Congratulations, colleague Stalin.»

I shake hands with the «chosen one of luck». This is an amazing feeling: I know that there is no damn thing, but I feel it like living! Thank you, dear Noosphere: this is quality work! Not some, there, bullshit!

«Well, the first task for you, a colleague.»

The people immediately selected: interesting because! And then: the very beginning! It is possible and so: with a capital letter! Not the Big Bang, of course, but also…

«Colleague Stalin try to equip this wasteland by the next meeting…»

I look around the gaping space.

«with everything you need for work, at least, at a minimum: a meeting room, furniture, an interior… You know better than me what and how! There is no need to threaten the Kremlin or any presidential palace: this is later, in the process! But, at least, please provide: what are we, to hell, the leaders? «All сobblers go barefoot?»

This time I «grab» a friendly applause not for the successful construction of the proposal only, but also for the successful task on the design.

«The project of the General Construction Plan should be ready for the next meeting! Okay?»

Stalin affirmatively nods his head.

«In parallel, your people should start work „already yesterday“ on the compilation of the State Five-Year Plan… or the Prospective Forecast: we’ll specify the name later, when we decide with the system.»

«I got it, colleague Chairman.»

«Then – a break: we are already «going with over-fulfillment»… Or, for the same reason, will we postpone it altogether?

No, all the same, I well done: what «eagles» grabbed! Not a single slacker: everyone is eager to fight! It is understandable: everyone want to know everything at once. And rightly so: certainty is the guarantee of a sober look on things, or the opportunity to get rid of the fear of uncertainty.

«Then I declare a smoke break!»


«Ugh, you: break!»

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