The Screwtape Letters: Letters from a Senior to a Junior Devil

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A milestone in the history of popular theology, ‘The Screwtape Letters’ is an iconic classic on spiritual warfare and the power of the devil.This profound and striking narrative takes the form of a series of letters from Screwtape, a devil high in the Infernal Civil Service, to his nephew Wormwood, a junior colleague engaged in his first mission on earth trying to secure the damnation of a young man who has just become a Christian. Although the young man initially looks to be a willing victim, he changes his ways and is ‘lost’ to the young devil.Dedicated to Lewis’s friend and colleague J.R.R. Tolkien, ‘The Screwtape Letters’ is a timeless classic on spiritual conflict and the invisible realities which are part of our religious experience.

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An folgendem Datum zu LitRes hinzufügt:
27 Dezember 2018
140 S. 1 Illustration
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В первой части демон пишет письма своему подопечному, в которых объясняет, как ввергнуть человека (aka The Patient) в соблазн. Это сатирическое повествование напоминает A Modest Proposal Джонатана Свифта. По большей части автор выступает апологетом христианства и объясняет религиозные постулаты, но он затрагивает и вопросы человеческих отношений.


Once this habit is well established you have the delightful situation of a human saying things with the express purpose of offending and yet having a grievance when offence is taken.

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