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Buch lesen: «Texas Hunt»

Barb Han

“Stop!” he shouted.

She froze but didn’t turn around to face him.

“What in hell’s name is going on, Lisa?” Ryan caught up to her, put his hand on her arm to support her, and blew out a frustrated breath when she recoiled.

“I’m sorry. I need to go.”

“Not so fast. The only place you’re going is inside.” He urged her to turn around and he was surprised she did.

The look on her face, the resignation, should have made him feel bad. He didn’t want to go down this road with her. The one where he was basically forcing her to talk. But she was in danger and he couldn’t put up with this any longer.

“He’ll come back.” There came the fear in her eyes again.

“Not tonight, he won’t.”

Texas Hunt

Barb Han

BARB HAN lives in north Texas with her very own hero-worthy husband, three beautiful children, a spunky golden retriever/standard poodle mix and too many books in her to-read pile. In her downtime, she plays video games and spends much of her time on or around a basketball court. She loves interacting with readers and is grateful for their support. You can reach her at

My deepest thanks go to Allison Lyons for the amazing talent she brings to make each story the absolute best it can be—I am beyond grateful. I’m incredibly blessed to work with Jill Marsal and I’m looking forward to many more years together.

There are three people who cheer me on through late nights and weekends, who are always quick to build me up if my spirits dip, and who inspire me to reach deeper every day so that I can be half the person I see reflected in their eyes. Brandon, Jacob and Tori—my three beautiful gifts!—my world is so much brighter because of you!

And to you, Babe, because the life we’ve built together is so much better than I ever thought possible—and you are at the center of it all. I love you!




Title Page

About the Author


Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Eighteen



Chapter One

Lisa Moore woke with a start. She tried to push up to a sitting position. Motion made a thousand nails drive through her skin and her head split four ways. Bright fluorescent lights blurred her vision. Her arms gave out and she landed hard on the firm mattress.

“Whoa, slow down there.” Before she could shift her position enough to try sitting up again, Ryan Hunt was kneeling at her side. She didn’t want to acknowledge just how much his presence calmed her rising pulse.

“What are you doing here?” she asked. Looking around, realizing she was in the hospital, she added, “What am I doing here?”

“I came as soon as I got the call,” Ryan said, his low, deep timbre wrapping around her. An emotion flickered behind his eyes that she couldn’t immediately pinpoint. At six foot two with the muscled body of an athlete, Ryan could take care of himself and anyone else around. She told herself that was the reason him being there comforted her...but comforted her from what?

Reality dawned on her as a full-body shiver rocked her. She’d been attacked by Beckett Alcorn, son of the most prominent man in town. His father had recently been named a person of interest in the fifteen-year-old kidnapping case that had rocked the small tight-knit community of Mason Ridge, Texas. News broke yesterday that Charles Alcorn had escaped before questioning and a manhunt was under way to find him.

Fear seized her, cramping her stomach. What if Beckett came back? No one would suspect him, the grieving and confused son. Too bad she couldn’t tell Ryan what had actually happened, what she really knew. She’d done her part. She hadn’t told a soul what Beckett Alcorn had done to her. So why was he trying to deliver on a fifteen-year-old threat now?

“Who else has been here?” She glanced at the door.

“Our friends. Your sister.” The questioning look he gave her reminded her that she couldn’t afford to give away her true emotions. No one could know about Beckett.

“What really happened to you?” The sight of Ryan—his gray-blue eyes and hawk-like nose set on a face of hard angles softened by rich, thick, curly dark brown hair—settled her fried nerves enough to let her think clearly.

Beckett had misjudged her this time. She’d distracted him long enough to escape. He’d be better prepared next time. Lisa and her family were in grave danger and she needed a plan.

“A guy came out of nowhere and jumped me. I’m guessing they didn’t catch him.” Playing dumb with Ryan was her only choice. Otherwise, Beckett would hurt her sister or nephew as he’d promised.

“Must not’ve.” Ryan’s cell buzzed, his gaze followed hers to the door. “People have been dropping by or calling every half hour to check on you.”

“Where’s my sister?” Panic beat rapid-fire against her ribs.

“At work. Said she’ll stop by when she gets off at three.” His dark eyebrow arched.

Lori would be safe as long as she was in a public place. Beckett would strike in the dark when she was alone. Lisa had to make sure that didn’t happen. She tried to sit up, but her arms gave and her head pounded.

“Hold on there. Where do you think you’re going?” Ryan asked. His suspicion at her reaction evidenced in his tone.

“Nowhere like this.” She tried to adjust to a more comfortable position.

“Do you know who did this to you?”

“No. Of course not,” she said a little too quickly. It was true that she didn’t remember much after escaping. Her mind was as fuzzy as her vision. One thing was crystal clear. Ryan asking questions was a bad idea. She needed to redirect the conversation. “How’d I end up in the hospital?”

“You crawled into the street as Abigail Whitefield drove past on Highway 7. She stopped and called 911 on the spot.”

“I’ll have to stop by and thank her on my way home,” Lisa said, wincing. Speaking shot stabbing pains through her chest.

“The deputy wants a statement. He’s been waiting for you to wake up.” Ryan’s cell phone buzzed. He checked the screen and then responded with a text.

“Everything okay?” she asked.

“It’s work. It’ll hold,” he said without looking at her.

She’d heard that his construction business had been booming. “How long have I been out?”

“Just a day.” He chewed on a toothpick.

“What?” She tried to sit up again with similar results, pain forcing her to still.

“Whoa, take it easy there. You shouldn’t try to move until the doctor checks you,” Ryan said, locating and then pressing the nurse’s call button before tossing the toothpick in the trash. There was compassion in his eyes and sympathy in his tone, and for some reason she didn’t like either. She didn’t want to be the one he pitied. She wanted to be something else to him, something more meaningful than a friend. The thought appeared as out of the blue as a spring thunderstorm in north Texas. Both could be dangerous. They’d known each other since they were kids. Besides, relationships were too risky and Lisa didn’t go there with anyone.

But it was Ryan, a little voice inside her head protested—a voice she quickly silenced.

Waking in the hospital was messing with her head. Her nerves were fried and she was reaching for comfort. And those thoughts about Ryan were as productive as harvesting burned corn.

“I just need a minute to clear my head. I’ll be okay.” The last thing she remembered was seeing Beckett’s face as she ripped off his ski mask while he was trying to strangle her. He’d panicked for a split second, which had given her the window of opportunity she needed to push him away, kick him in the groin and run. Lisa was lucky to be alive.

“We’ll find the person who did this to you. He won’t get away with it. You have my word.” Ryan’s voice was barely a whisper, but there was no mistaking the underlying threat in his tone. “In the meantime, the doctor or nurse should make sure you’re okay.”

“So, what’s the verdict so far? Have you spoken to anyone?” She scanned her arms for bruising, remembering the viselike grip that had been clamped around them. Black and blue marks were painted up and down both. “I’m guessing I have cracked ribs based on how painful it is to breathe.”

“Let me go find that nurse.” He made a move to stand, but Lisa grabbed his arm, ignoring the piercing pain.

“Please stay.” The words came out more desperate-sounding than she’d planned. “It’s just nice to see a friendly face.” She added the last part to cover, praying he believed her. In truth, she was scared to be alone in her current condition.

Ryan followed her gaze to the door again.

“I’m not going anywhere.” When his gray-blue eyes intensified, they looked like steel.

She didn’t want to acknowledge the relief flooding her or how much his presence sent tingles of awareness deep in her stomach. Whatever spark he might’ve felt had to be long gone by now, replaced with sincere friendship. He showed no signs of experiencing the same electricity humming through her when she touched his arm. Maybe if she’d handled things differently between them years ago...

A young dark-haired nurse wearing glasses and aqua scrubs entered the room, shuffling to Lisa’s side.

“I’m Shelly. How are you feeling today?”

“Good, considering I’ve been dead to the world for the past twenty-four hours.”

“You’ve been drifting in and out. There’ve been times when you responded to questions. The answers didn’t always make sense.” Shelly smiled and the look made her plain round face more attractive.

Had Lisa muttered something in her sleep she shouldn’t have? Panic rolled through her. If she had, Ryan would be asking very different questions.

Shelly asked a few questions that were easy to answer, ensuring Lisa knew who she was and where she was from.

“Are you sure you don’t want something for the pain?” Shelly asked.

“I can manage.”

Ryan stood and took a step back to give the nurse room to work.

“How long before I can get out of here?” Lisa checked the door again, half-afraid Beckett would show.

Ryan’s eyebrow lifted for the second time.

“The doctor will be in to see you shortly and talk to you about your injuries. Your numbers are strong, but I’m sure the doctor will want to keep you awhile longer for observation. You took a couple of big blows to the head.” There was sympathy in her voice, too.

It shouldn’t annoy Lisa. Maybe the bumps on her head affected her mood. She should be grateful that everyone seemed genuinely concerned about her.

Except that she knew this was far from over. Beckett must believe she’d told someone or was planning to start talking. With his father in trouble, Beckett might do anything to keep his family’s name out of the papers. Either way, she wasn’t out of danger.

“I’m sure you’ll be up and around soon,” Shelly reassured her.

“That’s the best news I’ve heard so far. Think there’s any chance I’ll be discharged later today?” Being at home in her own bed sounded amazing about now.

A thought struck her. Beckett knew where she lived. No. She couldn’t go there. She’d have to find a safe place to stay until she recovered from her injuries and could do something about Beckett. A flea could take her down in her present condition, and leaving herself vulnerable would be foolish.

“The doctor can explain everything to you when she comes in, but I’d put money on you staying here another night.” Shelly had stopped playing around with gadgets and stood sentinel next to the bed. She’d be all of five feet two inches in heels, or in this case thickly padded tennis shoes. “Do you have family in the area other than your husband?”

My husband?

“Why?” Lisa glanced at Ryan, who shot her a look before intently studying his cell phone screen.

“We like to have additional contacts on file in case your husband has to leave,” Shelly said casually.

Hold on. Did that mean what Lisa thought? Her dad hadn’t been up to see her? She might understand her sister, Lori, being preoccupied with her infant son or work, but wouldn’t Dad come by to make sure she was okay? Ryan had said people had been stopping by. She made a mental note to ask him about it as soon as the nurse left the room. “I can give more names. There are others here in town.”

“Great. I’ll send someone up from Records to take more information.”

“Perfect,” Lisa said, trying to sound casual.

“The doctor should be in soon.” The nurse paused at the door.

“Terrific.” Lisa shot a look at Ryan. “I’m sure my husband will bring me up to date in the meantime.”

His lips were thin and his arms folded. He fired off a warning look. She understood. He didn’t want to be caught in a lie. He must’ve felt that he had no choice. Ryan was one of the most honest people she knew. He wouldn’t take giving false information lightly.

“What else can I get for you while I’m here? Another blanket?” Shelly asked.

“No, thank you. I have everything I need.” Lisa glanced from the nurse to Ryan. If he’d been a cartoon character, steam would’ve been coming out of his ears from embarrassment.

“Press the button if you change your mind,” Shelly said before closing the door to give them privacy.

“Was it a big wedding?” Maybe it was the pressure mounting inside her that needed release, but Lisa couldn’t stop herself from poking at him.

“Cut it out,” Ryan groaned.

Even when they were twelve he didn’t like hopping a fence to retrieve a ball in a neighbor’s yard without asking first. More than that, he detested outright lying. His older brother hadn’t had the same conviction before he’d cleaned up his act. Lisa figured most of the reason Ryan despised untruths had derived from living through the dark periods in Justin’s life.

“Sorry. I couldn’t resist. I know why you did it and I appreciate you for it. I’m sure they needed consent to treat,” she said.

“Yes. You’re welcome.” The corners of his lips upturned in a not-quite smile. Something else was bothering him. She could tell based on his tight-lipped expression. Whatever it was, he seemed intent on keeping it to himself.

“Has anyone contacted my dad?” she asked.

He shrugged.

“What a minute. How did you even know I was here?”

“Mrs. Whitefield called. She said you asked for me right before you passed out on her. She needed help getting you in the car.” He cocked an eyebrow at her. “She said it seemed like there was something you wanted to tell me.”

“You could’ve called my father,” Lisa redirected.

“Guess I didn’t think of it at the time.” Something dark shifted behind his eyes and he looked uncomfortable.

A light tap at the door sounded and then Lori rushed in.

“I came as soon as I heard you were awake. Thank God you’re all right.” Her hands were tightly clasped and her gaze bounced tentatively from Lisa to Ryan.

“I thought you were at work.” Had Ryan really sent a work text earlier or was he covering for connecting with Lori? Why would he do that?

Oh no. Something had to have happened. Lisa’s heart raced thinking about her nephew. “Is Grayson okay?”

“Yes. He’s fine. Great actually.” Lori’s face muscles were pulled taut. “It’s Dad.”

No. No. No. “What happened?”

“He had an accident.” Lori shifted her weight to her right foot and bowed her head.

“Where is he?”

“He’s gone.” Huge tears rolled down her pink cheeks.

Wait. What? No. This couldn’t be happening. She stared at her sister waiting for the punch line. If this was some kind of joke, it was beyond twisted. Tears already streaked her cheeks. Deep down, she knew her sister wouldn’t say something like that if it wasn’t true.

“What happened?” Lisa forced back the flood of emotions threatening to bust through her iron wall and engulf her.

“He was on the tractor, drinking again,” Lori said, raw emotion causing the words to come out strained. “He must’ve had too much because he flipped it and was pinned. The coroner said he died instantly.”

Ryan had moved to her side, his hand was on her shoulder, comforting her. She needed to know the details, to know if Beckett had anything to do with it. Dozens of thoughts crashed down on her at once. She also had to think of an excuse to get her sister and nephew out of town and far away from any threat.

Of course everyone would assume he’d been hitting the bottle again. It wouldn’t be the first time he’d relapsed. No one would believe her if she denied it. And yet Lisa knew he’d been clean. There was always a pattern. He was on an upswing. Lisa forced back the flood of tears threatening to overwhelm her. A few streamed down her face anyway.

“Do they know for sure Dad was drinking? Did they perform an autopsy?” she pressed. She’d seen on TV that the coroner could screen for alcohol level.

“Why would they do that? Isn’t that for, like, people who are murdered or something?” Lori’s voice rose with her panic levels. Her grip on Lisa’s hand had tightened to the point of pain.

Lisa gently urged their fingers apart.

“Oh, sorry. This is just happening so fast. First, what happened to you yesterday morning. Then Daddy later that afternoon.” Lori broke down in a sob. “I’m scared, sis. He’s gone and I didn’t know if you’d—”

“I’m here,” Lisa reassured, fighting back her own emotions. She’d always tried to be brave for her little sister. “I’m not going anywhere.”

“I know. It’s just all...surreal or something. Everyone keeps saying that bad news comes in threes and I keep waiting for the other shoe to drop. It’s crazy. I mean, who would want to hurt you? You’re like the nicest person. Everyone loves you. You’re a kindergarten teacher for heaven’s sake. Who would do this to you?”

“Random mugging, remember? I have just as much chance as everyone else. It’s like lightning striking,” Lisa said even though her heart wasn’t in the words. When it came to lying, she fell on the same side of the scale as Ryan. Her father’s drinking binges had always been preceded by lies. In bad times, she and her sister would be hauled off to stay with a relative. In the worst cases, they’d end up in the foster care system for a few months until their dad straightened out.

Even though she hated lying, she had no choice. She had to protect what was left of her family. “Where’s Grayson?”

“I’m sorry. I didn’t want to bring the baby here. I know he’s still little, but I thought he might be afraid if he saw you like this,” Lori said. The words gushed out. She always spoke too fast when she was a nervous wreck.

“You did the right thing, sis,” Lisa said in her most calming voice.

“He’s with Dylan and Samantha. Maribel’s keeping an eye on him. She calls him her little brother. It’s cute.” Lori broke into another sob. Dylan and Samantha were longtime friends. Maribel was Dylan’s three-year-old daughter. The three of them made a beautiful family. Grayson would be safe in their care. “I know he wasn’t always there for us, but he was our dad. And now he’s gone.”

“I loved him, too.” It was surreal to speak about him in the past tense. “It’s okay to cry.”

“No, it’s not. I should be more like you.”

“Calloused?” Lisa said quickly before she shattered into a tiny thousand pieces. The only thing worse than holding on to her horrible secret was seeing her baby sister in pain.

“I was going to say brave.” Lori leaned into Lisa and sobbed.

With Beckett’s father being hunted, this might be the right time to expose the family for the monsters they truly were. And yet she hadn’t reported the crime fifteen years ago. Could she come forward now and accuse Beckett? Would anyone believe her?

Maybe Ryan knew about Beckett’s family. Hadn’t the Alcorns tried to take his father’s land? Then again, if she asked him too many questions he might just figure out she was hiding something and force her hand. He was more persistent than a pit bull searching for a bone when it came to finding the truth. She’d also seen how dedicated he’d been to his brother when Justin had been in trouble. Would he do the same for her?

If anyone could understand or help, Ryan could.

He’d been devastated when his own mother walked out on the family. He’d acted tough on the outside, but Lisa saw past the front he’d put up. She’d seen the pain buried deep down because it was just like hers.

Lisa knew pain.

On second thought, exposing Beckett now was a bad idea. First of all, he’d take away everything she loved. Then he’d kill her. Or worse, he wouldn’t.

She needed to figure out a way to keep her family safe without alarming them. The Alcorns’ number was almost up and she’d be on the front row of the court trial when it happened, cheering when the sentence was delivered.

Until then, she had to figure out a way to keep her family safe.

Every fiber in her being urged her to warn her sister about what might come next, that she and Grayson could be in grave danger. But what if no one believed her?

She lay in a hospital bed with possible head trauma. She had no evidence for an accusation against Beckett. Most people believed him to be a good person and felt sorry for him after news broke about his father.

Lisa had to weigh her options carefully. If she told Lori and Ryan the truth and they questioned her, the risk would only increase. Beckett’s attack on her family wouldn’t be straightforward, either. He’d watch Lori. Hide. Strike when she least expected it. Considering she had a baby on her hip most of the time, she’d be an easy target.

Doing nothing was a pretty lousy option.

There had to be something she could do to keep her family safe. Lori and Grayson were all Lisa had left and she’d trade her life for either one.

* * *

LISA’S EMOTIONAL PAIN hit Ryan far deeper than her physical bruises did. He didn’t like those, either, but experience had taught him the stuff on the outside healed. The marks on her heart wouldn’t go away in a few weeks. He fisted his hands and then shoved them in his pockets so he wouldn’t punch a hole in the wall.

The promise he’d made to Lori to keep quiet about their father had been sitting sourly in his stomach since Lisa’s eyes opened. Ryan had wanted to be the one to tell her what had happened, but it wasn’t his place. The news about her family needed to come from her sister, not from him. All he could do was be there to help pick up the pieces.

Seeing her lying there, helpless, had stirred more than a primal need to protect a friend.

Instead of acting on it, he’d watched her sleep as he’d held back from stroking her rosy skin as it shone even under the harsh fluorescent light. Her long brunet hair with light streaks that caught the sun seemed brighter.

Listening to the pain in her voice as she spoke to her sister was the second time he’d nearly been done in. He shouldn’t allow his past feelings for Lisa to cloud his judgment. Because if they had their way he’d be in that hospital bed with her, holding her until she stopped shaking, comforting her until she felt safe again. It was obvious that the attack had left a serious mark. The way she kept looking at the door as if expecting her assailant to walk through even had Ryan jumpy.

As far as anything else between them went, Lisa was a puzzle in which he’d never quite fit the pieces together. There was no way he could risk his heart twice trying.

Get a hobby, Hunt.

Besides, he had other, more pressing things to focus on, like why she kept checking the door with that frightened look on her face. She had to know a person from a random mugging wouldn’t follow her to the hospital. Ryan bet there was more going on than she let on.

“I better go. Grayson needs to nurse soon,” Lori said.

“I’ve been lying here thinking about getting away for a few days. You should, too. Especially now. It’s not good for the baby to be around all this and stress can affect your breast milk,” Lisa said, looking as though she was grasping at straws. Her sister was almost militant about breast-feeding. Since Grayson’s dad wasn’t coming back, Ryan figured her sister compensated by throwing all her energy into being Grayson’s mother. It was beyond Ryan how a father could walk out on his family. Then again, it didn’t seem to have bothered his mother all that much.

Lisa made a good point but when did she have time to think about a getaway option? She’d only woken up a few minutes ago.

“I don’t know. I’d rather be here for you. Plus, we need to make arrangements for Dad.” Lori’s voice hitched on the last couple of words.

“All we need is an internet connection to do that. It’ll take a few days to settle everything anyway before the service. I can meet you somewhere. The nurse said I might be out of here later today.”

Ryan had no idea why Lisa was skirting the truth, but after all she’d been through he figured he’d toss her a lifeline. “A buddy of mine has a fishing cabin a couple hours from here in Arkansas. It’s right on the lake. I’m sure he wouldn’t mind if you took it over.”

“Are you sure that’s such a good idea?” Lori glanced from Ryan to Lisa. “I have Grayson to think about.”

“It’s nice and big. The place sleeps eight. He bought it so his wife would want to bring the kids,” Ryan said. He intended to have a heart-to-heart with Lisa as soon as her sister left. Then again, her attack was followed by devastating news about her father. Maybe she needed to get her bearings and figured this was the best way. Plus, the Mason Ridge Abductor was still out there and even though Grayson was a baby, not a seven-year-old, which was the usual mode of operation for the kidnapper, she had to be thinking about his safety. With Lori on her own with a baby and Lisa the overprotective older sister, maybe Ryan shouldn’t be surprised at how out of sync her reactions seemed to be.

He needed to reassure her that he intended to make certain she was okay.

“It might be nice to take the weekend,” Lori said. “There’s been so much going on that I don’t even want to go to the grocery anymore for fear of running into people. They’re well intentioned and all, but my phone’s been ringing like crazy. I answered it a few times and it’s a game of twenty questions. I can’t talk about either one of you without bawling. Plus, work gave me time off to make...arrangements.” She wiped away another tear.

“Then it’s settled. Ryan will call his friend.” Lisa turned her attention toward him. “I’ll owe you big-time. You’re certain this will be all right?”

“More than sure. He gave me a spare so I could check on the place for him this month while he’s out of town for work.” Ryan fished in his pocket and then produced a key. “I’ll text the address. You should probably take off now. There’s a small corner store at the turnoff to get to his place. They’re used to weekenders, so they’ll have everything you need to get by for a few days with a baby.”

“Okay.” Lori stopped chewing on her lip and took the offering.

Ryan zipped off a text with the address, waiting for her smartphone to ding.

When it did, she said to Lisa, “Good. Will I see you tonight?”

“I hope so. I’m out of here as soon as I get clearance,” Lisa replied.

“Then I’ll feed the baby, pack a bag and head out,” Lori conceded. The idea seemed to be growing on her when she smiled at her sister.

“Be safe driving. Let me know when you get there, okay?”

They hugged and both had tears in their eyes when Lori left.

“Thank you,” Lisa said as Ryan settled into the chair next to her bed.

“You’re welcome.” Whatever was on her mind, she had no intention to share just yet. He could tell by the set of her jaw and the look in her eye. Lucky for her, he was a patient man. “The deputy should be here shortly to take your statement. You hungry for anything? I could run out and pick up whatever sounds good.”

“I doubt I could eat anything,” she said. Those bluish-green eyes pushed past his walls—walls he’d worked damn hard to construct.

Lisa was attractive. Only an idiot would argue that point and Ryan didn’t put himself in that particular category. He’d be lying if he didn’t admit to a certain pull he felt toward her every time she was around.

But that was where it ended. Where it had to end.

Sure, a few of his friends had found true partnerships with other people recently. Even though Ryan had been against Brody and Rebecca’s relationship early on because of their history, the two were the happiest he’d ever seen them. Dylan and Samantha seemed perfect for each other. Love seemed to suit his friends. Denying the nose on his face wouldn’t change anything. Besides, Ryan was truly happy for his best buds.

But only a man with a need for punishment did the same thing over and over again expecting a different result. Lisa had shot him down before when he thought he’d picked up on a mutual attraction. Even though he felt that same sizzle between them now, only a fool would act on it. And not only because she was in a hospital bed, hurt. That just made it inappropriate.

Ryan had other reasons not to get involved with anyone. For one, he didn’t need anyone to take care of him. He was perfectly fine living the bachelor’s life.

Brody and Dylan might have found their other halves and taken up relationships, and Ryan didn’t begrudge them. No two people deserved that kind of bliss more than his friends. He had to admit that they seemed happier than they’d ever been. And that was all pink lemonade and roses for them.

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