Buch lesen: «The Key to Eternal Life», Seite 2


Yes, my life has changed. It happened because I believed in him. Positivity came into my life with him. With each passing day, I felt more and more great strength, confidence and energy in my soul. I used to consider myself a strong woman, but now I have become a new person. Thanks to my Spiritual Master, who increased my potential, I felt great strength and energy to move forward.

In fact, Igor cleared the accumulated negative energy from my physical body for 39 years, there was little left. I already knew about my mission on Earth, which he presented to me as follows: “Yes, you are the future Vanga, but I will call you Trayana.” He healed me, prepared and helped energetically for my great mission in Bulgaria. During the treatment, mental images continued to appear to me.

One of them belonged to the Holy Mother of God, who was next to me, protecting me and helping me.

When asked why this is, Igor answered me like this:

– Yes, Trayana, the Holy Virgin Mary protects you, she is the symbol of balance. She was once the only woman on Earth. It is the balance between male and female energy. From the first day of our acquaintance, she and Vanga’s angel have been watching over you and you have to learn great humility and patience!

After treating the veins, I had to take a break for a few days to disperse the clotted blood and relieve the blood vessels. These few days were very difficult for me: I was breathing hard, my heart was hurting, and something was pressing on my soul. Then Igor decided to do a heart session, which lasted about an hour.

During the session, I received another vision. When

I was 12—13 years old, I almost drowned in the sea and I was very scared. Then I found myself in a school camp, where we had to cross a river with many leeches, and then I got scared too. Imagine, at least for a moment, how many such situations happen in life! How many fears and stressful situations have taken root in our body, which cause diseases, and in fact, people do not suspect anything and live like this for years until they are struck by an incurable disease!

After the session, Igor shared that he saw in me a huge snake-like leech that had grown for many years (and I didn’t even know it!) and that if we hadn’t met, I would have died of ASTHMA.

From March 2nd to April 8th, 2012, my treatment was uninterrupted. Then I rested for four days to see how I would feel: whether I would be nervous, whether

I would be offended, whether I would be angry, whether I would be angry about trifles – all these qualities I had in my character.

As it prepared me for a great mission in Bulgaria, all these sessions were not just a cure, but also a cleansing of all the negative energy that had accumulated over the years in me. It was the same with the character – I had to work very hard on him. He taught me how to change, how to give up the bad habits that had taken root over the years in my character. To be honest, it wasn’t easy for me. I had to prepare for Bulgaria, to read the “Revelations of the Almighty” – everything that was necessary was written there. I also had to study the Bible to be ready to answer any questions the priests might ask me.

Then Igor told me about the Great Secret:

– Our planet Earth has been ruled for 300,000 years by Dragons – Reptiles from the planet Nibiru (Satan). The epicenter of their existence on Earth is in the region of Israel, so there is such chaos. Two thousand people with the help of money rule Our Planet and our World – these are Jews. The only way to deal with and get rid of them is to develop SPIRITUALLY and rise to the LEVEL OF GOD. Then they will not be able to hinder our EVOLUTIONARY DEVELOPMENT.

At least one Energy Monster lives in each person. These monsters have instilled in people such qualities as fear, insecurity, inferiority complex, jealousy, malice and they control their bodies. Underground, between Israel and Syria, there is a huge system of machines that emit vibrations for chaos. That is why there are so many wars and quarrels in this area.

– Igor, this is exactly what the prophetess Vanga had predicted: when Syria falls, the time of the new WHITE BROTHERHOOD will come. But only when it falls. At that time, no one ever understood what Vanga meant…

The conversation turned out to be very interesting. In fact, I received information from Igor in stages, depending on how much my mind could perceive. There is a dark being in each of us who controls our body and I had some (good thing that Igor later destroyed them) who forced me to drink, smoke, lie and exaggerate to hide the uncomfortable truth.

This is how most people on Our Planet Earth live: they think one thing, say another, and do a third. The only way to deal with all this is to think and act correctly and positively. To be responsible for our actions, for our actions, to be better and more honest, but the most important are our THOUGHTS: to think only POSITIVE!

Then only good will begin to enter our lives.

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Human thoughts can change the whole world! This is the reality itself! I can give many examples related to my relatives and friends. Here is one of them. One of my friends, named Assen, came to Cyprus from England and found a job in a hairdressing salon. He was a spiritual man, but with a bisexual orientation. When I told him about Igor, he immediately became interested and wanted to meet him. Assen said that 25 years ago, he fell into a coma, his soul ascended to Paradise, but GOD brought him back. Since then, he often had visions, but could not explain them. He remembered everything about his coma, he remembered meeting GOD, who told him he had to go back to Earth because he wasn’t ready to leave yet, he remembered crying bitterly, and he didn’t want to come back. He also told this story to Igor. After this meeting, Assen, unexpectedly for all of us, disappeared and reappeared about a month later. Igor told me that the Dark Forces do not allow Assen to meet him. A month later, Assen called Igor and asked him for help and a session. We, of course, responded immediately and went to him together.

The tortured Assen told a shocking story about how the devils tortured him for almost a month and did not leave him alone for a moment. Assen realized that he would not be able to deal with this on his own. He found the strength to call Igor. For more than a month, the Dark Forces did not let him meet with Igor to prevent his awakening and release.

Igor immediately began to treat him. After the first session, Assen told us that he had a vision: how a man on a silver-white horse (like St. George) kills a huge animal that looked like a devil and threw it into space with his sword. Then Jesus Christ appeared to him, approached, and sat beside him. Then he saw him kissing his wife and child, who remained in England (he saw them as two silhouettes).

After listening to Assen’s story, Igor presented his version of the vision. The man on the horse who appeared to Assen was Igor himself, who killed the devil because he had hindered Assen all his life, settling in his heart.

This session was a miracle for Assen: he got a new life. Assen told us that he understood who Igor was, it became easy for him, as if a huge burden had fallen from his heart and a light appeared before his eyes… He also gave us an interesting dialogue.


– Do you know who Vanga is?


– Of course! In the past life, we lived with her on the island of Cyprus.

Then Assen showed us a book in ancient Chinese.

I asked him:

– What is this?


– This is a Buddhist prayer – Mantra. When I read it, I connect with the Centre of the Universe.

He began to read this prayer and Igor told him:

– In a previous life, 3,000 years ago, you were a Tibetan monk, so you know this language. This is the language of the UNIVERSE CREATION.

Assen was surprised and replied:

– How do you know about this, Igor? I was also told that this language is 3000—5000 years old. I’m shocked! I feel as if the heavens have suddenly parted and golden rays are flowing down my head. Maybe I should take a dip in salty seawater.

– Go dive… You need this your head chakra opens.

Assen thanked him heartily for his help. They made an appointment the next day because it took at least three more sessions to find his heart and also to be able to quit smoking. When we met, I asked him how he was feeling. He replied with a smile that he had slept like a baby and emphasized that for the first time in his life he had visions during a therapy session.

During the second session, Assen received a vision again. This time he was a 15th century woman. He had a talent for healing and seeing the future, so the Inquisition punished him and threw him into a fortress for sorcery for 500 years. When Igor released this woman, Assen felt a heaviness leaving his heart again. He even cried out of sympathy for this unfortunate woman… And Igor, according to the vision, cut her 20-meter hair and thus freed her. That was his version.

As you can see, Assen’s story is very interesting. His intuition is so developed that he can see certain situations with his second vision. Let’s note that these abilities he received while in a coma, 15 years ago.

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I would also like to tell you about my own experience with the Ego. During my spiritual ascension, the Ego bothered me a lot. Igor’s divine energy is very strong and positive, but at one point, it began to cause me causeless anger and resentment. It was as if something in him was hurting me. I didn’t understand why this was happening. At the end of the day, this man helped me so much: he literally saved my life, I drew so much positive energy from him, and at the same time something, as if on purpose, resisted. Therefore, we concluded that my Ego was resisting change. Then I decided to destroy my Ego and we went to “St. Elijah Profitis” (Elijah the Prophet) church (a small chapel, always open to parishioners). There Igor held another session. When we left the church, he told me how, during the session, my Ego turned into a mouse running around the church. In fact, my ego appeared out of fear as a child. I saw something else: I saw that GOD was with me, and when Igor destroyed my Ego, it repented for all the sins that forced me to commit.

Destroying my Ego was Igor’s biggest session. By the way, this was a very interesting period in my life. The transition from the dark pit – into the light reality.

Now it all seems like a fairy tale, but it was all real what happened to me.

As I have already explained, Igor treated me in stages so that the energy could work fully and we could observe and note all the positive results in my life. Everything negative was destroyed and, at the same time, I worked diligently on myself, treating my character very strictly. I changed my way of thinking and got rid of the bad habits formed during my childhood. The more I changed for the better, the better came into my life. I began to help very seriously ill people who needed Divine energy.

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Here is an example: Igor saved the life of Raina from Blagoevgrad (town in Bulgaria), a woman with whom I lived in one of the flat complexes and often went to the swimming pool together.

She once told me about her health problems: she often suffocated, did not dare to sleep because she was afraid that she would not wake up. Together with her, we visited the church of St. Elias Profits, where I introduced her to Igor. After the session, he told her:

– Your soul was heading to Heaven, I managed to catch it by a thread at the last moment, as a hot air balloon was caught by a rope and returned it to your body. You were leaving, and I can certainly say that I saved your life.

Raina herself sensed this situation. That’s how we got closer with her. In return, she helped some of her colleagues who also needed help. One of her colleagues found herself in the same situation and Igor returned her soul to her body in the same way. This way we helped the seriously ill, especially those who needed not only treatment of the body, but also salvation of their soul.

The talent to heal with the hand like a laser that Igor has does not come to everyone – it is a gift of God that must be earned… How many people like him do you know who are able to heal forever a person’s physical body?!

The treatment of my varicose veins took about a month, and after complete healing, a channel for financial well-being opened (money problems had affected my veins). Yes, there were many sessions and the process was long. All this happened because with my thoughts I blocked the process of fear, stress and depression.

As for the money, Igor explained it to me like this:

– The money comes from two sources – from God and from Mammon. In order to benefit from God, you, Trayana, must develop spiritually, then you cannot worry: the money will find you! In life, everything is in full synchronization: spiritual development opens the door to the material world.

Igor also said:


There were days when I didn’t have a penny. I went through a lot: no money, no job. I had friends who helped me with money and food until I got back on my feet.

I had to go through a lot in Cyprus.

My friend K., with whom we lived together for three years, often helped me financially. She herself had gone through tests and she knew what it meant not to have… Friends and acquaintances helped me, they did not leave me in this difficult period. I am wholeheartedly grateful to GOD for these tests. They made me strong and confident. I have been shown that there is nothing shameful in poverty if one continues to be honest and sincere.

It can happen to anyone that they will not or will not be able to cope with the difficulties, but many people are afraid and ashamed to admit that they have nothing or that they cannot do something. They put on a “mask”, hide under it, and create an inferiority complex, out of embarrassment to tell others the truth…

My cleansing from the power of Mammon would also be long, but not having money helped me a lot. It gave me the opportunity to be myself, to give me more free time to develop creatively, to write a book and, of course, to fight the bad habits of my character as I freed myself from my Ego.

When people are busy making a lot of money, they do not pay attention to the small joys in life, they do not see that life itself can be wonderful, and therefore it (life) needs neither money nor gold. GOD created us in a HEAVENLY PARADISE, but, unfortunately, very few people notice and appreciate him. Most people prefer to live in CHAOS and strive to make more and more money. The competition between them is huge!

In life, we must move in parallel: between the SPIRITUAL AND THE MATERIAL – this is how the world is arranged in the third dimension.

We healed the veins, we destroyed my Ego – we rest. We observe how the energy works in my body. In the following days, I was very nervous, worried and anxious. I didn’t know then that it was a natural process. Negative energy is not cleared immediately: you clean one, immediately something else “pops up” that needs to be cleared. And so layer after layer.

                                            * * *

Once my friend Natalie from Poland and I were at the Kelaki Monastery.

While I was praying in front of the miraculous icon, Igor had a vision in which a huge ego of mine appeared – the greatest of all: excessive pride… He told me where I got it from. In the 18th century, I was a noble lady in Moscow. I was very rich, I played piano and everything in my life was wonderful. Then I created the Ego of ARROGANCE.

I asked him:

– Why is this Ego manifesting only now? I thought you had cleared me of the Ego.

I felt that something was wrong with me, that someone was still controlling my body. Igor explained to me that the doors open one after the other, or layer by layer. So the time has come for this Ego to appear as well. I got it. I stood in front of the icon and prayed to God to show me the right way so that I could clear all the negative energy that had accumulated in me over the years. I prayed so much that finally the greatest energy monster appeared, which had settled in my body, ruled it, forced me not to be the real “I” – THE EGO OF THE EXCESSIVE PRIDE AND ARROGANCE.

Igor, my Spiritual Master, not only healed me, but also taught me how to get rid of bad qualities forever in order to become perfect! This is a difficult struggle, and the most serious struggle is the struggle with one’s own Ego. Most people do not have enough ENERGY and WILL to fight it. It is much easier for them to live the old way: with lies, with deception, with hypocrisy, with malice, with greed, and so on. The ego has it in every person. Such is GOD’S PLAN. Our task on Earth is to fight the Ego and our Higher Self to win.

Of course, I apologized to Igor for being so nervous and very offended. In fact, it was not me, but my Ego.

Igor’s ego was long gone, as a SPIRITUAL TEACHER – MASTER, he had long since freed himself from it. He fought it all alone and won.

To my apology, he replied:

– I didn’t want to argue with you – I saw that you were like a zombie from this Ego.

This was also one of the most interesting stages of my treatment. I was sure I could handle it on my own! I had to free myself from pride, from malice, from resentment. On July 31st 2012, on the phone, my mother told me that she almost died three days ago. A piece of bread fell into her trachea, she could not breathe, became all blue and barely survived. I immediately called Igor and asked him why this happened?

He answered me like this:

– Your mother was almost gone, but thanks to you, GOD saved her life. Your faith in GOD, your spiritual development has saved her. Now go to church and thank God for that.

I immediately rushed to the church of St. Elias Profitis and on my knees, I prayed and thanked God for saving my mother’s life. I prayed to Him to forgive me for all the sins and mistakes I had made, willingly or unwillingly. For a long time, every day, I thanked God for saving my mother’s life. I thanked Him with all my heart and soul.

Igor once told me:

– Your soul is constantly purified and that is why you are constantly crying.

I often asked myself questions: why did Igor appear in my life? Who is he? Why does he need to purify me of all this negative energy?

When I asked him, he replied:

– GOD has chosen you. You have a mission on Earth. We have known each other for many millions of years. Many times we have been together in different previous lives.

Of course, everything that happened to me was like a fairy tale, but everything was true. It was predestined, he didn’t tell me anything more, but after this conversation my battle with the Ego began. It is not at all easy to get rid of bad habits and bad qualities in a adulthood.

One way is to throw everything away and escape to the mountains, to become a hermit. So, of course, it’s easier. Nobody bothers you. You can, of course, go to a monastery. But the main challenge for me was solved by God – to fight with my Ego by living and working among people.

Our mission in the material world is to deal with our Ego here, where it is full of malice, envy and jealousy, where money dictates everything and everything depends on them.

I admire Igor because he managed to defeat his Ego on his own and get rid of it.

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Once we were in the monastery of the Icon of God. During the prayer, he saw the Golden City in front of him and many people who moved to this city, and he seemed to welcome them. Then he saw that he was climbing to the top of a huge pyramid that led to God and he had little left. This meant that he helped people get through the Quantum Transition.

The abbess of the monastery showed us three chests. In each of them were the relics of 15 saints, in front of whom we crossed ourselves and kissed. This does not happen to everyone every day.

My spiritual development continued in the struggle with the Dark Forces. All this time they were interfering and interfering, slowing down the processes, creating difficult situations, but I was strong and confident. I believed in the Divine energy of my Master and thanks to him, I saw MIRACLES every day. My day began with constant deep inhaling and exhaling – this is how I purified my emotional body. Once, after two and a half hours of such breathing, I felt a ray from heaven enter my brain to purify me.

I heard a voice:

– Trayana, wake up! Wake up and feel a ray enter the center of your brain and clear it!

There were many such situations. This process was one of those from which I took energy for the longest time. I often went to church, prayed, and felt much better.

                                            * * *

On August 8th, 2012, Igor informed me about the next stream of strong energy that is pouring on Our Planet. On such days, all people are energetically cleansed of negativity.

Igor did many sessions to clear the negative energy from my body.

I once shared with him:

– You give me so much energy and you keep giving it to me every day! You have cured all my diseases, you have cleaned all the negative energy accumulated in my body, and you have created a new Trayana! Why is something strange happening to me again? Why does it seem to me that someone wants to destroy me?

– Now your emotional body is being cleansed. All this fear is maybe from 200 years ago. We will not be holding any more sessions for now. We will monitor what happens to you and how you feel.

Then I told Igor that two months ago, in June 2012, I was at sea and I felt a strong energy invading me and thoughts came to my mind that he – Igor on this planet is like Christ. God taught Jesus Christ for 30 years, but then there was the old energy on Earth. With Igor, only 15 years of training were enough.

I trusted my intuition, so I told him:

– Do you know that you will be the second planetary Christ on Our Planet? I think you will heal people from a distance, as Christ once did.

Igor just said:


It was a very interesting and delicate conversation I had never told anyone before. Deep in my soul, I believed that he would be the strongest Man-Creator and his energy would be the strongest on the Planet. Igor has healed many people, helped them energetically, helped them develop their potential, gave them strength and self-confidence. He saved not only my life, but also the lives of many others. However, Igor’s energy and sessions helped 100% only those who believed…

If there is doubt and disbelief, then, no matter how many sessions are held, nothing will happen. Either the people themselves are not ready for change, or they do not believe in Igor’s energy… These people do not believe in God either. We have had several such cases. One of them was my friend Anastasia (a friend of the woman who had previously tried unsuccessfully to help me). I met her by chance, she needed help and I introduced her to Igor. She showed a vicious DISTRUST OF HIS


When we talked about Vera – her friend, who couldn’t handle my family curse, I told Anastasia the truth:

– Look at me I completely changed my life! Since Igor cured me, I don’t drink, I don’t smoke, I don’t eat meat, I only think positively, I actively work on myself and my bad habits. When I went to Vera, she could not help me. She didn’t have that much energy. And the most important is to BELIEVE! Of course, the Dark Forces are constantly interfering and interfering. I am already used to it and I don’t pay attention.

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But here is another case with another friend of ours – Nikos from Greece. Igor had only one session with him. A month passed and Nikos contacted Igor again. He said his life had changed for the better. Then we went to Igor for the second time (I was his translator). Igor had a heart session and saw a huge cobweb, which he cleared and thus freed Nikos’ heart. With him was his girlfriend, who came to visit from Greece. During the conversation, it turned out that Elena has a very pure and white soul. She immediately believed both Igor and me. Elena herself practices Reiki and does SPA massages, she knew what it was like to develop SPIRITUALLY. She told us that she experienced a coma six years ago, was in heaven, saw many things there, but was brought back to Earth. She came to visit Nikos to help him spiritually and mentally.

So, whatever we say, people are different: some believe in Igor’s energy and get help for the first time, others don’t even believe in God, how to believe in Igor!

Even I, who saw him every day, to whom he helped so much with his Divine energy, succumbed to myself: I was angry, dissatisfied, made remarks, made pretensions.

THIS IS THE WORK OF THE EGO! IT HATES PERFECTION IN MAN, especially if you deprive him of his bad qualities. So, it was with me in relation to Igor: many times and almost every day. When he was making remarks to me, even when he said I had lied to him at least 10 times, I couldn’t take it, he just told me I didn’t remember. Many times, he literally read my mind. He tried his best to help me, but my Ego was nervous and unhappy. It was a period of resistance. Later I realized that his energy is the GREAT DIVINE LOVE, which gives hope, faith and motivation to move forward, regardless of the difficulties along the way… Then I asked:

– Who are you? What role do I play in your life?

What’s wrong with me, Igor? Please tell me!

– I have known about you since 1998.

– So long ago?

– Yes, they first told me about you in 1998, and later, after 2000, they told me everything about our meeting. Lord God wanted me to make you perfect – this is my task. What is happening and rebelling to you right now is your Ego – the Ego of PRIDE. It prevents you from developing and moving forward. I advise you to go to church and get rid of it. It is not difficult. Try it.

I asked him to help me, I was afraid that I would not be able to cope on my own. I asked:

– How so? How much Ego is in me?

– The first Ego was the Ego FEAR. We turned him into a mouse and left him in the church. This was the fear of childhood – the fear of a mouse. And what you have now is the most dangerous – THE EGO OF PRIDE! You have to get rid of it and then you will see what else is in you and in your body. You purify your body every day and that is why this EGO only now appears.

After this conversation, I seemed to wake up and realized that everything that was happening was my ordeal and that Igor had been given a task by God to help my spiritual development and make me perfect.

And why GOD chose me, I still do not know…

Everything has its time… Gradually, I became aware of myself and woke up, seeing miracles happening around me every day. Honestly, it was a very difficult fight. Dealing with the huge energy monster that ruled and controlled my body was no small matter. Igor appeared in my life at the right moment: when I needed energy and strength the most. Thanks to him, my GREAT MASTER AND SPIRITUAL TEACHER, I was able to wake up from a deep sleep called ILLUSION and get on the right path.

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During one of the periods of my evolvement, working on my character, I suddenly felt lonely. Every day at the real estate agency where I worked, I had meetings with many people, but despite that, I was lonely… My teacher explained it to me like this:

– GOD now gives you time to be alone. These are tests to go through, Trayana. Take a notebook and write in it all the bad qualities and habits of your character that you need to get rid of. Work on them, God will test you. Get ready. I went through that too. For two years there was no one beside me, I was completely alone and working hard on myself. You have been given an easy option, so take action. You have often been lonely before, but these were other vibrations – low vibrations. You are now on another spiritual level – on the level of other, higher vibrations. Do you understand me, Trayana, you are moving up the spiral, purifying yourself every day. Nobody helped me and I had to do everything myself. So, your task is much easier.

Igor also told me that every day GOD sends him to heal people from different countries and nationalities – from Russia, Serbia, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Moldova, Greece, Georgia and others. He also saved entire families. He also shared that he had managed to reach such a spiritual level that GOD showed him all his previous incarnations. He knows how many times he has lived on Earth, who he is, in which country he is. So far, nothing has been revealed about his life on other planets. How many people on Earth have reached this level of spiritual development? How many people have worked so hard on themselves to get rid completely of the bad qualities that have accumulated over the years?


Personally, I have not met people so ready to give up all the joys of life in the third dimension, so many people working on their character. Everyone wants to be perfect and rich, to have this or that. This is how life is arranged here. When a person begins to work on himself, to improve his qualities – then everything automatically begins to change for the better. Thinking positively about everything is the most important thing. Every day, 60—70 thousand mental images fly through the human brain. You just think: Your brain starts working as soon as you wake up in the morning! You are attacked by thoughts from yesterday, about what was three months ago, a year ago, etc. Ask yourself: what type of thoughts dominate your head? The answer is: in most cases, 80% of these thoughts are negative and related to the past. This is because most people live longer in the past than in the future! That is why progress and moving forward are so slow.

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