Buch lesen: «Mechanic»


Translator Svetlana Norenko

© LaaiA, 2021

© Svetlana Norenko, translation, 2021

ISBN 978-5-0055-6669-0

Created with Ridero smart publishing system

Chapter 1

In the world of magic, if you don’t have any magical abilities you are like an oak tree in a coniferous forest. It seems that you are also a tree, but an outcast. Alone among strangers. But I could cognize myself and my capabilities. I learned to look at the world deeper, to see what others don’t notice. Appreciate what I have, and most importantly – to find advantages inside of disadvantages. As these disadvantages can be the greatest power that we have. All the puzzles have come together, and now I understand – every event in my life has made me whom I have become. But I could realize it only after a while.

Since childhood, I’ve heard about the heroic deeds of the war guardian-magicians that protect our seventh world, the planet Pyramid, from the invaders from six other worlds. And it’s clear why. The use of magic leads to a loss of power, and energy can be recovered in two ways: slowly, by the means of rest, or in a quick way, it can be taken away from another magician. Everyone was particularly wary of Rubinians. They are the most belligerent of all, spending colossal energy resources and recovering them at the expense of others. Anyhow, that’s what people used to say.

I dreamed of becoming one of the Guardians of Pyramid, like my parents. They are respected and honored under Pontiar, our ruler. The father is not just the head of the war magicians of the royal guard, he is the henchman of the king. It is he who decides all diplomatic issues between Pyramid and the rest of the worlds.

In childhood I was told that one of the seven elements of sacred magic can be manifested in every magician. The seven planets have patrons among the Gods. The Goddess of Pyramid is Sherida – the Lightbringer. And people who have the ability to control the light flows are highly respected. They are considered to be the children of Sherida.

My parents highly wanted to have children, but the Gods didn’t bless them. Mother daily prayed to the Goddess to gift her a child. And when she was completely desperate, she found out that she was pregnant. I became her miracle. My mother took care of me until I was five. She was removed from service. This was mandatory, since mothers had to raise their children certainly until they were five years old. Precisely at this age the children show their magical abilities.

The years passed quickly. However, my gift never awakened. Unfortunately, there was no magic inside me, at all, one ounce. Mom wasn’t upset, but my father… he considered me a disgrace of the Lodesco family. Once I accidentally overheard a conversation that turned my world upside down.

– Never has been that in our family was born an ungifted person. Nicholas – is a blank! – my father lamented and said this with disappointment, as if now I was nobody to him.

– Darling, he is our son. It doesn’t matter if he has a gift or not, we love him anyway. Phirin, he is exactly your copy: from the chestnut crown to the strong jaw. You will see, our Nicholas will surprise you! – my mother defended me.

They didn’t even notice the five-year-old boy whining quietly behind the door so no one could hear him. Father’s words cut my soul with a blade. Slowly and painful. I’ve let down his expectations. It’s frightful when you become nobody to your family.

Mom was called back to the service, and I was left alone. Abandoned by my family. I was transferred to the care of a new governess, Alice, my mother’s cousin. She wasn’t lucky to know the joy of motherhood, but she helped her relatives with the children. Alice turned out to be a sweet woman of fifty-five, kind and honest. A bit prim, she instilled in me a love for order.

I’ve never seen my parents for eleven years. Alice said that they were very busy. They say that the time is turbulent now, and the magicians of planet Ruby – the first, most aggressive of the magical worlds, have begun to attack the planet Pyramid more and more often. Its inhabitants were deservedly called demons. Ruby was under the patronage of Rotrad, the God of Fire, a horny giant with a thousand sharp fangs and many eyes all over his crimson face. At least he was portrayed in such way in sculptures and book illustrations. This world was considered to be dominant over all, although the magicians of other worlds did not like this circumstance, humiliating their dignity and importance. But this is how it was. They were even forced to pay an energy fee annually to fuel the Ruby world, in order not to start a war. And the tribute grew more and more.

No one already remembers the history of the creation of worlds, but Alice has told that once all seven of them were an integral system, they interacted, exchanged experience and new technologies. But what has happened? Why do we keep away from each other, and who predetermined Ruby as the dominant one? Nobody knew, didn’t remember…

Alice took up my training and tried to awaken at least a spark of magic, even if it was every day one. But she tried in vain. However, she saw my impulses for different devices and mechanisms. She pulled all broken items into my room. I disassembled them into parts and created something new and, moreover, useful for household.

– Of course, this is not magic, but, Niko, you have a talent! I haven’t ever seen such abilities to mechanisms! In the capital, of course, there are craftsmen, but they create everything by means of magic and only partly by hands. And you, you are unique, babe! When parents come, we will boast them! – she said and smacked me in the ear, and then hugged strongly.

Her love was sincere and pure! She saw in me not just a nephew, but a son. Alice has become family for me. And my parents have almost erased from my life. The only reminders of them were the gifts from my mother – books on magic. But why do I need them? Is she still hoping?

Sometimes I used to retire under a huge oak tree on a hump among the coniferous forest of our homestead. Mom planted it when I was born. And grandpa Marash, our gardener, used magic, and this oak turned into a giant in a matter of years. This tree has become a part of me. Here my mother and I spent our time playing and talking. Here she confessed that I was her most precious treasure and a gift from Goddess Sherida. I often saw this place in my dreams, returning to my childhood, as I do now.

I was awakened by the rustle in my bedroom, reluctantly saying goodbye to scraps of dreams. Barely opened my sticking eyes, I stared at Alice. She was groaning and sighing softly under my desk. By the way, I made this desk by myself from burnt pine, which was struck by lightning at the entrance gate of the Lodesco’s homestead a year ago. Above the table there was a stand with homemade tools, as well as a small ax and hammer presented by Marash. We enjoy all that we have. I wrote to my father million times and asked to bring at least any tool from the capital. He didn’t even have the grace to answer any of my request. Mother did it for him. She said that my dad complains that his son is not some kind of apprentice to get his hands dirty in fuel oil. And instead of being stupid I need to start thinking about my future. My parents kept me busy with the studying of seven languages of the magical worlds. The king sympathized with Lodesco, as for the ruler my father wasn’t just the head of the guardians of the capital of Phaeton, but also a friend. Pontiar promised to arrange me as an ambassador to the court after studying at the Royal Academy. Mom once wrote about the king’s proposal: «With such parents, he probably has both the sharp mind of his father and the diplomacy of his mother! Therefore, the faculty of Mentalistics will be perfect for him!»

They decided for me. I will have to go to study in Phaeton very soon. The economy of the worlds, the relationship between them, the history of sacred magic, except, of course, the magical skills of the Mentalists. But for now… I’m at home, in my warm bed. The bird clamor outside the window, the rays of the golden satellites of our sun tickle my freckled nose and wander in a nest of scraggly brown hair. Alice finally crawled out from under the table, triumphantly holding something in her hands… a wrench! I jumped out of bed and rubbed my eyes. I didn’t imagine what I saw!

– Is this a wrench?! – I exclaimed so that the poor woman almost fell back under the table.

Alice turned around and clutched her heart.

– Sherida the Lightbringer! Who scares so much in the morning?! Niko! Do you want my heart to stop? I’m not mechanical, you can’t disassemble and reassemble me! If I break, then it will be forever… – complained the woman, calming down her breath.

– I am sorry, Alice! – my eyes were burning. Of course, I was ashamed that I had frightened my aunt so much, but the sparkle of the wrench fascinated me.

The governess smiled contentedly and held out something she was holding tightly in her hands. And then she picked up the torn package, from which, apparently, the tool fell out.

– Happy Birthday, babe! But, please, don’t tell your dad where you’ve got your tool from! Otherwise he will scold me… – Alice asked sadly and, sighing, smoothed my scraggly hair.

I wiped my hands on my shirt out of habit, as if they could be dirty in the morning. When you are long about the mountain of details, mending somethings, hands get dirty. My apron, sewn by Alice, was so smeared that the tar soap would not wash of the ingrained fuel oil.

Holding my breath, I accepted the gift and opened it gently. The bundle had a leather roll. Spreading it out on the table, I rubbed my nose with excitement.

– Tools! – I whispered; I couldn’t believe my eyes. – The real tools!

There was a gouge, chisels, and some pliers – I didn’t know all their names. But, apparently, they will definitely come in handy.

– Yeah – the nanny chuckled contentedly, looking over my thin shoulder. Indeed, in the world of magic, such a tool is not easy to get.

– Now I can do this! And that!

Ideas were coming around one after another.

«With these tools, I’ll create more complex and more interesting things. My father will surely be proud of me! I’ll prove it to him. You don’t have to be a magician to be respected!» – smiling at my thoughts, I noticed Alice’s strange look.»

– Did I say that out loud? I swallowed and cleared my throat. And then I beamed from ear to ear and hugged my aunt. – Thank you! You’re the best!

– My boy… – she pressed me to her full breasts. She smelled like baking, flower soap and steamed milk. My belly roared menacingly. Birthday, gifts – everything is great, but breakfast is sacred. Alice pulled back abruptly and cackled about the food.

– Oh, Niko, I baked your favorite cinnamon rolls! – the woman jumped out of the room, as if she was being whipped.

She is so kind. And he knows more about me than my dad and mom. I pulled on wide green trousers. Oh dear! I completely forgot that my pocket tore off yesterday. There was a hole in the thigh. I grabbed a hefter, bought from a local hoarder. He vouched that this hickey is used in the office to fasten the papers together. And he sold it at half price, but not because I had already become his permanent buyer, but because he didn’t have paper clips for this marvelous device. Only a couple, and those were screwed in the past. But okay.

«You’re a smart guy, you’ll find something to replace them» – the salesman said then. He seems to be a good old man. Although I am completely green and I don’t see things in people. Alice says I trust too much. And that not all the people are honest, and their intentions differ.

The hefter proved to be an irreplaceable device. I made paper clips from the remains of metal pieces of armor. I had to cut them with a special device. I hope my father won’t notice that I’ve used his grindstone. He doesn’t even know that this stone can not only sharpen a weapon, but also cut a soft metal, like butter. Magic, it’s so. I could only dream that one day it would wake up in me too. That it is just sleeping, damn, deep sleeping. Well, let’s wait. Until then, I have some stuff to do.

I pieced up a hole in my trouser leg with a hefter, carefully hung the tool on the board, and only then jumped off my seat and ran headlong into the kitchen. Just like this: in a T-shirt, darned trousers and barefoot. Today is my birthday. I ran the stairs, jumping several steps at a time. My aunt said that I’ve grown a lot over the past year. Now the steps seemed small, and there was no need to walk with short steps. I crossed the hall with the statue of Sherida like a hurricane. Such pedestals were compulsory to have in every home, as far as I know. But our Sherida seemed too imperious to me, even the flowers in her hair didn’t smoothen her features. And I think the Goddess is not at all like that statue. She is kind, she gave to my mother and father a child, even a defective one.

Alice and two other cooks were talking vividly about something. The gardener Marash entered the kitchen. When he saw me, he wiped his hands on his coat and took out a green package from his pocket.

– Young master, happy birthday to you! Sixteen – is a serious date!

I hope you will enjoy my modest gift? – Marash gave a gap-toothed smile, and I couldn’t wait to see what he gave me this year.

His gifts are modest, but they come from a pure heart. He could get some seeds of bizarre plants, or holly honey, or miraculous ointment from fern flowers. The old man looked slyly, with curiosity. I hurried to unpack the wrapper. The gift was wrapped in a burdock leaf. It’s also a necessary thing. The cook Varya will make a wonderful soup from it. A small oval wine-colored stone fell in my hand. I put aside the burdock and looked up at the gardener.

– Grandpa Marash, what’s this?

– This is a ruby, master. It is a stone. People say it protects from evil spells. Although you are not a magician, but my gift will probably protect you from their attacks. Kid, make a setting for it and keep it with you at all times – said Marash seriously.

– Really? Where did you find it? Did you go to the town to get it?

The stone was neat and smooth. In the sunlight you could see all the beauty of this gem from the inside. It looked like a frozen blood. Dark red, almost black. The gardener laughed hoarsely.

– No. I found it in the garden, in pink roots. The Goddess herself has presented this gift to you! – Marash kissed his fingers and touched his wrinkled forehead reverently. All the housekeepers repeated after him. Out of respect for the Goddess, I also made this gesture.

– Thank you! – I sincerely thanked the old gardener.

He worked in the homestead all his life, previously he had served to my grandfather. My father has grown up on his eyes, and now it’s my turn. I was lucky to be surrounded by faithful, kind and loving people. They were my family. The real family. I shared my joy and sorrow with them. They were the first people who appreciated my inventions and carried everything to mend.

Grandpa Marash carried even the pitchfork to me, although he could sharpen it himself. But he knew that it would make me feel needed.

Dinara looked out from Alice’s back. I called her simply Dinah. Aunt brought a seven-year-old girl to our house when my mother suggested Alice to be a housemaid. She explained that she had found the baby on the street. She ran away from the shelter. And to return the child there – is a fate, that you wouldn’t wish even to your enemy. Lodesco agreed to take the girl as a maid.

Over these eleven years, Dinah has become my best friend, she is practically my sister. We were somewhat similar with this red-haired beast. Maybe because of freckles and stubborn nature. She is only two years older than me and, by the way, she has possessed the magic of fire. However, not very strong one. You should train and develop your gift. But she knew all the books in our library. And she helped me keenly with the mechanisms, using spells she breathed life into them. And if we did some mischief, we were punished equally, despite the fact that I am Lodesco. But it wasn’t offensive to me. Because if we have done a mischief, it means we deserve the punishment. You need to be responsible for your actions.

Every birthday friend gave me something unusual: she conjured a flint, a useful thing for someone who doesn’t have magic; then a self-igniting candle, although it was fat, it burned out even before the New Year; then firecrackers that scatter like sparks when you throw them up (I heard they call them fireworks in the capital), and on holidays they light up the whole sky with them. I wonder what awaits me this time?

Dinah came over and put the paper package on the table. I looked inquiringly at my friend, and she blushed. Freckles became even more noticeable.

– Well, come on, open it quickly. Why are you standing as if frozen? – she was always impudent when she was nervous.

I unwrapped the paper and emptied the contents onto my hand. What is it?

– Glass? – I stared blankly at Dinah. I wonder that it is unusual.

Neat, smooth pieces, like drops of colored rain, were sparkling on my palm.

Dinah blushed and held out her hand.

– If you don’t like it, then return it! – tears appeared in her green eyes.

– No, wait! I didn’t say I don’t like it! I just don’t understand what kind of glass is it?

Grandpa Marash looked into my palm and grunted.

– Fancy that! Did you do it yourself? – Marash appreciated in a respectful tone.

Alice and Varya also bent down with interest. Only I didn’t understand anything.

– Yes. From the sand beneath his oak tree. It’s white and clean, I’ve just added a little paint from crushed gems, – the girl sniffed offendedly.

Slowly it was dawning on me. She had probably learned this from the books. And she used the sand from a place which is dear to me.

– Are these pieces a sand? But how? – I asked cautiously.

– The magic of fire. I’ve just melted the sand with a new spell. I’m still not very good at it, and that’s why the glass came out so small… – Dinah muttered and shook her outstretched hand. – So that. Are you going to give it back?

– No, I’m not! Are you kidding me! This is your first glass made with magic of fire! And you have used the sand under my oak tree. I won’t give it back for anything! – I gripped the gift.

Dinah wiped her wet eyes with a contented smile.

– Thank you! You are a real magician! You will grow up and become the guardian of Phaeton!

Let’s be heroes together! – I said enthusiastically, wrapped the gift back in paper and put it in the survived pocket of my trousers.

Smiling cheerfully, Alice congratulated Dinah on a successful attempt at magic and sat us down at the table by the window. She put a plate with my favorite rolls, milk and honey under our noses.

Most of all in the house I love the kitchen… Yes, I know, Alice says I’m thin as a stick. But eating – it’s a sacred thing for me. Cook Varya fed everyone for the slaughter. The breakfasts were the most excited. I like to eat and look out the window. Omelet with freshly baked bread or cottage cheese pies. Oh, and an apple pie with cinnamon – it’s some kind of miracle! You can admire a summer landscape outside the window. You can see a lake, round as a saucer, and pine idols on the distant shore. And our oak tree, my and mom’s tree. I peered into the landscape and blue spiers of the mountains were running along, propping up the skies. As if they were turning around and lurching in our direction. It fascinates and frightens at the same time. In winter, when there was a snowstorm outside, I sat down by the oven, Varya wrapped me in a knitted blanket and gave me chamomile tea with ginger cookies. However, everyone knew that I’d gave my preference to the cinnamon rolls. Because my mother baked them for me when she was still at home. I missed her.

I was chewing the rolls, blinking and sniffing frequently. Dinah was looking at me, but she was silent. Somewhere in my chest there was a compressed spring and it was painfully pressing my heart. Mom. For eleven years I haven’t felt her smell, haven’t heard these tender words, «love you, babe». She hasn’t blown on my injured knee, hasn’t praised me for repaired things, for skillfully made watch that can be fixed directly on the wrist and you can go with it wherever you want. I’ve missed her love. I was looking at a mountain of rolls, at a transparent kitchen window, at a landscape that now wasn’t delighted, it was causing a nostalgic pain. Tears were covering my glassy eyes. She probably doesn’t even remember me… Why would she need an ungifted son? I was thinking about her, chewing a roll.

«Mom, you and dad will be proud of me! I promise I will become a hero like you!»

The silence around me was alerting. I heard some rustle behind me and a soft pat on the floor. I turned around slowly, as if getting out of a lingering dream. She was standing at the doorway. Nearby there was a huge duffel bag. Mom? I forgot her smell, voice, but her face… her image appeared to me in my dreams. Golden blonde hair, thin, like an elven, face and deep blue eyes, in which you can drown. She was so young and beautiful. She was standing with her outstretched arms for an embrace. I shifted my gaze and blinked blankly. Her belly seemed to be pumped up with air.

– Mom? – I screwed up my eyes incredulously. Am I still sleeping?

– Hello dear! Happy Birthday! And I have a present for you! – she stroked gently her belly. – A sister!

I finally realized that my mom had really returned. Although the news about my sister was still coming to me. I felt a huge lump in my throat. I timidly walked over and hugged her. The last time I barely could reach her chest. Now, embracing, my mom put her head on my shoulder. I grew up and was no longer that snotty boy who cried, saying goodbye to her eleven years ago.

– Forgive me… – she whispered.

I stroked her back.

– I understand. Father…

She didn’t answer. But I knew that I was right. My father still couldn’t accept the shame that I was blank. But forbidding my mom to see me – it was cruel. Did I hate him for that? No. His action only spurred me to learn and improve the skills of mechanic. And I also began to appreciate what I have; and I have people who loved me not for my talents or status. They just loved me for who I am.

My chintz shirt was wet. It got wet from her tears. While I was trying to breathe in her lavender scent, she spoke.

– Well, how are you here without us? – her voice was trembling. Her fingers ran over my chestnut mop.

– Oh, everything is fine, Aphelia. The house is in order, as you can see, the garden too, and Niko is growing up as an intelligent and talented boy – Alice paused and continued. – I see soon we will have a new addition to the family! So, it’s a girl! And how will you call her? – the nanny asked cheerfully.

– Reemay! Phirin sent me home. Since the court doctor says that to give a childbirth at home is better. You will cope with the role of a midwife, won’t you? It’s not your first time. – Mom smiled.

– Do you have any doubts? – Alice joked. – Isn’t Phirin coming?

Mom got nervous. Her heart accelerated the rhythm.

She sat down on a bench and, leaning against the wall with a rug made of colored ropes, rubbed her forehead.

– This year Ruby has tripled the energy tribute. Pontiar was outraged and he refused to pay. They got angry and declared war.

When mom said this word her voice quivered. No, she’s not coward, she’s a war magician. And my mom wasn’t afraid of death, death was just a door to a new life. She knew that war brings destruction, pain, tears and losses. How many fathers and mothers won’t return to their children, how many people the war will leave homeless, how much fear is caused only by the thought of losing the loved ones. A shiver ran down my spine like an icy avalanche. Varya and Alice covered their lips with their hand, drowning out exclamations of horror. Grandpa Marash sat down on a stool by the door. Only I stood in front of my upset mother, not knowing what to say in such cases. My father was a general in the royal guard of magicians. He will be the first to enter the battle. But I also knew that he was a strong water magician, like my mom. It’s not easy to defeat him. Almost every inhabitant of Pyramid knew dad’s heroic deeds in repelling enemy attacks. His achievements paved my way to the glory. But alas, I won’t follow his footsteps. I have my own way of the hero.

– Mom, everything will be fine! – I cheered her up. – I think Pontiar made this decision for some reason. He is the ruler and knows what we don’t know.

She nodded. Only now I noticed the circles under her eyes. Probably mom cried, and my father sent her away from the capital because of the child. Mom hugged me, and now I stroked her hair. It was such an unearthly, pleasant feeling of care. What a birthday present I’ve got! Only the news of the war spoiled the moment of happiness.

– I love you! I won’t let anything happen to you! – I assured.

In the history of our world, I’ve heard about only one war. The leader of Phaeton’s army was a magician who, like my father, had the gift of controlling the element of water. Alice said that then the whole sky was illuminated by lightning strikes that reached the ground. Many settlements were burned down, and even the Ellenian and Weirian elf forests were harmed.

Now I’ve decided that I can protect our house, and grandpa Marash will help me, because without magic it will be difficult. As the saying goes, together we are stronger.

Mom expected hostilities to unfold from day to day. Now I had the tools and I knew what to do. Grandpa Marash and I pulled half-meter steel rods from the old hangar. A year ago, I traded them for a rare typewriter that was aging in a bunch of scrap metal in a closet under the stairs. Alice said that it wouldn’t be useful to us even in working order, but for the merchant Paco it’s just right.

From the rods, I made an umbrella-like structure, covering the tip with liquid silver. I proceeded with the rest. Of course, I didn’t have any rope, and even more of this length. And I was thinking how to replace it.

– Master, will the liana fit? – a skein of green vegetation hung on the old man’s shoulder.

I clapped my hands happily.

– It will perfectly fit! And where did you get it?

– I grew it, – Marash smiled. – Only a little. Is it enough?

– Well, not enough… Maybe we can stretch it out with magic? I asked uncertainly.

– Magic? I think we can! – Marash agreed.

It’s been two days already. Mom watched as Marash and I fiddled and tried. The spiers were installed, the liana conductors soaked in saline were hung and grounded. I threw the ends into the lake. We are ready. We will only need to raise the spiers, by means of magic, just above the highest point of the roof during hostilities. And then the lightnings won’t scare us.

I looked at an oak tree in the very center of the backyard garden. It is too dear to me. I also put a spire next to it and connected everything with one liana.

In the evenings my mom and I had tea. But not in the living room, but in the kitchen, with the servant. Mom missed the simplicity of life. According to her, the arrogant urban society was annoying. She wanted coziness and warmth.

We spent time together like before. We walked and laughed. We baked cinnamon rolls. We were happy, I was… I enjoyed. We often came to our oak tree. And now I was lying, closing my eyes with pleasure, under the tree crown. I wondered. An oak tree in a coniferous forest. It is also a tree. All magicians – are people, even if I am not a magician, but I am a person! And I’m not afraid to be an outcast.

The whistle and heavy boom shook.

– It’s started! – my mom exclaimed, jumping up sharply, and grabbed her belly.

Water ran down her legs.

– Mom? – I looked wondering at the wet sand.

– Waters have broken. Nicholas, your little sister decided to be born at the wrong time… Help me!

Mom screamed and bent down as if someone had hit her in the belly.

– Mom! – I ducked under her arm and let her lean on myself.

From the house a governess and a young maid were rushing towards us.

– Alice, waters have broken. Reemay is asking to get into the world… – Mom smiled bitterly.

The sky was covered with thunderclouds. It darkened abruptly around. Marash raced from the stable at full speed.

– Hostess, go inside, quick! Niko, tell me what to do!

– You know. Raise the spiers just above the roof and secure them. How long can you hold on? – while I was talking to the gardener, Alice took mom into the house.

– I will hold on as long as necessary! Don’t worry, master, I only look old, but the magical powers don’t age, and I have a soul…

I smiled. I love grandpa Marash! He was always on my side. And he believes in me, unlike my father.

Whistle. Pink-purple flashes above the clouds. A net of lightning lit up the entire sky. The discharges began to fall on the ground here and there.

– It’s time, Marash! Come on! – I shouted.

A scream was heard in the house. It was mom. I rushed into the house. Dinah grabbed me just in front of my mom’s bedroom door.

– Let me go! – I snapped.

– Where are you going? Aphelia is giving a birth. You can’t go there! – a friend scolded.

Another puffy scream. The door flew open. I saw a large wooden tub. Mom was sitting in it up to her chest in water. The white shirt was soaked, she had an oak branch in her teeth. She gripped the side of the tub tightly, so that the knuckles of her fingers turned white.

– Well, step aside, men shouldn’t be here! – Alice snapped up mildly.

Varya hurriedly rushed behind her with a pile of towels.

– Niko, don’t bother! Do something useful. Heat some water. Dinara will help you!

Varya kicked the door to my mom’s chamber with her foot – and again there was a scream. But not so loud.

Mom realized that I was at the door and, apparently, she restrained herself so as not to frighten me. In the street, the noise increased. The thunderstorm became worse. Dinah pushed me on the shoulder.

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