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Buch lesen: «Lone Star Diary»

Darlene Graham

All I ever wanted was a baby, but not like this

A baby. Oh God. But just like all the others, I’ll probably lose her. Him? I simply can’t let myself start thinking about this baby as real.

Writing in this journal isn’t helping–I’ve got to talk to somebody. I’ll die if I don’t. Now. Today.

Robbie’s outside the door. I can’t lay this burden on her on her wedding day.

Markie! She’s been in this predicament herself, albeit as a teenager. Maybe she can help me sort this out.

A baby. Luke Driscoll’s baby.

Dear Reader,

Frankie is the eldest of the McBride sisters, but she’s the last to find true love…and to have the baby she’s always dreamed of. In Book Two, Lone Star Rising, Frankie separated from her cheating husband, and her affluent, carefully controlled life in Austin was shattered. But I think any woman as spunky as Frankie deserves a second chance, don’t you? And if anyone can make Frankie believe in love again, it’s Texas Ranger Luke Driscoll.

When Frankie and Luke go on their first date, she buys the pie. I’ve already had reader requests for Parson’s famous recipes from The Hungry Aggie. People tend to forget I make this stuff up! If you’d like the recipe for Texas Cream Pie, please check out my Web site at

Thank you, dear readers, for all your encouragement as I wrote this trilogy. I had a blast!

My best to you,

Darlene Graham

P.S. I love to hear from my readers! Drop me a line at P.O. Box 72024, Norman, OK 73070 or visit my Web site and send an e-mail.

Lone Star Diary
Darlene Graham


Reviewers say it’s Darlene Graham’s suspense that “grabs hold of her readers’ attention and never lets go.” But Darlene insists her writing is all about the love. “I’m not satisfied with my story until I’ve shed a few happy tears.” When she’s not sobbing into a tissue, the former nurse and mother of three grown children teaches writing classes at the local university and conducts workshops throughout the U.S. If she makes you cry, she’d love to know. Contact her at

I have been blessed with a large and wonderful

extended family. This book is dedicated to all

those precious relatives, especially the ones

in Texas. I never take any of you for granted.





















LUKE DRISCOLL fought down a clutch of nausea as his boots thudded along the dusty moonlit path. Even with the desert’s cooling night breezes, the landscape around him reeked like an outhouse.

Little wonder. The place was a virtual garbage dump. His flashlight illuminated an arid terrain littered with bottles, cans, trash bags, soiled disposable diapers, sanitary napkins, discarded clothes, ripped backpacks, even used toilet paper and human feces.

But it was the sight of a syringe with an exposed needle near his boot that disgusted Luke the most. The Coyotes and drug runners shot their veins full of stimulants, staying high to endure the torturous journeys. Their human cargo got no such chemical help.

Out of the moonlit shadows a figure wearing a U.S. Border Patrol uniform emerged and flicked a flashlight up into Luke’s face as he strode toward him.

Luke squinted at the glare as he fished his badge out of the hip pocket of his jeans and flipped open the cover. “Luke Driscoll.”

The light flashed off the badge, then the guard aimed the cone at the ground. “Nobody said anything about you being a Texas Ranger.”

“More like former.” There was no former, truth be told. In Luke’s mind, once a Ranger, always one. But these days Luke kept his badge in his pocket instead of pinned to his shirt for all the world to see. He no longer covered the span of a couple of Texas-sized counties the way most Rangers did. These days he worked indoors with the hard-bitten crew of the Unsolved Crimes Investigation Team out of Austin, where, he imagined, it had been quietly arranged for the powers-that-be to keep an eye on him. Long-Arm Luke had become Loose Cannon Luke after his wife and daughter were killed.

“Chuck Medina.” The border guard extended his hand and the two men shook. “I’m in charge of this case, at least for now.” The youngish agent, who looked part Hispanic, studied Luke’s face in the off-glow of his flashlight. “Driscoll? Where have I heard that name before?”

“Beats me.” Luke kept his expression impassive and his tone a careful neutral. He had long cultivated the habit of sidestepping his history. “Thanks for meeting me.”

“No problem. But I’m confused. What does the OAG want with this?”

“Nothing.” And Luke was glad of it. He preferred to work alone. While the Office of the Attorney General would tackle most anything—murder, money-laundering, child porn—they would never step on local law enforcement’s toes. And Luke had a feeling some pretty big toes were going to get stepped on in this deal. He had already delved into one murder that appeared to be part of some linked criminal transactions. “This one’s my personal deal.”

“Personal?” Medina studied him so closely that Luke decided he’d better throw the kid off the scent.

“I’m sort of like a cold-case investigator.” He made his involvement sound detached, remote. “We think this murder is related to some old trouble up north.” He started walking toward the crime scene tape stretched between two mesquite bushes.

The guard kept pace with him. “Whereabouts up north?”

“The Hill Country.” Luke had already made two trips down the winding back country roads to Five Points, Texas, a town that was beginning to devil his mind for a lot of reasons.

“How’d you get wind of this?” the guard asked as Luke raised the stretchy yellow tape to duck under.

“A couple of brothers came to me.” Luke had been surprised but gratified when the Morales boys had talked to him.

He supposed the fallout from his history wasn’t all bad. “The young woman you guys found out here in this dung heap—” he straightened and surveyed the area “—was their sister.”

Medina shook his head. “Oh man.”

Far back in the mesquite bushes, they came to a shallow depression, freshly dug in the hard-packed desert. “The guy buried her?”

“Yeah. In a shallow grave. Very shallow. Almost like he didn’t care if she got found. I guess even if she was, he knew he’d never get caught. The Coyotes aren’t scared of us.”

Luke’s own words, recently spoken to a most feminine woman with a somewhat unfeminine name—Frankie—echoed in his mind now.

These are very dangerous men, ma’am, he had warned the hauntingly beautiful brunette.

He shook off the distraction—the weird sense of enchantment—that overcame him every time his thoughts strayed to this Frankie woman. Right now he didn’t have time to dwell on unbidden feelings.

He panned his flashlight over the area, which was unnaturally clean, stripped of all debris. “I see you boys got everything.”

“Every last little bobby pin. A freaking waste of time.”

“Ah, now,” Luke drawled, “I’ve never found catching a killer a waste of time.”

Medina grunted. Luke figured he knew what the guy was thinking: if these illegal aliens wanted to break the law and trust their lives to Coyote-types, they got what they paid for. After an uncomfortable silence, in which the two men adjusted to the likelihood that they stood on different sides of the issue, Luke said, “Tell me about the victim.”

The guard shrugged. “One more pretty Mexican girl on the run.”

Maria’s brothers had told him, tearfully, that their sister was pretty. And the Texas State Police officers Luke had talked to before he came out here had confirmed that, indeed, the victim had a pretty face—what was left of it. Sixty-five stab wounds. Coyotes—rightly named—were no better than mad dogs, vicious animals that devoured the innocent.

When the local sheriff had shown up at a humanitarian compound called the Light at Five Points looking for Maria’s brothers, Luke was already there talking to Justin Kilgore, the man who ran the relief organization and—this interested Luke more than it should have—Frankie McBride’s brother-in-law. Kilgore said the Morales boys—the same Morales boys, it turned out, who had originally come to Luke with a bizarre story about some Mayan carvings—had disappeared.

The brothers would never come out of hiding, Kilgore told the cops, even to claim their sister’s body. Luke knew that was right. And he suspected whoever had killed the sister did it for exactly that reason—to draw the brothers out.

Luke had convinced the Moraleses to tell him about Maria, about their home town in Jalisco, about their family history, but he couldn’t convince them to come down here to the border, though they had begged him to. Luke was the only Anglo they trusted, they said. Luke intended to keep that trust.

The crime scene tape, looking defeated as it sagged in the sand, was about all that was left to indicate a murder had occurred here yesterday. Maria’s body, after a routine autopsy, would be sent back to Mexico, back to her aging, widowed mother. The men who killed her were long gone too, possibly to Mexico as well.

Maria Morales’s murder would lie unsolved, lost in a morass of paperwork and legalities. Of no more consequence than the litter on this desert. Something ugly, something to wash your hands of. Waste. But for reasons all his own, Luke wouldn’t rest until he’d hunted down the dog who killed this girl. Nor would he rest until he had an answer to the ultimate question in this whole deal. Why?

“The girl we took in for questioning described the killer. Turns out he’s a known Coyote in his early twenties.” The guard dug something out of his flak jacket. “We mooched this picture off the Houston police. The guy operates over that way as well.”

They were standing just inside the border, on the U.S. side of the Rio Grande River, south-southwest of San Antonio, far, far away from the Houston side of Texas.

“Busy hombre,” Luke muttered.

“Yeah.” The Federal handed Luke a grainy black-and-white photo that had obviously been downloaded off the Internet. “According to our sources, the guy has relatives on both sides of the state, and in Arizona, and as far south as Chiapas. He could be anywhere between here and Central America.”

Luke lifted his flashlight and examined the picture. A young Hispanic man with a buzz haircut and a smudge of mustache shadowing his upper lip looked out with a cold, reptilian gaze that would halt the blood of an ordinary person.

Luke studied the heavy-set face as dispassionately as a geologist studying a rock. It was a skill—the reading of faces. This particular one would have set Luke’s instincts to strumming even if the guy hadn’t been an alleged murderer, even if Luke hadn’t seen this face before—in person.

Izek Texcoyo. Known in the border underworld as Tex. The cynical mouth that refused to smile, the dark scar that rose from the corner of that unsmiling mouth clear to one eye, as familiar to Luke as his own trim goatee and crow’s feet.

The young man was surprisingly handsome despite his disfigurement. “Can I get a copy of this?”

“Keep that. Here’s another.” He dug around in the jacket. “You know, it’s a damn shame. The more the illegals come, the more the Coyotes prey on them.” The guard explained what Luke already knew. “Sometimes it’s like we’re spittin’ on a fire. They’re like roaches, you know? Scuttling across in the night. But we have to try, right?”

“You in your way, me in mine,” Luke said. He had heard another agent compare crossers to ants. If you smashed one, twenty more took his place. He gave the skinny guard a pitiless glance, but he couldn’t find it in his heart to judge him too harshly. So young. Seemed like they all were. Luke himself was only forty-three and yet he always felt like an old geezer in the subterranean world of the border.

Whether it was the crossers or the patrol or the Coyotes, the people down here seemed like scared children caught up in a dangerous game. This one was no exception, no older than your average college student, doing the best that he could. Patrolling miles and miles of impossibly vast terrain, vainly rounding up illegals that flooded across in numbers that staggered the imagination.

Medina finally produced a paper and handed it over.

Carrying around obscene photos in his flak vest.

It was a body. A female form, half-dressed in a ripped T-shirt. “Did she have any personal effects on her besides the T-shirt?” Luke asked as he looked at it.

The border guard gave him an annoyed squint. “You’re kiddin’, right?”

The Coyote who killed her had, of course, robbed her blind as well.

“The brothers believe she was wearing a vest with Huichol beadwork. It had great…sentimental value. She was also supposedly carrying an object in her backpack. Did anybody find said backpack, or perhaps a chunk of carved stone in the vicinity?”

Luke suspected there was more to this chunk of rock and this vest than sentimental value. The Morales brothers were withholding something here, but they would eventually come straight with him or find themselves hugging jail bars.

“No backpack,” the kid said. “No carving. But I know exactly the kind of thing you’re talking about. Occasionally we’ll hear tell of crossers smuggling over artifacts. Mayan stuff, mostly. My guess is they sell them in El Norte for a fortune. And a beaded vest?” The guard eyed Luke sarcastically. “These crossers wear rags. And knock-offs of Nikes when they can get ’em.”

Indeed. No one in their right mind would wear precious ceremonial garb for this journey. Crossers snaked along in unbroken lines over dusty, well-beaten paths like this one, hacking through the underbrush, scooting on their backsides down canyon floors, crawling along muddy arroyo bottoms.

Luke pushed his Stetson back on his head and rubbed his forehead, thinking for the millionth time that there had to be a humane solution for these people. Did Maria’s brothers blame themselves for not going back to Mexico to get the vest themselves instead of having their sister wear it on her person? But it was Luke’s understanding that no man was supposed to touch the feminine half of the pattern. He wondered if evil would befall the Coyote who’d stolen it, part of him longing to believe these ancient superstitions were true.

“Maybe her friend knows something about the backpack, but my guess is it’s long gone, down the trail with that Coyote.”

“Her friend?”

“The girl traveling with her. Scared to death. She burrowed down in the sand behind the bushes while they killed this one.”

“Can I talk to her?”

“She’s back in Del Rio, in jail.”

Luke sighed. Ever since he’d gotten involved with these people, it seemed like he was forever springing somebody out of jail. Out at the Light at Five Points he and Justin Kilgore had shared the frustrating similarities in their work. Financial problems. Medical problems. Problems with the law. And lately, even political problems.

“Thanks a lot, Dad,” Justin had muttered as he told Luke about the trouble his father had stirred up. “Dad” to Justin Kilgore was none other than Congressman Kurt Kilgore. For the life of him, Luke couldn’t figure out why the congressman was so dead set against his son’s humanitarian work.

“What’s her name?” Luke dug in his jeans for his little notebook.

“Yolonda Reyes. I can have one of our guys go fetch her.” The guard reached for his shoulder radio and spoke into it.

And then what? Luke thought. Luke wasn’t about to send the child back to jail or to Mexico into the hands of the border judiciales.

An engine whined and the single headlight of a quad runner appeared out of nowhere, hurtling down the path in a cloud of dust, another young agent jostling high up on the narrow seat. The kid gave a two-fingered salute as he flew past. Medina saluted back as he hopped out of the way. Luke stepped back too, twisting his ankle as the heel of his cowboy boot rolled off a soggy diaper.

“Sorry,” Medina hollered as the roar of the quad faded into the darkness. “Joe flies around like a maniac.”

Luke knocked the dust off his sleeves as he regained his footing.

“You been at this awhile?” The guard gave Luke a wary once-over and Luke imagined the kid was noting the threads of gray in his hair and goatee, a certain cynicism around his eyes. But Luke’s weathered looks weren’t the result of age or even too many dangerous scrapes and long hours as a Ranger. If he had a hard-bitten look, it came from brooding too long. From seeing his dead child’s face in all its sweetest, most innocent poses every time he closed his eyes. He was acutely aware that this festering anger wasn’t healthy. He just didn’t know how stop it.

“Long enough.” Four years studying law enforcement, four years as a DPS trooper. A dozen or so as an active Ranger. Too much of it undercover in Mexico. Somewhere in all of that, he and Liana had managed to forge eight years of bliss before those little creeps had killed Liana and Bethany. It struck him that he hadn’t dreamed a good, clear dream about his wife and daughter for a while now. “Let’s get back to Maria’s case,” he said. “The family would like to have her stuff.”

The guard flipped up a palm like a traffic cop. “Since you’ve been at this so long, you ought to know everything from the crime scene is in police custody and staying there. And you know not to get your hopes up about ever getting it back…or catching this creep for that matter.”

“Haven’t let a creep go yet,” Luke stated flatly. Because he hadn’t. Medina still hadn’t figured out who he was. “In the meantime, I’m just trying to help this family obtain what’s rightfully theirs. They don’t even speak English.”

“Nobody does, man.” The agent said it with that sarcastic edge in his voice that was beginning to annoy Luke.

“They need an advocate,” he said calmly. “Right now, that would be me.” He dug a business card from the hip pocket of his Levi’s.

Medina took it and flipped the beam of his flashlight on it, thumbing the embossed seal of the Lone Star State. “Nice. I’m fresh out. Budget cuts.” Again, the guy’s voice was sarcastic.

Luke didn’t respond as Medina stuffed the card away in his flak vest. His silence seemed only to encourage the kid. “What, exactly, do these brothers expect? Last year over a million and a half of these types crawled up into the States.” Apparently Chuck Medina was determined to vent his spleen. “It’s like an invasion, man. This so-called border is a freaking sieve. The narco-militarist types, drug runners, Coyotes run the show down here. And they’re using assault rifles to do it. It’s a war zone.” He fanned an arm over the abandoned desert as they started making their way back to the main path. “Fear keeps the locals locked away, peering out of their houses over the barrels of their shotguns. And that’s just so they can keep the crossers out of their own front yards. They’ve given up on the outlying ranch lands. The few times a rancher had the guts to detain illegals for trespassing, the press crucified him as a racist vigilante. Some have even been sued. See all this crap?” The guard kicked at the trash, raising a plume of moonlit dust.

“It’s like this on practically the whole four-thousand-mile border. In the meantime, we’re caught in the middle. The Coyotes are making a killing off these poor people and nobody’s doing a thing about it. The illegals don’t trust anybody but the Coyotes until it’s too late. Until something like this—” He jerked his head back toward the crime scene. “Even if somebody had called 911, how could we get close enough to protect that young woman when the Coyotes let loose with a spray of bullets at the slightest sound and her rock-chucking compadres are ready to ambush us from behind every mesquite bush? And now we’ve got to worry about terrorists.” He finally stopped long enough to draw a frustrated breath.

Hoping Medina had talked himself out, Luke said, “It’s hard to sort out the good from the bad. I’ve gotten the same treatment.” So had Justin Kilgore. Crossers came in all shapes and sizes, all ages, all nationalities. But they all had one thing in common. Fear. Fear of getting caught. Fear of going to jail. Fear of authority. Fear of the gringo. Luke had worked hard to break through that fear and be one Texas Ranger they trusted. “You can’t blame them for being mistrustful, even when people are trying to help them.”

“I’ll tell you what’s sad,” the young border guard said, calmer now. “It’s the way these people accept their fate. Like they have no hope of anything ever getting better.”

“That’s the problem. They do have hope.” Luke sighed. “Otherwise they wouldn’t even attempt these crossings.”

The quad runner roared back up the rutted path, this time with a tiny young woman hanging on for dear life on the back. The driver got off and helped her dismount. She was so thin it hurt to look at her. Great, Luke thought, now he had a skinny teenager to deal with. “Her name’s Yolonda?” he clarified.

“Yeah. That little chica’s lucky she’s alive.” The guard spat in the dust, then hurried to follow Luke. “You know what she said? She said at least this time the Morales family would have a body.”

Luke stopped, turned, frowned. “This time?”

The guard hitched at his belt, suddenly self-important with information the Ranger didn’t have.

“The Morales’ father disappeared years ago.”

“Their father?” Luke processed this.

“He sent their mother the sign, but they never heard from him again.”

“The sign?” Luke squinted at Medina.

“The Lone Star. They’ll send it on a postcard or a trinket or something back home to Mexico. It shows that they’ve made it as far as a place called Five Points. I do not know why these people bother with such secrecy.” Medina shook his head. “Everybody knows Five Points is a key stopping place for crossers. Five highways going in every direction. Just a hop-skip to I-10.”

“I see,” Luke said. Five Points. He could practically see a puzzle piece locking in place. The Morales boys had failed to inform him of this little detail. Suddenly he knew exactly what he was going to do with this Yolonda girl: offer her asylum if she would tell him everything she knew. He could take her out to the Light at Five Points.

Luke thought of the people there and others he’d met when he’d gone to check out another murder in that small town, and like a rubber band, his mind snapped back to the woman named Frankie.

She’d given her full name, Frankie McBride Hostler, although the last name hadn’t rolled out as evenly as the first two, as if she’d choked on it. He had checked her left hand then, its slender fingers entwined with the other hand around the grip of a heavy revolver. A diamond the size of Dallas had winked at him in the blazing Southwest sun.

He’d never met a woman that way, while she held a gun on him in a firm firing stance. When she shot the head off the copperhead snake coiled less than a yard from his boot, he had decided this particular woman was something else.

Too bad this Frankie McBride…Hostler was married.

Five Points. He was headed back there for sure. Back to the home place of Frankie McBride.

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