Buch lesen: «Notes and Queries, Number 75, April 5, 1851», Seite 7



Wood's Athenæ, by Bliss. Vol. 3. 4to.

Dibdin's Typographical Antiquities. Vols. 2. and 4. 4to.

Nichols' Literary Anecdotes. Vol. 4. 8vo. 1812.

Mede's Works, by Worthington. 1664. Fol. Vol. 1.

Dodd's Catholic Church History. Vol. 2. Fol. edition.

Warburton's (Bishop) Works. 4to. edition. Vol. 1.

A Mirror for Mathematics, by Robert Tanner, Gent. London, 1587.

*** Letters stating particulars and lowest price, carriage free, to be sent to Mr. Bell, Publisher of "NOTES AND QUERIES," 186. Fleet Street.

Notices to Correspondents

We are reluctantly compelled, by want of room, to postpone until next week Mr. Singer's Paper on a passage in Shakspeare's Anthony and Cleopatra; one by Mr. Dawson Turner on the Authors of the Rolliad; and many other interesting communications.

Cromwell's Devlings with the Devil. S. H. H. is thanked for the curious MS. he has forwarded upon this subject, which shall appear next week, when the original shall be carefully returned. We should be glad to see the other paper referred to by S. H. H.

A. L. is thanked. The only reason for the non-appearance of any of his communications is, that they were not sent separately, and we have not had time to make a selection. We take this opportunity of again begging correspondents who write to us on several subjects to oblige us by writing on separate papers; and (which does not refer to A. L.) by writing plainly, more particularly proper names and quotations.

K. R. H. M. Received.

Nocab has our very best thanks for his kind letter, and his endeavours to increase our circulation. We are endeavouring to arrange for a permanent enlargement of our paper, and propose shortly to make use of Nocab's communication and valuable hint.

Sing's reminder, that Saturday last, the 29th of March, was "the centenary anniversary of the death of Captain Coram, the worthy founder of the Foundling," reached us too late for us to call attention to it.

Mr. A. J. Dunkin's communication on the subject of his proposed Monumenta Anglicana shall have our early attention.

Kerriensis is thanked for several interesting communications of which we propose to make an early use.

Will L. M. M. R. send his address? The book he wants has been reported to the publisher.

Replies Received.—Mathew's Med. Passage—San Grail—Nettle in. &c.—The Tanthony—Treatise by Engelbert—Circulation of the Blood—Sir A. Chadwick—Rowley Powley—Langholme Fair—Epitaph on a Turncoat—Gig Hill—Damasked Linen—Endeavour—Meaning of Strained—Rack—Daughter of James II.—Snail-eating—Munchausen's Travels—Mitre, &c.—Cloven Tongues—"Going the whole hog"—Expression in Milton—Haybands in Seals—King John at Lincoln—Handbell—Vineyards—Mazer Wood.

Vols. I. and II., each with very copious Index, may still be had, price 9s. 6d. each.

Notes and Queries may be procured, by order, of all Booksellers and Newsvenders. It is published at noon on Friday, so that our country Subscribers ought not to experience any difficulty in procuring it regularly. Many of the country Booksellers, &c. are, probably, not yet aware of this arrangement, which will enable them to receive Notes and Queries in their Saturday parcels.

All communications for the Editor of Notes and Queries should be addressed to the care of Mr. Bell, No. 186. Fleet Street.

Errata.—P. 236, Col. 2. l. 26, for Hanse town read hamlet; p. 238, col. 1. l. 27, for "cratus" read "natus"; p. 217, col. 1. l. 29. for "Count" read "Court"; p. 250, col. 1. l. 4, for "Tedley" read "Sedley," col. 2. l. 23, for "tantus" read "tantas."

On the 31st of March was commenced the Publication of a


In Monthly Volumes, each containing Three Hundred and Twenty Pages, and from Thirty to a Hundred Engravings,
Price Half-a-Crown, Beautifully Bound

The Age in which we live is essentially of a practical character, and the predominant principle influencing all classes is a marked desire for cheapness. Cheapness, however, is too often found without excellence, and hence this proposition to supply a deficiency at present existing in the popular literature of this country.

For some time past the projectors of the present undertaking have felt interested in watching the result of an experiment simultaneously made by the London, Edinburgh, and Dublin Book Trades; and, having seen that cheap, and occasionally indifferent literature, "got up" in a most inferior manner, will sell, they feel assured that good and judiciously selected works, having the additional advantage of COPIOUS ILLUSTRATION, being produced with the utmost attention to general excellence, and published at the moderate price fixed upon, cannot fail to secure extensive patronage from the Reading Public. The principle upon which they can undertake to supply good books at a low rate is, that being themselves the actual producers, they are enabled to save the public the expense of all intermediate profit.

As a practical explanation of the above views, Three Sample Volumes of the "National Illustrated Library" were published on the 31st of March. It will be observed that these volumes are widely different in character, in order that the public may form some idea of the extent and variety of the series generally. Afterwards, one volume will be issued monthly. Each volume will contain at least 320 crown octavo pages, illustrated according to the requirements of the subject-matter, by from 30 to 100 illustrations, and will be strongly bound in ornamental cloth boards. Thus, for 30s. a year, in the course of a short period, a Library of great extent and interest may be formed, which shall furnish materials for instruction and amusement during the course of a long life.

The chief advantages which this series of works will present over all others—more especially the closely printed double column editions, and the new fashioned, though equally objectionable, Shilling books, with their numerous errors, thin paper, and flimsy binding, are the following:—

1. A carefully Revised Text.

2. Judicious Explanatory Foot Notes.

3. Engravings really Illustrating the Text.

4. A new and legible Type.

5. Good Paper and Printing.

6. Strong neat Binding.

In carrying out their undertaking it will be the endeavour of the projectors to bestow upon Half-crown Volumes for the many the same typographical accuracy, and the same artistic ability, hitherto almost exclusively devoted to high-priced books for the few. Supported by the co-operation of the Reading Public, no pains will be spared to provide every English home with a complete treasury of knowledge and entertainment in the volumes of the "National Illustrated Library."

The following are the Volumes which appeared on the 31st of March,




Office of the Illustrated London News, 198. Strand
Just published, No. VII., price 2s. 6d., imperial 4to

DETAILS of GOTHIC ARCHITECTURE, measured and drawn from existing Examples, by J. K. Colling, Architect.—Contents: Eastern side of Altar Screen, Beverley Minster; Details from ditto; Our compartment of Nave, Austrey Church, Warwickshire; Clerestory and Aisle windows from ditto; Buttresses from ditto. (Continued monthly.)

George Bell, Fleet Street
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Cirencester: Baily and Jones; London: George Bell, Fleet Street
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Rivingtons, St. Paul's Churchyard, and Waterloo Place; and Deighton, Cambridge
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Saunders and Otley, Publishers, Conduit Street


YEAST: a Problem. Reprinted, with Additions and Alterations, from Fraser's Magazine. 9s.

HISTORY OF MOHAMMEDANISM AND ITS SECTS. By W. Cooke Taylor, LL.D. Third and Cheaper Edition. 4s.

GREGORY OF NAZIANZUM: a Contribution to the Ecclesiastical History of the Fourth Century. By Professor Ullmann. Translated by G. V. Cox, M.A. 6s.

THE PHILOSOPHY OF LIVING. By Herbert Mayo, M.D., late Senior Surgeon to the Middlesex Hospital. Third and Cheaper Edition, with Additions. 5s.

CHEMISTRY OF FIRE, AIR, EARTH, AND WATER: an Essay, founded upon Lectures delivered before the Queen. By T. Griffiths, Professor of Chemistry in St. Bartholomew's Hospital. With numerous Illustrations, Second Edition. 4s. 6d.

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THE EARLY PROGRESS of the GOSPEL: being the Hulsean Lectures for 1850. By W. G. Humphry, B.D., Examining Chaplain to the Lord Bishop of London. 8vo.


By the same Author,



LAWS OF ECCLESIASTICAL POLITY. By Richard Hooker. The First Book. 1s. 6d.

The present reprint was proposed by the editor—a master in a large public school—with a view of reading it with his boys. There is, so far as he is aware, no English book in common use in schools which at all sets forth the distinctions of Laws and the foundations on which their authority is based; and perhaps none could be found better calculated to meet this want than that which is here offered.

BRAMPTON RECTORY; or, the Lesson of Life. Second Edition. 8s. 6d.

By the same Author, 8s. 6d

COMPTON MERIVALE: another Leaf from the Lesson of Life.

London: John W. Parker, West Strand
Just published, price 3d., the April No. of the
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