Buch lesen: «Космические путешествия», Seite 6


Chapter 4. The New Terra.

The flight for Yarik was interesting, he looked around and admired the stars and comets past which the ship flew by. Tramp used a telemetry bracelet to correct course. He began to show Yarik the constellations and explained that their flight would not take much time, since the planet is in the solar system. He also said that she had already been given a name, "New Terra". Tramp talked about the task ahead, they would have to descend to a new planet to record air and gravity readings using a telemetry bracelet. If the conditions for life are suitable, then this data will start the mission of people and to start building a permanent base here. It also became known that the planet was inhabited only by plants. "Can I fly the rocket?", Suddenly, Yarik asked the Tramp. “The rocket is on a given course and deviations are unacceptable!”, replied the stern dog. The frustrated boy spent the rest of the flight silently looking out the window. When approaching the planet, the ship began to slow down a bit and is preparing to land. The Tramp and Yarik flew in a circle in orbit to find a convenient place for landing and future takeoff. The landing was planned on the southern part of the planet. Having checked the spacesuits, the heroes prepared to enter the new planet. After reaching Novaya Zemlya, the guests saw the endless expanses of the unknown planet. The surface really resembled the Earth. The Tramp came out and turned on the telemetry bracelet, he began to collect the necessary data. According to the telemetry bracelet, the presence of oxygen and gravity were suitable for life. The suits was uncomfortable, but the heroes still took a short walk near the rocket. "It's very beautiful here!", said Yarik at the sight of a new planet. “I confirm, but it’s time for us to return home!”, the Tramp answered after a while. The heroes returned back to the rocket and after the countdown, the flight home began. Yarik and Tramp, bypassing the lunar station, headed for landing on the territory of a military airfield. After landing on Earth, the Tramp said that he needed to stay at the base and Yarik could return home by electric train. When the boy returned, the first thing he did was return the travel card to his grandmother. Having quietly entered the house, Yarik slipped past his parents into his room. There he found a private, the Rodent who had been on duty all this time with a telemetric image of a boy. Yarik offered to stay with a mouse-robot forever and he agreed. The joyful boy took his new friend in his arms and went to his parents.

Part 2. Encounter with an alien.

Chapter 1. Preparing for the flight.

After the summer adventures, Yarik and a mouse-robot spent a lot of fun together. In the meantime, the autumn time appeared outside the window. And one of the weekdays, the heroes receive new coordinates on a telemetric bracelet from the soldier Tramp. The dog additionally informed that a meeting was scheduled in the evening at a safe place on the central pier. Yarik, having waited for the appointed time, left Rodent at home with telemetric image and went out into the yard. When he found himself in the city center, he had saved his grandmother's travel card and a supply of treats for his furry friend in advance. The boy, walking along the embankment among the river vessels, did not see anyone, but after waiting a little he heard calling sounds from one of the piers. Yarik saw a familiar dog on an old passenger ship. The two friends exchanged joyful greetings, and Tramp immediately got down to business. The dog explained that he was turning to Yarik for help, since the task was very important and he could not do without the help of a person again. In response, Yarik said that he was only glad to spend time with his friend again. Tramp told Yarik that they again need to make a flight on a rocket. But before the flight, they need to get spare parts to fix the ship. Yarik accepted the offer and immediately asked the question: "Wow! What kind of ship is this?" Tramp, without further details, said that he would be ready to explain everything on the way. And the heroes went on the road together.

Their route was already known. The first point is an animal shelter. There, the heroes joyfully greeted the cat Mars and, having received a pass, immediately went to the airfield. They boarded an electric train and quickly found themselves at a familiar station. When the heroes were walking through the territory of the military airfield, Tramp began to tell Yarik about the purpose of the mission. The dog explained to the boy: "It is necessary to collect spare parts and tools to repair the ship of an inhabitant of another planet." It was an alien from another galaxy. Their form of life involves traveling from planet to planet on intergalactic currents. At the moment, due to the collision, his asteroid lost its safe path, and he ended up on the planet New Terra at the bottom of the sea. On the Moon, a cargo was collected for him in the form of a space capsule, on which he can get to the nearest suitable asteroid. But the cargo got stuck at Moon Slugs due to another breakdown. Therefore, the mission of the two friends was to help with the repair of the distribution center on the Moon and then it was necessary to accompany the alien in the capsule to the intergalactic path. Yarik listened with delight to the Tramp story and said that he would be very glad to personally meet an inhabitant of another planet. After that, the heroes got into the rocket and the flight to the station on the Moon was launched.

Chapter 2. Parcel delivery.

After landing at the lunar station, the heroes went to the distribution center. On the way, Yarik approached the already familiar fruit jelly machine, this time he chose the red color with the taste of ripe apples. The distribution center was a bit like a post office, where Yarik went with his grandmother when she picked up letters and parcels. The walls were lined with high shelving, on which various boxes were stored. Moon slugs worked at the entrance, as well as at the entire station. Tramp, using a telemetry bracelet, explained to the old slug that they had brought tools to fix the conveyor line. In response, the distribution center worker said that guests would have to wait a bit and the package would be ready. From the conversation, it also became clear that the package was stuck on the packing line. Tramp explained to Yarik that although slugs are unpretentious creatures for life on the moon, repair and loss of tools is a common problem for them. Tramp also noted that their tentacles perfectly help in repairs in difficult places, plus the slime turned out to be a good lubricant for parts. The heroes, after a short wait and listening to the noises in the next room, saw a young slug. He handed the Tramp a small packaged box. The dog, after receiving the parcel, said that now you can go on the road. The heroes put on spacesuits and headed for the rocket. During the flight, Yarik asked why the package was so small. Tramp in response said that the alien is a resident of the oldest planet from distant galaxies. Their form of life, in which they travel on asteroids, requires a small size. They can easily fit on a small asteroid. By this time, the familiar planet the New Terra appeared in the window, and the guests began to prepare for landing.