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Buch lesen: «Your Chinese Horoscope 2011», Seite 2

Neil Somerville


The Year of the Tiger (14 February 2010–2 February 2011) will have been a busy one for the Rat and he may have felt uneasy with its pace and level of change. The Rat likes action but it has to be on his terms, and events during the year could have caused him some anxiety and soul-searching. And in the remaining Tiger months he will need to be wary.

One of the Rat’s greatest strengths is his ability to get on well with others and in the closing months of the Tiger year he should make the most of his opportunities to meet others and consult them over his ideas and plans. This is no time for him to be too independent in outlook or go it alone. In particular, if he is in a dilemma over a decision or work situation, by discussing it with his family and those able to advise, he will be able to benefit from their suggestions. August and December could see an increase in social activity.

The Rat will also need to keep careful control of his spending and, where possible, plan for more substantial purchases. As there will be chances for many Rats to travel in the closing months of the year, early provision for this could help.

Work-wise, the Rat will need to remain alert and be prepared to adapt to any changes introduced. Tiger years can be demanding, but Rats are resourceful and it will still be possible for many to make headway. Overall, the Tiger year does require the Rat to be on his mettle, but it will not be without its opportunities or rewards.

The Year of the Rabbit starts on 3 February and will be an interesting one for the Rat. During it he can make useful progress but the emphasis of the Rabbit year is on patience and persistence and the Rat must not act in haste or expect speedy results. It is very much a case of adapting to the times and proceeding slowly, carefully and methodically.

This is particularly the case in the Rat’s work. During the year many Rats will find their experience serving them well, with their advice often being sought and greater and more specialist responsibilities being offered. Although some situations may be demanding, by rising to the challenge and showing himself willing, the Rat can do himself considerable good.

A helpful development will be the opportunities the Rat will have to work closely with colleagues as well as meet others connected with his industry. Some contacts made during the year could offer particularly useful support and advice.

This also applies to those Rats who are keen to move on from their present position or are seeking work. By talking to others and obtaining advice, they may well find their manner and background impressing others and leading to possibilities worth considering. April, June, September and November could see some encouraging developments.

Over the year all Rats should also take advantage of any training they are offered or, if seeking work, any initiatives and refresher courses that are available. By being willing and using any chances to further their skills and knowledge, they will not only be demonstrating their commitment but also widening their options for the future. Progress may not be swift, but the Rabbit year does reward initiative.

The Rat will, however, need to be careful in financial matters. Although in some areas he may be thrifty, he can also be indulgent and he does need to keep careful control of his outgoings and avoid too many unplanned purchases. This is a year for financial discipline. Also, if considering any large expenditure, he would do well to check the terms and obligations as well as make cost comparisons. Where outgoings are concerned, this is no year for rush or taking risks.

With his sociable nature, the Rat always sets much store by his relations with others and both domestically and socially this will be a busy and eventful year. Domestically, 2011 will bring some notable events, possibly an addition to the family, a wedding or another special cause for celebration. Loved ones will often look to the Rat for support and advice, as well as help in arranging certain matters, and his skills will be much appreciated, but throughout the year he does need to be aware of the views of others. To be too dogmatic over certain issues or not show sufficient consideration could bring problems and misunderstandings. Fortunately Rats are usually very thoughtful, but this is a year for awareness and good communication.

The Rat will also welcome the support of friends during the year and whether meeting for a chat, enjoying shared interests or attending a function or other occasion, he will often appreciate the times he goes out. There will also be good opportunities for him to get to know others over the year and his personable nature will help him add to his social circle and, in some cases, make a significant new friendship. May, August and November to mid-January will see the most social activity.

A further benefit of the year will be the way in which the Rat is able to give some time to his own personal development. This can be through skills he acquires in his work, interests he pursues or activities he sets himself. By following up his ideas and opportunities, he can take much satisfaction from what he does. Many Rats are skilled communicators and for those who enjoy writing, this is another activity which can bring pleasure this year as well as be a satisfying outlet for their creativity.

Generally during the Rabbit year the Rat will need to remain alert, consult others and consider his actions carefully. This is no time for rush or being too single-minded. However, by making the most of his opportunities, especially to further his skills and interests, he can make reasonable headway and enjoy many of his activities. And domestically and socially there will be some memorable occasions to enjoy.

The Metal Rat

This can be a reasonable year for the Metal Rat, although throughout he will need to show patience. He may be keen for plans to go ahead and results to come through, but situations cannot be rushed. This is a slower-paced year than some, but it will certainly not be without its benefits.

At work many Metal Rats will be content to remain in their present position and concentrate on the duties they know well. The skills they have built up and their in-house knowledge can serve them well and make this an often satisfying time. In addition many could be given other responsibilities or targets to meet and, while often challenging, this can give them greater incentive as well as add new interest to their role.

The Metal Rat will also be helped by the good working relations he has with those around him and whenever possible he should continue to build on his contacts. Also, while he may be expert in his present role, he should make the most of any chances to develop his knowledge and skills. By taking advantage of any training that is available and keeping informed about developments in his industry, he will find the knowledge he gains and initiative he shows can be of present and future value.

For Metal Rats who are keen to move on from their present role or seeking work, the Rabbit year can proceed in curious ways. For months nothing may happen and then all of a sudden several interesting opportunities may come at once. April, June, September and November could see some important developments, but key to so much in the Rabbit year is patience. Results will come, but they will need waiting and striving for. However, with the Metal Rat’s prospects showing an upturn next year, what he accomplishes now can be a contributing factor in his later success, and it is well worth him persevering.

A positive aspect of the year will be the way the Metal Rat is able to develop certain interests. Although sometimes his free time will be limited, by setting some aside for pursuits he enjoys he will not only derive much personal satisfaction from what he does but could also find new ideas and possibilities opening up. For Metal Rats who enjoy creative activities, it would be worth making more of their talents, as Rabbit years very much favour creativity.

The Metal Rat is usually careful in money matters and in the Rabbit year he needs to remain his cautious and vigilant self. With several substantial expenses during the year, including family and accommodation costs, he should watch his outgoings and, whenever possible, make advance provision for certain outlays. He also needs to be careful when dealing with paperwork, including matters relating to tax or benefits, and keep receipts and guarantees safe. A mistake or lost document could be to his disadvantage. Metal Rats, take note and do be thorough and careful in financial matters.

Many Metal Rats will see considerable activity in their home life over the year and for some this could include a family celebration. Here the Metal Rat’s organizational ability will prove a real asset. Those close to him will also often be grateful for his advice, support and ability to empathize. However, no year is ever free of its strains and if differences of opinion do arise or pressures lead to irritability, the Metal Rat needs to recognize and deal with these as best he can. Without care, something that starts out in a small way could escalate and undermine the rapport he enjoys with those around him. Metal Rats, again take note. Domestically this can be a pleasing and potentially exciting year, but it is also one to be mindful and aware.

This also applies to the Metal Rat’s social life. Over the year he will enjoy many of the events he attends, but he does need to remain his attentive self. Misunderstandings may arise and the Metal Rat may become concerned by something he hears. At such times he should act, find out what is really happening and, where possible, smooth over any disagreements. For the most part his social life will be pleasurable and problem free, but throughout the year he does need to be alert and aware of the views of others. This also applies to those Metal Rats enjoying new romance. This is no time to take the feelings of another for granted. Relationships will need to be nurtured and the more attentive the Metal Rat is, the better.

As with the general nature of the year, some months will be quiet socially while others will see a flurry of invitations and opportunities to go out. The second half of the year will be busier than the first, with May, August and mid-November to mid-January likely to be the liveliest and more interesting months.

Although the slow-moving nature of the Rabbit year may sometimes frustrate the Metal Rat, by being patient and using his time and opportunities to advantage, he can still gain a lot from it. Developing his skills can bring him particular satisfaction and his achievements will prepare him for the more substantial successes that await in 2012. In his home life there could be important events to enjoy and by being attentive and giving time to others, he will find his relations with others can be positive, meaningful and often special. Overall, a quietish year, but one which can be of considerable value in the longer term.


Seize any opportunities to develop your skills and knowledge and spend time furthering your personal interests. These can be satisfying and often lead to other possibilities. Also, give time to others. You have great personal skills and should use your gifts well.

The Water Rat

This will be a significant year for the Water Rat. Although some parts of it may be quiet, what he is able to set in motion could have considerable long-term value. Also, many Water Rats will have the chance to develop new skills and ideas and their accomplishments will be of present and future benefit.

In his work the Water Rat will often have the chance to further his position, possibly as colleagues move on and positions become available or new initiatives and ways of working are introduced. By being willing and adaptable, he will not only have the opportunity to gain new experience but also to widen his scope for the future. Also, with the in-house knowledge many Water Rats will now have acquired, if they have ideas they feel could be helpful, they should put these forward. By being involved and using their knowledge and experience to advantage, they will not only be showing commitment but also underlining their potential. Taking the initiative will reward many Water Rats well this year.

Many will choose to remain with their present employer and build on their position and skills, but for those who are anxious to move on or are seeking work, the Rabbit year can have interesting developments in store. Obtaining a position will require considerable time and effort, but by being persistent and widening the scope of what they are prepared to consider, many Water Rats will be successful in setting their career off in a new direction. This is very much a year to be open to possibility. April, June, September and November could see some interesting work developments.

Another positive aspect of the year will be the chance the Water Rat will have to get to know and work with others. With his easy manner, he will impress quite a few new people and do his reputation a lot of good. Also, if he is seeking a position or is ever in a dilemma over a work situation, he should be forthcoming and talk to those with the knowledge and experience to help. This is not a time for being too independent in approach. Support, contact and initiative are very much the order of the day – and year.

The Water Rat has an enquiring mind and if there is a subject that catches his attention over the year, he should aim to find out more. Similarly, if there is a project he would like to tackle, he should make time for it. Both practical and creative pursuits can bring him much satisfaction during the year and, as with so much that is started in 2011, also be of value in the future.

With the pressures and various activities of the year the Water Rat should also try to take a holiday and give himself a proper break. Even if he is not able to travel very far, a change of scene and rest from his usual routine can do him a lot of good. Also, if he receives invitations to meet up with family or friends, he should do his best to go. The second half of the year could bring some interesting and sometimes unexpected travel opportunities.

This will also be an interesting year socially and the Water Rat could be invited to a variety of events. Again, if he makes the time to go, he can not only enjoy himself but also benefit in other ways, whether through meeting others, having the chance to relax or, in some cases, getting new ideas. May, August and November to mid-January could be the busiest months socially, but throughout the year the Water Rat can do himself a lot of good by being active and following up invitations.

His domestic life will also be busy and the Water Rat will do much to help and advise both younger and more senior relations. There could also be good reason for a family celebration or get-together during the year, with the Water Rat often instrumental in making arrangements. In many a household he will play a pivotal and appreciated role. However, at all times he will need to be attentive to those around him and aware of their views. An oversight or assumption could cause problems. Water Rats, take note and do consult others. September and December could see some interesting domestic developments.

With many demands on his resources, in financial matters the Water Rat will need to stay disciplined. In order for certain plans to go ahead, he needs to budget carefully as well as keep a watch on his general level of spending. He should also be thorough when dealing with financial paperwork and prompt in returning forms and dealing with important correspondence. Financially, this is a year for vigilance.

Overall, however, the Year of the Rabbit will be a generally pleasant and constructive one for the Water Rat. It will give him some excellent chances to develop his skills and benefit from opportunities. He will be supported and encouraged by those around him and if he uses his time well, his actions can be to both his present and future advantage.


Spend time with family and friends and appreciate your interests. By keeping your lifestyle in balance you will get far more out of the year as well as prepare the way for the interesting opportunities that lie ahead, particularly in 2012.

The Wood Rat

This will be a year of important developments for the Wood Rat, with his personal life often memorable, possibly due to an addition to the family, the decision to get married or, if currently unattached, meeting someone who will quickly become special. On a personal level this can be a busy and eventful year.

Also, with his ability to relate well to others, the Wood Rat will find himself in increasing demand, with many opportunities to go out and socialize. Whether meeting up with others through his work, his interests or his existing friendships, this will be an active and interesting year. For Wood Rats who have had recent relationship problems or are feeling lonely, perhaps having moved to a new area, the Rabbit year can see a brightening in their situation and their positive actions and personable nature can reward them well.

Naturally no year is without its problems and while the Wood Rat’s relations with others will be positive, he does still need to be attentive. A lapse or faux pas could come to be regretted. Those Wood Rats in a well-established relationship should give time to their partner and be open and communicative. This is no year to make assumptions or take the feelings of another for granted. Fortunately most Wood Rats are considerate and aware, but extra attention this year can make an appreciable difference. May, August and mid-November to early January will see the most social opportunities.

Another important feature of the year will be the chance the Wood Rat will have to further his interests and if there is a subject or activity that appeals to him, he should follow it up. Some Wood Rats may become intrigued by a completely new activity. For those who enjoy creative pursuits it would also be worth promoting their ideas, as they could enjoy an encouraging response. Rabbit years do favour creativity.

In his work the Wood Rat could find this a slow-moving year, with the results of his efforts taking some while to filter through. While this may occasionally be frustrating, the Wood Rat can still derive much value from what he is able to do. This includes gaining experience in different areas of his work as well as getting himself better known. By making the most of this time, when opportunities do arise he will often be well placed to benefit.

Most Wood Rats will remain with their present employer over the year, while those who decide to make a change or are seeking work would do well to widen the range of positions they are prepared to consider and, if eligible, take advantage of retraining opportunities. Their quest will take time and persistence and many Wood Rats will eventually be offered a position that is different from what they were doing previously. While initially this may be something of a challenge, what the Wood Rat is able to achieve this year can often be a significant platform that he can build on in the future. April, June, September and November could see some interesting possibilities, but whenever the Wood Rat sees an opening that appeals to him, he should act. Opportunities can arise unexpectedly throughout the year.

In financial matters, the Wood Rat will need to remain disciplined. With his existing commitments and some additional personal expenses, he will find that careful budgeting is required. Fortunately his often thrifty nature will help, but Wood Rats, as with all Rats, can give way to moments of extravagance. While the Wood Rat and his loved ones will enjoy an often pleasing lifestyle this year, it is still a time for watchfulness and control. Also, if the Wood Rat enters into any financial agreement, he needs to check the terms and obligations. In financial matters, this is no year to be lax.

Overall, the Rabbit year may be slow moving in parts but the skills the Wood Rat is able to acquire can often be personally satisfying as well as help to open up future possibilities. And on a personal level, this can be a meaningful time with important developments.

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