

There is a Saisonality

Dr. med. Roland Quast

Dr. med. Bernd Haaff

Dr. med. Sabine Roelcke



Copyright: © 2021

Dr. med. Roland Quast

Dr. med. Bernd Haaff

Dr. med. Sabine Roelcke

published by: epubli GmbH, Berlin


Dr. med. Roland Quast

Director Aeromedical Center Germany

Aeromedical Examiner EASA, BAF und FAA

Member of International Academy of Aviation and Space Medicine

Member ICAO working group mental health

Dr. med. Bernd Haaff



Internistische Intensivmedizin Flugmedizin

Oberarzt der herzchirurgischen Intensivstation

ECMO-Zentrum Klinik für Thorax-Herz- und Gefäßchirurgie

Westpfalz-Klinikum Kaiserslautern

Aeromedical Examiner EASA

Dr. med. Sabine Roelcke

CEO Aeromedical Center Germany

Fachärztin für Innere Medizin und Allgemeinmedizin

Arbeits- Verkehrs- und Flugmedizin

EASA Circle of Experts

Lehrbeauftragte der Universität Stuttgart

Aeromedical Examiner EASA, BAF und FAA

Stuttgart-Airport, Mai 2021

Copyright 2021 Aeromedical Center Germany Dr. Roland Quast (C)

Unpredecentend challenge

The pandemic with SARS-CoV-2 and the known mutations of this virus poses an unprecedented medical and economic challenge to the world population.

Our team is very activ, information, vaccination, treating.

In addition to monitoring the spread of the virus and its gene sequences, consideration of the physicochemical properties of the virus (virus persistence in aerosols, temperature dependence, dependence on humidity and UV radiation) appears relevant to reduce the spread of the virus.

Weather Dependency

Observations, as well as literature reviews, make it likely that infection rates are dependent on weather conditions.

On the one hand, exploding knowledge - on the other, an immense need for information.

While researching this topic, we noticed that there is no easy-to-read guide to the corona virus and the pandemic. That is why we decided to write this little book.

No flu wave in Germany in 2021

This year, Germany seems to have been spared the usual usual flu season. Shortly before the end, the so far 519 laboratory-confirmed cases as defined by the Working Group on Influenza (AGI) at the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) are not enough to speak of the beginning of a flu wave.

There hasn't been a flu epidemic at all. This, he said, is a first since flu surveillance began in 1992 by the working Working Group.

Most other countries in the northern hemisphere have also been spared the wave.

A Virus paralyses us

The pandemic with SARS-CoV-2 and the known mutations of this virus poses an unprecedented medical and economic challenge to the world population.

Measures to inhibit the spread of the virus are essential until there is sufficient immunization of the world's population.

In addition to monitoring the spread of the virus and its gene sequences, consideration of the physicochemical properties of the virus (virus persistence in aerosols, temperature dependence, dependence on humidity and UV radiation) appears relevant to reduce the spread of the virus.

Weather Dependency

Observations, as well as literature reviews, make it likely that infection rates are dependent on weather conditions.

On the one hand, exploding knowledge - on the other, an immense need for information.

While researching this topic, we noticed that there is no easy-to-read guide to the corona virus and the pandemic. That is why we decided to write this little book.

No flu wave in Germany in 2021

This year, Germany seems to have been spared the usual usual flu season. Shortly before the end, the so far 519 laboratory-confirmed cases as defined by the Working Group on Influenza (AGI) at the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) are not enough to speak of the beginning of a flu wave.

There hasn't been a flu epidemic at all. This, he said, is a first since flu surveillance began in 1992 by the working Working Group.

Most other countries in the northern hemisphere have also been spared the wave.

Understanding CORONA

A pandemic keeps the world in suspense and has unprecedented effects on the coexistence of people, science, economy and politics.

Every day, knowledge about the SARS-CoV-2 virus, its mutants and measures to combat the infection grows. Thousands of reports, technical papers, discussions, study results, assessments and comments reach the public.

Temperature, relative humidity and UV radiation strongly influence the infection rate with the corona virus. The influence of the seasons on new infections with the Corona virus has now been scientifically proven.

The information covers basic areas of knowledge - from aerosols and vaccines to corona-tests.

The target group is people who want to inform themselves quickly, medium-sized businesses and companies. Important sources and links on the pandemic, authorities, ministries and occupational health guidelines are directly available in the book. They are updated regularly.


Incidence numbers are correlating with geographical altitude

The distribution of new infections in Germany is reminiscent of an elevation relief map. This coincidence could be by chance, nevertheless it seemed worth considering an analysis of previous publications.

Can corona virus infection and disease be related to meteorological data, specifically air temperature, water vapor saturation and UV radiation?

Based on our observations, we developed this working hypothesis:

There is a correlation between disease incidence, air temperature, water vapor saturation and UV radiation.

There may still be mathematical factors that influence this number, but essential are the factors that are present in the atmosphere, temperature, relative humidity and UV radiation.


When reading the development of the Corona figures on a daily basis the distribution of new infections in Germany is reminiscent of an elevated high-altitude relief map of Germany. Austria and Switzerland show similar pictures.

This coincidence could be coincidental, nevertheless it seemed worth considering an analysis of previous publications to be performed. Is there any relation of the disease to the meteorological data, especially the air temperature, water vapor saturation and UV radiation?

Based on our observations, we developed the working hypothesis:

There is a correlation between COVID-19 incidence, air temperature, water vapor saturation and UV radiation.