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Buch lesen: «A Journey to Ohio in 1810, as Recorded in the Journal of Margaret Van Horn Dwight», Seite 5


Sunday night

About sunset, we left the baker's & came down to the Creek, but found it was impossible to get over the waggon, & the road was so intolerable between the place we had left & the creek, that we could not go back, & what to do, it took a long time to determine; but at length Mr W concluded we had better come over to a dirty tavern this side, & let Erastus sleep in the wagon – The stream runs so fast, that we did not dare cross it alone, as there was nothing but a log to cross on; so the waggoners & our own party, were oblig'd to lead & pilot us, over the stream & thro' a most shocking place as I ever saw- The men were all very civil- they are waiting

this line is the shape of a Pensylvania waggon —
with their waggons, like the rest of us – We fare

worse & worse, & still Mr W- & his wife, tell us this is nothing to what will come- I do not fully believe them, for we cannot endure much more & live – Susan & young Mrs Jackson have been quite unwell all day – I never felt in better health, & my spirits are pretty good, considering all things – We are not able to get beds here, & are to sleep on the floor to night- There is another family here, with several little children – They say there has been a heap of people moving this fall; – I don't know exactly how many a heap is, or a sight either, which is another way of measuring people – I would be apt to think it was a terrible parcel, to use the language of the people round me – I have such an enormous appetite the whole time, that I have been in some fear of starving- for food of every kind, is very scarce with us- Money will not procure it, & nothing else I am sure, will- for they love money better than life, if possible – 4 Sabbaths we have pass'd on the road, & I suppose 2 or 3 more will pass before we get among people who "remember the sabbath day to keep it holy" – We find no books to read, only at the bakers to day I found part of a bible, a methodist hymn book & a small book containing an account of the progress of Methodism throughout the country; in letters from Ministers & others – We left Mr Beach & family, at the tavern we left to day – I hope tomorrow to write you from a comfortable place 6 or 8 miles at least from the next mountain —

Monday morn- We have now I think met with as bad as can befal us – Never, never did I pass such a night – We could get no bed & for a long time expected to be oblig'd to set up all night- but we could get no room nor fire to stay by, & the landlady was so kind as to give up her bed to us; so Mrs W & Susan went to bed there, while I went to bed with Mrs Jackson in another room- I took off my frock & boots, & had scarcely lain down, when one of the wretches came into the room & lay down by me on the outside of the bed- I was frighten'd almost to death & clung to Mrs Jackson who did not appear to mind it- & I lay for a quarter of an hour crying, & scolding & trembling, begging of him to leave me-At last, when persuaded I was in earnest, he begg'd of me not to take it amiss, as he intended no harm & only wish'd to become acquainted with me – A good for nothing brute, I wonder what he suppos'd I was- I don't know of any thought word or action of mine that could give him reason to suppose I would authorise such abominable insolence – The man & his wife, who are here, & their family, John Jackson & his wife, & Mrs Jackson, were all in the room-The moment he left the room, I put on my frock & was going in to Mrs W & Susan, but I could not get to them without going thro' the room where all the waggoners were, & Mrs Jackson did not think it safe, so I got on another part of the bed where none of them could come near me, & had been there about 10 minutes when Mrs W & Susan came into the room both crying, & as much frighten'd as I had been, for one of the creatures had been into their room, & they could scarcely get him out- Mr W- was in the waggon, & the landlord was so afraid of these waggs that he did not dare stay in his own house, for they threaten'd to put him into the creek, if he did not continue giving them liquor- I wish they had put him in- a mean sneaking fellow! – His poor wife was then oblig'd to bear it all, & she was very much distress'd on our account- She was not to blame for any thing that happen'd, for as long as her husband suffer'd it, she could not prevent it-At last Mrs W- went to bed with Mrs Jackson & me, & Susan lay down with John & his wife- We lay but a few minutes, when one of them came into our room again crawling on his hands & knees- Mrs W & I sprung & run out into the mud in our stocking feet & were going to call Mr W. – but the creatures came out to us & begg'd us not to, & pledg'd their honor (of which you may suppose they possess'd a great share) that we should not be disturb'd more- & tenderness for Mr W- who we knew would be sick to day if depriv'd of rest, at length determin'd us to go back; but we did not go to bed again till just morning, when some of us slept nearly or quite an hour- which was every wink of sleep we could obtain during the whole night- The fellows were all but one, very still afterwards- Indeed there was but 2 who made any disturbance, & only one of those was very bad- but one, was a complete child of the evil one- the vilest, worst, most blasphemous wretch, that ever liv'd – Mr W- came back to the house before 2 oclock, & this morning, threaten'd them with a prosecution- They are quite angry- they are in the employ of this man who is moving; he is a merchant & they carry his goods to Pittsg —

Novbr-12th Monday night- Nail Shop-on the 4th Mountain

We have got 8½ miles on our journey to day, & now it rains again – If I could describe to you our troubles from roads, waggoners & creeks, I would, – but it is impossible – The waggoners set out just before we did & the bad one being foremost has taken all the pains in his power to hinder our progress, by driving as slow as possible & stopping every other moment- The road was too narrow to pass them, unless they would turn out for us- all but one did, but he swore he would not- We came by them as they stopp'd at noon, & put up to night at an inn on the mountain, out of the direct road, where we should peaceably pass the night- but the waggoners have follow'd us, & the house is full- They are not in our room – Our party now consists of Mrs Jackson's, Mr Beach's & Mr W's familys – The woman who is with Mr Beach, is such a foolish old creature, that we are all out of patience with her – She is aunt to them, I believe – If I were to choose, I would never have company on a long journey- such company at least- Our chairs here are taken from us for the Waggoners – Our road over the mountains, has not even a good prospect to render it pleasant – I have been repeating to Susan all day, "Comfort damsel &c" – Mrs Jackson is scolding because she has no chair to set on. – Mr W- tells her, "Fret not thyself because of evil doers" – There is another impassable creek a head, & a hundred waggons waiting to cross it- Our prospect brightens fast-dont you think so? good night —

Tuesday eve- Nov- 13th– 4 miles east of Bedford- Penn-

We have at length escap'd the waggoners & Mr Beach- The former did not trouble us last night at all in the night- When we went to bed they watch'd us narrowly, & after we were in bed we heard them talking about us, enquiring of each other where we slept &c- We were in the room with Mr & Mrs Wolcott, directly over the room they were in, but still I felt afraid of them- The worst one is quite mad, & says he intends if possible, to give us more trouble than he has done already- The other is quite asham'd of his conduct & I suspect would be willing to make any amends in his power- He told this to Mrs Jackson who is much too familiar with them, & I believe it was owing entirely to that, that they conducted so- for the rest of us always avoid even the sight of them, as much as possible; & much more any conversation with them – We got up very early indeed & set out before breakfast, because the horses could have no hay, & we have got quite out of their reach – We cross'd a little stream call'd the Juniaatta- I spell the names as they are pronounced, but I do not spell them right, I am sure, nor can I find out how they are spelt many of them- The river is long & narrow- It takes a winding course thro' the mountains, & is a very pretty stream – We rode some distance on its banks, & the road been tolerable, it would have been pleasant- I have said so much about the badness of the roads that you will hardly believe me when I tell you we seen some of the worst to day we have ever found- & some, as good as any in this state – I should not have suppos'd it possible for any thing to pass it- Mrs W said it seem'd like going into the lower regions, but I had always an idea, that road was smooth & easy- I am sure if it was as bad as that, it would have fewer travellers-We went down however till we came to a lower region-It was really awful – We saw some men to day, mending the roads- I did not think a Pennsylvanian ever touch'd a road or made a bridge, for we are oblig'd to ride thro' every stream we come to-We have been nearly 20 miles to day; & have been oblig'd to walk up hill, till we are all very tir'd- I felt too much so to write, but I am unwilling to omit it- We are now, comfortably & quietly seated, in a private house- I only wish now, we could get rid of what company we have left- but that we cannot do —

Wednesday night. A private house-10 miles w- of Bedford

We cross'd the Juniaatta again to day, with a great deal of trouble, after waiting on its banks about 3 hours- It is astonishing how the last week's rain, rais'd every stream & overflow'd every place-The like here, has not been known for 30 years it is said – A waggoner last week, with 4 horses, was drown'd crossing a creek- He was advis'd by those who were by, not to venture- & answer'd "he would be damn'd to hell if he did not cross it" – he made the attempt & in a few minutes was sent into eternity, & probably to that awful place – It has been raining very fast this afternoon, & we put up at a little log hut, a few miles west of Bedford- we came about 10 miles to day- The house is very small & there is scarcely room to move-

Thursday night – Allegany Mtn Nov- 16-

We have had a warm & pleasant day till towards night, when it began to rain, as it has done every day for a fortnight- We are now at a tavern half a mile from the top of the Allegany Mt-this Mountain is 14 miles over- At the highest part of it is a most beautiful prospect of mountains- 5 or 6 ridges one after the other – We clamber'd up a high rock near to the highest part, but found the prospect little better than the one from the road- I wish I could describe it to you- We have had no prospect of any consequence from any of the mountains before- I have been quite disappointed at not seeing any – We found winter green berrys in abundance on it-I pick'd a sprig of ivy from the top, which I will send you- call it laurel & preserve it, as it came from the very backbone of America, as they all tell us – We have walk'd a great deal to day, & indeed we are oblig'd to every day, for the whole country seems one continued mtn – I thought we had reach'd the top of this, for we began to descend a little; but we have half a mile more to ascend yet – This house is full of travvellers & wag'nrs but all are very peacable-There is a curiosity in the house- a young lady who has come from N Connecticut unmarried – after staying in Warren a year – a thing I never before heard of, & had begun to think impossible. I feel quite encouraged by it- & do not believe the place as dangerous as is generally reported – I find in every family a Paggy – every body is dutch – the children & girls, are all very much attracted by my little black buttons, & the manner in which my frock is made-& the Wag'rs by the colour of it- There will be little of it left by the time I get to Warren, for it is almost gone —