Buch lesen: «Notes and Queries, Number 60, December 21, 1850», Seite 6


The same biographical repertory contains an account of her daughter, lady Gethin—of whom some particulars were given by myself in a small volume of essays printed for private circulation, under the title of Curiosities of literature illustrated, in 1837. On that occasion I ventured to express my belief that lady Gethin did not compose one sentence of the remains ascribed to her; but I hope the claims of lady Norton to patristic learning may more successfully bear the test of critical examination.

Bolton Corney.



Honour to the University of Oxford, Honour to the Rev. Josiah Forshall, and though last not least, Honour to the learned Keeper of the Manuscripts in the British Museum, Sir Frederick Madden, for giving us The Holy Bible containing the Old and New Testaments with the Apocryphal Books, in the earliest English versions made from the Latin Vulgate, by John Wycliffe and his followers. Never did the University Press put forth a more valuable or more important work than these four handsome quartos, (published, too, at the marvellously small price of five guineas), in which are now printed, for the first time, in an entire form, those Versions which may be regarded as the earliest in the English language which embrace any considerable proportion of the Holy Scriptures. By this publication, Oxford has done her part towards wiping away the disgrace which has so long attached to this country—which boasts, and justly and proudly boasts, of being the country of Bibles—for its long-continued neglect of these early versions of the vernacular Scriptures. How great was the influence which they exercised upon the religious opinions and sentiments of the nation at large in the interval between the years 1382 and 1526, how great an amount of scriptural truth they diffused, how effectually they supplied the opponents of the Papal system with the means of exposing its abuses and errors, and how they thereby laid a deep foundation for the reform of the sixteenth century, may be clearly seen by a perusal of the Preface to this great work; on which the learned editors have employed their learning and industry for two and twenty years, to their own high credit, and to the vindication of English scholarship. But our limited space will not admit of our detailing all the claims which this editio princeps of the Wycliffite Scriptures has upon the attention of our readers, or of pointing out all the great services which its editors have rendered to the literary, no less than to the religious world. When we state briefly that in the work before us we have the two versions, the earlier and later versions, printed side by side; that these are accompanied by various readings gathered from the collection of upwards of one hundred different manuscripts; introduced by a preface full of new and most interesting particulars of this first attempt to give to this country the Scriptures in a tongue "understanded of the people;" and the whole rendered complete by an extensive and most valuable glossary, we feel persuaded our readers will agree with us in giving honour to all who have had hand or heart in the production of these deeply interesting volumes.

We have received the following Catalogues:—C.J. Stewart's (11. King William Street, Strand) Catalogue of Doctrinal, Controversial, Practical, and Devotional Divinity; a well-timed catalogue containing some extraordinary Collections, as of Roman and Spanish Indexes of Books prohibited and expurgated, and of Official and Documentary Works on the Inquisition; B.R. Wheatley's (44. Bedford Street, Strand) Catalogue of Scarce and Interesting Books for 1851; Joel Rowsell's (28. Great Queen Street) Catalogue No. XL. of a Select Collection of Second-hand Books; John Miller's (43. Chandos Street) Catalogue No. 15. for 1850 of Books Old and New.



George Herbert, Jacula Prudentum; or, Outlandish Proverbs, etc. 12mo. London. 1651.

N.R. Gent, Proverbs, English, French, Dutch, Italian, and Spanish. 12mo. London. 1659.

* * * Letters, stating particulars and lowest price, carriage free, to be sent to Mr. Bell, Publisher of "NOTES AND QUERIES," 186. Fleet Street.

Notices to Correspondents

Our Christmas Number. This week our able contemporary, Household Words, treats his readers to a Christmas Number. It is one of the many good things in which our popular friend has anticipated us. Thanks, however, to the Peace Congress, we are content to be thus anticipated without giving utterance to the time-honoured "Pereant qui ante nos nostra dixerunt." Still, as we earnestly desire to close the year in peace with all the world, or, which is much the same thing, with all the readers of Notes and Queries, we propose, on Saturday next, treating them to a Christmas Number, rich in articles on Folk Lore, Popular Literature, &c., and to use as ballast for our barque, which will at such occasion be of unwonted lightness, a number of Replies which we have by us imploring for admittance into our columns.

The Index to Volume the Second will be ready early in January.

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