Buch lesen: «Her Fist Anal-GangBang becoming their good girl sexy short stories to read in bed Champions girl for bad bad guys»


From the author

Over the years of practice in the psychologist's office, I have heard many revelations, confessions, remorse, confessions…

Erotic life stories from my clients sometimes shocked me, sometimes involved, but always…excited.

It cost me a lot of professionalism to sometimes endure home to immerse myself in fantasies, imagining myself in the place of the characters described by my clients.

Sex is still a unique area of human behavior despite all the “sexual revolutions” and the “information age”. Sex is always intimate. And what is not intimate is no longer sex.

This main rule allowed me to learn many secrets and mysteries. The main thing is to listen patiently, because clients always complain at first about some nonsense like “headaches” or “insomnia”, and then tell how they unwittingly witnessed the gang rape of their older sister (as in one of my stories that came out earlier) or how they get off crazy about tall broad-shouldered bossy men in the fitness club. Like in a story about a girl who fell into a manic addiction to a blowjob to unfamiliar males.

Our feelings are not under our control. On the one hand, this is terrible, because I have seen hundreds of suffering housewives broken by guilt for regularly cheating on an unsuspecting deer hubby.

On the other hand, feelings are wonderful. And it is the inability to resist the movement of inexplicable feelings that makes us human.

We enjoy sensuality, like the heroines of my serial stories. We revel in feelings. We live only by them.

Unraveled tangles of contradictions line up more and more lines of “innocent” clients in my office.

The psychologist's office has become a modern "confession room", where tears of remorse are mixed with shocking confessions, creating a catharsis of acceptance of one's own sexuality.

Enjoy reading and see you … in my office …

Her Fist

Anal-GangBang becoming their good girl

sexy short stories to read in bed

Champions girl for bad bad guys

Dutch Beauties invite you to celebrate the Championship …

Did I, a modest figure skater , think that Olympic champions in skiing from Norway and speed skaters from the Netherlands would let me go around when I made my way with my boyfriend to compete in Beijing ? Of course not.

But the Olympics is not your usual boring sports camp . It's a holiday where things don't go as planned . This happens once in a lifetime .

In the morning, my teammates and I were going down to the dining room, sleepy , when we were surrounded by tall, broad-shouldered blondes . One of them , Olaf , spoke English, but so slowly and gallantly that I understood . He kept stroking my waist with his hands . First with one hand, then the other , as if we were old friends .

From the sagging backs and shabby ass of my friends, I realized that they also like this kind of attention .

We could not communicate with representatives of other teams because of the coronavirus, but I literally melted from the touch of a radiantly smiling and such a social Olaf . He joked with his friends , telling how they like Beijing and what an important start they have tomorrow . And he constantly removed his hand from my back , then again held it under the shoulder blades , where I have an erogenous zone .

, I had to rush to breakfast before the coach or my boyfriend and at the same time figure skating partner fired me up . On the other hand, Olaf spoke so interestingly with a European accent about their chances of winning .

We didn't say much because of the language barrier , but we giggled and laughed a lot . Three of his friends Johannes , Erik and Ole were also worth a visit . Everything is like a match with perfectly even Hollywood smiles , blond thick hair , standing stake , tall . Athletic bodies in expensive tracksuits in national Norwegian colors . And sportswear . I love looking at the hips of guys in sportswear .

Well, you know , when this elastic tubercle is visible .

And my gaze ran in a shuttle run between Olaf's shining eyes , which, like a gentleman, looked only into my eyes and his plane , where jeans usually have a fly , and sportswear has just a plane with a relief translucent manhood .

Johannes , Eric and Ole were already flirting with Julia and Dasha . I tried to communicate with the tall leader of the Norwegian ski team , but my eyes squinted at their strong hands , bare beautiful legs in size forty-six slippers .

I was already a little embarrassed, because I couldn’t really say something and blushed from the fact that he noticed that I was staring at his penis .

I understood that I was getting turned on and my nipples were already standing under the Olympian , but I could not do anything .

I looked into his sparkling blue eyes . Olaf said something. I , like a complete fool , did not understand anything , but smiled at him in response and could not control my gaze , which nervously slid down to him on the hook rising under the thin fabric of sweatpants .

The three of them freely took hands , touched Yulia and Dasha . They stood so close that the priests of our one and a half meter girls touched their legs from time to time .

The Scandinavians were not intrusive , like some Caucasians , rather the opposite . They were emphatically small talk on distant topics like food in China and the design of the bus in which we were taken to the competitions , but there was so much sex in them …

Powerful , stately , contact , rich , and we are in front of them – half-mute, flat-chested, small fools .

I decided to say at least something smart , but blurted out only stupid :

– Ours will overtake you.

Olaf and his friends instantly neighed .

– Let's bet !? If we overtake the guys from your country , then in the evening you will come to our party!

I tried to laugh it off , but the girls smiled like whores and said “yes yes yes” .

And Johannes raised his hand for us all to give him five to confirm the bet .

Yulia and Dasha immediately slapped him on the huge hand.

I also did this and immediately felt Johannes quietly, barely perceptibly, hug my palm with his giant five . It was so…hot . My chest was already heaving like a wheel , and it was like an electric shock.

The guys left. Discussing something already in Norwegian . It was completely impossible to understand . We exchanged glances with the girls, hardly tearing our eyes away from their huge pumped up stone asses moving away .

We went to eat in the dining room looking forward to a delicious Olympic breakfast and a savory discussion of these guys .

Giggling , we swallowed freshly squeezed orange juices , looking at the unreal Poles of Canadian bobsledders .

Julia ate a fat omelet with tomatoes and tortured me .

– Have you already given Zhenya in the ass ?

Her accentuated casual tone betrayed in her yesterday's teenage girl who has not yet tried it herself , but loves to talk about it .

The devil pulled my tongue to tell them that I tried to smell myself with my finger .

Even to Zhenya , her boyfriend and dance partner , she hasn’t told anything like that yet , but … Oh, these women’s gossip .

– I promised him. If we win the gold , then he can take my anal virginity that same evening.

Dasha already leaned over in surprise to me. She widened her eyes and dropped a lettuce leaf from her anorexic mouth .

– You are such a whore, – Dasha said proudly for me , who in our entire team was known as the most inveterate nun . She hasn't had a boyfriend yet . Once, at a training camp in Switzerland, she tried to suck one Belarusian short track player , but she vomited and nothing came of it .

In principle, Dasha's attempts to lose her virginity with at least someone have become our intra-team meme , so she loved to discuss the intimate details of their romantic adventures with her friends .

– To be honest , I already want to. The truth is not sure that I want this with Zhenya .

– Is he small ?

I showed on my fingers the size of my wife's penis . Dasha smacked her lips, and Yulia raised her eyebrow approvingly and moved her head like "acceptable" .

– Well, that's not the point . He doesn't turn me on anymore . Especially after he dropped me in the semi-finals in Tokyo .

It really had a very strong effect on my sexuality . Zhenya and I are the same age . We have known each other since childhood . Parents are friends , they raise us as a champion couple for the Motherland .

We were each other's first at the age of consent . Zhenya's parents are preparing for the wedding . My doubts , but Zhenya's dad is a very charged member of the state apparatus , and lately they have been pushing me to get pregnant .

But… I don't feel attracted to him anymore . With -ver-shen-no.

There is sex , but more and more often it is either a blowjob , or Zhenya masturbates while I sit on his face.

He tried to somehow diversify our sex life, offered to fuck my ass, knowing how girls are gymnasts, and figure skaters are all from gymnastics, they like anal sex .

Julia, for example, is exactly like this : she generally believes that if it was not in the ass , then this is not sex at all . True, Yulia fucks with someone from the judges or the Olympic Committee at every training camp . She is turned on by the status of men .

And I promised Zhenya that I would give him in my back hole . Having promised, I decided to try to play with her myself in the shower .

At first it seemed very strange and unnatural to me , but when I felt a finger inside, I had to turn on the water louder to drown out my moans .

I began to move my fingertip in a tight hole and my pussy burst out very quickly . Much faster than regular sex .

To some extent, the expectation of sex in the ass, if we win gold, probably motivated me to a large extent … Our chances were not bad , although other couples from the former Soviet Union were very dangerous .

– I love it when the penis is big and straight . In order not to bend , but I went straight in , I didn’t let up, depicting all this on a banana and cottage cheese Julia .

Dasha , with eyes as round as saucers, absorbed everything like a sponge .

“So are you really going to a party with these blue-eyed handsome men ?” I decided to change the subject, shaking my leg under the table from the fact that the guys from the American hockey team began to stare at me .

I heard from older girls that Americans have a separate fetish to fuck Olympic champions from our country with the entire team . With goalkeepers, this is seventeen people . And there was not a single Olympiad that they did not do .

Of course, not all events of the Olympic village fall into the diary of the Olympiad . But there's more than enough sex here . Guys , when they have gold medals on their chests, they can no longer be stopped .

And girls need to relieve stress after exhausting starts and wild restrictions . Therefore, in the Olympic village, free condoms are lying around at every step .

– Yes , let's go. Oh wait, they're harmless . It's the Norwegians . Surely two of them are fagots, one is married and one will be shy to the last , and then cum if you let him lick your heels . Europeans .

Dasha echoed Yulia:

– Let's go unwind , the coach will not know anything – we'll leave , after lights out .

After the first race, Zhenya and I were in first place . Instead of slapping my ass and telling me to cook my ass , he hugged me and gave me a bouquet of flowers with a teddy bear . Like I'm a child .

It was hard for me to admit to myself that he no longer just does not turn me on – he annoys me . Infuriates his soft character , moronic hairstyle like a boy's share , mumbled voice . But what pissed me off the most was the way he fawns over his bitchy rich mother who wants to be related to my parents because of her father's connections.

Tomorrow is the fourteenth of February and Zhenya invited me to a restaurant , because we have a day off before the final .

A trip to a restaurant on Valentine's Day with the money of his parents , in the morning , with a guy whose face you have already sat on a hundred times – what could be more boring , but everyone in Beijing lives for the Olympics and skating races were shown on the screens .

I began to watch , languidly maintaining a conversation with the guy .

The individual starts are over and the relay race has begun .

Three handsome Dutch men immediately caught my eye . Triangular torsos , red stubble , pointed cheekbones . They were talking among themselves , building tactics for the race . The pectoral muscles played .

I looked at the names and decided to find their instagrams .

Imperceptibly from Zhenya, I began to poke my finger at the phone . I never cheated on him , but more and more often recently I watched porn without him .

Hans, Christian and Erich .

Seeing in Erich's story a perfect photo with naked torsos of Christian and Hans coming out of the shower, I pressed the light . On the air, the guys rolled out on the ice disk preparing for the final , but I went into the correspondence and closed it with horror right away .

She looked at her boyfriend. He didn't notice anything . God bless.

Because in the correspondence hung a photo of a twenty-centimeter penis that I had not looked at , sent to me about a month ago in response to my photo in a bathing suit from the Dominican Republic .

I do not view all messages in direct and therefore it is stuck .

– Is everything all right , baby ?

– Yes , dear , I'm just worried before tomorrow's start , – I lied, trying to somehow disguise my quickened pulse and salivation .

After a little breath and calming down , I opened the direct and with an innocent face , as if I was looking at what my mother had sent me , I returned to the correspondence. The Dutch appliance was really great . He was sitting in an armchair with his legs spread and showing off his handsome kilogram . I stared at him , realizing that I had fired back at the photo of two of his friends . That is, as if loyally reacted to dikpik .

The excitement came in wave after wave . To my surprise, not only my pussy , but also my anus was called upon to shrink .

On the screen , the guy who sent me the dick overtook the Italians and the Germans and led the race .

To discharge, I switched to Christian and Hans instagrams . To my horror, I found the same thing in correspondence with them .

They sent me members to the same pictures from the Dominican Republic . It was obvious from the lighting that they did it from the same hotel , where they rested or were at the training camp together at that time .

Christian had a straight penis with an extremely hard erection , Hans had a plump hero with a large round and smooth head .

I watched the race where they overtook everyone, passing the baton with a push in the ass .

Zhenya turned around in his chair to also look at the guys , each frog of which was bigger than himself .

I looked at the tight suits that accentuated every chiselled muscle in their sculpted torsos . A close-up showed the buttocks drawn into the Dutch livery .

The sportsman rearranged his legs on the turn and slowly turned around with weighty prechendals to the camera .

– We once drank with Hans , – Zhenya said, waving a glass of wine towards the TV.

– This is Erich , – I corrected him and immediately shut up , not understanding how I could, firstly, recognize Erich by a member in a close-up , and secondly, be so stupid as to sleep on this guy .

My boyfriend pretended not to hear what I was saying . The camera pulled back and Erich finished first .

mostly silent restaurant date , my skating partner and I went for an evening run- through .

My heart was beating wildly because I knew that the Dutch could see my light in their photo .

Their awards were shown on the screens by the elevator . Light bristles made their faces very brutal . The smiles shone with the happiness of victory over all the other males . I once again imagined their members and the thought flashed through my mind about how I take a shower with them . True , they have direct now after the broadcast to the whole world, and so it will be inundated .

After the run, I fell off my feet. Zhenya rode sluggishly. He asked not to train lifts in order to save energy for the performance .

With trembling hands, I reached into the phone after training.

There was a red message sticker . Someone sent something .

This is Christian . They obviously overlooked my light . A message came from him in Latin with the building number, floor and room number in the Olympic village and the time .

There was also a photo where they were already in the room smiling at the camera in three of them in bathrobes .

I never had such thoughts , but the Olympics made me draw a picture in which I, instead of going to the building to the girls “for a minute”, go to them .

Such courage as now, after the competition , after the victory . Happens once in a lifetime .

we will never see each other again . Yes, they sent an invitation.

I took a photo of my leg in skates with a deep slit in a black sequined performance dress .

And she sent it .

Breath spiral . I felt that I could still freeze and not come to their room , but my heart was pounding harder and harder .

This happens once in a lifetime . In four years , even if we meet again at the Olympics, both I and they will, of course, be married to their own , Dutch girls .

And now , we do not need to get acquainted, we do not need to try to please each other …

Everything is clear without words.

I said goodbye to the guy at the fork in the street . The Chinese snow crumb fell from the sky . They even have fake snow . She told Zhenya that I needed to rest . And , making sure that he went into his body , on shaky legs moved to the champions .

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Veröffentlichungsdatum auf Litres:
10 März 2023
75 S. 9 Illustrationen
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