Buch lesen: «Simple Truths of Life», Seite 14


Then I returned to my telekinesis practices. Surprisingly, I managed to move the tip of the suspended thread by a few centimeters at my first attempt. But I still had problems directing the thread to where I wanted to move it. I tried again telekinetically moving the tip of the thread in the form of the number 8, and I succeeded! The tip of the thread really described the outlines of the digit eight in the air in accordance with my “wishes”. Telekinesis itself sometimes created the feeling that the thought process was taking place above the physical head – no matter how strange it sounds – but I can be wrong in the conclusions and feelings.

Going to bed that day after a more than successful telekinesis session, I had a face in front of my eyes closed that some ufologists would call “Grey”. This vision also coincided with the fact that not long ago we discussed the Grays in the TPXP group (Thiaoouba Prophecy XP). When Michel Desmarquet held his lectures in the USA in 1995, he was given a telepathic permission from Thiaoouba to talk about Grays and their activity on Earth.

Grays, like us, live on the planet of the first category.[15] Because of their “civilized” activities, they completely lost their immune system. Since we just started to lose ours after about 1948, Grays decided to implant monitoring devices in approximately 150 people around the world for their scientific research. They hope that in this way they can help themselves. People from Thiaoouba monitor their activity and clearly say that there is no danger to us.

That “Grey” looked like a man – with a slightly unusual head shape, without hair, but nevertheless it was a man. Then I stopped thinking of them as of boilerplate “extraterrestrials” and “aliens”, which was caused by various movies and television programs.

I had another unusual case, when I saw in front of my closed eyes someone who was dressed in a kind of armor. Like those that can be seen in the history books of some Asian countries. The vision was quickly gone, and I could not make out the details. I do not know what its meaning was…

My habit of talking to myself in my head had a lot of bad and strange consequences. One of those oddities was that when thinking about Thao, I often mentioned to myself her name, accompanied by one word which is an insult if you call a person with it. It annoyed me, and that was one of the reasons why I needed to get used to being focused on reality. Unfortunately, I could not remove this oddity from my life, and in the end, I received roughly the following message: “Слушай ты… перестань говорить/повторять моё имя!” (“Listen, you… stop saying/repeating my name!”). I was a little upset about this whole situation and the dream; maybe I was even offended. Then months passed, and I was told: “But we want to help you!”. My worries were dispelled.

Around the same year, another unique event occurred. I woke up in the middle of the night after a dream and saw two tall human shadows “walking” along the wall to the left of my bed, standing right next to it. They moved from right to left. Aside from me, only my mother lives in the apartment, and she was sleeping in her bed. I realized that these shadows could not be created by someone from the street – it is simply physically impossible. I thought it was a sign that the dream I had was from Thiaooubians, but I could not remember it.

In October 2014, a very important event happened in my life. It all started with a dream, in which a familiar female voice said that a courier would come and ask for money. Waking up, I thought that it was about the lens of my camera, which was being repaired for free under warranty. The dream was not a surprise for me, as I had already got the call from the service center before the dream, and they warned me that courier delivery of the lens would not be free. I could not go and pick it up myself because I would have to go by metro, and at that time I could not go far from home due to continuing health problems.

But I walked around the nearby streets, often thinking about what could have been had I made different decisions in the past. For example, if only at the age of thirteen I had gone to the library’s computer room with Internet access and looked for information about stuttering – I could have found what I would find five years later, and then my life would have flowed on a completely different path…

I blamed myself, and sometimes my father, for what I had to experience at that time.

I also tried not to think about my age and forget that I was already 26 years old. I rationalized this by the fact that you need to live in the present, not realizing that at the same time I made the old mistake when I decided to forget a part of my life, and also I did not think about the future at all… Because of this, my life continued to stand still… or so it seemed.

Then during that month, a video card for my laptop was supposed to be delivered to me. I had to make this expensive purchase because the old video card suddenly stopped working. Before I bought it, I tried to make sure that it is compatible with my laptop. But once it arrived, I found that the operating system cannot load with the card installed, showing just a black screen. I found topics with similar problems on the Internet. People were able to solve them by flashing the graphics card’s BIOS with BIOS from another manufacturer’s video card.

I started looking for service centers on the Internet and called the first one on the list. Upon explaining to the man my problem, he, for some reason, began to offer me to give them the entire laptop, and not just one video card. Naturally, more or less versed in computers and electronics, I refused to give them my laptop, because I knew very well that for flashing BIOS with a programmer you do not need to have an entire computer. The man on the other end of the phone did not give up, and I had to say goodbye to him.

Another important detail of this situation is that I could still return the video card to China and get my money back. But I could not return my payment for the shipping of this video card. This return period would end in a couple of days, and so I was in a hurry to find out if there were companies in Moscow that could flash the video card’s BIOS.

I started looking on the Yandex map for the nearest computer service centers. I was a little surprised to see a service center very close to my home, in a place where there used to be a hairdresser’s that I often visited until I began to go bald. On the other hand, I have not been there for many years; everything could change over the years. I decided that I would try to go there myself with the video card, and I would talk directly with the service center employees. It was then that it started raining hard on the street, and because of it I could not go anywhere – I do not remember if I did not have an umbrella or had problems with the sole of my shoes.

I called them on the phone. A man answered the call. After my explanation of what I needed from them, he also began to talk about the need to bring the entire laptop to them in the center. I told him that the laptop is not needed for flashing the chip, but he said that they would need to somehow make sure that the firmware update was successful. Since this was the second time when I was told the same thing, I gave up and agreed to give my laptop for flashing the video card. The man said that a courier would come and pick up the laptop along with the video card. That day was October 20, 2014.

In the evening their courier came. I again began having doubts about giving them my laptop. The courier called his boss, and I eventually agreed.

Having finished filling out the papers, he told me that I had to pay 2 000 rubles in case I would suddenly decide to change my decision regarding the repair. I gave him the money. The agreement provided to me was signed. The courier left with the laptop, video card, and power adapter.

On October 22 came a courier with the lens. I did not have to pay any extra money. Just what we agreed to on the phone. He politely said goodbye and left. The repaired lens itself worked perfectly.

I decided to check on the video card. After the first call, some doubts began to appear, but after the second time, when they told me in almost straightforward, unceremonious way that I would not see my laptop until I pay a few thousand more for the laptop diagnostics, everything became very clear.

Of course, I did not order any diagnostics, since the laptop was working properly. I gave it only so that the repair center could check that the video card is recognized by the laptop after the firmware update. This was the first time that I got scammed by people who slipped me an agreement with the written conditions of which I did not agree with.

When it became clear that I was scammed, I saw how the layer of the Aura surrounding me changed color for a moment. I looked at the clock and it showed 33 minutes. It is written in my diary that I was a little upset that Thiaooubians did not telepathically hint me that I was dealing with criminals. I think that I did not remember the dream which did exactly that!

It was a frosty morning when I struggled to go to the nearest police station. I was told there that they do not serve my area. I went to another station, which was further from my home. I felt stress from such a long walk, because deep inside I remembered about my long-standing incident, when I barely reached my house, where I felt comfortable and could calm down and relax – at least a little. More nervousness was added by the memory about the army. What if, instead of helping me, the police decided to send me for an examination of the non-existent disease – stuttering?

But everything was okay. I explained my situation to the police, and I filed a report. One of the policemen called that company, but could not do anything, because, according to him, there was a legally savvy person. In addition, they were leaving to investigate a murder, and they did not have time for me – which I fully understand.

By and large, it was clear that while the police clearly saw that the company had deceived me, they could not do anything because of the signed agreement. Should have read the contract before signing it… because even if it says complete nonsense that contradicts logic and common sense, the judicial system will still be on the side of nonsense.

I was not going to pay money to scammers and thought about buying a cheap computer for the little money that I still had. And I was considering to start working as a programmer again in order to save up on a normal, fast computer. But then the scammers called in order to return my laptop back. I was determined to take my laptop and not give them a dime.

It turned out that the courier forgot to bring the power adapter for my laptop. I did not sign or pay anything. He left for my adapter and I never saw him again. As I recall, the man from that company had the audacity to call me and demand money for diagnostics, which, of course, they did not do. The laptop was never even turned on by them. I used the power supply that they lost to get rid of them and never heard their calls again. It suited me, as it would be humiliating to pay them money for deceiving me.

On Friday of that week, I had a dream saying that “they will bring my adapter to me”. About a week later, I ordered a new one from the company that I checked for honesty from the reviews of former customers. They brought an adapter which cost 2 000 rubles.

As for the video card firmware, I walked with difficulty to the local repair center specializing in Apple products. It was in the basement of a Khrushchyovka, and I had long been aware of its existence. It turned out that they were repairing not only Apple devices. Usually, the master took a thousand and a half rubles for work, but because of the specifics of my situation, he asked for 2000. The BIOS was successfully flashed, and the computer happily recognized the Dell graphics card that now “considered itself” to be an MSI graphics card – just as I expected.

When I was still walking home in the dark with the firmware updated video card, I could not help but think that all three two thousand rubles that I had to pay were a punishment for the fact that once upon a time I made erroneous decisions to go to three prostitutes, to all of whom I also paid two thousand for each of the four visits; of course I still had to spend money to take the subway.

Soon, the new adapter began to malfunction and I had to buy a new one. It cost a little less than three thousand rubles…

Life Lessons

For some time, maybe months, I had had a strong crush on one streamer girl. Perhaps her unusual voice, as well as my compassion for her life problems caused by such a voice, influenced the fact that I very often thought and dreamed of her. Sometimes I exchanged short messages with her. Once I went to the stream of that girl I really liked; she played Resident Evil (Remake) and diligently tried to kill the initial zombie with a knife in order to learn how to use that melee weapon and also to save ammo. I decided to politely say hello to her in the chat, writing “Hi!))”, And also added in that message a question about how long she was going to torment the poor zombie (or something like that), and I definitely did not forget to put a smiley bracket “))” after the question mark so that it could be seen that the question is comic and not coercing, and not serious and irritable – after my old mini-incident with Yulia, I remembered the importance of punctuation marks and others signs that mean emotions. But the streamer girl apparently did not know this, and said something like: “Why is there always someone who…?” It hurt me a little then… I was just “someone”, and she did not even remember that I rarely, but talked to her. Of course, it also hurt me that a person I liked treated me so coldly. I did not write anything, and just deleted her from my favorite streamers list. I did not think about her anymore and neither did I dream about her…

Around these years, I began to have a series of dreams about my tooth. The first dream showed that the tooth, which I had previously filled in a paid clinic, had a deep blackness on the side looking at another tooth located deeper in the mouth. When I woke up, I checked the tooth in the mirror, but I did not see anything bad. My reassurance was broken by the fact that I soon felt a piece of tooth in my mouth. It was the same tooth that opened the caries from the distant tooth. Just like in my dream. Due to the poor state of my health, I could not go to the dentist, as it was clear that I would be injected with a local pain medication. The problem was that years earlier I did not feel very well in a paid clinic when I was given local anesthesia. I was afraid that I could get sick again with all the consequences. In subsequent years, I had other dreams about that lateral tooth, and about the front tooth with its nerve removed.

Then I started having dreams about cancer. The first dream said that I had cancer of the right testicle. At the same time with these words, I looked in that dream at my genitals, and my right testicle was very swollen. Sometimes I really felt unpleasant pain and tension in that part of my body. I read that people can live five years with testicular cancer. About six have passed since then. I still have some discomfort. I must say that once during meditation I felt the tension subside in that area, and I felt something that I would call “dissolving”. I knew within myself that this was a positive sign, meaning that I was being cured. And I really felt better, as if there had never been any symptoms. As you probably realize, I did not always meditate, and continued to return to the bad habits of masturbation and imagination.

I kept playing video games too. Playing once in Final Fantasy XIII-2, I again felt the electric touch. That time on my right leg. I immediately pressed Alt+Tab, and saw that the clock in Windows was showing 33 minutes. This was my third and final experience with the electric touches.

Unfortunately, I played the game for a long time, completing all the achievements in it. Time flew by almost imperceptibly.

The next interesting event happened on May 5, 2015. I woke up and saw an eye in the dark in front of my closed eyes. It half closed its eyelids, as if showing me that this was not a dream. Not sure, but maybe I saw barely noticeable outlines of a face. In color, that eye was pale green or blue. I remembered that Latoli had similar eyes in the colorful drawing of her. Could it have been her? When I looked at the clock after the vision had dissolved in the darkness of my closed eyes, I saw 7:33 AM there. A lot of time had passed since the last time I saw Thao…

Since I write in this memoir what happened to me in my life and what had a strong influence on me, I should say that until that moment I started thinking, for some reason, and maybe I did not believe it completely, that Latoli thought badly of me because of my bad habits. Perhaps this was somehow related to the fact that I had never seen her and never received any messages from her. Not that she had to tell me anything – of course not. But I took this event as a sign for me that my strange worries were groundless, and everything was okay.

On July 20, 2015, I went to bed and for a very short time, no more than a second, a vision of a face appeared. After a few seconds, I looked at the clock which showed 12:34 AM.

On August 1, 2015, I wrote a Facebook note about my spiritual experience with Thiaooubians that I had at that time. I decided to do this, because people often asked me about my experience with Thiaooubians, and it was not easy for me to write essentially the same message. They asked me because during previous years I had to write about my experience from time to time in order to answer the questions of some people who doubted the truthfulness of Michel's book. I thought that with such an experience it would be a mistake to be simply quiet during such moments. I wrote “I had to”, because it was not easy for me to tell the truth about myself at that time. I remembered very well how much dirt some people poured on me, which plunged me into a terrible state because of which I sometimes did not go to social networks for weeks, if not months.

The note was published and open to all. Some people believed me, some did not.

Nevertheless, it was a big step forward for me. I began to overcome my fears of telling the truth about myself, learning lessons from a school called planet Earth.

Life brought me another lesson when I went to buy groceries at one of the nearest stores. The woman I used to see at the cash register worked in it. I think that she was a little older than me, and I was a little attracted to her. Then it seemed to me that she was looking somewhat strange at me, and she was saying something to another worker with a smile on her face. But I threw away what I thought at the time was just my speculations. And so that day I was walking around the store and took the groceries into the basket. That woman was putting food on the shelf. She saw me and immediately joyfully ran away somewhere. I went a little further, and then a man with slightly dark skin and short black hair ran out from behind the food shelves. He was clearly looking for me with his eyes, and once our eyes met, the vile smile from his face disappeared. Now it became absolutely clear to me that this was not some kind of speculation of mine. People whom I did not even know and who did not know me really laughed at me. I was not feeling good at heart… not good at all.

Having come home, I realized one thing – I wanted to take a knife, go back to the store, and cut that woman's throat. This is how much I hated her in those seconds of my life. If earlier such thoughts were only fantasies – for which, by the way, one also must pay by suffering according to Universal Law – now I really wanted with my whole being the death of another person who, as I supposed, was the cause of my incredible psychic pain. Moreover, I felt that this act would bring me great pleasure.

Fortunately for her and for me by that time I not only knew about Thiaoouba and the Laws of the Universe, but I also had accumulated a certain amount of spiritual knowledge. I fully realized the seriousness of what was happening. I realized that if I did nothing, then my desire would become a reality. It may seem strange, but I decided to go on YouTube and watch some documentary about killers. I clicked on some video. It was about an old woman from the USA. That woman arranged a shelter in her house for other elderly people whom she then was killing there. Starting to cry in the end due to the wild and unnecessary deaths of people who just wanted help and love, I realized that I still was a human being. I have never had such a serious desire to kill someone ever again.

This was yet another life’s lesson, and I chose to try to learn what it was trying to teach me.

Lessons came not only from real life events. I often had dreams about school and once about the Institute that I barely attended. These dreams are important to me, because they abstractly answered some of my questions, and also helped to realize other important things. I have recorded many of those dreams in detail and will try to briefly tell you about them.

The first such dream was about the Institute. I sat at the desk and I felt very dispirited, as I did not want to be there. The question continued to arise in my head: “What am I doing here? I have already left the institute and do not want to be here. I feel that I do not belong in here”.

In other dreams I was at school. I knew that I had already completed my education in it, but then I chose to return to it again. Again, I had the feeling that I should not be in this place, and I did not want to be there. I felt that I had made the wrong decision when I chose to study in it again. It was a depressive feeling.

In the dream that I had on January 7, 2012, I was again in school class. The teacher yelled at someone, maybe even at me. There were other old problems that I did not need to experience, since I had already gone through that experience. This time I could not tolerate this situation, and so I collected my textbooks, told my friends that I could not go through all this again, got up and… woke up.

The next dream about school, which I wrote down, occurred on February 4, 2014. It was a history lesson. When it ended, we went out into the corridor. Someone was sitting on a bench at the English class, and someone was walking up the stairs to the German class. I did not want to go there, because I did not want to study German. I asked Yan if they were sitting and waiting for the English lesson, as I was thinking of changing the language I was studying. Then my friend Anton, who was sitting at the locker room, congratulated me on something, and I asked him why he did it. For some reason I was wrapped in a blanket. Then we stood on the school porch and discussed why we were attending school again, if we had already finished studying in it? What is the reason? Then I saw how a tram almost run over a crippled crow. I said that we could simply not go to school – not that our previous grades, which we got at the last exams, would be erased. There is no reason why we need to go to school again. Then he pinched my stomach pretty hard. I remembered at that moment Thao, who pinched Michel so that he knew that he was not in a dream. While this was happening, he was saying that “there is a reason, there is a reason for it”. I woke up.

February 16, 2014. In this dream we were going to the technology class. I joked about the waves, and then I sat down at the second or first desk in the second row. I think we were discussing the situation on Earth, and I drew a sketch of the pyramid and said that we do not need to have money in our system. This idea was met with the opposition, and after I continued my thought, talking about the homeless and poor people who are at the very bottom and suffer the most, it caused anger and hatred from my school friend, whose words had an impact on me in ninth grade. I decided that I did not need all this and walked out from the class. The teacher saw this and caught up with me in the hallway. I told him that I was going to change class. He asked what if there would be the same kind of people? And I replied that in that case I would change school. Then I met students from class A and told them my story, and said that I would probably get poisoned (it was so). They promised to talk with my classmates. I walked on and saw our former class teacher give a speech, like a politician, at the main entrance. Next, I walked up the stairs with Vova. I asked him who our new class teacher was, but he did not know. I explained that I was looking for him in order to start going to the English class instead of German. I continued to say that I have no reason to learn German when everything I do is related to English: reading, movies, games, programs that I use. Anticipating the start of the lesson, I noticed the construction of a new building behind the 19th house on our street. I mentioned this to Sergey, and it took him a while to see what I was talking about. (It was also interesting that the German lesson was where computer science lessons actually took place – and I really worked as a programmer for a while. In reality, the German class was on the second floor, right under the informatics class.) The lesson started. Unexpectedly, there were a lot of people, and the teacher was a complete stranger to me. We all entered the classroom, and while I was walking to the third row from the door, I realized that I wanted to sit in the middle row at the second or the third desk on the right side. Because of this, I again had to pass by the teacher. I sat there, and we opened German textbooks which had drawings that were more likely for children than for tenth graders. While the teacher was saying something, I got up with my right hand raised, apologized, and left the classroom with the firm intention not to return there and to start going to the English class from now on. I went down to the first floor, where there were a lot of people. English teacher was probably late. Opening the door to the English classroom, I did not recognize anyone from my class, and I went to see the schedule to find out in which room the English class was taking place.

The dream from August 10, 2015. It was the first school day after a long rest. We should have had about 4-5 lessons, one of which was “Korean”. Then I was alone at the school playground and thought about skipping school. I often did that last year, and it all ended without bad consequences… I remember that it was Friday, and one of the lessons was supposed to be history. I was afraid that the teacher might ask me, but then I remembered that this was the first lesson of the year, and she should talk about something herself. I went to the entrance. On the doorstep, I crossed paths with a girl and her mother or grandmother. The girl was smaller than me. I went inside and went straight into the locker room. I began to take off my clothes at the penultimate row of hangers, which I used in high school. Then a guy came up, whom I probably remember from the institute, and he began to take off his outer clothing. He said that his girlfriend asked him to buy a scarf for 12 000 rubles. Then he said that she could be a very expensive (costly) wife. All that time, the little girl was not far away, and I thought what she would learn from everything she heard? The schedule was right in the locker room, and 5 lessons were written on it. One of which was Korean, history, and other languages. I asked Gosha if I could transfer to an English group. At this point I began to have problems with speech, and I began to use the word-parasites to facilitate my speech. I wanted to say that I watch a lot of films and TV shows in English and I understand almost everything. The answer was affirmative.

The dream from August 18, 2015. This was the beginning of grade 8. We had many lessons that Tuesday (I had this dream on Tuesday too). Then I was at home and told my mother about my dreams about school, and I told her about my guess that they might relate to reincarnation (here she asked me to speak Russian, not English) and that I had something else to learn in this life. I said that every life is a chance for us to learn something new, and I think she finally agreed with me. Between the lines, I mentioned that I was tired of this need to go to school, and I was going to skip it. Then the setting of the dream changed to another scene. (In my journal, I wrote down that it was probably my Higher Self who spoke the message, since it was a male voice. But I felt that Thao was also there.) I remember that the one who spoke to me showed me a toy wooden wall. Its angles were approximately 135 degrees, and the white ropes held together the logs which the wall was made of. In the middle, there was a white toy man (meaning that he had arms and legs similar to human ones), who seemed to dance, shaking his arms and legs. For some reason, I knew that it meant I had to remember what was about to happen next. And next there was a message. A voice mentioned my unwillingness to go to school anymore. The next thing I remembered was: “This is not the first time [my] apartment has seen a convicted murderer/criminal” – I woke up being all very upset. I went to turn on my laptop to record my dream so as not forget it. It was not where it was supposed to be. All things in the room were out of place. A table and the television set stood in a corner by the door which could not open normally into the room. The chair on which I was sitting stood in a corner by the table. My back was turned toward the door. There was little space on the table, and I had to move a couple of things so that I could write. I began to remember my dream and then remembered something about my mother’s sister, who was going to visit us that day, or something like that. Then I ended up in a place where there were Thao and Michele (the woman whom I made an administrator in the TPXP group. We talked a lot with her about numbers and math). We were in a kind of apartment with a narrow and high window, like Americans have. I have never been in that place. In tears, I asked Thao if the convicted killer lived in my apartment before me? (Our house was built in 1972. Mom lived in it since 1979. She always said that an elderly woman lived in our apartment before her, but when I asked her again after my sleep, she said that she only assumed it.) Thao answered in the affirmative. Then I asked her about myself. Who did I kill to deserve this life? (While I was saying this, I was very upset, but remembered that my experience with Thiaoouba made my life a little brighter). Thao said that it was my mother. I said that I knew this (I remembered then the tension that existed between us almost for all our life. Especially in childhood. But then it passed and the quarrels stopped. In fact, I remembered this past tension between us when I was going to bed that night). I no longer remember what else we were talking about, and, as I recall, Thao consoled me – many creatures had a similar experience when they lived on a planet of the first category. Then I woke up again… It was my first and last dream withing a dream (or “false awakening”).