
Alchemist, for the umpteenth time, «shyly lowers the eyes».

«Thank you, senor… that is, my friend… So, what, there – about the „advance“?»

«Well, if in a simplified way, then in our twenty-first century, the advance is a part of the earnings that are paid in advance, even before the end of the work.»

The «face» of the alchemist «blurs» in one of the endless smiles.

«I comprehend it! That is, you want to say that this is… well, where we are turned out to be with you, encouraged you for the right thoughts, for being on your way to solve?»

Conditionally «shake» conditional «hand» of the alchemist.

«Exactly! And I think that I am hardly one, so clever. Surely, there are people here, who have „reached“ this before me, maybe, even during their life, on Earth.»

The «eyes» of the alchemist «light up»: nothing new is clearly not alien to this guy.

«I’m sure you already have a clue!»

«That’s assumption on the verge of discovery!» I «tear off a leaf from a laurel wreath» modestly. And then: you need to take care of yourself for subsequent assignments.

«Though hint!»

How many pleas «in the voice» vis-a-vis: a real scientist! Not that the rest of the «herd»: roam here for centuries without a brain… ruminants!

«So, in fact – already!»


The alchemist honestly «weights the jaw» and «pulls out his eyes». Although with regard to him the adverb has long been inappropriate: in the «weighing» and «buckling» the guy is honest a priori.

«Not heaven or hell!» I am imposing him on target.

The «look» of the alchemist «brightens», but no more: the guy is honest… Again, I: «honest»! Better let it be so: the guy corresponds to the level of the fifteenth century.

«Quite later, OK?» I postpone the lesson of educational program – and the vis-à-vis agrees. Yes, and what remains for him? «And now I need to meet with one person! Well, not with a person, of course… But you understand!»


«Then – the question: how did you come across me? Just do not say that you wandered, wandered – and came across! Now it’s no time for a joke! So, here – about the «things: it is, obviously, not space. Yes, and space is not a mess: everything is ordered, everything is laid out on shelves…»

My «face» acquires all the signs of «classic insight»: looking up and to the side, the light from the wide-open eyes, guess, pushing from all the cracks. I no longer speak of a slightly weighted jaw.

«On the shelves!» Brother, admit: every century is something like a floor?»

«I confess,» the alchemist is not too surprised at my hunch. «All of us live in their strata.»

«And how did you get here? Getting up the stairs? Six steps up?»

Here the vis-a-vis finally gives the proper response. Not, no surprise: admiration.

«Well, brother, you have a bright head!! It took us centuries to figure out what you thought of in half an hour! We are the discoverers: not everyone rushes to search. Most of us are pretty with their status.»

«Of the status of the conditional „sheep“?»

«Conditional only in form,» the alchemist grins. «And, if not enough, still does not try to change it. No one before you… from among my acquaintances, did not even try to comprehend the local existence.»

The alchemist pauses, embarrassed and continues «with eyes to the side».

«Me too. That is, I tried several times – and give it up. Not enough „cash“.»

He expressively «knocks himself with a finger on the forehead» – and then «blurs» in my address:

«And you – oh!»

I «bow to all four sides,» without stopping with receiving compliments: the thought drives further.

«But getting into the right age is half the battle. The main thing: how to find the right person.»

Once again I «leave with my eyes» and come back, once again come back illumined with guessing.

«What letter begins with your last name?»

«With the letter „A“…»

The alchemist does not turn on yet, but he already guesses. Although, what, there, to guess: it’s time for a man to understand, that I haven’t asked any questions.

«And mine too!» I vigorously «bloom by face». «What if?..»

The alchemist «moves the whole body forward.» The guy understands, that the solution is approaching, and does not want to miss a moment. I do not delay the moment of celebration, otherwise you can even miss the thought due to this business. This is the same thing: «here it was – and there isn’t», as one comrade said… or a group of comrades.

«And what if „this“ represents not only „floors“, but „blocks“ also?! And no, „anyhow“: alphabetically?!»

The alchemist immediately connects with the «light of his face» to «my light».

«That is, the people on each „floor“ are distributed by last name?!»

Well done guy! He and his brains would not have disappeared in our twenty-first century! And knowledge is a new thing: it would be than to make it!

«That’s right, buddy! So, rising from your „floor“, you got into the block corresponding to the letter „A“, because you yourself are from block „A“, but only six „floors“ below!»

«Exactly!» «the alchemist «shines» additionally. «Only now it dawned on me that everyone I met was with the letter «A»! Well, their last names, that is.»

«What about people with other names?»

The alchemist «sighs» and guilty «pats himself with his hand on the forehead».

«I repent: I did not reach them… because this thought did not reach me…»

«Well, it’s not scary!» I let go generously – beyond the time limit. «The main thing is that we „pinned“ the structure. So this thing is something like a hive or the construction of the type of chessboard…»

And here again «strikes me with guessing».

«I am convinced: people are packaged here not just alphabetically, but alphabetically encyclopedic volumes!»

«It suits, but as a draft,» the alchemist «decreases with a glow».

«???» I am culturally indignant.

«Different encyclopedias have a different alphabet. It depends on the number of volumes.»

What a good boy! What a pleasure to work with such an opponent! After all, we too are «not sewn with a bum» and even «not done with a finger!»

«Everything is taken into account by a mighty hurricane,» buddy! Priority is always given to the inventor! The surname is known to me – it means that the alphabetical order is also known: the corresponding volume in the lifetime Great Soviet Encyclopedia!»

I am encouragingly «clap on the shoulder» of the alchemist, who has already had time to be puzzled by the adjective «Soviet». But I have no time to go into historical details.

«Now we find! Now it’s a sin not to find…»

«Can I connect?» the alchemist «shudders with a voice»: is he really afraid of refusal?!

Well, how can you not become generous with the new «clap»?

«Do you have a choice?..»

Chapter two

I estimate the geography of a place and I make a reference: the step below is and to the right, to the northeast. Of course, there are no «pointers» of type «A – Al» or «V – Ver» here. But to navigate the place is quite possible. Therefore, we are going to the «point» with a deviation of «a degree», not more. And not to «see» such a colorful figure as an object of my interest – this should be very hard to try.

«Vladimir Ivanovich!»

«An old man in a black velvet» skullcap «and a gray beard» does not conceal cash surprise.

«Not expected…»

«What exactly?» I «smile good-naturedly». «Exposing?»

«It’s funny,» the old man switches to irony. «And yet: how?!»

«How did I get on you?»

I decipher the question not so much for myself or my grandfather, as for an alchemist, who «stares at us with all eyes». The man is clearly waiting for clarification on the topic of choice. It seems that the comrade was counting on the fact that I would take him to some fairy hero, like Ilya of Murom. And so he is somewhat disappointed. Surprise «in the eye» does not interfere of the manifestation of frustration.

«I answer: a logical way. If „this“ is not heaven or hell, then to whom else should I seek advice on the noosphere, if not to the „founding father“, academician Vernadsky?»

The alchemist’s «fallen off jaw» gives out all available emotions. The guy is again honest in the manifestations. I’m ready to let him go and a small game: the term «noosphere» and cannot be familiar to the «coming» from the fifteenth century. But the alchemist, too, manages to surprise me pleasantly, as soon as he «tightens his jaw».

«Noosphere»… «Noo» is knowledge, «sphere» is a sphere, a circle, a circle… «The Circle of Knowledge»…»

His «face» gives out all the signs of «canonical his insights by guesswork». Academician Vernadsky – this is really… well, that is… well, in general, «his bright image» – glistens his eyes at me immediately, while nodding his head at the alchemist.

«Who is your companion?»

«In the voice» of the academician there is genuine approval. Without unnecessary modesty I carry it, including, to myself: this is not just a companion, but my companion! And if he is someone, then I, especially, not anyhow who! And the «format» of a comrade is just «this is with me»!

«Imagine, Vladimir Ivanovich, this is your colleague from the fifteenth century.»

«Is he a chemist also?» academician «brightened eyes».

«He is alchemist, to be exact. He is an accomplice in the manufacture of acids and stainless iron. It does not matter, that his name has not been preserved in history: it is important that what he preserved is preserved. As the saying goes: your name unknown, but your feat is immortal. Do not consider my words blasphemous: that’s just an analogy.»

«Academician Vernadsky!»

Introducing himself, Vladimir Ivanovich vigorously «despises» his age and «shakes the hand» of the alchemist.

«Pleased to meet you, colleague. For me, chemistry is a matter of life.»

«More precisely: geochemistry, biochemistry, radiology and much more.»

I also want to get my portion of a «respectful handshake» – and I get it: «ask, and it will be given to you». Academician «brightens the eyes» is in my address already.

«Are you familiar with my work?»

«Yes, of course!» I bravely lie. «I read your works on the theory of the biosphere and the noosphere. I know your work in the uranium project. Last your work, with which I… hmm… hm…»

I have a sore throat: artistically lying – not only without blinking an eye, but also on a «scientific basis» – it is not easy. I would even say: it’s responsible… with all the irresponsibility of lies. But «took up the tug»… lie to the last point, really!

«… I got acquainted, there was a work on the chemical structure of the Earth’s atmosphere. Well, the one, for which you were awarded the Stalin Prize of the first degree and one hundred thousand rubles, the ones that you gave to the Defense Fund.»

The «look» of the academician «warms up» and begins to «dampen»: old people are very sensitive to praise. I thank myself for only the relative laziness of my mind: in time I got acquainted with Vernadsky’s brief biography. That’s incredible, but fact: it happened on the eve of what happened to me!

«They remember the old man…» the academician «trembles with his voice» «Remember the grateful descendants…»

He cuts himself off and rushes at me with a «clarifying look».

«By the way, about descendants… What century are they from?»

«From the twenty-first, Vladimir Ivanovich, from the first quarter.»

I don’t know if I upset the academician with this confession, or vice versa. I would like to believe that’s the second. And I’m not mistaken: Vernadsky is «trembling» not only by «voice», but also by «nose».

«Thank you, young man.»

«Thank you too, Vladimir Ivanovich.»

«For what?»

«For the compliment.»

This time I am not lying: in my grandfathers’ years to win the «rank» of young men it’s not the latest insult.

«I hope I will have a reason to deserve your thanks not only for that.»

Well done, grandfather: from past sentiments – not a trace! A scientist, professing the principle of «for business – time, for fun – an hour», stands before me again.

«I hope also, Vladimir Ivanovich. Moreover: after that we are here with a friend and profits. And not alone: with questions. And we have a lot of them. For some we have already found the answer, but others are too tough for us, more precisely – not on the brain. And you, dear academician, is the only one, who can help us… and not us alone…»

«I am all attention!» Academician corresponds to the statement.

«Then let’s start in the spirit of the setting of Maupassant «Closer – to the body!»

I immediately «take the bull by the horns». In the sense of: academician – for the living.

«The first question, Vladimir Ivanovich, is: am I right, or wrong?»

«You are rights, of course, rights!»

Academician does not think for a moment.

«This is not heaven or hell. This is indeed the noosphere – mind and scope, the sphere of interaction between nature and society, in which intelligent human activity becomes the main factor of development. If you like, there are synonyms: the technosphere, the anthroposphere, the sociosphere… Do you understand me?

The latter is clearly addressed to the representative of the fifteenth century. But «comrade fits.»

«Yes, dear academician. But, all the same, what about the thinking shell?»

«Here’s for you – and the fifteenth century!»

To my gaze there is a view of the «beautifully arched academic eyebrow».

«Well, comrade: you are to me – „not in the eye“, and I am you – „in the eyebrow“! You have grasped the very essence. Indeed, the noosphere is a thinking envelope around the globe, the formation of which is associated with the emergence and development of human consciousness. This concept was introduced into science by Teilhard de Chardin and Leroy. But – without false modesty – I also participated in the definition.»

«Vladimir Ivanovich,» I resolutely argue for domestic science, «I protest: There is an obvious brute force of modesty! You did not „participate“: you made a decisive contribution. Moreover, if not the definition itself, then the theory of the noosphere is exclusively your merit! And there is nothing to be modest! After all, this is a question – not only of scientific priority: it is a question of national pride! A political question, one might say!»

Academician «shyly dives into the gray mustache».

«Thank you, dear compatriot: touched. I am touched genuinely. But I just wanted to mention the participation of other comrades.»

«This, of course, characterizes you properly,» I partially soften, «but in the interests of the cause, and beyond the time limit, we will assume, that you have already noted!»

I without further words… although, perhaps, that is not quite so – sentence the question.

«And now – to the point, Vladimir Ivanovich: how to live on?»

Academician suddenly loses all his academic greatness. The usual thing: a collision with the world simplifies and genius. Illustrative example: Jesus, whom, according to Renan, daily contact with reality not only relegated, but also humiliated – and even deprived of self-styled status.

«You can immediately see the Russian man, dear young man. The question is not only „not in the brow“, but right in the forehead! Everything is in Russian style…»

Vernadsky is «coughing embarrassedly».

«Well, therefore, the answer must be in Russian style also. That is – right, without philosophical quirks…»

The glance of the academician, which had just been absent in his mustache, returns to my «face».

«Since you are familiar with my works, you should know another definition of the noosphere, exclusively mine already, outside the context of de Chardin and Leroy.»

«Of course, I know it.»

I «unfold the chest» no less effectively than the guns of the legendary cruiser Varyag probably did.

«According to Vernadsky, the noosphere is the highest stage of the biosphere, associated with the development of mankind.»

The old man’s «whiskers» ««take upright position»: this is helped by the «happy smile» of the owner.

«Excuse me, dear compatriot, my tactlessness! I am excused only that there are so many rogues around, posing as for experts and even colleagues! Once again: a thousand regrets!»

I praise the free time, that I did not devote to a glass of brandy, but to acquaintance with the biography of the academician and the scant information about the noosphere that I had available. I, of course, would have wriggled out without science – with the help of some brains – but it’s not for nothing that it’s said: «knowledge is power»!

«Vladimir Ivanovich, if you „deepen“?»

I strongly move my grandfather to the story of the harsh truth of life – the local, of course. Vladimir Ivanovich sighs.

«Yes, my young friend…»

I laugh in my heart: «young friend» – on the sixth ten of years! But still – thanks, comrade! If I were a woman in my place, you could legally rely on the gratitude of «right up to…».

«… the noosphere is not heaven or hell. It’s good, that this is not hell, of course. Although… the concept of „good“ is relative: even in hell, there is society yet. After all, people are in contact with each other… with the attendants… with the inventory… Everyone is busy with the business… in the boilers, there, in pans… There is a possibility of exchanging opinions about each other…»

At this moment, the three of us laugh in unison: the academician didn’t want, but joked, and very well.

«Paradise is better, of course!» academician «sighs». His «face» is filled with classic light sadness. «Well, that paradise, which is of holy Perepetuya and other theology: with nectar, ambrosia and a service charges odes to the Lord only. But there is no such paradise… like any other.»

It should be another sigh.

«You think I would not want to be wrong? Also, as I would like! But, alas: what is not – that is not. And there is no heaven with hell – so there is «this».

Vernadsky illustrates the statement with a «hand gesture». And I cannot stand.

«Vladimir Ivanovich: what does „this is it“ mean?! The fact, that the noosphere is, roughly speaking, is the sum of knowledge, I understood that. But what else? And how can this „what“ be used in practice?»

On practice»?» the academician frowns, «starting on the road». Once again, I energetically take a friend… «bull by the horns».

«Well, you look at us!»

And I show myself absent in kind.

«Excuse me, dear academician, but there are not only „neither skin nor face“ – nothing at all! No, since we were in such a place and in such a situation, and since we are a „cogito ergo sum“, let us then think about how to live further! I don’t want to be just somewhere, nor is it just like to exist somehow! I already understood that they do not live in this other world, but only find themselves. But is it life: just finding? Yes, and tired of me „to see“ only one „inner eye“! If we are aware of, at least, the basics, that’s enough to appear to each other! It is time to manifest! I do not want to be an energy matrix, nor the total life experience!»

I do not know how I was honored, but we are starting to manifest! It looks like on photographic paper appeared in the solution of the developer, and a little later – polaroid images. That is, we do not appear immediately, as if by magic, but strictly «according to the scheme». True, the fixer type hypochloride for fixing the image is not required. We look at each other, diligently rubbing our eyes with our fists without quotes now. We are the same, already familiar to each other, but not mental images – as it is, in nature and «in the material»!

«I do not understand!» the academician is the first to confess. «This cannot to be!»

«And if it may be?!» I object quite «scientific». «Remember, Vladimir Ivanovich… Although this you cannot remember, because you can’t know.»

The academician courageously transfers the insult of the «youth», not forgetting, however, to answer me in the same way.

«What exactly is, my young friend?»

«Santa simplicita!»: you couldn’t get me with such an insult, especially since I have already raised it in status to a compliment!

«That is the setting «If you cannot, but really want – you can!».

The face of the academician clears up.

«Is it a further development of science?»

«This is life sciences!» I clarify modestly, but at the same time, significantly.

«I think I understand you…»

«And I understand without „it seems“!» the alchemist is blurred. «I told you, senor, already, that you were chosen! But you laughed at me!»

I bow my head.

«I repent! So, that I will not laugh at you anymore… on this occasion. You were right, albeit from the other flank.»


«There is no esoteric, my friend! I just used the installation of our esteemed academician.»

Vernadsky immediately turns on.

«Which one?»

«Knowing the laws of nature, mankind becomes the main force comparable to geological ones, and begins to have a decisive influence on the course of processes in the sphere of the Earth covered by its influence.»

Academician honestly weighs jaw without quotes— already.

«Do you quote me by heart?!»

Once again, I reward myself for spending a few minutes to memorize. Here, he is a life lesson: knowledge is never superfluous, and there is never much of it!

«Yes, Vladimir Ivanovich,» I modestly lower my eyes. «But I do it not to hit someone with knowledge. Remember: «non sholae, sed vitae discimus!»? «We study not for school, but for life!» What is it for me? I’m talking about that, willy-nilly, I pushed off from your thoughts and came to my one. Here it is: since the shell is a form of matter, then its contents must be form in form. That is, not only by thought in space. And then I – subconsciously, of course – went further: if we, as humans, are the main force that has a decisive influence even on the sphere of the near-earth orbit, then we need only «point out» the noosphere to individual flaws! That is, if we only recognize ourselves as the main force and want to – and everything will come true! And it will be much more reasonably, than even Allah in the Quran. Remember: «When Allah decides a business, he will only say «Be it!» to it – and it happens!»

«That’s incredible… and brilliant!»

Even earthly eighty «with a tail» years does not interfere with academician put on the face valiant amazement. Unexpectedly for me, Vladimir Ivanovich turns out to be honest in the face of another’s achievement. But it is always not easy! And, if someone else’s is based on your basis, even more so! Such a position is a double feat: the feat of a scientist and the feat of a man!

«That’s brilliant, like all the simple things!» academician unfolds praise. «How I myself have not reached this! After all, the thought and will of man is the creator of the noosphere! But thought and will are not taken away from the body! Remember, like a poet: „The will and work of a person are created by wondrous things!“ I wonder if other inhabitants of the noosphere can follow you, my young friend, that is, to manifest themselves and others?»

«Well, the question is, of course, interesting!» But I think about it… almost without thinking: this is me – about creative inspiration.

«It may be, dear Vladimir Ivanovich, that this is not an exclusive privilege. Perhaps, in this „Through the Looking Glass“ this „feat“ is within the reach of anyone, who can come up with it.»

I make an expressive pause.

«Or, maybe, that’s not so. Remember: „many are called, and few are chosen“!»

«I think so also!» Alchemist applauds me with his eyes.

«There is one more moment. Is it necessary to enlighten everyone, even if „the salvation of the drowning is the work of the drowning“? As far as I understand in biology, the contingent here is the most diverse, including not the most worthy of the „resurrection“.»

Vernadsky excuses himself for a moment. Picturesque this spectacle is: an academician in a classic dress on reflection. For a classic outfit go beard, mustache, professorial mantle and velvet «skullcap».

«Perhaps, you are right, young man. Knowledge, of course, is power. But sometimes it is so destructive power, that it is better to leave the potential carrier…»

«With a nose»?» I «connect» to the academician.

«No: with cash potential, without „extra load“! Let, better, the potential destroyers will remain „soul of thoughts“ – without a human shell!»

«Soul of thoughts»…

I immediately disconnect from reality due to employment shock. I am really shocked not so much by the wording, as by the opening of the fact. The same is necessary: in a word, to determine what I would need a damn lot of hours and paper!

«And you said, that it was me a genius!»

These are the first words, with which I get out of admiration. And I say them, not at all following the installation «The cuckoo praises the rooster for praising the cuckoo». Attacking the throat of my own «ego», I am just courageously reward.

«And I do not give up my words!» without refusing words, Vernadsky refuses from a pedestal. And refuses with courage, match my own. But then I am «Their nobleness», in this context, at least.

«In that case, let me share the laurel wreath!»

Academician defeated – this time not by scientific reason, but the nobility «Their nobility is me».

«What will we decide with the „soul of thoughts“?»

This is an academician! Our person! That’s right: for whip – time, for laurels – an hour! Where is it to Maupassant – even with the true, in general, setting «Closer to the body!»

«With the „soul of thoughts“?»

I build a pause only for the sake of my own form. Simply put: for the monumental image: «The soul of the poet could not bear…"! There is no great need for posture: while we exchanged pleasantries with an academician, I had already thought of everything. Well, if not everything – everything is for a start. More precisely: for the initial stage.

«Let’s make the account, Vladimir Ivanovich! Podushny! Let us separate, so to speak, the wheat from the tares: to whom – to life everlasting, to whom – «in quite even the opposite». There we will decide, to whom to see with the eye, to whom with the thought only, to whom to manifest ourselves, and to whom to remain the «mindless form». We will take into account with an alchemist. Subjectivism is… objective: «in the struggle you will find your right». And you, Vladimir Ivanovich, while you rest: your hour will come…