Buch lesen: «Sathya Sai Baba. Supernatural Experiences and Divine Transformation. Book One», Seite 5


27. There are millions of us, but Sathya Sai Baba is one, how can he know about the life of everyone?

The year I lived in the ashram for a long time, at some point I began to have an internal crisis. Gradually, deep doubts began to arise. It seemed to me that Sathya Sai Baba was alone, but there were many of us. I wondered how could Sathya Sai Baba know about the life of everyone and why does he need it?

Life in the ashram is not only bliss and joy, but sometimes also emotional decline and despondency. The spiritual path consists not only of happy moments of meditation and prayer, interesting meetings and fascinating communication, but also of complex internal crises.

Longing visited me and I felt that the life of each person for Sathya Sai Baba was not noticeable and not essential. He was alone, but we were many. It began to seem to me that he did not care about each individual person. Thinking about this, I fell into a deep sadness.

I walked slowly through the ashram past Sathya Sai Baba's house, immersed in my dreary reflections. Suddenly, an elderly Indian of a very solid appearance approached me, carefully looked at me, and said, “I feel that I must come and tell you something very important, can I talk to you?”

Automatically, I answered, “yes, of course, please, how can I help you?” After a pause, he said, “I have been standing here in front of Sathya Sai Baba's house for quite some time now. We do not formally know each other, but I know you well because Sathya Sai Baba often invites you for interviews. I was just standing there and thinking about you. I feel I have to tell you what I feel,” he paused and then continued, “I want to tell you that Sathya Sai Baba loves you very much, he loves you infinitely, I feel it with all my heart!” He uttered these simple words, and it was an exact hit in the essence of my thoughts. This conversation took place right under the windows of Sathya Sai Baba, this further strengthened the feeling of an invisible divine presence.

Sometimes it seems to us that there are millions of us, and Sathya Sai Baba is one, how can he know and be interested in the life of everyone? In fact, he feels the inner world of everyone and every second he is invisibly present in people's lives.

28. I stopped dead in my tracks, realizing that my every thought is known to Sathya Sai Baba

Several times I visited one of Sathya Sai Baba's ashrams in the town of Kodai Kanal. This is a beautiful mountain resort town in the very south of India. Sathya Sai Baba used to come here for two or three weeks in April or May. Everyone knows the Himalayas, the main Indian mountains, but in fact there are a number of other mountains in India; of course, they are incomparably lower than the Himalayas.

In the nineteenth century, the British organized a wonderful mountain resort in Kodai Kanal. This place is famous for its amazingly beautiful nature and mild climate. It is a small town in the South Indian mountains, in the center of which is a large, beautiful lake, surrounded by several old English buildings of the nineteenth century, including two old churches, one being one of the oldest Masonic lodges in India.

One Summer season, I rented a house in the mountains with a few friends. Every morning we walked along the mountain path to the place where Sathya Sai Baba held his meetings. After living in Kodai Kanal for a while, I realized I was very tired and had to go somewhere else in India in order to just relax. It is hard to believe now, and almost impossible to imagine; nevertheless, after spending a lot of time with Sathya Sai Baba, one could get tired of being oversaturated with his strong energy.

When you feel oversaturated with divine energy, then the most correct thing is to pack your things and leave for a couple of weeks to somewhere on the ocean so you can relax on the beach. At the time, I decided not to tell anyone I wanted to leave. Leaving the house, I went along the mountain road toward the office of my friend's travel company to order a taxi and go to the ocean the next day.

Sathya Sai Baba daily visited houses in the vicinity of Kodai Kanal, where all kinds of meetings were held. In this regard, he could often be found driving along mountain roads. At some mountain turns, the rocks blocked part of the road, and it was not possible to foresee that his car might come out from behind a turn. Sometimes the car could be seen from afar; at that time, he was driving a crimson car and it would move very slowly, followed by a line of cars.

While I was walking along the mountain road, suddenly a car with Sathya Sai Baba in it slowly drove out from behind a turn. I mechanically folded my hands in greeting. From his side, the window was open. He looked at me intently, and then raised his right hand in a sign of blessing. “Come back quickly!” he said. After that, his car drove on. Stunned, I stopped dead in my tracks, realizing that any of my actions, any of my state, any of my thoughts were well known to him, because he sees through everyone and everything.

29. Suddenly I realized that this was Sathya Sai Baba's answer to my morning prayer

At the beginning of the 2000s, two solo exhibitions of my paintings were held near Frankfurt am Main. At one of the exhibitions, I had some organizational problems. While still in Moscow, I made an appointment by phone for a four-week exhibition. When I arrived in Germany, the organizers of the exhibition said the exhibition could only last two weeks. In addition, instead of the promised two halls, the organizers at the last moment decided to give me only one hall. Of course, when you travel from Moscow to Frankfurt am Main, and you are carrying a large number of paintings, you want to create a full exhibition of high quality.

I came to my room, where I lived then, internally tuned in to Sathya Sai Baba, and mentally asked him for help in solving the problems that arose. Turning to Sathya Sai Baba, I asked him to give me some kind of sign during the day, which would be repeated three times, so I could understand that he really heard my prayer.

I did this meditation in the morning, and during the day Sathya Sai Baba really gave a clear, positive answer. It happened in the following way.

That same morning, a German came to me, whom I knew quite well. Turning to me, he said, “a couple of years ago you sent me a photograph of some Indian saint from India. Today I felt like I should give you this photo back.” Having said these words, he handed me a photo of Sathya Sai Baba. I remembered that two years ago I actually sent this man from India a photograph of Sathya Sai Baba.

After a couple of hours, I went to a cafe where I met a girl who told me that she wanted to go to India. In response to this I gave her a lot of useful advice on how best to organize a trip. Suddenly she said, “I know that there is a famous saint in India, whose name is Sathya Sai Baba, I have his photograph, I want to give it to you,” and she handed me a photograph of Sathya Sai Baba. It was the second photograph given to me that day.

Around evening I met an elderly lady whom I had known for a long time. She asked about my exhibition, and suddenly said, “several years ago you sent me a photograph of a famous saint from India, I want to give it back to you with gratitude, because I don’t know what to do with it.” It was the third photograph of Sathya Sai Baba that was given to me that day.

I laid out these three photographs in front of me. Three different people in one day brought me approximately the same size photograph of Sathya Sai Baba. Unsurprisingly, I felt the invisible presence of Sathya Sai Baba, and this was his answer to my morning prayer.

The next day, all my conflict situations regarding the exhibition were resolved by themselves; the organizers, at my first request, immediately agreed with all my conditions and the exhibition was very successful with many paintings sold. Now I am describing this amazing story, and the three photographs that were presented to me are on the table right in front of me, reminiscent of the events that happened in Germany.

30. Sathya Sai Baba lends a helping hand before the problems start

In the late ‘90s, for a fairly short time, I worked as a manager in a company that was engaged in exclusive repairs of apartments and suburban mansions in Moscow. We had a large order in the very center of Moscow, relatively not far from the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. The customer purchased the second floor of an old mansion and decided to make an apartment there.

Gradually, conflicts arose with the customer. He did not follow contractual obligations and disrupted the phased payments. On top of that, in the process of renovating this apartment, a small fire broke out one night. To our general joy, the fire was quickly extinguished, so that almost nothing burned down. The fire was the last straw in the tense relationship with the customer, and so the conflict intensified.

A couple of days after the fire, I arrived at this apartment where a team of four workers were present. During the lunch break, the workers sat at the table drinking tea, and I decided to join them. We discussed the current situation and pondered how to proceed. At some point, we realized that in another part of the apartment, someone was walking around. Looking in that direction, we saw a strange transparent figure; it was Sathya Sai Baba. It was not just my personal meditative sensation, all five of us clearly saw it.

The transparent Sathya Sai Baba walked quickly from side to side, right in front of the astonished workers. He seemed to be looking for something as he carefully looked at the bags of cement and, carefully, examined the marble slabs stacked in the corner. Sathya Sai Baba was transparent, but he was so obvious that everyone present could see him with their physical eyes. Of course, this event made a tremendous impression and shocked everyone.

It was a little easier for me to understand everything that was happening, because at least I knew it was Sathya Sai Baba. I heard many times he could materialize at a great distance from his ashram and help in difficult situations, now I had seen it with my own eyes. I find it difficult to say how long Sathya Sai Baba walked around the apartment, perhaps about twenty minutes. Finally, he stopped and walked toward us. We continued to sit at the table, watching with amazement everything that was happening.

Sathya Sai Baba carefully looked at us, and at that moment a telepathic transmission took place, which we all heard. All of us present felt the voice of Sathya Sai Baba clearly resound in our heads, as he spoke in Russian to us. Through the telepathic transmission, he informed us nothing good would come of the project, and that we would not earn any money and there would only be continuous problems and conflicts, so today we all needed to quit. After that, Sathya Sai Baba vanished into thin air. There was a pause, and we didn’t know how to react to what had just happened.

Having recovered a little, I immediately realized I urgently needed to quit. One of those present said if such a miracle had happened, then I certainly needed to quit. The other three were so shocked they could not even believe all of this had really taken place. They decided it was some kind of hallucination and asserted they were promised high salaries and it was absurd to lose a good job because of some kind of hallucination. The next day I received a full payment and two weeks later I left for India.

After that, about a year and a half later, I again met with the owner of the company. I had only one question for him – how did that ill-fated repair end? He told me that after my resignation, the repair lasted another six months, of which there were continuous conflicts and scandals. It all ended with the customer going bankrupt, and the company suffering a loss so major it was not even possible to pay employees wages for six months.

Sometimes we remember Sathya Sai Baba and sometimes we forget about him, but he is constantly present in our lives. At the right moments, he extends a blessing, a helping hand, and this happens sometimes before problems even begin.

31. Suddenly, right on Kutuzovsky street, Sathya Sai Baba materialized in front of me

At one time I had health problems. I consulted with several doctors in Moscow, and also underwent diagnostics and treatment from Tibetan and Indian doctors in India. Western medicine did not help, and Tibetan medicine improved my condition a little. It was clear to me that more radical healing methods were needed. It was at this time that a famous Tibetan Lama came to Moscow, who specialized in Tibetan healing practices.

There is a deity in Tibet called the Medicine Buddha. Several of my acquaintances told me that this Lama is not an ordinary person, but the incarnation of the Buddha of medicine, himself. Having learned about this, I decided to meet with the amazing Lama and ask him to heal my illnesses.

Traditional Tibetan medicine is a large system of knowledge and methods obtained by Tibetans from three more ancient cultures: India, China, and Iran. Tibetan medicine uses amazing recipes from herbs, roots, as well as lizards and snakes.

The practice of Buddha medicine is a specific system that is different from medicinal medicine. Medicine Buddha's practices are methods of mystical and energy healing, a system of complex rituals, magical texts in Tibetan and mantras in Sanskrit.

One of my acquaintances was at that moment the coordinator of the Buddhist center, which organized the arrival of the unique Lama. At that time, this Buddhist center was located on Kutuzovsky street, in the very center of Moscow. I signed up for a personal consultation with the Lama.

Now I remember well that my meeting with the Lama was scheduled for Monday. I was booked as the first patient at ten in the morning. I made up my mind to talk to the Lama about my health problems. Of course, I had high hopes that he would help and heal me with the power of his prayer.

On the appointed day, I drove to the Kutuzovskaya metro station, got off at Kutuzovsky street and walked quickly toward the appointed address. Suddenly, Sathya Sai Baba materialized right in front of me. At that moment I was not thinking about him at all, I was thinking about the upcoming session with the Tibetan Lama.

Sathya Sai Baba was transparent, it was not a physical body that could be touched, it was an astral body, but he was clearly visible. From the reaction of passers-by, I understood that the appearance of Sathya Sai Baba was noticeable to people who were passing by at that moment.

Imagine this unusual sight – a transparent oriental man in orange clothes stood right on Kutuzovsky street. Passers-by abruptly shied away and walked around, looking in surprise in our direction. Sathya Sai Baba didn’t say anything to me physically; it was a telepathic transmission.

I heard his voice loud and clear in my head. Sathya Sai Baba said that the Lama I went to is a great teacher, an expert in the practice of the Buddha of Medicine, but I do not need to see this Lama. Then he said, clearly and decisively, “only I can solve all your problems!” After that, he dissolved.

I stood in a daze for several minutes, realizing they were waiting for me, and if I did not come, I would let my friend down, who had arranged for my personal consultation with the Lama. At the same time, it was no longer possible to go to a meeting with the Lama after Sathya Sai Baba appeared and said there was no need to go.

In thought, I stood and looked at the panorama of Kutuzovsky street, at the clear blue sky right above my head. After thinking for a while, I understood everything and went home. After a short time, all my health problems disappeared.

32. Sathya Sai Baba appeared out of thin air

One of my acquaintances, Volodya, had serious health problems. Of course, I cannot tell the details of his illness because this is personal information. Several healers refused to heal it; and medicine, in principle, does not cure such diseases.

Once he came to visit us, and my wife and I advised him to mentally turn to Sathya Sai Baba and ask for healing. Volodya knew a little about Sathya Sai Baba but did not believe that some saint from distant India would be able to hear his prayer and heal a serious illness.

In order for Volodya to feel an inner connection with Sathya Sai Baba more clearly and be able to imagine as if he was really talking to him, I included a video recording of how Sathya Sai Baba communicated with students at his college. Volodya sat on the sofa and started watching the video. It was felt he did not take seriously the idea of mentally seeking help from an Indian saint.

It was already late in the evening, and I went to the kitchen and made tea. Literally, a few minutes passed and a suddenly frightened Volodya quickly left the room; it seemed he was temporarily speechless. Having recovered a little, he said that Sathya Sai Baba had just physically appeared in the room. Volodya was completely unprepared for such an unexpected visit, so he did not know how to react to it. Calming down, he told me how it happened.

Sathya Sai Baba appeared in the room straight out of thin air, approached the astonished young man, looked at him attentively, then turned around and walked toward the door. Stopping in front of the door, Sathya Sai Baba, as if thinking about something, turned around and once again carefully looked at Volodya, now dumbfounded by surprise. After that, Sathya Sai Baba simply disappeared.

From that day on, Volodya began to practice mantras daily. A few months later, the incurable disease simply disappeared.

Volodya's problem was not solved in one second. Yes, on the subtle plane, healing may occur instantly, but it took some time for positive changes to manifest on the physical plane. Also necessary for healing are the efforts of the person himself.

In the story with my friend, it was important that after Sathya Sai Baba materialized in front of him, the young man decided to start regular mantra practices. Thus, the blessing of Sathya Sai Baba met with the right effort of Volodya led to a good result.

33. Sathya Sai Baba blesses the Russian Vedic tradition

In our present time, the original Russian Vedic tradition is being actively revived. More and more people are beginning to be interested in the pre-Christian Vedic roots of Russian culture; now, we often call this tradition – Rodnoverie. This word has the root "genus," which means the name of the supreme God of Russian pantheon, whose name is Lord Rod. The root “rod” means “clan”, also indicates that this is a “native” tradition followed by our “relatives” and “ancestors” of our “family.”

The pre-Christian tradition is also called paganism. The word paganism is now perceived by many as negative and abusive, but in fact there is nothing negative in this word. Pagan tradition means the original folk tradition. Being a pagan means following the traditions of your people and your ancestors.

Of course, one should also respect the thousand-year history of Christianity in Russia, which gave our people many great ascetics, reverends, elders, venerable fathers and healers. I think that in the modern world Rodnoverie and Christianity could develop in harmony and mutual respect.

Sathya Sai Baba often blessed people for the prayer practices of the national religion to which the person belonged. When Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians came, he blessed them for the practice of Christian prayer, as well as for the practice of free and spontaneous conversation with God in their native language. When Tatars, Daghestanis, Kazakhs came, he often blessed them for practices related to Islam, that is, the practice of regular prayer and the repetition of the Suras of the Koran.

God is one, therefore it does not matter in what language and in what tradition people offer their prayers. God hears not formal words, but the emotion of the heart.

Several times, in the ‘90s, Magi Rodnovers from Russia, Ukraine and Belarus came to Puttaparthi. These were people who, back then, were engaged in the revival and development of the original Russian culture. Sathya Sai Baba prophesied many times that in the next few decades in Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus there will be a rapid revival of the original Vedic culture.

When Christianity came to Holy Russia, it often absorbed the best from the Russian Vedic culture, but sometimes tried to destroy the treasures of Russian antiquity. I think at a new stage in the development of human civilization, we will come to understand that our future lies in the spirit of unity and synthesis. All that is bright and divine that is in the original Russian culture will be combined with the best manifestations of Christian teaching.