Buch lesen: «Prophecies by Nostradamus», Seite 6


The 1 line. Perhaps, here Nostradamus was not entirely accurate. Alexander was not the youngest, but the eldest son of Emperor Paul I and Maria Feodorovna. Emperor Paul I (1754-1801) was killed in his bedroom by conspirators. The Alexander knew about the conspiracy, but there is no evidence that it was he who initiated this murder.

The 3 line. During the last years of the reign Alexander often remained in apathy, ceased to be interested in the affairs of the state. Presumably, he was tormented by remorse, because of involvement in the murder of his father. The according to the official version in 1825 the king died while traveling. The according to gossip he simulated а death.

Linkage with other quatrains: 9.86, 5.26.

Decoding of the number 9.8. 8+1=9. 900-90=810. If 1 and 0 swap then we will get 801 – the year of death.

Quatrain 4.75 Defeat of French in Russia

Pre[s]t a combattre fera defection,

Chef aduersaire obtiendra la victoire:

L'arriere garde fera defention

Les deffaillans mort au blanc territoire.

Ready to fight one will desert,

The chief adversary will obtain the victory:

The rear guard will make a defense,

The faltering ones dead in the white territory.

The first line is that the attacker will be defeated.

Judging by the last line, Nostradamus predicted the French retreat from October to December 1812 through the snowy territory of Russia. Almost the entire army of Napoleon was destroyed by Russian troops, partisans, frost and famine.

Decoding of the number 4.75. If 5 to turn over by 2 and consider as 200, then 200-74=126. Turning 6 to 9, 9-1=8, a permutation of the figures gives 812 year.

Quatrain 2.34 Duel A.S. Pushkin?

L'ire insensee du combat furieux,

Fera a table par freres le fer luyre,

Les departir mort blesse curieux,

Le fier duelle viendra en France nuyre.

Crazy outcome of a fierce duel

Will force the brothers at the table to pull out their weapons.

Mortally wounded valuable (unique).

A proud duel will come to France of offender.

Perhaps a duel was predicted between A.S. Pushkin and E. Dantes at January 29, 1837. The Frenchman Dantes for a long time intrusively and without result looked after Pushkin's wife. This led to their mutual hatred.

In the 2nd line Nostradamus calls them brothers, apparently because they were married to sisters Natalya and Ekaterina Goncharov.

The 3 line. Two duels were avoided. In the 3rd, Pushkin was mortally wounded. He is the "largest diamond in the crown" of Russian literature.

The 4 line. Dantes was deported to France. He was followed by his wife Catherine.

Estimated decoding of number 2.34. Let's rearrange the numbers – 432. If 4 to consider as 400, then 400-32=368. 6+1=7 (378). Rearrangement of numbers gives 837 – the year of the duel.

Quatrain 1.39 Alexander I

De nuict dan le lict le supresme estrangle

Pour trop auoir subiournй blond esleu

Par trois l'Empire subroge exancle,

A mort mettra carte, pacquet ne leu.

At night the last one will be strangled in his bed

because he became too involved with the blond heir elect.

The Empire is enslaved and three men substituted.

He put card to death, packet be not read.

Alexander I Pavlovich (1777-1825-1864) – the emperor of all Russia from 1801. As predicted in the first line, Emperor Paul I died at the hands of the conspirators on the night of March 24, 1801 in his bedchamber. His son and heir Alexander was a blond, tall and handsome. Many wanted his rule – he was dragged into a conspiracy against his father. At the beginning of the reign of Alexander I the so-called Committee of Public Salvation played an important role in governing the state. Count Stroganov, Count Kochubey, Prince Czartoryski entered it.

The 4 line. From the young years the fate was preparing the king to fulfill his plans. He was visited by such thoughts that he would someday leave the throne and lead the life of a hermit. By 1825 the decision to leave the throne had matured in him definitively. To accomplish this, he chose not to abdication, but to simulate a death (as predicted). Instead of him, someone else was buried. They paid well for the silence, and to this day the mystery is not revealed. The tsar lived for 39 years under the name of the Feodor Kuzmich, conceiving his sin. Feodor is the name of the grandfather on the maternal line. He died in 1964 in Tomsk, which was indicated by the prophet in the number of the quatrain. The old man had a secret package that disappeared without a trace.

Linkage with other quatrains: 9.08, 5.26.

Decoding of the number 1.39. If 9 flip in 6 then 1000-36=964, 9-1=8 we will get 864 – the year of death.

Quatrain 6.72 Alexandra Feodorovna

Par fureur faincte d'esmotion diuine,

Sera la femme du grand fort violee:

Iuges voulans damner telle doctrine,

Victime au peuple ignorant immolee.

Through feigned fury of divine emotion

The wife of the great one will be raped:

The judges wishing to condemn such a doctrine,

She is sacrificed a victim to the ignorant people.

Alexandra Feodorovna (6 June 1872 – 17 July 1918) – wife of Nicholas II from 1894, Empress of Russia.

The 1 and 2 lines about what was not made public, but not hidden from Nostradamus – this is the sexual violence of Grigori Rasputin against this woman. They met in 1905. He had a powerful physique, the ability to heal, was a hypnotist. He had a huge impact on women. The house in which he lived had the glory of a brothel. The Empress was dependent on him, as her son and heir had hemophilia, and Rasputin was able to alleviates his condition. He explained his sexual harassment with of divine emotion. Through the Empress Rasputin influenced the king and politics.

Provisional government condemned his activities.

In 1916 he was killed by the conspirators.

The 4 line. In 1918 Alexandra Feodorovna having been killed without trial.

Decoding of the number 6.72. If 6 to turn by 9 and subtract 1, then 872 is the year, and 6 is the day and month of the empress's birth (exact date)!

Quatrain 2.11* Birth of Stalin

Le prochain fils de l'asnier paruiendra

Tant esleue iusques au regne des forts,

Son aspre gloire vn chacun la craindra,

Mais ses enfans du regne iettez hours. B ij

The nearest son of the elder will attain

Very great height as far as the realm of the privileged:

Everyone will fear his fierce glory,

But his children will be thrown out of the realm.

Some interpreters of Nostradamus believe that this is a prophecy about Stalin I.V (1878-1953). This can be accepted. The second and third lines completely correspond to the image of Stalin. He rose high, becoming the head of the gigantic empire of the USSR. Stalin's repressions, executions and camps became black pages in the history of the Union. Even there an abroad were afraid his.

Translation of the last line does not correspond to historical facts. Stalin's children were not only not expelled, but on the contrary, they were not allowed to leave the country. The eldest son Yakov was killed in captivity during the Second World war. After the death of his father, Vasily tried to leave for China, because of which he was convicted and spent almost all the last years in prison. Daughter Svetlana Alilueva went to India under the pretext of a friend's funeral and there she asked for asylum at the US Embassy.

Perhaps the translation of the last line is not entirely accurate.

Linkage with other quatrains: 6.57.

Decoding of the number 2.11. If 1 consider as 1000 then 1000-12=988, 9 flip in 6, 6+1=7, 7 is put between 88 we will get 878 – the year of birth.

Quatrain 6.9 Lenin's article about religion

Aux temples saints seront faits grâds scanda- (les),

Comptez seront par honneur & loüanges

D'vin que l'on graué d'argent, d'or les medalles,

La fin sera en tourmens bien estranges.

In the sacred temples scandals will be perpetrated,

They will be reckoned as honors and commendations:

Of one of whom they engrave medals of silver and of gold,

The end will be in very strange torments.

Article V.I. Lenin: "On the attitude of the workers' party to religion" was published on May 13. 1909 "We must not only allow, but exclusively involve all workers who maintain faith in God in the Social-Democratic party, we are certainly against the slightest insult to their religious beliefs." Judging by this quote, the pogroms of the churches were inflections on the places. Atheism was Lenin's greatest mistake. There is no excuse for this, but one can find an explanation. The media before the revolution was printed products: newspapers, magazines, books. The common people were almost completely illiterate and did not read anything, but almost everyone went to church. Such postulate of the Christian religion as "non-resistance to evil by violence" was used to keep people in obedience. The priests preached humility, obedience and patience. This hampered to Lenin in his struggle. Before him stood the very a difficult task: the most inert nation to raise up for revolution, and he excellently managed with it.

In the third line of the quatrain it is said about printing the profile of the leader on money, medals, , etc. in the days of the USSR.

In the 4th line the prophet foretold what is still shrouded in mystery – the death of Lenin. There are suggestions that he died of poisoning, which he received under the guise of treatment.

Linkage with other quatrains: 1.4, 1.25.

Decoding of the number 6.9. If 6 flip in 9, 1 is put at ahead then 1900+9=1909 – the year of publication of article.

Quatrain 5.83 An unparalleled realm

Ceux qui auront entrepris subuertir

Nompareil regne puissant & inuincible,

Feront par fraude, nuicts trois aduertir,

Quand le plus grand a table lira Bible.

Those who will have undertaken to subvert,

An unparalleled realm, powerful and invincible:

They will act through deceit, nights three to warn,

When the greatest one will read his Bible at the table.

An unparalleled realm, powerful and invincible, it could be Russia, since there were no coups in the USA. In addition, the United States was originally not a kingdom, but a republic. Consequently, the Revolution in 1917 is predicted in this quatrain. In February, mass spontaneous uprisings of workers and soldiers were caused by war and famine. They led to the Revolution, the overthrow of the emperor, the creation of the Provisional Government. Lenin was in Switzerland at that time.

On the night of October 24-25, the Bolsheviks seized power. Armed units took control of railway stations, post offices, telegraphs, banks. By morning, the Provisional Government had only the Winter Palace without light and communications. The next night, the Kerensky government was deposed. Thanks to the leadership of Lenin, the coup occurred quickly, almost without resistance and bloodshed.

The last line, perhaps about Nicholas II – he was a religious man.

Decoding of the number 5.83. If 5 to turn over in 2 and to consider as 2000, then 2000-83=1917 – the year of the Revolution in Russia.

Quatrain 8.17* Russian Revolution

Les bien sisez subit seront desmis,

Le monde mis par les trois freres en trouble.

Cité marine saisiront ennemis,

Faim, feu, sang, peste, & de tous maux le double.

Those at ease will suddenly be cast down,

the world put into trouble by three brothers;

their enemies will seize the marine city,

hunger, fire, blood, plague, all evils doubled.

Judging by the first line this prophecy about the revolution.

The 2 line. Probably, this must be understood in a figurative sense, as brothers in spirit: Marx, Engels and Lenin.

The marine city is Petersburg.

The 4 line. It's about the hard years after the revolution: ruin, hunger, war. Despite the fact that Lenin's 1 decree was about peace, the peace did not come. Civil war began, intervention, red terror.

Nevertheless, the Russian revolution changed the world for the better. In the next decade many countries moved from the monarchical system to the republican one. The elements of socialism now exist in many countries of the world.

Quatrain is tagged *, since such events are so clearly described, no doubt, were deciphered before me.

Linkage with other quatrains: 1.3, 1.4, 1.25, 4.11, 3.67, 8.19.

Decoding of the number 8.17. The year is indicated almost explicitly. If 8+1=9 then it will be 917 – the year of revolution.

Quatrain 1.3 The reds and whites

Quand la lictiere du tourbillon versee

Et seront faces de leurs manteaux couuerts,

La republique par gens nouueaux vexee,

Lors blancs & rouges iugeront а l'enuers.

When the litters are overturned by the whirlwind

and faces are covered by cloaks,

the new republic will be troubled by its people.

At this time the reds and the whites will rule wrongly.

Since the first 2 quatrains are not prophecies, the third quatrain is the very first prediction of Nostradamus, and it is about the Russian Revolution. This shows how important it was to this historical event.

The 4 line – after the revolution Sverdlov, Trotsky, Bukharin, etc. occupied leading posts in the state. Trotsky and Bukharin came to Russia from America after the revolution and with great money. It is clear that a lot of money just will not give! Sverdlov, although he took an active part in the revolution, according to some sources, worked for the euro bankers. And such "white, red" was a lot at that time.

The 2 line of the quatrain is involuntarily associated with Dzerzhinsky, who wore a very long cloak.

The prophet in the letter to Henry II have a prediction of the October Revolution. "And it will be in the month of October so that there will be several great displacements, and such that it seems that the weight of the earth has lost its natural movement, to plunge into eternal darkness, there will be a spring preceding in time, and afterwards the greatest changes will begin …"

It is no longer surprising that the prophet accurately indicates the year. It's amazing that here the month of the revolution is precisely indicated – October! "Spring … change" – apparently, the February revolution of 1917.

Linkage with other quatrains: 8.17.

Decoding of the number 1.3. 100-3=97. If 1 to put between 97 then will be 917 – the year of Revolution.

Quatrain 9.51 Intervention in Russia

Contre les rouges sectes se banderont,

Feu, eau, fer, corde par paix se minera,

Au point mourir ceux qui machineront,

Fors vn que monde sur tout ruynera.

Against the red ones sects will conspire,

Fire, water, steel, rope through peace will weaken:

On the point of dying those who will plot,

Except one who above all the world will ruin.

The 1, 2 lines. It can be assumed that the intervention in Russia and the civil war of 1918-1921 are predicted here. 14 countries participated in the intervention. The Russian White Guard joined them. The red can be understood as the bolsheviks.

The 3 line. Almost all the Communists who participated in the revolution were exterminated by the Red terror and the Stalin's repression. Before the revolution they worked clandestinely like conspirators.

The 4 line maybe about Stalin. Having seized power, he became the tyrant of the country for 27 years. However Hitler is more coincide with this line – he the world will ruin.

Possible decoding of the number 9.51. If 5 to turn over into 2 and to consider as 2000, then 2000-19=1981, rearranged 81 we get 1918.

Quatrain 1.4 The universe will create Monarch

Par l'vniuers sera fait vn Monarque,

Qu'en paix & vie ne sera longuement,

Lors se perdra la piscature barque,

Sera regie en plus grand detriment.

The universe will create Monarch,

who will have little peace and a short life.

At this time the ship of the Papacy will be lost,

Reign (will be) with greatest detriment.

The fourth quatrain is the second prediction of the prophet and, perhaps, it is about Lenin. He lived for 54 years and gave his entire conscious life to the struggle against oppression, for the creation of an equitable society.

The 2 line. After the revolution and the civil war, he lived in peacetime only two years. He pursued the policy of the NEP (New Economic Policy) – free enterprise under the control of the people's power. In fact, he began to build bourgeois socialism, something that many capitalist countries have now come to.

The 4 line. After Lenin's death, Stalin banned all business. There was no freedom: there was no election, there was no multiparty system, the borders were closed, the peasants were enslaved. Everybody could to speak and to do only that what like to comrade Stalin. Step to the left, step to the right – execution. It can be said that with him there was a socialist monarchy, i.e. the absolute power of one person for the rest of his life. To some extent, the history of the French Revolution was repeated, where the monarch-tyrant Napoleon came to replace the republic, and in Russia – the tyrant monarch Stalin.

Linkage with other quatrains: 1.25, 6.9, 1.3, 8.17, 4.11.

Probable decoding of number 1.4. 1+1=2. (19)24 – year of death.

Quatrain 1.25 Lenin V.I.

Perdu, trouue, cache de si long siecle,

Sera pasteur demy Dieu honore,

Ains que la Lune acheue son grand cycle,

Par autres vieux sera deshonore.

The lost, is discovered, hidden for many centuries.

Pastor will be celebrated almost as a god-like figure.

When the moon completes her great cycle,

but by other rumours he shall be dishonoured.

Quatrain 1.25, most likely, about Vladimir Ilyich Lenin (Luna) 04.20.1870 – 01.21.1924. He was, in a sense, a pastor-teacher and leader of the common people. He had a phenomenal memory, fluent in 5 languages, had outstanding oratorical abilities. A perfectly educated, magnificent lawyer, he could live a quiet and prosperous life. But he chose the hard way of fighting. He went through jails and links to help the most deprived, who could not give him anything in return, except their love. In the USSR he was revered as a "demigod". His portraits and monuments were everywhere, his works were studied in all educational institutions. Nowadays his teaching: "factories and plants – to the workers, land to the peasants" became unnecessary. His heritage is silenced in every possible way.

Linkage with other quatrains: 1.4, 1.3, 8.17, 6.57.

Decoding of the number 1.25. If 5 to flip in 2, then 1000-22=978, 9+1=10, 1 is put at end; by swapping these numbers we 1870 – the year of birth.

An alternative opinion says that this is a prophecy about the French microbiologist Louis Pasteur. The word pasteur completely coincides with his surname, however, it is written with a small letter. Lune is written with a capital letter and means not a satellite of the Earth, but the name of a person. In terms of meaning, Lenin is more suited to this quatrain than Pasteur.

Quatrain 8.34* Death of Lenin

Apres victoire du Lyon au Lyon,

Sus la montagne de Ivra Secatombe,

Delues & brodes septiesme million,

Lyon, Vlme à Mausol mort & tombe.

After the victory of the Lion in the Lion,

there will be great slaughter on the mountain of Jura;

floods and dark coloured people of the seventh (of a million),

Lyons, Ulm at the mausoleum death and the tomb.

The last line says about death and the Mausoleum. Everyone understands that this is Lenin's Mausoleum on Red Square in Moscow. In French his name written Vladimir. Nostradamus indicates 3 consonant letters from this name Vlm, and the first letter V is the capital letter. Thus, the prophet ciphered and pointed to the name of the leader of the proletariat.

The 1 line. On the day Lenin died in Lyon the Third Congress of the Communist Party of France was held. The congress appealed to the working people with an appeal in which it was said that Lenin gave himself all to the service of the proletariat and will forever remain in the people's memory like a burning torch and will never extinguish. The tens of thousands of French workers took to the streets of Paris and other cities to honor the memory of the Great Man. It was his victory in the hearts of people. This year in France the socialists came to power, and the economic growth began.

Translation of the 2 and 3 lines raises doubts.

Perhaps the sad future of Mausoleum, the prophet predicted in a message to Henry II: "The crypt, for long an object of such great veneration, will remain in the open, exposed to the sight of the heavens, the Sun and the Moon. The holy place will be converted into a stable for a herd large and small, and used for profane purposes."

Linkage with other quatrains: 1.4, 1.3, 8.17.

Decoding of the number 8.34. If 8+1=9, 3-1=2, then 924 – the year of death.

Quatrain 8.19 The shooting of the family of Nicholas II

A soustenir la grand cappe troublée,

Pour l'esclaircir les rouges marcheront,

De mort famille sera presque accablée,

Les rouges rouges le rouge assommeront.

To support the great troubled cape;

the reds will march in order to clarify it;

a family will be almost overcome by death,

the reds of reds will knock down by red.

This prophecy about the shooting of royal family of Nicholas II on 17.07.1918 in Yekaterinburg. The presence of the royal family was a constant threat to the young republic. The supporters of the monarchy could rally around it for the purpose of its restoration. However, neither Lenin nor Dzerzhinsky gave not sanctions for the execution and were not even warned.

The last line speaks of the "red terror", by which the Reds often killed and the Reds.

Linkage with other quatrains: 4.11, 8.17, 1.3.

Decoding of the number 8.19. If 1 is put at end then by swapping these numbers we will get 1918 – the year of shooting.

Quatrain 4.11 Dzerzhinsky F.E.

Celuy qu'aura couuert de la grand cappe,

Sera induit à quelque cas patrer:

Le douze rouges viendront souiller la nape,

Soubs meurtre, meurtre se viendra perpetrer. D iij

He who will have the government of the great cape

Will be prevailed upon to perform several deeds:

The twelve red one who will come to soil the cloth,

Under murder, murder will come to be perpetrated.

Perhaps this quatrain about Dzerzhinsky (1877-1926). Felix Edmundovich took an active part in the revolution. After it, he became a member of the Central Committee of the party, served as People's Commissar, founded and headed the Cheka. He wore a very long cloak (great cope). As the head of the Extraordinary Commission, he brutally pursued the opponents of the bolshevik regime. He was the initiator of the Red terror. "twelve red" – this line evokes association with the 12 apostles of Christ, almost all of them were killed. All of Lenin's closest associates by 1930 were killed by the Red terror and Stalin's repressions.

Linkage with other quatrains: 8.19, 8.17, 1.3.

Decoding of the number 4.11. If 1 to consider as 1000, 1000-41=959, 59 to flip in 26, then we get 926 – the year of death.

Quatrain 2.57 V. I. Chapaev

Auant conflit le grand mur tombera,

Le grand à mort, mort trop subite & plainte

Nef imparfaict: la plus part nagera,

Aupres du fleuue de sang la terre tainte.

Before the conflict the great wall will fall,

The great one to death, death too sudden and lamented,

Born perfect: the greater part will swim:

Near the river the land stained with blood.

Presumably, this is a prophecy about the death of the commander of the 25th Division Vasily Ivanovich Chapaev (1887-1919). In the number of the quatrain there are figures 25. His abilities for military affairs he showed even in the years of World War I, becoming a full Georgievsky knight. During the Civil War Chapayev was awarded the Order of the Red Banner. His division was considered the best on the Eastern Front. His popularity among soldiers and among the people grew rapidly.

The 1 line. There are suggestions that Chapayev was a victim of betrayal. Air reconnaissance have hided from commander approaching the enemy. After the defeat of the Chapayev division, all four aircraft flew over to the White side. The headquarters of the division was located in Lbischensk. He was suddenly attacked early in the morning, when everyone was asleep.

The 3 line. Vasily Ivanovich, seriously wounded at the very beginning of the battle, was transported on planks across the Ural. On the other shore, he died of a wound in the stomach, at the age of 32 years.

The 4 line. All the captured Red army cossacks were shot by 100-200 people on the bank of the Ural river.

Probable decoding of number 2.57. If 5 flip in 2 then 2000-72=1928, 2-1=1, 8+1=9 we will get 1919 – the year of death.

Quatrain 2.44 The 1st Victory parade 1945

L'aigle posee entour des pauillons,

Par autres oyseaux d'entour sera chassee,

Quand bruit des cymbres, tubes et sonnaillons

Rendront le sens de la Dame insensee.

The Eagle posed around flags

Will be chased away by other surrounding birds:

When the noise of cymbals, trumpets and bells

Will restore the senses of the senseless lady.

With some probability, we can assume the 1st Victory parade in Moscow on 24,06.1945. The number 24 is in the quatrain number. German banners were thrown near the walls of Kremlin. The main fascist symbol was the swastika, but some of the banners also had images of eagles. There were no images of birds on the flags of the USSR, USA, England. Other birds, perhaps a Peace Dove?

3rd line. The parade was accompanied by the sounds of a military band.

The last line can be understood figuratively, as Germany's return to normal life. In quatrain 3.63 the prophet calls fascism with the word folies – insanity.

Decoding of the number 2.44. If 2 to flip in 5, then 500-44=456. 6 flip in 9 (459), 1and 9 put in front, it will be 1945.

Quatrain 6.57 I. V. Stalin

Celuy qu'estoit bien auant dans le regne,

Ayant chef rouge proche à la hierarchie:

Aspre & cruel, & se fera tant craindre,

Succedera a sacree monarchie.

He who was well forward in the realm,

Having a red chief close to the hierarchy,

Harsh and cruel, and he will make himself much feared,

He will succeed to the sacred monarchy.

Nostradamus predicted the reign of Stalin (Dzhugashvili) Joseph Vissarionovich. By 1920 he was already 42 years old.

The photo illustrates the second line of the quatrain. Lenin and Stalin, the saviour and annihilator of peoples, sit side by side like yin and yang, symbolizing the eternal law of unity and struggle of opposites. Lenin wrote a letter to the Thirteenth Congress of the CPSU (B.) On the removal of Stalin, but he concealed Lenin's will. It was not published, and it was not in the materials of the congress. Stalin made a cunning step – he withdrew himself so that he was asked to return.

The 3 line: "Harsh and cruel" does not require comment. Everyone knows about the repression of Stalin and the fact that everybody was afraid his.

The February Revolution of 1917 in Russia led to the overthrow of the Russian autocracy and the creation of the republic. Stalin usurped power. From the late 1930's until his death in 1953, Stalin alone led the Soviet state. And although his post was called the First Secretary of the Central Committee, in fact, according to the fullness of power, he was a monarch: "He will succeed to the sacred monarchy."

Linkage with other quatrains: 8.77, 2.70, 3.59.

Decoding of the number 6.57. If 7 to consider as 700, 700-65=635, 6 to flip in 9, 1 to put in front, 35 to swap 53, then we get 1953 – the year of death.

Quatrain 1.15 70 years after the Revolution

Mars nous menasse par sa force bellique,

Septante fois fera le sang espandre,

Auge & ruyne de l'Ecclesiastique,

Et plus ceux qui d'eux rien voudront (entendre).

Mars threatens us with the force of war

and will cause blood to be spilt seventy times.

The clergy will be both exalted and reviled moreover,

by those who wish to learn nothing of them.

Perhaps this is a prophecy about Russia, because it says about the reviled of the clergy. If we proceed from this assumption, then the second line about 70 years of Soviet power. It is true that not all 70 years the blood was spilled, but only until 1953: Civil war, 2-nd World and Stalin repressions. Further, under Khrushchev, Brezhnev there were no wars, no repressions. It was 30 years of relative prosperity for the Russia.

Through 70 years the military threat reappeared. 70 years after the Revolution – it's 1987-1988. During this period, the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict arose in the Caucasus, and then other the "hot spots". The massive exodus of the peoples from Caucasus and their resettlement across Russia became a consequence of the conflict. Approximately from these years, crime in the country begins to grow dramatically. The number of missing people also increased. As you know, peoples from Caucasus are fighting in Syria and Ukraine on both sides.

In the last 2 lines, the ruin of the church was predicted, and then the deaths of those who did not appreciate its relics. The greatest damage to the church was caused during the reign of Stalin.

Decoding of the number 1.15. If 1+1=2, 5 to flip in 2, then 2000-12=1988.

Quatrain 1.61 Putsch 1991

La republique miserable infelice,

Sera vastйe du nouueau Magistrat,

Leur grand amas de l'exil malefice,

Fera Sueue rauir leur grand contract.

The wretched, unfortunate republic

will again be ruined by a new authority.

The great amount of ill will accumulated in exile

will make the Swiss break their important agreement.

In all likelihood, this is a prophecy about big changes in Russia. In 1991 was the August putsch, it is the disintegration of the USSR, the end of the power of the CPSU and the transition of Russia from socialism to capitalism.

The 1 line is quite suitable for the 90s. Indeed, with the coming to power of Yeltsin in place of Gorbachev, much has changed in the country. Production declined, unemployment, non-payment of wage, delayed pensions and benefits began. As a result of hyperinflation, the people lost all their savings and enterprises – assets.

The second line can serve as a completely critical assessment by Nostradamus a privatization the state property after the transition to capitalism. "Although Russia's initial privatization legislation attracted widespread popular support given its promise to distribute the national wealth among the general public and ordinary employees of the privatized enterprises, eventually the public felt deceived". [Privatization in Russia. Wikipedea]