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Buch lesen: «The Italian Seduction»

Mary Lyons

“You have, I understand, been hired to guard my body for twenty-four hours a day?”

“Yes, technically speaking, I suppose I have. But…”

“Well, there you are!” Lorenzo grinned wolfishly down at her. “I suddenly realized that it would be churlish, to say the least, to turn down the opportunity of having you, my dear Antonia, closely guarding my body through the night.”

“You must be joking!” she laughed.

But, as Antonia discovered for the second time that evening, she was guilty of seriously underestimating an opponent, as Lorenzo suddenly moved at what seemed to be the speed of light. A nanosecond later, she found herself firmly clasped by one steely, unyielding arm while he placed his other hand firmly under her chin.

As he tilted her face up toward him, she barely had time to become aware of his blue eyes glittering down at her, before his dark head was descending swiftly toward her, his mouth possessing her lips in a kiss of devastating intensity.

MARY LYONS was born in Toronto, Canada, moving to live permanently in England when she was six, although she still proudly maintains her Canadian citizenship. Having married and raised four children, her life nowadays is relatively peaceful—unlike her early years when she worked as a radio announcer, reviewed books and, for a time, lived in a turbulent area of the Middle East. She still enjoys a bit of excitement, combining romance with action, humor and suspense in her books whenever possible.

The Italian Seduction
Mary Lyons













‘LORENZO—you really must be sensible! You could be in grave danger.’


Standing behind his large desk, Lorenzo Foscari gave a brief, slightly irritated shrug of his broad shoulders as he continued to toss files and papers into an open briefcase. ‘Quite frankly, Matteo, I consider that you, and the other directors of this company, are taking these foolish threats far too seriously.’

Matteo Barocci gave a heavy sigh, before once again trying to persuade the younger man to see sense.

Unfortunately, it clearly wasn’t going to be an easy task. Which was hardly surprising. After all, no man of thirty-eight—let alone a good-looking, wealthy bachelor with a host of glamorous girlfriends—was likely to welcome having his private life seriously curtailed.

However, as a director of a large industrial corporation—of which Lorenzo was chairman and managing director— Matteo could only agree with the firm’s insurance company when they’d insisted that action must be taken immediately.

‘In the event of anything happening to Signor Foscari, we would be called upon to pay out a huge sum of money to your company. Which is why we cannot afford to take any risks, and are insisting that he has close protection, at all times, until there is no longer any threat to his life.’

But it was one thing for the insurance company to lay down the law, Matteo told himself with another, heavy sigh and quite another to persuade Lorenzo to accept measures designed to protect him. All the same…he had no choice but to try.

‘Now, Lorenzo—you must listen to reason,’ he pleaded. ‘Because, however “foolish” it may seem to you, once someone has written letters threatening your life, it would be the height of folly to take no notice of such a warning.’

‘Sì, d’accordo…I agree. You are quite right to insist that I take sensible precautions,’ Lorenzo said, placing his passport in the case, before firmly closing the lid. ‘And that’s precisely what I intend to do.’

‘So, you’ll agree to have a bodyguard, and…’

‘Absolutely not.’ Lorenzo shook his dark head as he pressed down the intercom, asking his secretary to notify the chauffeur that he was about to leave the building. ‘While I am quite prepared to be careful, I refuse to believe that I am in any immediate danger. Certainly not enough to warrant the appointment of a bodyguard!’

‘But our insurers and the other directors of the company are insisting that…’

‘Damn it, Matteo!’ Lorenzo grated, his blue eyes glinting with anger and frustration. ‘We both know that the man was nothing but a thief. A loathsome little man who, in his role of chief accountant, betrayed our trust by stealing tens of millions of lire from this company, before I sacked him. Right?’

‘Quite right. But…’

‘Yes…yes, I know that he’s apparently made threats against my life,’ Lorenzo added impatiently. ‘But I fail to understand why everyone seems to be taking him seriously.’

‘I’ve already explained that…’

‘Oh, come on! Giovanni may have been a crooked, greedy man, who had no scruples about robbing this company. But the idea that he’s suddenly become a dangerous assassin is totally absurd!’

Continuing to ignore the older man’s protests, he picked up his briefcase from the desk, moving swiftly across the thick carpet towards the door of his large, spacious office.

‘For instance, I very much doubt if Giovanni would even recognise a gun when he saw one—let alone know how to fire it. Which is why the idea that I now need a bodyguard—to protect me from such a puny, insignificant little man—is utter nonsense!’

‘But…but the insurance company is insisting that you…you must take precautions,’ Matteo protested breathlessly, almost having to run to keep up with the other man’s tall, slim figure as Lorenzo left his office, and began striding quickly down the marble-floored corridor, towards his personal elevator.

‘For how long would I be expected to put up with this bodyguard? One month? Six months? A year?’

‘Well…er…I really don’t know,’ Matteo muttered helplessly. ‘It could be for some time, I suppose.’

‘That is precisely the conclusion I’d come to,’ Lorenzo snapped as the elevator doors opened and he entered the steel cage, closely followed by his colleague. So as far as I’m concerned you can forget it! Because I’m damned if I’ll put up with being forced to live—for who knows what length of time?—with some empty-brained, muscle-bound gorilla!’

It was now far too late, of course, Lorenzo told himself grimly, his lips tightening with exasperation as the lift hurtled down, towards the ground floor of the large office building. It was far too late to regret not calling in the police when he’d first been informed by the auditors of a serious problem in the company’s financial department. Prompt and swift action, at that point, would undoubtedly have saved everyone a considerable amount of time and trouble.

Unfortunately, instead of being sensible, he’d allowed his compassion to overcome his better judgement.

After calling the chief accountant, Giovanni Parini, into his office and tearing him off a strip, Lorenzo had been disconcerted and embarrassed when the man had broken down—not only admitting his guilt, but weeping with distress about the future welfare of his wife and many small children. Which was why, very stupidly, Lorenzo had merely called Security to have the man immediately escorted from the building.

What an idiot he’d been! Because it had soon become evident that there was no wife and definitely no small children. In fact, Giovanni, who’d been living alone with his comfortably off, elderly mother, had now disappeared and was on the run. But not before leaving behind him a letter, threatening to kill Lorenzo—the one person who’d been foolish enough to show him some clemency.

Which only serves you right, for being such a soft touch! Lorenzo told himself grimly. However…if he now had the opportunity to get his hands around the thin, scrawny neck of the company’s late and entirely unlamented chief accountant, he’d have great pleasure in cheerfully squeezing the life from the wretched man!

‘You really cannot continue ignoring the demands of our insurance company.’


Preoccupied in cursing himself for having been so lenient, Lorenzo realised that he’d missed part of what his companion had been saying.

‘What demands?’ he queried as the elevator doors opened, and he began walking across the foyer, towards the main doors of the large office block.

‘You clearly haven’t been listening to what I’ve been saying!’ his colleague protested, hurrying after the taller man as Lorenzo swept through the glass doors to where his uniformed chauffeur was standing beside a large black limousine.

‘Our insurers are adamant that you must have the protection of a bodyguard, at all times, until Giovanni Parini is caught,’ Matteo continued breathlessly.

‘What nonsense!’ Lorenzo grated as he came to an abrupt halt, spinning around on his heels to glare down at the other man. ‘Are you seriously trying to tell me…?’

Matteo nodded quickly. ‘They say if you don’t take their advice—especially as you will be travelling abroad for the next couple of weeks or so—they will immediately withdraw your insurance cover.’

‘This is totally ridiculous!’ Lorenzo exclaimed angrily. ‘How can they seriously believe that Giovanni is likely to be dogging my footsteps around Europe? My schedule has not yet been finalised. So where and how would he get the information about my business meetings in Switzerland, Germany and Britain? How could he know where I will be on any one, particular day—when I don’t yet have that information myself?’

Matteo shrugged. ‘It seems they regard you as being vitally important for the future of this company. Which is why they are not prepared to take any risks whatsoever—and will cancel the policy unless you agree to their terms.’

Swearing violently under his breath, Lorenzo stared grimly down at the other man for a moment, before quickly glancing at the slim gold watch on his wrist.

‘If I don’t hurry, I’m going miss my flight to Zurich. Which means that I’ve no time to hang around arguing about this subject any longer,’ he grated angrily, handing his briefcase to the chauffeur before climbing into the passenger seat at the rear of the vehicle.

‘I’m sorry…’ Matteo sighed. ‘Believe me, I have tried to reason with the insurers. But, while they aren’t prepared to take even the slightest risk of anything happening to you, they have agreed to make the arrangements regarding your bodyguard. Apparently they expect to have someone in place by the time you reach London. And they have also agreed to pay all the fees involved.’

‘I should damn well hope so!’ Lorenzo retorted through clenched teeth. ‘Especially when I think of the huge sums we’ve paid our insurers over the years. Nothing short of daylight robbery!’ he exploded, before taking a deep breath and making an effort to calm down.

‘I want you to make something very clear to our insurance company,’ he continued grimly, slamming the car door shut with a bang, before lowering his window to deliver a parting shot. ‘If they’re twisting my arm, and forcing me to have a bodyguard, they’d better make certain that he’s the very best in the business!’

Over six hundred miles and many light-years away from the sophisticated city of Milan, Antonia Simpson gave a heavy sigh as she leaned back in the front passenger seat of the chauffeur-driven Rolls-Royce.

Gazing longingly out of the window at the bright sunshine, and the light breeze rustling the leaves of the trees at the edge of the airfield, she found herself thinking that it was about time she had a break.

It was all very well running one’s own business. And she certainly was making a considerable amount of money. But the unrelenting pressure of always having to be totally alert and aware of danger, at all times, was beginning to wear her down.

Which was ridiculous, really, because she’d spent the last eleven years thoroughly enjoying all aspects of her job—eleven years into which she’d packed more adventures than most people experienced in a lifetime.

She’d always been a tomboy, of course. Which wasn’t exactly surprising, since following her mother’s death, when Antonia was only a few months old, her father had raised her in exactly the same way as he’d done her three older brothers. And he’d been delighted to discover, as the years went by, that she was the only one of his children to inherit his natural aptitude for sports.

There was a downside to her happy, comfortable childhood, of course. For instance, it had been a shock, at the age of sixteen, to discover that men preferred girls who wore frilly frocks. And as she’d grown older she’d been confused to discover that most of her brothers’ male friends—however nice they might be—didn’t take kindly to being beaten hollow at tennis. Nor did they like being told not to be ‘sloppy’—and quickly tossed, judo-style, over her shoulder whenever they tried to kiss her.

However, on leaving school and training as a fitness instructor, it was when she was asked to help look after one of her students—who’d suddenly achieved unexpected fame as a rock star—that she’d discovered her true vocation, taking up ‘close protection’ as a permanent job. By which time, of course, she’d also discovered that being kissed by the opposite sex wasn’t really quite so bad, after all! Which hadn’t been much of a help when she was chosen to join a training course with the SAS.

Antonia still shuddered at the memory of those harsh, desperately exhausting few weeks, which she’d spent at a secret location in Herefordshire. The only woman on the course, she was never quite sure how she’d managed to survive the brutally tough regime—a postgraduate course in advanced security techniques, which had dramatically changed her life—and resulted in her becoming a highly valued member of her chosen profession.

But…well, there had been many times, lately, when she had found herself wondering what it would be like to live an ordinary, normal, everyday life.

Which was one of the reasons that she’d recently formed her own, private security firm. Specialising in various training courses—both for members of the general public, as well as employees of various security firms—she also provided clients with surveillance teams for an assortment of mundane problems, such as internal theft and the prevention of industrial espionage.

It was certainly a lot quieter and more peaceful than some of the jobs she’d had in the past. But Antonia was beginning to think that maybe, somewhere along the line, she’d somehow managed to miss out on something vital.

Most of her friends were married, and had happily settled down to enjoy family life. And, although she was definitely not looking for a husband—and hadn’t even begun to think about having any children of her own—she was becoming increasingly aware of strange feelings of dissatisfaction with her life, which she had absolutely no idea how to combat.

Possibly the answer to her problems was simply that she needed a holiday. While she was not someone who enjoyed lying around on a sandy beach for any length of time, the idea of renting a villa, high in the hills of Greece or Italy, was definitely appealing.

Antonia was just anticipating the future delights of enjoying fresh mountain air, and of strolling through fragrant pine woods, when her thoughts were interrupted as the Rolls-Royce came slowly, and sedately, to a halt.

‘Get a grip, Harold! You really must try to do better than this! How many times do I have to tell you: at the first sign of a deliberate obstruction you immediately slam the gear into reverse—and stamp down hard on the accelerator?’

‘Yes, I know, miss,’ the chauffeur muttered unhappily. ‘But I can’t seem to bring myself to harm the car, somehow.’

‘OK…’ Antonia sighed. ‘I know it’s hard to break the habits of a lifetime. But if it’s a case of worrying about your vehicle, or saving the life of your passenger—there’s really no choice, is there? So, let’s try it again, shall we?’

Harold sighed heavily. He was clearly hating every minute of the course, designed to teach chauffeurs of rich and influential businessmen how to escape from tricky situations.

‘That was much better! You’re really getting the hang of it,’ Antonia told him encouragingly some minutes later as the large vehicle juddered abruptly to a halt at the sight of a car, suddenly blocking its path, before racing backwards down the tarmac at a rate of knots.

‘Now, I’m going to let you continue on your own,’ she added, unbuckling her seat belt. ‘I want you to keep going around the circuit until you can instinctively react to a problem, without having to stop and think what to do. And then one of my assistants will give you some practice in controlling a skid on roads which have been deliberately sprayed with oil. OK?’

He nodded, looking far more cheerful than he had earlier as she got out of the car, and began walking over the long grass towards a large, decrepit building on the far side of the old East Anglign airfield—an ancient relic of World War II.

When the sun was shining, England in June was just about perfect, Antonia told herself, taking off her crash helmet and shaking free her shoulder-length blonde hair. However, just as she was relishing both the smell of new-mown hay from a nearby field and the chirping of birds, wheeling and diving in the sky, far above her head, she was recalled to more mundane matters by the imperative buzz of her mobile phone.

Recognising the number on the back-lit display as that of James Riley, an old colleague who was now running a top security agency, Antonia took a deep breath before answering his call. James could be very persuasive, but there was no way she was going to allow him to cajole or sweet-talk her into taking on another of his rotten jobs.

‘I’m definitely not interested in guarding any more Arab princesses,’ she announced grimly, before he had a chance to say anything. ‘Your last client was a totally manic shopaholic! In fact, if I never have to visit Knightsbridge or Bond Street again, as long as I live, that’s just fine by me!’

‘Hang about, Tony!’ he protested. ‘It’s nothing like that.’

‘Oh, yeah? Well, just as long as you’ve got the message,’ she told him firmly. ‘Besides, I’m running my own business these days. And I’ve got more work than I know what to do with. So…’

‘Hey—relax. You’re quite right,’ he murmured soothingly. ‘I’ll admit that I shouldn’t have lumbered you with that job. It was just a mistake, OK? Definitely not right for someone of your experience and expertise. After all, you’re one of the best in the business. Right?’

‘Uh-oh…this is beginning to sound like some of your usual, lousy soft-soap, James!’ she retorted warily. ‘When you start paying compliments, I just know that you’ve got a dirty job lined up for me. So, what is it this time? Going undercover to track down industrial espionage in a smelly chemical factory? Or tailing a suspect in a particularly nasty and brutal drug syndicate? Come on—spill the beans!’

‘You’ve got it all wrong,’ he told her in an aggrieved tone of voice. ‘In fact, what I’m offering you is a really cushy, very simple job. Merely looking after a high-profile client, in a London hotel, for about ten days. Absolutely nothing to it. As easy as falling off a log,’ he added quickly. ‘And the fee you’ll be getting is pretty spectacular, as well.’

‘So—what’s the catch?’ she demanded.

‘There isn’t one,’ he assured her earnestly. ‘Believe me—it’s a doddle.’

‘Hmm!’ she murmured suspiciously. ‘The thing is, James, I can’t help wondering—if it’s really going to be as easy as you say—why you’ve bothered to contact me?’

‘Well…the truth is…’ He gave a heavy sigh. ‘You’re right. I did have Pete Davis lined up for the job. But the stupid man fell asleep at the wheel when driving home last night. And now he’s in hospital with all his limbs in plaster.’


‘So I can’t get hold of anyone else who’d be suitable for the job, at such short notice,’ James admitted bluntly. ‘The client isn’t the man you’d be guarding. It’s his insurance company. He isn’t taking the threats against his life seriously, but they are. Right? So, if the guy is to have close protection—apparently he’s Italian, and not at all keen on the idea of a bodyguard—it has to be someone who’s able to merge into his very up-market, social scene, and not stand out like a sore thumb. Which is where you come in. Because, from our enquiries so far, it seems that he’s a bit of a womaniser.’


‘Nothing you can’t handle,’ James told her quickly. ‘Just partial to the ladies…lots of glamorous girlfriends…you know the sort of thing.’

‘Yes, unfortunately, I do,’ she retorted grimly. ‘OK, let’s get down to brass tacks. What’s the fee for the job?’

When James mentioned a sum she gave a hoot of grim laughter. ‘Forget it!’

‘Oh, come on, Tony. Don’t give me a bad time.’

‘What “bad time”? I’m the one who’s going to have the hassle of dealing with a guy who, according to you, is “partial to the ladies”. Which, if my past experience is anything to go by, means nothing but trouble. So, if you want me, you’ll have to double that figure, make all the initial arrangements, and provide a specialist team for round-the-clock-surveillance—or I’m simply not interested.’

‘You’re a hard woman!’ he groaned, before eventually and most reluctantly agreeing to her terms.

Lorenzo gave a sigh of relief as he gazed around his spacious hotel suite. After so many intensive, if stimulating business meetings in Zurich and Bonn, he was now looking forward to spending a more relaxing time in London.

Feeling hot and sticky, he slipped off the jacket of his dark suit, loosening his tie and stretching his long rangy body as he decided that, before having a shower, what he really needed was a stiff drink.

Even when travelling first-class, air travel these days was becoming increasingly tedious. It was ridiculous to be forced to spend so many long, boring hours in various terminals—especially when the flights themselves took hardly any time at all. With his company’s business expanding so fast nowadays, maybe it was about time he acquired a private jet?

Luckily, he had only one meeting scheduled here in London, with a large private merchant bank, mainly concerning the funding of a new factory in the north of England. Which meant that he would have plenty of time to see his friends, and also visit his young niece, currently attending a language school in Cambridge.

But first of all, he reminded himself grimly, he was going to have to sort out this stupid business of being forced to put up with a bodyguard.

In regular touch with his office in Milan, he’d been informed by his secretary that the insurance company seemed to have pulled out all the stops. Not only had they appointed someone from a top security agency to look after him here in England, but they’d apparently sent his office a fax, demanding exhaustive details of his personal life.

Admittedly, some of the requests—a photocopy of his passport; his blood group; his height and weight and the name and address of his doctor in Milan—could possibly be regarded as sensible. Especially if he was likely to be in any danger—which, of course, he wasn’t.

However, he deeply resented some of the other questions, such as: ‘Does he have any aliases?’ and ‘Is he on a known hit list? Or affiliated with any political group?’

Who on earth did they think he was…James Bond?

In fact, Lorenzo told himself, slowly sipping his whisky and staring moodily out of the large, floor-to-ceiling windows at the traffic swirling around Hyde Park Corner, the whole business was obviously becoming a total farce.

And if this bodyguard…what was his name? He turned to pick up the message from Worldwide Security Inc., which he’d been handed on his arrival at the hotel. If this man, Tony Simpson, thought that Lorenzo was prepared to meekly accept being closely shadowed day and night, he was very much mistaken!

He’d had time, over the past few days, to give the matter some thought, and it looked as if his best solution to the problem would be to simply outbid the insurance company, by offering to double or even treble Mr Simpson’s salary—provided he would leave Lorenzo alone. A decision, he told himself, which had the great virtue of both simplicity—and a way in which to satisfy the needs of everyone concerned.

Some time later, after deciding to forgo a shower in favour of a long, leisurely bath, Lorenzo found himself feeling a good deal more cheerful.

He’d obviously been in danger of allowing himself to become far too obsessed about having to put up with a bodyguard, he told himself ruefully as his long, tanned fingers quickly knotted his black bow-tie.

In fact, he’d do better to concentrate on the pleasure of renewing his acquaintance, this evening, with some old friends—who’d been kind enough to invite him to join them at the Albert Hall for a gala performance of excerpts from Verdi’s opera Otello.

While he was smiling at the idea of an Italian travelling hundreds of miles to attend a performance of one of his own country’s famous composers, Lorenzo’s thoughts were sharply interrupted by the sound of a loud knock on the door of his suite.

Walking over to open the door, and fully expecting to see a member of the hotel staff—or the chauffeur of the limousine which had been placed at his disposal during his visit to London—Lorenzo was surprised to find himself staring down into the cool grey eyes of a tall, slim young woman.

‘Signor Foscari?’

‘Sì,’ he responded, before quickly realising that the female standing in front of him was clearly English. ‘Yes…yes, I am Lorenzo Foscari. Can I be of any assistance?’ he added politely.

‘Well…I think that it’s probably the other way round,’ she said with a quick smile, before putting out her hand towards him. ‘I’m Antonia Simpson. I believe you are expecting me.’

Momentarily confused by the fact that she obviously knew his name, Lorenzo found himself automatically shaking the proffered hand, his puzzlement increasing as she gave him another brief smile, before moving swiftly past his tall figure and entering the large sitting room.

‘This is all very comfortable,’ she commented, quickly scanning the room with its deep sofas and large armchairs, whose pale cream upholstery matched the off-white raw silk curtains surrounding the tall windows. ‘And you’ve got a great view of both Aspley House and Hyde Park Corner, haven’t you?’ she added, moving over to gaze out of the tall windows.

‘Yes, it seems I have,’ he murmured, leaning casually against the architrave of the open doorway of the sitting room, and regarding his unknown visitor with some amusement.

Lorenzo had travelled widely around the world on business over the past few years. Which was why his first, instinctive reaction to the sudden appearance of a strange female at the door of his suite had been to immediately assume that she was up to no good. Mainly, of course, because loose women frequently plied their trade in the world’s top hotels—despite all attempts by respectable hoteliers to keep them well away from their premises.

However, after a long, searching glance at the slim, well-dressed figure in front of him, he swiftly discarded that notion.

With a mother and two much older sisters—not to mention a considerable number of sophisticated girlfriends—he knew enough about women’s apparel to immediately recognise the hallmark design of a very expensive handbag, hanging from her shoulder on its thin gold chain. Moreover, the scoop-necked, sleeveless black silk cocktail dress—expertly cut to skim lightly over the curves of her tall, athletic body—clearly hadn’t come cheap, either.

In fact, from the tips of her toes in those high-heeled shoes, up to the discreet sparkle of small diamond earrings, half hidden behind her shoulder-length blonde hair, this young woman was clearly a class act. So…what on earth was she doing here?

Standing across the room and taking a good, hard look at her new client, Antonia found herself feeling both surprised and slightly taken aback. Not merely because this man seemed to have an almost perfect command of the English language, with only a slight accent betraying his country of origin. Or the fact that he was so tall—most Italians of her acquaintance being far shorter and more rotund.

It was just…well…there hadn’t been time for the agency to send her a photograph, of course. However, while she wouldn’t have described him as classically handsome—not with that long aquiline nose and those high cheekbones—there was no doubt that Signor Foscari was a quite amazingly attractive man.

Maybe it was something to do with the hint of laughter glinting from beneath his heavy eyelids, thickly fringed with long black lashes? Or the warm, amused curve of his lips? But, even on the other side of this large room, she was almost physically aware of the highly potent, heady attraction of rampant sex appeal, which seemed to ooze from every pore of his tall, slim figure.

Trust that idiot James Riley to have got hold of the wrong end of the stick! Because she hadn’t a moment’s doubt that if this Italian was ‘partial to the ladies’ it was because they’d undoubtedly been throwing themselves at him ever since he’d put on his first pair of long trousers!

All the same…while few things fazed her nowadays, she definitely didn’t like the way this man was looking at her. Maybe James hadn’t been entirely off-beam, Antonia told herself grimly, irritated to find herself feeling uneasy beneath the highly intense, speculative gleam in the man’s clear blue eyes.

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