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Buch lesen: «Forever My Baby»

Jacquelin Thomas

A second-chance love

Back in college, Garland Warner developed feelings for her older brother’s best friend, Ryker Dugrandpre. But she soon learned the attraction wasn’t mutual when he left school and married someone else. In time, Garland moved on and even had a baby of her own. She and little Amya now have a great life together, just the two of them. Yet that may be about to change when a guilt-ridden nurse reveals that Amya might have been switched at birth with another infant girl—Ryker’s.

His wife died the same day she delivered little Kai, so Kai is all Ryker has left. Both Garland and Ryker want what is best—both for their biological child and the daughter of their hearts. The solution is as obvious as it is crazy—move in with each other and raise the girls as sisters. Ryker still thinks of the sensational beauty as his friend’s kid sister, but the passionate glances and smoldering kisses they now share heat up the distance between them. Will they be able to let go of the past in order to finally build a bright future and family together?

Garland glanced up at the sky. “It’s really beautiful out here. I love nights like this when the moon is full.”

Ryker just sat there absorbing what she’d said.

Garland gave him a sidelong glance. “This is such a perfect night.”

He pulled her to her feet. “You’re right,” he murmured. “Everything about this night is perfect.”

Ryker backed her up until her legs hit the poolside table and she stood pressed up against the hard surface. There was no escape.

Garland’s breath quickened, making her breasts rise and fall faster as they brushed against his chest. Her cheeks were flushed, and her lips were swollen from his kisses.

It was clear that Garland wanted him, but she was fighting herself as much as she was fighting him.

Ryker did not just want her. He needed her.

He felt a low growl rumble in his throat, and then he crushed his lips against hers. Grabbing her neck to pull her closer, he pushed his tongue against her lips, demanding entrance.

Dear Reader,

“The hospital mixes up babies” are the words every parent dreads. Garland Warner and Ryker Dugrandpre are no different. In the first book of my new series, The Dugrandpres of Charleston, the deathbed confession of a nurse brings Ryker back into Garland’s life. Though the circumstances are less than happy...

Ryker’s very reason for living is his daughter, Kai. And Garland loves every minute of her life with her daughter, Amya.

Their worlds are turned upside down after a phone call from the hospital where both children were born. They are stunned when they discover that the little girls they have been raising may not be their biological daughters.

I was inspired to write this story after reading an article about a young couple who lost their lives in a car accident. After their deaths, it was discovered that the baby girl, the lone survivor in the accident, was not their biological daughter. There was a mix-up at the hospital where she was born and her grandparents and the other set of parents involved decided not to switch the babies.

What would you do in this situation? I’d love to hear from you!

Best Regards,



My Baby

Jacquelin Thomas

JACQUELIN THOMAS has published over fifty-seven books in the romance, women’s fiction and young-adult genres. When she is not writing, Jacquelin enjoys spending time with her family, decorating and shopping. Jacquelin can be reached at She is also on Facebook ( and Twitter (@jacquelinthomas).



Back Cover Text


Dear Reader

Title Page

About the Author

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20

Chapter 21

Chapter 22



Chapter 1

“A dying nurse confessed to a possible baby swap just hours before her death. Martha Belle Hayes called for hospital administrators and revealed that she may have mistakenly switched baby girls who were born two years ago on September 8. According to family members, at the beginning of October two years ago, Hayes had abruptly quit her job at the hospital to find work in a clinic.

“Former coworkers say that she’d seemed troubled by something but never confided in anyone. Her mother said Hayes was unwilling to take this secret to her grave and this is why she finally unburdened herself. The state of South Carolina, in cooperation with the hospital, is investigating into how a switch could have taken place.”

Ryker DuGrandpre turned off the small, flat-screen television in the kitchen. The story of the baby switch had first broken last night and was the top story on all the news channels. Grateful that it had nothing to do with his family, Ryker glanced over at his two-year-old daughter, his heart filled with love. She sat at the table in a booster seat, patiently waiting for her breakfast.

Kai’s presence gave him such joy. She made him feel a bottomless peace and contentment whenever she was around. Despite the tragic circumstances surrounding her birth, his daughter was all that was good in his life.

“Daayee...” she said. “Eat...”

“I hear you. Would you like some applesauce, Kai?”

Her features became more animated as she answered, “Yessh.”

“Okay, little lady, but you have to eat your eggs,” Ryker said, placing a small plate in front of her.

She glanced down at the plate and then shook her head. “Nooo.”

“I thought you like scrambled eggs, princess. You eat them when Jordin makes them.”

Scrunching up her nose and pointing to the eggs, Kai responded, “Me no like it.”

Ryker chuckled. “Oh, is that your way of saying that you don’t like my cooking?”

She grinned at him, her infectious smile echoing through his veins, making his heart sing with delight.

“How about some toast then?” he suggested. “You can’t just eat applesauce.”


“I guess I’m going to have to get Jordin to show me how she makes scrambled eggs,” he muttered to himself.

Ryker smiled as he heard Kai singing to herself. She loved to sing. He stole a peek at her. Her tiny head was bobbing as she sang softly, and the warm brown spiral curls danced around her cinnamon-tinted face.

He took a piece of toast lathered in apple jelly over to her. “Here you go, sweetie.”

“Tank you,” Kai murmured.

Ryker planted a kiss on her forehead. “Eat up, Kai.”

After they finished breakfast, he cleaned her up and helped her slip on a sundress.

He checked his watch and then said, “It’s time to take you to day care. Hurry up and put on your shoes.”

Kai rushed off and returned a few minutes later with a pair of pink sandals.

“Don’t you want to wear the black ones?”

She shook her head no.

He decided it was better to let her win this round than to risk a tantrum at this point. He had to be in court this morning so he needed to get to his office early.

* * *

After dropping Kai off, Ryker drove the short distance to his office. He parked his SUV in his assigned space and hopped out. The May weather was already warming up; the sun was bright and the sky a calming hue of blue. He wanted to be anywhere but inside the law firm founded by his grandparents.

The DuGrandpres had been a solid fixture in Charleston since the 1960s, when his grandparents had relocated from New Orleans with their twin sons and opened the doors of the DuGrandpre Law Offices in the downtown business district.

His uncle, Etienne, and father, Jacques, had taken over the business after their parents retired. Etienne’s twin daughters, Jadin and Jordin, were attorneys, as were Ryker and his mother, Rochelle DuGrandpre. Ryker’s sister, Aubry, had chosen not to join the family business. A world-renowned chef in her own right, she owned a restaurant near the Charleston waterfront.

“Jordin, what are you doing here so early?” he asked his twenty-six-year-old cousin as he walked into the office’s kitchen. She normally did not come into the office until nine or ten.

“I needed to take care of some paperwork,” she responded while surveying the selections of coffees, teas and hot chocolate packets for the Keurig brewer. “Why are you here at this hour?”

“I have court this morning.”

“How’s my sweet pea?” Jordin asked as she selected a coffee pod and placed it in the machine. “Want one?”

“I’ll pass on the coffee, but Kai is great,” he said with a smile. “This morning she decided to wear pink sandals with the orange and yellow dress I picked out for her.”

Jordin laughed. “It’s fine for her to express herself, Ryker. She is her own kind of beautiful. I like that.”

“Oh, I need your recipe for making scrambled eggs. Kai doesn’t seem to like the way I cook them.”

“Cheese,” she responded. “Kai likes shredded cheese in her eggs. She won’t eat them if they’re plain.”

“I had no idea.” Ryker released a short sigh. “I feel like a terrible father when it comes to things like this. I should know my daughter’s likes and dislikes.”

“Don’t be so hard on yourself.” Jordin retrieved her coffee and added sugar. “I only discovered it by accident. I eat mine with cheese and the weekend Kai stayed with me she had some and loved them.”

“I was surprised that she wanted scrambled eggs in the first place,” he said. “She saw me making some and asked me to share.”

“That seems to be her new word,” Jordin responded with a chuckle.

Ryker agreed. “I’m always reminding her that she has to share.”

Jordin took a sip of her coffee. “She’s growing up so fast.”

“I’m not ready for it,” he uttered. “That little girl is my life. I hate that her mother isn’t here to see our daughter.” Angela should be there to help him raise Kai. It had never been in the plans for him to be a single father.

Jordin gave his arm a gentle squeeze. “I know that this isn’t easy for you, but I want you to know that you’re doing a great job, Ryker.”

He awarded her with a smile. “Thanks, cousin.” They were words he wanted to hear but he wasn’t sure he deserved them. He was still a newbie when it came to fathering skills.

“You know I’m here if you ever need me. I love Kai like she’s my own.”

“That’s why I love you,” Ryker told her as he checked his watch. “I better get to work. Talk to you later.”

The only two ways Ryker had been able to deal with the death of his wife were lavishing all of his attention on his young daughter and staying busy as a managing partner in his family-owned law firm.

He strode with purpose into his corner office, anxious to start his day. It was going to be a long one.

Ryker sat down at his desk, turned on the computer and was soon engrossed in the notes for his upcoming court case. He studied the declarations of the witnesses, committing them to memory.

When he looked up at the wall clock, an hour had passed. Ryker had about another hour before he had to show up in court, so he relaxed.

* * *

Three hours later, he bumped into his other cousin at the courthouse. “What’s up, Jadin?”

“Nothing much,” she responded with a smile identical to her twin. “I’m waiting to meet with my client. He’s not here yet.”

“I’m on my way back to the office,” Ryker announced. “I’ll be glad when this day is over.”

“Right now I’ll just settle for some lunch,” Jadin said. “I didn’t have breakfast this morning and I’m starving.”

Ryker pulled a Slim Jim out of his attaché case and handed it to Jadin. “Maybe this will tide you over. It works for me.”

She embraced him. “Thanks, cousin. See you at some point this afternoon.”

When Ryker arrived back at the firm, Jacques DuGrandpre met him outside his office. “Dad, do you need to see me?” he was inclined to ask.

Tall and solid in stature, his father was a well-respected member of the legal community.

“I just stopped by to see if you wanted to have lunch with me and your mother.”

“I’m going to order something from the deli across the street,” Ryker responded. “I have a lot of paperwork on my desk and I need to stay on top of it. Why don’t we plan something later in the week? Maybe Aubry can join us, too.”

Jacques nodded. “That’s fine.”

Ryker quickly walked into his office and closed the door behind him. He could have taken time to have lunch with his parents, but he was definitely not in the mood to be interrogated by his mother. He already knew the questions she would ask: Have you met anyone special? Don’t you think it’s time you developed a social life? His mother was on a campaign for him to find a wife so that Kai would have the love of two parents. Rochelle Harper DuGrandpre did not believe that a child could thrive without a mother and a father.

He was determined to prove her wrong. Ryker was not looking for a wife—he was still grieving the loss of Angela, although it would be three years in September since she’d been gone.

Ryker released a sigh of relief when the workday ended at five o’clock. He was looking forward to spending the rest of the evening with Kai. She made life bearable for him. She was truly his reason for living.

* * *

Garland Warner laughed in delight as she watched her two-year-old daughter dipping her tiny toes in the surf. They’d been walking hand in hand along the beach, enjoying the cool island breeze swirling around them.


“Yes, baby,” she prompted.

Pointing, she murmured, “Wadda...”

“Very good, Amya,” Garland said with pride. “There’s a lot of water out there. It’s called the ocean.”

“Osen,” Amya said, encouraging a grin from Garland.

Garland truly loved her life on Edisto Island. The beaches, saltwater marshes and low-country oaks draped in Spanish moss were a picturesque combination. Historical landmarks were prevalent on the island, providing the backdrop to a rich cultural heritage. The awesome beauty and rich history were why Garland elected to open her high-end children’s boutique there.

Garland and Amya usually came to the beach for a stroll before heading home. She found the daily routine a welcome break from the rush of everyday life. And she relished this quality time spent with her daughter.

Garland had desperately wanted to have a child before she turned thirty, so after her last relationship failed she’d decided to take fate into her own hands by using an anonymous sperm donor to get pregnant. Although she’d suffered complications in her pregnancy and during delivery, Garland had delivered a healthy and beautiful little girl.

She glanced down at her daughter and smiled. “C’mon, sweetie. I’m afraid it’s time to go home.”

Amya did not protest, provoking a soft sigh of relief from Garland. Her daughter loved the ocean as much as she did and often resisted leaving, but this evening was different. Perhaps she was tired, too.

Ten minutes later, they were in the car and on the way home, driving on streets lined with prime beachfront real estate, shops and boutique hotels. Edisto Island was a favorite tourist destination. Garland’s shop was only one block over from the main street.

The Fairy Kisses Boutique featured exclusive designer children’s dress-up clothes and accessories. Garland had always dreamed of being able to provide kids with outfits for creative, free play all year, along with formal attire for weddings, parties and other affairs. Her store, stocked full of everything from gorgeous and detailed princess and fairy gowns to wizard robes, capes and Native American headdresses, was very popular with the locals and tourists alike.

Garland had grown up in a home where money was tight, but her foster mother had encouraged open, creative play. She had kept a trunk filled with feather boas, hats, dresses, pants and all sorts of accessories to keep her two children occupied.

Having studied psychology and theater in college, Garland believed that pretend play through dressing up enhanced a child’s social, emotional, language and thinking skills.

After they got home and had dinner, she gave Amya a bath and dressed her for bed.

“TV,” her daughter mumbled, pointing toward the flat screen above the fireplace.

“Just for a little while.”

Amya nodded and then turned her attention to the little bear in her arms.

“How is Boo feeling today?” Garland inquired.

“Fine. Her not sick no more.”

Whenever Amya was sick, her little bear Boo got sick, too—Amya believed so anyway.

While her daughter watched television, Garland cleaned up the kitchen.

She had to drive to Charleston the next morning for a meeting. For the fourth year in a row, Garland had volunteered to be the chair for a children’s festival. Tomorrow they would be discussing potential vendors for the upcoming event.

After getting Amya settled in bed, she strode into her bedroom and walked straight to the closet. She wanted to find the perfect comfortable outfit to wear. Garland pulled out three options, tossed them on the bed and then grabbed two more.

She chuckled at her actions. What did it matter what she wore? It was not as if she were meeting a man. Garland was just going to a meeting and then back to her shop to finish taking inventory.

* * *

Garland dropped off Amya at preschool on the island before heading straight to the French Quarter Restaurant located on Bay Street in the historic district of Charleston.

An hour later, she parked her car and climbed out. Horse-drawn carriages and people alike roamed the charming cobblestone streets. The architecture, colorful gardens, historic alleys and courtyards dated back to the colonial era.

She entered the restaurant and walked over to a table near the window, where three people were engaged in conversation. “Good morning,” Garland greeted as she pulled out a chair and sat down. “I brought the photographs from the last two festivals. I thought you’d like to see them.”

Garland always enjoyed the planning of the annual French Quarter Children’s Festival. The other three lunch guests at her table were members of the planning committee, as well.

Two hours later, the meeting concluded. As Garland walked out to her car, she noticed a new children’s shop on the next block. I wonder how long it has been here, she thought.

Garland walked down to the store and went inside. She navigated slowly through the aisles of clothing for girls and boys. “Quaint,” she whispered. It’s a nice store.

She found a couple of cute dresses for Amya and purchased them.

Her next stop was the bookstore. Garland had not intended to spend this much time in Charleston, but she could never resist an opportunity to buy books.

She walked out twenty minutes later with a bag of books and magazines.

Garland slowed her pace, her eyes widening in surprise as she stared at the man walking toward her in a black suit with faint pinstripes running through the fabric, a classic pale blue shirt and a perfectly knotted black tie.

Ryker DuGrandpre looked as if he’d walked straight out of a magazine. He was a gorgeous, smart but arrogant man who used to tap on her nerves every time she ran into him. He was her brother Parker’s best friend and had been his college roommate at the University of South Carolina. Before he had convinced some woman to marry him a few years back, he had had women fall at his feet.

A year behind Parker and Ryker, Garland had managed to withstand the urge to hurl herself at him and had focused on her studies instead. Though it had not been an easy task, considering the huge crush she had had on Ryker.

Then, eight months after graduating from college, her brother had died in a car accident. Ryker had been in law school at the time but had been sure to attend Parker’s funeral. That was the last time she had seen him.

He did not seem to know who she was at first, but recognition dawned and he broke into a huge grin. He crossed the distance between them in quick strides.

Ryker embraced her warmly. “Garland, how are you? It’s been a long time.”

“I’m fine,” she responded, his presence giving her joy. “It has been a while. How are you?”

“Life is good. I can’t complain.”

She smiled. “That’s great.”

Garland could tell that Ryker was tentative—she knew why and she felt the same way.

“How’s your mom doing?” he inquired.

“She’s doing the best she can, but I know that she misses Parker. We all do.”

“So do I,” Ryker confessed. “I wish I had more time to talk to you, but I’m due back in court soon. I was just about to pick up something to eat.”

“It’s okay,” Garland responded. “I need to get back to work, as well. It’s good seeing you again.” Out of the corner of her eye she could see his eyes tracing her silhouette.

“Here’s my card,” Ryker said, his lips curling into a delicious smile. “Call me. I’d really like to catch up soon.”

For some reason, her body reacted to Ryker. She nodded and reached for his card, but Garland did not intend to make contact with Ryker. Seeing him now brought back the pain of losing her brother. Almost frozen in place, she watched him as he walked in the opposite direction.

She and Parker had been close, despite the fact that his mother and father were her foster parents. Although they initially talked of adopting her, her foster father’s untimely death had put an end to that discussion.

Garland had not been disappointed because she knew that she was loved. Her biological mother had died when she was five and her father had been in no condition to raise a child, though she did have a relationship with him, albeit a distant one. He’d remarried when she was ten and his new wife had wanted nothing to do with Garland, leaving her feeling as if she had no real family.

She unlocked her car and got inside. It had been nice seeing Ryker again after all this time. He still possessed those beautiful lips and handsome DuGrandpre features. He was married now, Garland reminded herself. And as far as she was concerned, that ship had sailed. Her one chance with Ryker had come and gone a long time ago.

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