Buch lesen: «The Laws of Life», Seite 6


What are we waiting for?

We wait for the right opportunity to be healthy, happy, rich, live long, start a business, fall in love, communicate and improve our personal lives, but if we keep waiting and waiting, nothing will come of this life. Again, we are waiting for interest rates on deposits to rise, we are waiting for the economic situation (inflation) to improve, we are waiting for a job to be found, we are waiting for the situation to change, we are waiting for our second half, then weddings. But sometimes waiting can and is beneficial, but only sometimes, and basically waiting is like an endless state of trance, which prolongs everything and drags out time.

How much time is spent on WAITING for useful knowledge, and not on the act of GETTING this useful knowledge. There is always a reason to wait, to procrastinate, to put off time. But there is no reason to read a book, to seek science, to come to the true faith.

Help yourself

I once read a biography of a famous singer. She was young, beautiful and smart. She did whatever she wanted, but repeatedly tried to commit suicide with drugs. Do you know why? Because she could not cope with her spiritual emptiness. She did not realize that she herself could create the truth of her dreams, fill her emptiness with true happiness, instead she engaged in self-deception, never feeling true happiness called self-help. She hoped until help would come, thinking (that someone would save her) that other people, the environment, could make her life better. But that help never came.

The desire to become happy using others, and the belief that others can make me happy, endless social projects and the false promise that we will build a just, happy, humane society will not work. The false belief that humanity will build a more intelligent, spiritual and perfect society is nothing more than self-deception. All and sundry urge us to fight for a better life and for the improvement of society. But this is ignorant. Because each of us is individual, but we can be happy independently of each other. Society (other people) is not obliged to help you, we are obliged to help ourselves.

Debts and debts are a new burden on us. Our minds don’t know how to deal with countless social programs. When the government tries to change something for the better, it makes us look for meaning from scratch, it seems that the government does not fully understand what is wrong with the world and people, and people are trying to solve problems due to external factors. We want to change the reality around us, but this approach fails in advance as we fight against the wrong result, not the cause. In such a situation, a good society is not formed. The government can help us, but in fact we can help ourselves, help ourselves means help others, help others means help ourselves. The people are the government, each person is the president of his life. Everyone’s life is in his own hands, in his own mind. If you want to help others, help yourself first, if you cannot help yourself, then just know that no one is to blame and you will learn to help yourself.

Change for the better is simple and easy

We need to understand that we can change as we want. So the Law: «It is not necessary to change the space of existence or run away from the people around us in order to gain a spiritual and moral state, unless of course this threatens your life and safety. If you think differently: «What you really are, this is your environment.» Although in childhood it was the other way around (what our environment was, so were we), but everyone will have to grow up spiritually, and accept a new reality and stop being dependent on the environment. A lot of evidence that the attempt to change in absentia from the outside failed, collapsed.

Law: The surest way to cure humanity is to cure yourself first. Not original, but I think it would be useful to once again remember who we are and what we can do, why we exist, where the beginning is, where the end is. Depending on the Laws of Life invented, true, we consciously or unconsciously attract what is happening in life to ourselves, too, if we are dependent on the environment.

We bear a great responsibility for our life and destiny, if we do not understand this, then we are all voluntary victims of the environment. Responsibility is an unpleasant medicine, but it must be taken if we are to cure our state of mind. We blame not only ourselves, but also others, life, government and God for not wanting to accept the truth of responsibility, we believe that it is more beneficial and pleasant for us.

What would you do if your brain didn’t work properly? You would be lost and confused not knowing what you are doing. In this case, people will stay away from you, and will say that you are to blame for not knowing how to control your mind. Protesting against universal truth, the truth about ourselves and reality, we are not in a hurry to make the necessary adjustments to our way of life, but rather demand that the truth created by society, the truth invented by us, be adapted to our false ideas about ourselves, about others, about life, about God, about fate and so on. The problem is that we demand, and do not think that we can handle any problem ourselves. But still, change for the better is simple and easy. Do you believe in it?

There are two types of health, not only of the body or flesh, but also of the soul, that is, consciousness, heart, will. Physically healthy (physical health) and Mentally healthy (health of consciousness, heart, will). I wish you to be Physically Healthy always, but most of all I wish you to find Mental Health. Because common health problems begin precisely from the state of mind.

Where is the start to true happiness?

The truth lies in the ability to properly control your thoughts. The thoughtless mind is prone to unhappiness, not happiness. If we do not live as the truth (the Creator and the Laws of Life) wants, then we are controlled by the unconscious part of consciousness, and our mind is in prison.

A confident and happy existence is determined by the mind (which chooses what to perceive from the environment and what not), the highest goal is to achieve the highest possible level of self-knowledge (These are the first steps towards knowing the Creator’s intention). This is the meaning of God’s creation of man – self-knowledge, and thereby achieve a level of self-help. To do this, you need to fairly assess yourself and re-examine your point of view, even if it contradicts our nature (soul + body).

We must get rid of all erroneous beliefs between our thoughts and intentions. Soul can be wrong, but Truth can never be wrong. It connects you with the Creator and his laws, so try to believe in these Laws of Life. Don’t aim for anything less than your full potential, you rightfully have limitless potential. Our first goal is to draw conclusions about ourselves.

All your life you listen to your inner voice – thoughts. Whatever the inner voice says, you must hear it. As you learn to trust him more, he will advise you to make the right decision right now. But do not follow the advice right away, but find out first of all whether this desire corresponds to the truth, that is, the Laws of Life, because it may also be the voice of your enemy – selfishness.

To believe or not to believe in the truth is your personal choice. But your choice is very important to me, and it should be important to all mankind. I believe that each of us has a mission (purpose) at birth. Listen to your intuition (inner voice) – if it is true, it will tell you who you are and what your purpose is.

I’ve always wondered why we came into this life? No one comes into this life in vain, the mission is given from above, but, unfortunately, many people are unable to fulfill this mission and eventually die without completing this mission. But you need to remember one thing – fate is written in our brain. This is our book of life, it is always in our hands.

I cited as an example many «Laws of Life» (there can actually be a lot of them), which I personally consider and call the Truth. Understanding myself, other people, life, the environment, God and most importantly my illness are very important aspects of my life. And finally, the last law and it is very obvious: To perceive or not to perceive what I consider to be the truth is always your personal choice, and indeed our life is our own business, although what is the point of having brains if there are no eyes and ears. What is the point of having eyes and ears if there are no brains?