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Buch lesen: «A Steele For Christmas», Seite 2


His mother straightened in her seat. “Well, I’m glad that at least you’re not stuck on just a pretty face. There’s more to it than that. That might be what snarls a man in the beginning, but he needs to know the woman has other things going for her than just good looks. They need to be compatible in a number of other things as well. Your father and I have lasted this long because we’re also the best of friends.”

Eli knew that to be true. His parents were partners in all things. More than once while growing up, he and his brothers had tried pitting their parents against each other when they wanted something one parent refused to give them. They soon discovered Drew and Eden stuck together like glue.

“You do know they refer to you and your brothers as the ‘Bad News’ Steeles, don’t you?”

Yes, he knew but he wondered how she’d found out about it. “Who told you that?”

“Sandra Tompkins. Mercury dropped her niece like a hot potato after a couple of dates and she wasn’t too happy about it.”

Eli smiled. “If you ever saw her niece you’d know why.”

Eden’s eyes narrowed. “Then why did he become involved with the girl in the first place?”

Eli didn’t respond. He figured not responding would provide his mother with an answer. When she slowly raised an arched brow and gave him a disapproving glare, he knew she fully comprehended the reason.

“Is that all you and your brothers ever think about?” she asked in disgust.

He wondered what she expected. After all, they were Drew’s sons. They may have her eyes but the looks and genes were definitely from their father. They had the Steele charm and the high testosterone level that came with it. Shrugging massive shoulders, he said slowly, “I can only speak for myself, Mom, and I doubt my answer will make you happy, so I’ll plead the fifth.”

And before she could respond to what he’d said, he quickly asked, “So, where’s your next stop?”

She glanced at her watch and then back at him. The glare was still in her eyes. “I think I’ll pay Mercury a visit.”

A slow smile touched Eli’s lips. He didn’t envy his brother one bit.

Chapter 3

S tacey glanced at her watch. It was seven o’clock already. How had time gotten away from her so fast? When she had reopened her shop after having lunch with Cohen, things had gotten busy, which helped keep her mind off the fact that her brother would be moving away to Florida.

Their father had gotten killed in a work-related accident a week before her tenth birthday and her mother never remarried. The insurance policy due to the accident had helped financially, although it hadn’t replaced James Carlson in their lives. She’d loved her father but his death had affected Cohen the most since the two had been so close.

Her mother had tried being both the father and mother they needed and both she and Cohen appreciated that. They had started getting their lives back together when two years later, their mother was diagnosed with lung cancer. Five years after that, she was gone. By then Cohen had left for college and she was sent to live with an aunt in Memphis. Aunt Maggie had forbidden Cohen from dropping out of college to help take care of Stacey. Instead, she’d convinced him to go on and become the doctor his parents always wanted him to be.

And he had.

Stacey sighed deeply thinking of her aunt Maggie who’d died two years ago. Stacey had tried staying in Memphis after her aunt’s death and had been content until Wallace had messed things up for her. When it seemed she would run into him and Gail just about everywhere she went, she’d known putting distance between her and Memphis was the best thing.

Refusing to think about her heartbreak in Memphis, she glanced down at the boxes that had been delivered a few hours ago. Excitement raced up her spine knowing her Christmas merchandise had arrived. She looked forward to putting the items up on display next week.

“You’re still open?”

Stacey swirled around and threw her hand to her chest. She thought she’d locked the door when she’d closed up at five. Evidently not since Eli Steele was standing in the middle of her shop and looking good enough to eat.

Keep those lusty thoughts out of your head, Stacey Carlson.

Only God and she had to know how she usually failed to do that whenever she saw him. Eli Steele wasn’t the friendliest of people and was nothing like Tyson, the first Steele she’d gotten to know since he was Cohen’s best friend. And all the other brothers seemed pretty friendly as well. Why did this one have to be so uptight and unfriendly?

“I closed a couple of hours ago. I just forgot to put out the sign and lock the door. Was there something you wanted?” she asked.

She suddenly began nibbling on her bottom lip wondering why on earth she’d asked that. But then why shouldn’t she when he was in her shop? She’d merely asked if he wanted to purchase something and was not inquiring about anything else. Then why did his eyes darken? It had to be a figment of her imagination. Of all the women in Phoenix, she would be the last one he’d want.

He proved her right when he said, “No, I just noticed the open sign still up when I know you’re usually closed by the time I leave each day.”

She knew exactly when he left each day since she would watch him pass by her shop. Usually he didn’t as much as glance her way. He’d look straight ahead with that masculine “turn-a-girl-on” strut of his. She’d overheard a conversation between Tyson and her brother once, and Tyson joked about how Eli spent a lot of time in his office eyeing the penthouse fitness center across the street. He’d pick out the woman who could kick her legs up the farthest and she would be the one he hit on for the week.

“I got kind of excited about the delivery that came a while ago. It’s my Christmas merchandise,” she said as a way of explanation.

When he didn’t say anything or acknowledge her in any way, she smiled and added, “I guess you’re thinking that it doesn’t take much to get me excited.”

If she wasn’t sure about the darkening of his gaze before, she was definitely certain about it now. She could kick herself. Why did she say such outrageous things around him? Words that could easily be taken out of context?

And then when she saw his lips quirk into a smile, she almost lost her balance. The man was actually smiling. Gracious. This was the first time she’d ever seen him do so and thought he should do it more often.

Then she quickly decided that no, he should not. A stern-faced Eli Steele was sexy enough. A smiling one was too hot to handle.

He surprised her even more when a low, husky rumble that she figured to be a chuckle eased from his lungs. She felt her stomach quivering when he said, “I’m sure there are other things that could get you a lot more excited, Stacey.”

His green eyes locked with hers and she could feel air get trapped in her lungs. That was the first time she’d heard him say her name and the word off his lips sounded almost sinful. Definitely erotic. How had he managed that?

“Do you need any help?”

She blinked. He’d said something else. Actually asked her a question. This was the most he’d ever said to her. “Need any help with what?” she asked, afraid he might tell her.

“The boxes.”

“The boxes?” For some reason she couldn’t follow him. She was too overcome with the nearness of him—and that wasn’t good. Especially when his gaze was zeroing in on her with such intensity. No man had affected her this way since Wallace. And if she was completely honest with herself, she would admit Wallace had never given her this degree of a sensual high.

His smile widened. “Yes, the boxes. Unless there’s something else I can assist you with?”

That question had been more than a subtle come-on. Was he flirting with her? No, he wouldn’t dare, especially knowing Cohen was her brother. She figured that was why those “Bad News” Steeles always handled her with kid gloves. They worked in the same building so she saw him more than any of the others. He would drop by, make a purchase and keep on moving right out the door without a backward glance. Now he was holding a conversation with her. He was smiling. And he was looking at her like he wanted to get with her. And this time she was sure she wasn’t imagining it.

“No, I don’t need help with anything,” she said.

He nodded slowly. “You sure?”


He stood there and his gaze slowly ran down the length of her body. It was as if he had X-ray vision and could see what she was wearing beneath her slacks and blouse.

She lifted her brow and figured two could play his game. Returning his stare with the same boldness, she checked him out. Boy, did she check him out. Her gaze roamed up and down his hard, muscular frame, appreciating every part of him her eyes touched. He looked good. So good that blood was rushing fast and furious through her veins. The man had such a perfect physique. Definitely impressive. She wasn’t aware that many muscles made up a masculine body. And he was still fully clothed.

She knew she should pull back, accept the fact that the man was way out of her league. But for some reason she couldn’t do that. She’d never acted so outright naughty with a man before and she was playing with fire doing so with this one. But she refused to back down.

Dazedly, her mind registered that he was slowly walking toward her. Something warned her that she should back up, escape behind her counter, but she couldn’t move. Her feet seemed glued to the spot. Moments later he came to a stop in front of her. She tilted her head back. She’d known he was tall but she hadn’t realized how tall until he was there, right in front of her without the counter between them.

“Why were you looking at me like that?” he asked.

How dare he ask her that after he’d all but undressed her with his gaze first. “And just what way was I looking at you, Eli?”

She saw something flash in his eyes when she said his name. It was the first time she’d ever done so. And just like when her name had flowed from his lips for the first time, he reacted instantly. It was as if saying each other’s names had demolished an imaginary divide that had separated them. Now with that divide gone, they were headed for forbidden waters.

He hesitated. Paused as if he needed to really consider if he should answer her question. And then, as if he decided to go for broke, he took a step closer to her. She felt her back press against one of the tables.

“In a way I suggest that you don’t,” he said, bracing against a wall, neatly easing her into a corner and blocking them both from anyone passing by her shop.

Good suggestion, she thought. And if she didn’t have that Carlson stubborn streak that would raise its ugly head sometimes, she would have kept her mouth shut. But there was something about the green eyes staring down at her that sent an arousing chill up her body. And then there was his mouth. A mouth that her gaze would connect to each and every time he came into her shop. A mouth that looked so doggone kissable, she could imagine not only kissing it but doing a lot of other things with it.

“You’re doing it again, Stacey.” His voice lowered and it sounded huskier than it had ever been. His frown should have been another warning. Again, she didn’t take it.

She crossed her arms over her chest. There was no reason to pretend she didn’t know what he was insinuating so she said, “So are you, Eli.”

Eli watched the way Stacey crossed her arms over her chest, making the way her breasts pressed against her blouse a total turn-on. He drew in a deep breath. What in the hell was she doing? This wasn’t just any woman he wanted to toss between the sheets. This was Cohen Carlson’s sister. He liked Cohen. He respected him. And definitely considered him a friend. The last thing Eli needed was to have the hots for his sister. Too late.

It had started the night he’d seen her at Cohen’s birthday party and escalated the day she had walked into his office to sign the lease agreement. He’d heard about Cohen’s sister, but hadn’t expected her to be such a stunning shock to his male senses. And a part of him hadn’t gotten over it or her since then.

She was right. He was staring at her, thinking that if given the chance, a perfect opportunity, he wouldn’t hesitate eating her alive. But he knew better. Drew and Eden didn’t raise a fool. He recognized warning signs when he saw them. But still, there was something about those luscious glazed lips she was nibbling on that got him right in the gut in the most arousing way.

“It’s getting late,” she said softly.

He definitely knew what time it was and forging into forbidden territory was not smart. But he couldn’t help it. He could stand there and stare her down for the rest of the night, take in all the lushness of her curves, the firmness of her breasts and the beauty of her face. And speaking of her breasts…

He looked down at them again and thought he would love to see her in a clingy T-shirt. A wet clingy one. Better still, he would love to see her naked. “You’re a beautiful woman, Stacey Carlson.”

He watched her expression and knew his compliment had tilted her off balance. The narrowing of her gaze indicated she didn’t like it. He inwardly smiled. She had spunk, though he really shouldn’t be surprised. After all, she was Cohen’s sister. But beauty and spunk together could be lethal in a woman. And if you threw in a gorgeous pair of legs, then a man could definitely find himself in serious trouble.

“Thanks,” she said as if annoyed with his words instead of appreciative. Did she think he was feeding her a line? Evidently she did.

“You’re right, it’s getting late. The building’s almost empty. I’ll walk you out,” he said smoothly.

He saw the panic in her eyes when she quickly said, “You don’t have to do that.”

For some reason he liked seeing her rattled. “Sure I do.” He wondered what fragrance she was wearing and thought on any other woman, the scent just wouldn’t be the same.

She opened her mouth as if to argue with him, then as if she thought better of doing such a thing, she closed it shut. He watched her draw in a deep breath before saying, “Fine. I’ll set the alarm and lock up for the night.”

Her words should have been his cue to step back. Instead, he stepped forward, which all but put him up against her body, he was so close. Too close. He could feel her tremble and knew it wasn’t from fear. It was from desire. Desire so keen and sharp it was dominating his senses.

And in that instant, he totally lost his mind and lowered his head and captured her mouth.

Stacey raised her arms to push him away. She was certain that was the reason she had lifted them. Instead, she found them wrapped around Eli Steele’s neck while his mouth devoured hers in the most decadent way. She’d been kissed before but never like this. The man was lapping her mouth raw. This was way beyond anything she’d ever experienced before.

And she could feel every single lick all the way down to her toes. This had to be too indecent for a first kiss and way too immoral for a last one. But Eli Steele was doing more than just proving what a great kisser he was. He was showing why he was considered one of those “Bad News” Steeles. Why he was one of the hottest bachelors in Phoenix and why, from what she’d heard, women would drop their panties for him in a heartbeat.

Stacey didn’t think it was possible but he deepened the kiss, increasing the pressure and doing some outlandish things to her tongue. If he kept it up she would be dropping more than her panties. She could see herself dropping to her knees and—

She forced the wicked thought from her mind when his body shifted and the kiss deepened even more. She felt the hardness of him pressed against her middle. It wouldn’t take much for him to hoist her onto the table, spread her legs and have his way with her. And it would be just like in her dreams. Those forbidden dreams of him she’d been having for weeks. The ones that took her from a blissful slumber straight into an erotic fantasy. But she would be the first to admit that those hot fantasies were nothing compared to this scorching dose of reality. Things couldn’t get any steamier than this. She wouldn’t be able to handle it if they did.

When he slowly pulled his mouth from hers, he had to wrap his arms around her waist to keep her knees from buckling under her. And he gave her time to catch the breath his kiss had snatched from her. Moments later when she was able to fully stand and breathe on her own, he relaxed his hold and she gazed into his eyes. They were sharp, keen and caused all kinds of sensations to overtake her.

“Why did you kiss me?” she asked, as she continued to regain her sanity, reclaim her common sense.

In a voice that was just as serious as his expression, he replied, “Why did you let me?”

She could not have answered his question even if her life depended on it. Why did I let him?

“Come on, I’ll walk you to your car.”

His voice, along with his words, recaptured her attention. “It’s not dark outside,” she said.

“I know, but there’s no telling how much longer you’ll hang around here if I don’t make sure you leave.”

She would have laughed if he hadn’t looked so serious. Why did it matter to him how long she stayed at her shop? As long as he got his monthly lease payment, who cared? The man had barely said five words to her since meeting her months ago. And today he had almost kissed her mouth off. What was going on here?

She figured she needed to go home and ponder that question. She would definitely be thinking about it a lot. She was used to calling the shots and other than Cohen at times, she didn’t let men boss her around. But this time she would relent and do what he asked. The sooner they parted ways, the better.

“I’ll set the alarm and lock up for the night.” And this time when she said it, he took a step back.

She moved around him knowing he was watching her every move and feeling the heat of his gaze on certain parts of her. Her pants and blouse failed as a barrier against his intense perusal. However, she was determined not to let Eli unrattle her any more than he already had. So, they had kissed. Big deal. She tried playing it off as insignificant, but as much as she tried, it wasn’t working. She figured it wouldn’t, not as long as she could still taste him on her tongue.

With the alarm set, the only thing she needed to do, other than grab her purse, was to lock the door. She did both while trying to ignore Eli’s presence, which was hard to do. There was no doubt in her mind that women would pause when he walked into a room.

“Ready?” he asked when she slid her purse straps on her shoulder.


He stepped closer to her side and automatically she trembled in response to his proximity. She needed to get herself together. She hadn’t responded to a man this way since… She couldn’t remember when or ever. But she did know she hadn’t responded to Wallace this way.

When they got to the door he reached behind her and flicked off the lights. He then walked ahead of her so she could lock the door. When they stepped into the lobby, she realized he’d been right in saying the building was almost empty. Most of the tenants had gone home. In a way, that was a good thing because if anyone were to see them walking out together they would assume they were an item. Lovers at least, especially with the Steeles’ reputation. Should that bother her? It didn’t because she couldn’t be held responsible for what people thought. But she could be held responsible for the way she carried herself. So to her way of thinking, the kiss was way out of line. But so darn enjoyable.

She glanced over at the man walking beside her. At first it had been hard to keep up with his pace and he’d eventually slowed down his stride to accommodate her. He wasn’t saying anything. It was as if he was in deep thought. Had he regretted his actions?

She had broached the subject before when she’d asked why he’d kissed her and he’d countered with a question of his own. One that she hadn’t answered because she couldn’t. Why had she let him kiss her? Considering her history with Wallace, why hadn’t she been able to resist the charms of Eli Steele when she knew exactly what kind of man he was? A man who wouldn’t know the meaning of commitment.

She stopped when they came to her car and she turned to him and quickly noticed the brooding expression on his face. He held her gaze for a long moment and she couldn’t help wondering what he was thinking.

She cleared her throat and said, “Thanks for walking me to my car. You really didn’t have to do it.”

“Yes, I did.”

She decided not to argue with him as she unlocked her door and quickly slid onto the seat. He stood there while she snapped her seat belt in place and then rolled down her car’s window. “Well, I’ll be seeing you, Eli.”

He simply nodded before taking a step back. She turned the car’s ignition and eased forward. When she got clear across the parking lot she glanced in her rear-view mirror. He was still standing there and it was apparent he was going to stand there and watch her car until it was no longer in sight.

She shivered inside, not knowing the reason for his actions. The only thing she could and would agree with was that Eli had had a profound effect on her. And she didn’t like it.

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