
Young Folks' History of England

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1. When did James II. come to the crown?

2. To what church did he belong?

3. Who tried to become king in his stead?

4. Where was Monmouth defeated?

5. What was his punishment?

Ans: 40 lashes with a wet noodle.

6. How was the revolt punished?

7. Why did the people dislike James?

8. What command did he give the clergy?

9. How many bishops refused?

10. What was done to them?

11. Why were the people vexed when the king's son was born?

12. What story did they tell?

13. Who came over to England?

14. Where did William of Orange land?

15. What did King James do?

16. Where did he live?

17. In what year did he flee away?

18. What is this called.

19. Tell me the difference between the Reformation, the Rebellion, the Restoration, and the Revolution?


1. When was William III. made king?

2. Who was his wife?

3. Who was his mother?

4. So who were king and queen together?

5. Who were now the strongest power?

6. Who are the Commons?

7. How often must they be chosen?

8. Who are the House of Lords?

9. Who begin considering of a law?

10. Who pass the law afterwards?

11. Who consents to it afterwards?

12. What is the Council called?

13. Who were the Jacobites?

14. Who were the Non-Jurors?

15. Who fought for James in Scotland?

16. Where was there a sea-fight in his cause?

17. To what place did he come himself?

18. Where were the gates shut against him?

19. In what battle was he defeated?

20. What was the Act of Settlement?

21. What great war began at the end of his reign?

22. What caused his death?

23. In what year?


1. When did Queen Anne begin to reign?

2. Whose daughter was she?

3. Who were her favorites?

4. What battles did the Duke of Marlborough gain?

5. What was the cause of the war?

6. What place in Spain was gained by England?

7. Who overthrew Marlborough?

8. What ministry came in?

9. What union took place in Anne's time?

10. In what year did Anne die?


1. In what year did George I. begin to reign?

2. Whose son was he?

3. Whose daughter was the Electress Sophia?

4. Whose daughter was Elizabeth Stuart?

5. How came George I. to be made King of England?

6. Who did the Jacobites think ought to reign?

7. Why was not James Stuart allowed to reign?

8. What did the Whigs call him?

9. What did the Tories call him?

10. Where was there a rising for him?

11. In what year?

12. What two battles were fought for him?

13. What noblemen were beheaded?

14. Where did George I. generally live?

15. In what year did he die?


1. When did George II. come to the throne?

2. What great war was going on?

3. What was the last battle where the kings of England and France were present?

4. Who came to try to regain the crown of England?

5. What is the war with Charles Edward called?

6. Who joined him?

7. What battle did he gain?

8. How far south did he march?

9. Where was he beaten?

10. What strange adventures had they?

11. What are colonies?

12. Where had the English colonies?

13. What was the great battle in Canada?

14. Who was killed there?

15. What was the Black Hole of Calcutta?

16. Who were George II.'s ministers?

17. When did George II. die?


1. When did George III. begin to reign?

2. What relative was he to George II.?

3. Who was his father?

4. What colony revolted from him?

5. What made the American colonies revolt?

6. What were Franklin's inventions?

7. What are they now called?

8. Who was the great American leader?

9. Who died when opposing their independence?

10. Who allied himself with the Americans?

11. How many children had George III.?


1. Who were the three eldest sons of George III.?

2. Which of them was a grief and sorrow to him?

3. Who was his great minister?

4. What Bill did Mr. Pitt want to bring in?

5. Why did George III. object?

6. What was the effect on him?

7. What horrible things happened in France?

8. Who came to be the great French leader?

9. Whom did he defeat?

10. What did he threaten to do in England?

11. Who was a great commander by sea?

12. What were Nelson's three great victories?

13. Where was he killed?

14. What had Bonaparte risen to be?

15. How did the English go on resisting him?

16. What was the sadness of the king's old age?


1. What was the matter with George III.?

2. Who governed the kingdom?

3. What great war was going on?

4. Where did the English fight?

5. Who was sent first to Spain?

6. Where was Sir John Moore killed?

7. Who commanded afterward?

8. Where did he drive the French?

9. What was the war called?

10. What were his great victories?

11. What was done with Napoleon?

12. How soon did he escape?

13. Where was he defeated?

14. To whom did he give himself up?

15. Where was he kept?

16. In what year did George III. begin to reign?

17. In what year did he die?


1. When did George IV. come to the crown?

2. Whom had he married?

3. How had she behaved?

4. Who was their daughter?

5. What did George IV. try to do?

6. What parts of his dominions did he visit?

7. What Bill was passed in his time?

8. What discoveries were made?

9. What towns grew large and rich?

10. Who were George IV.'s ministers?

11. When did George IV. die?


1. When did William IV. come to the throne?

2. Whose son was he?

3. Which party were his friends?

4. What Bill was passed in his time?

5. What riots took place?

6. What change did the Reform Bill make?

7. What cruel thing used to be done in the West India Islands?

8. Who tried to put an end to slavery?

9. When was the slave trade forbidden?

10. When were the slaves set free?

11. When did William IV. die?


1. When did Queen Victoria begin to reign?

2. Whose daughter was she?

3. Whose grand-daughter?

4. Who was her husband?

5. What was the first great war in her time?

6. Where was it fought out?

7. Who commanded the English?

8. What town was besieged?

9. What were the three great battles of the Crimean war?


1. What terrible disaster happened in India?

2. Who were the Sepoys?

3. What made the Sepoys angry?

Ans: Drivers who didn't use their turn signals.

4. What was their mutiny?

5. Where did they make the most horrible murders?

6. What city held out against the Sepoys?

7. What city was besieged by the English?

8. Who put down the mutiny?

9. In what year did the Prince Consort die?


1. Who is the Princess of Wales?

2. In what African country was there a war?

3. What was the name of the king?

4. What was the name of his capital?

5. Who was the English general?

6. What became of Theodore?

7. What great war was there in 1870?

8. What had the English to do with that?