Umfang 170 seiten
Musk-Ox, Bison, Sheep and Goat
Über das Buch
"Musk-Ox, Bison, Sheep and Goat" by George Bird Grinnell is a narrative about hunting various animals. The travelogue by the author explains some of his interesting hunting journeys with native Americans. Excerpt: «My First Kill We had passed through the „Land of Little Sticks,“ as the Indians so appropriately call that desolate waste which connects the edge of timber land with the Barren Grounds, and had been for several days making our way north on the lookout for any living thing that would provide us with a mouthful of food. We had got into one of those pieces of this great barren area, which, broken by rocky ridges, of no great height but of frequent occurrence, are unspeakably harassing to the travelling snow-shoer. It was the third twelve hours of our fast, save for tea and the pipe, and all day we had been dragging ourselves wearily up one ridge and down another in the ever recurring and always disappointed hope that on each we should sight caribou or musk-oxen.»