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Buch lesen: «His Mountain Miss»

Karen Kirst

A Battle of Wills

New Orleans aristocrat Lucian Beaumont wants only to sell his estranged grandfather’s property and escape the backwoods of Gatlinburg, Tennessee. But a stipulation in the will brings him head-to-head with a local beauty. Megan O’Malley and the town must have access to the house. For the first time in his life the commanding Lucian finds himself at an impasse.

Clearly the worldly gentleman doesn’t fit in Megan’s quaint Smoky Mountain town. But as she glimpses the man beneath the hardened veneer, she believes Lucian is here for a purpose. To heal his soul. And maybe, with Megan’s help, to heal his heart.

Lucian trusted no one.

If not for his wealth and name, they’d all be gone in a second. He’d learned that the hard way.

What about Megan? The beauty seemed to radiate goodness. He could almost believe she truly cared about helping this town. Was it real? Or a clever act designed to make him lower his guard?

He resented this present circumstance that was beyond his control. As empty as his life in New Orleans had become, it was familiar.

Frustration surged. If not for this young lady, he would’ve already put the house up for sale and be out of this backwoods town.

“Let me make myself clear, Miss O’Malley. I plan to do everything possible to find a way around that stipulation.”

Anger flashed in her eyes. “And let me assure you, Mr. Beaumont, I will do everything I can to fight you.”

He blew out an aggravated breath. He was beginning to wish he’d never heard of Gatlinburg, Tennessee. And Miss Megan O’Malley.


was born and raised in East Tennessee near the Great Smoky Mountains. A lifelong lover of books, it wasn’t until after college that she had the grand idea to write one herself. Now she divides her time between being a wife, homeschooling mom and romance writer. Her favorite pastimes are reading, visiting tearooms and watching romantic comedies.

His Mountain Miss

Karen Kirst

I will turn their mourning into gladness;

I will give them comfort and joy instead of sorrow.

—Jeremiah 31:13

To my parents-in-law, Pavel and Julie Turon, who have brought such joy into my life.

I’m blessed to know you both. I love you!

A big thank-you to my editor, Emily Rodmell, for all her hard work and dedication.

This series wouldn’t be possible without you!


Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Twenty

Chapter Twenty-One


Dear Reader

Questions for Discussion


Chapter One

May 1881

Gatlinburg, Tennessee

“Who are you, and what are you doing in my house?”

Jolted out of her concentration, Megan O’Malley dropped the books she was holding, and they thumped to the gleaming wood floor. She twisted around to face the unexpected visitor whose voice she didn’t recognize. Odd, she hadn’t heard the doorbell. Mrs. Calhoun normally announced company.

The stranger standing in the parlor’s wide entryway was definitely not a local. Even dressed in their Sunday best, the men of Gatlinburg couldn’t come close to imitating this man’s elegance. Glossy black Hessian boots encased his feet and calves. Muscular thighs stretched the dove-gray trousers he wore taut, and underneath his black frock coat, the silver-and-black paisley brocade vest hugged a firm chest. The snowy white, expertly arranged cravat at his throat resembled a work of art.

Nothing was out of place. No lint on his coat. Not a single speck of dust dared cling to the mirrorlike surface of his boots...which was why his hair seemed to her untamed. It was glorious hair, really, thick and lustrous and wavy, the dark brown layers kissing his forehead in a manner that must irk him so.

His eyes, she noticed at last, were watching her with marked suspicion. He did not look pleased.

His black gaze raked her from head to toe and back up again, his frown deepening at the sight of the flower circlet adorning her loose curls. Megan experienced a spurt of self-consciousness. In preparation for the children’s story time, she’d dressed the part of a princess, complete with a flowing white gown and fingerless lace gloves.

Unsettled, she clasped her hands behind her back and adopted what she hoped was a casual smile. “Hello, I’m Megan O’Malley. You must be new in town. Is there something I can help you with?”

He didn’t deign to answer. Instead, he surveyed the airy room as he stalked towards her, circumventing the wingbacked chairs arranged in a semicircle about a plush Oriental rug. Fit and athletic, he exuded an air of command. Of authority. He struck her as a man accustomed to giving orders as opposed to taking them.

A wrinkle formed between his brows. Haughty brows, she thought. His was an arrogant beauty, with razor-sharp cheekbones and a harsh jawline. His nose was unremarkable, medium size and straight. The fullness of his mouth and the small dimple in his chin offset the harshness of his features.

When he stopped very near, his sharp-edged gaze cut into her, demanding answers. “Would you be so kind as to tell me what you’re doing in my grandfather’s house?”

A great trembling worked its way up her body. This was Charles’s grandson? It couldn’t be, could it?

“Lucian?” she whispered.

He sketched a bow, his gaze narrowing. “Oui. Lucian Beaumont, at your service. I take it you were well acquainted with my grandfather?”

“Charles was a dear friend of mine.”

Sadness gripped her. How she missed the gentle, insightful older man, their lively conversations about life and love, music and books. Theirs had been an unlikely friendship brought about by a mutual love of literature. To Megan, he’d been a substitute grandfather.

“I see.” And yet, it was perfectly clear that he didn’t. Resentment came and went in his expression. “He passed away nearly three months ago. Why are you here?”

“I could ask the same of you.” She met his gaze squarely, a rush of indignation stiffening her spine. “Why did you wait until now to come? In all these years, why didn’t you visit Charles just once?”

The rift between Charles and his daughter, Lucian’s mother, Lucinda, was common knowledge among the townspeople. He’d been dead-set against Lucinda’s marriage to New Orleans native Gerard Beaumont, had rashly threatened to cut her out of his life if she went against his wishes. A threat he’d lived to regret. After their elopement, Lucinda and Gerard left Tennessee and settled in New Orleans, never to return.

A muscle in his jaw jumped. His already cool manner turned glacial. “That is none of your concern, Miss O’Malley. As to what I’m doing here, I happen to be the new owner of this house. And despite my repeated inquiries, you’ve yet to tell me what you’re doing here.” He gestured to the chairs and the books scattered behind her.

The story time! The hand-painted, gilt clock on the fireplace mantel showed ten minutes to five o’clock. She glanced out the window overlooking the front lawn. The children would start arriving soon.

Turning her back on him, she bent and hurriedly began to gather the books she’d dropped. “Every Friday afternoon, we have story time for the children. They’ll be here any minute.”

To her surprise, Lucian crouched beside her, his tanned hands deftly assisting her. “Children? Here?” They reached for the last one at the same time, his fingers closing over hers. A frisson of awareness shot through her, and she was suddenly conscious of his knee brushing hers, his bold, sweet-smelling cologne awakening her senses. Megan had the absurd notion to lean closer and sniff his clothes. Instead, she snatched her hand back. His eyes as black as midnight, he held the book out to her, waiting.

Flustered, she took it from him and pointed to the cover. “The Princess and the Goblin is our story for today. In case you haven’t noticed, I’m the princess.” She touched a finger to her crown of daisies.

“I noticed.” He held her gaze a moment longer. Then, with a fleeting touch on her arm, he assisted her to her feet. “How long has this been going on?”

“About a year,” she said, hugging the books to her chest. “Your grandfather wholeheartedly approved.”

“So this was your idea?”


His open assessment put her on guard. He didn’t know her, yet he regarded her with a healthy dose of distrust.

“Here are the refreshments, Miss Megan.” Mrs. Calhoun entered the room with an oval tray piled high with strawberry tarts, stopping short when she spotted Lucian. Her mouth fell open. “Oh my!” Her gray brows shot to her hairline. “You look so much like Charles did when he was younger that I was momentarily taken back in time. Mr. Lucian, I presume?”

Setting the books aside, Megan took the tray from the older woman’s hands and placed it on the credenza beside a crystal pitcher of lemonade. Turning, she caught Lucian’s arrested expression before he smoothed all emotion from his face.

He regally dipped his head. “I’m afraid you have me at a disadvantage, madame. I—”

“Of course you wouldn’t know me.” She chuckled as she mopped her brow with a handkerchief. “I’m Madge Calhoun. My husband, Fred, and I came to work for your grandparents when your mother was just a baby. We live in the little house on the back side of the property. I do the cooking and cleaning, and Fred maintains the grounds.”

“I see.”

Her expression clouded, the lines about her eyes becoming more pronounced. “I sure was sorry to hear of Lucinda’s passing. And now Charles... I keep expecting to hear him coming down the stairs asking me what’s for dinner. Hard to believe he’s gone.”

At his low hiss, Megan’s gaze darted to Lucian. A flash of regret on his face, of deep-seated pain, mirrored what was in her own heart. Was his grief entirely for his mother? Or did he—too late—understand what he’d given up by refusing to mend things with his grandfather?

The doorbell chimed. “Oh, our first visitor.” Mrs. Calhoun stuffed the handkerchief back into her apron pocket. “It’s probably Ollie Stevenson. He comes early in hopes I’ll relent and give him a treat before all the others get here. Of course, I never do, but he’s a persistent little fellow.”

As soon as she’d gone, Lucian turned to Megan, his voice low and urgent. “How many children are coming?”

“On a good night, we have about twenty.”

“Twenty.” He visibly swallowed. “And how long will they stay?”

“About an hour. Why do I get the feeling you don’t like children, Mr. Beaumont?”

“In my world, children do not normally mingle with adults. I’ve little experience with them.”

“And yet—” she smiled sweetly “—you were once one yourself.”

His lips didn’t so much as twitch. “Miss O’Malley, I will absent myself for the duration of your...story time. It’s obviously too late to cancel. However, I’d like a word with you immediately afterward. There are matters we need to discuss.”

He pivoted on his heel and strode out of the parlor before she could respond. Cancel? Matters to discuss? Somehow, Megan sensed she wasn’t going to like what he had to say.

* * *

The children’s excited chatter, punctuated by Megan O’Malley’s lilting voice, ultimately drove Lucian out the back door and into the flower gardens. He strode along the winding stone path, past gurgling fountains and whimsical marble statues and wildflowers in every imaginable shape and hue, unmindful of his destination. His chest felt too tight. He needed air. Distance. In that house, unwanted emotions crowded in without his consent, nipping like rabid dogs at his tenuous hold on his composure.

He abruptly swung about to glare at the two-story, gabled Victorian, the late-afternoon sun bathing its yellow exterior in soft, buttery light. The stained-glass windows glowed like fine jewels. White wicker chairs situated along the porch invited a person to sit back and relax, to enjoy the view of the blue-toned mountains rising above the valley.

Had his mother sat and rocked on that very porch? Explored these gardens?

Reaching out, he fingered the velvet bloom of a purple hyacinth. Of course she had. Lucinda had been born in one of the upstairs rooms, had spent the first eighteen years of her life here. Until his father had happened into town and turned her life upside down. He frowned. No good would come of revisiting his mother’s unhappiness and regrets. Releasing the petals, he turned and continued walking in the opposite direction of the house, purposefully moderating his steps.

He concentrated on his breathing. Blanking his mind, the heavy feeling in his chest slowly began to recede. The air here was fresh and clean. Pleasant, even. A far cry from the humid, salty tang of New Orleans, the rush of the mighty Mississippi and steamboat blasts and lusty cries of the dock workers. His home.

Over the course of the past year, Lucian had learned to avoid his darker emotions, to push aside grief and loss instead of dealing with it. A coward’s way, he admitted. But it meant survival. And right now, that was his only goal. To keep his head above the waters of disappointment and disillusionment that was his life.

This house and all it represented threatened to suck him under. He could not—would not—allow that to happen. He would sell it to the first reasonable bidder, no matter if it was at a loss. Money was not the issue here. Ridding himself of this burden was. The sooner the better.

Quiet footfalls against the stones registered behind him. Megan O’Malley.

Wearing that filmy, bridal-like gown, with flowers intertwined in the white-blond curls hanging nearly to her waist, she seemed to him a sort of woodland fairy, as insubstantial as a dream or a figment of his imagination. He blinked, wishing her far from here. But she kept coming, her movements graceful and fluid. She was beautiful, radiant even, with dewy-fresh skin that invited a man’s touch. Inquisitive eyebrows arched above large, expressive eyes the color of the sea. Straight, flawless nose. Lips full and sweet like a ripe peach.

In New Orleans high society, Megan O’Malley would be a much sought-after prize. Thankfully, he’d learned his lesson where innocent-seeming beauties were concerned. He was immune.

The determined jut of her chin gave him pause. Made him wonder if she was going to prove an obstacle to his plans.

Boots planted wide, he clasped his hands behind his back. “Story time over already?”

“I cut it short today. I saw the last child out myself, so there’s no need to worry you might bump into one later.” Amusement hovered about her mouth, but her eyes were watchful. “So, what do you wish to speak to me about?”

He gestured to the metal bench to his right. “Would you like to have a seat?”

“No, thank you. I’d rather stand.”

“As you wish. Miss O’Malley, I’m not sure exactly what sort of arrangement you had with my grandfather, but I’m afraid it must come to an end. You see, I’m here to oversee the sale of this property, and in order to do that, the house must be kept in excellent condition for potential buyers. I can’t have strangers, especially children, traipsing in and out doing who knows what sort of damage. I’m sure you understand my predicament.”

“Actually, I don’t.” Her pale brows collided. “Charles assured me that the children, and indeed the townspeople, would always have access to his home. In addition to the weekly story times, we host once-monthly performances open to the community.”

“He meant while he was alive—”

“No.” She shook her head, curls quivering. “He meant always. In those last months when he was growing weaker, he spoke of how he wanted our endeavors to continue after his d-death.” Her blue eyes grew dark and stormy, her distress a palpable thing.

Lucian couldn’t help but be suspicious. What had been her true motivation for befriending the old man? Had she assumed that, because of the rift in their family, neither he nor his father would come to claim the house? That after Charles’s death, she would have unlimited access to it?

“Must you sell?” She stepped closer, tilted her head back to gaze imploringly up at him. “Charles wouldn’t have wanted it to go to strangers.”

“What he wanted is no longer relevant,” he retorted, years of animosity born of rejection rising up within him. His only grandfather hadn’t wanted anything to do with him, so why should he care about the man’s wishes? “I am the owner now, and I will do as I see fit.”

Sidestepping her, he stalked back towards the house to order his valet to unpack enough clothing for the next week. Hopefully, that was all the time it would take to find a buyer.

“What kind of unfeeling man are you?” Megan called out after him, voice shimmering with indignation.

Lucian stopped dead in his tracks. Pivoted on his heel. Smiled a cold smile. “Unfeeling? How I wish that were the case! For without feelings, one could avoid a plague of problems, wouldn’t you agree? Good evening, Miss O’Malley.”

He left her there in the garden to see herself out, lips parted and eyes full of reproach. If he felt a pinprick of remorse for his less-than-stellar manners, he shoved it aside. This wasn’t about her. This was about unloading emotional entanglements. He couldn’t allow her or anyone else to distract him from his goal.

Chapter Two

Megan hesitated before the imposing mahogany-and-stained-glass door, her finger hovering above the doorbell. Gone was the eager anticipation that had marked her past visits to Charles’s home. Now there was only sadness. And dread. That Lucian Beaumont’s behavior had marred her pleasant memories of this place stoked her ire.

In her left hand, she clutched the missive that had been delivered to her cabin shortly before lunch. What could he possibly have to say to her? He’d made his intentions plain last night. Charles’s wishes meant nothing to him. Though it was a stretch, she could somewhat understand why he wouldn’t care about helping her or the townspeople. They were strangers, after all. But Charles was family. His only grandfather.

A grandfather he hadn’t bothered to come and meet, despite repeated invitations to do so.

Recalling the anguish in her friend’s eyes as he spoke of his failed attempts to bring his daughter and grandson back to Gatlinburg, Megan blinked away tears. Nursed the grudge she’d harbored towards his estranged family. Knowing what she did, she shouldn’t be surprised by Lucian’s selfish disregard of everyone else’s needs but his own.

The door swung inward, and there stood the object of her turmoil, looking coolly refined in a chocolate frock coat, tan vest and pants, and the ever-shiny black Hessians. Her gaze was drawn once again to his hair, the dark, unruly waves at odds with his neat clothing and stiff manner.

His black gaze bored into her, making her want to squirm. “Miss O’Malley, I see you received my message.”

Walking past him into the entrance hall, she was glad she’d chosen to wear one of her best outfits, a deep blue fitted jacket with layered skirts that skimmed the tips of her boots. Her mass of curls, too heavy to be piled on top of her head, was restrained at her nape with a matching ribbon.

“No princess attire today?”

“No, that was strictly for the children’s benefit.”

Glancing up, she caught him gazing at her hair with a look akin to disappointment. She blinked and it was gone. Must’ve been a trick of the light.

“I see.”

There was that phrase again. She gritted her teeth, fairly certain Lucian Beaumont did not see the true picture at all, his outlook tainted by cynicism.

“You wished to see me?”

“Actually, Charles’s lawyer is the one who asked for you. He arrived this morning from Sevierville and wishes to speak with us about the will.” He motioned for her to precede him. “He’s waiting for us in the office.”

“But Charles never indicated that I’d be included. I can’t imagine why he would’ve done such a thing.”

Lucian’s steady gaze assessed her. Perhaps gauging her sincerity? “You indicated the two of you were close. Most likely he wanted to leave you some things to remember him by. Your favorite books, for instance.”

Megan’s thoughts were a jumble as they passed through the hallway to the rear corner of the house where the office was located. She hadn’t spent much time there, as she and Charles had preferred to use the library or, weather permitting, the back porch or gardens. Like the rest of the house, this room was richly appointed with dark wood furniture and plush throw rugs. However, there were personal touches here. Artifacts from his travels littered his desk. Photographs lined the bookshelves. Even his scent lingered in the air, a blend of sandalwood and lemon. For the second time that afternoon, Megan blinked away moisture gathering in her eyes.

“Mr. McDermott,” Lucian addressed the man standing at the window, “may I introduce Miss Megan O’Malley?”

The distinguished older man smiled a greeting as he moved behind the desk. “How do you do, Miss O’Malley? I’m pleased you could join us. Won’t you have a seat so we can begin?”

She looked to Lucian, who indicated she take one of the two chairs facing the desk. On the low table between them rested a silver tea service.

“I had Mrs. Calhoun prepare a pot of Earl Grey,” he commented as he lowered his tall frame into the chair beside her. “Would you care for some?”

“Yes, please.” Hopefully the warm liquid would ease the sudden dryness in her throat. But when she attempted to pour herself a cup, her trembling hands managed to spill the brew, splashing it onto the tray and table. “Oh,” she gasped, embarrassment flooding her cheeks.

Half expecting Lucian to react with irritation, she caught her breath when he stilled her attempts to mop it up with his large hand covering hers, slipping the napkin from her suddenly nerveless fingers to do the job himself. Then he poured her a second cup, adding sugar and cream when she indicated her preferences.

“Here you are.” His enigmatic gaze met hers briefly as he settled the cup and saucer into her hands. “I believe we’re ready now, Mr. McDermott.”

“Charles summoned me here approximately six months before his death to add a stipulation to his will.”

Beside her, Lucian went as still as a statue. Tension bracketed his mouth. “What sort of stipulation? I was under the impression from your letter that the house is mine.”

Mr. McDermott nodded. “Indeed, it is, Mr. Beaumont. However, there’s a condition attached.” His thoughtful gaze settled on Megan. “As you are aware, he and Miss O’Malley were involved in various community projects. Charles felt strongly that these should continue under her guidance after his death.”

Megan quickly swallowed her mouthful of tea and set it aside before she dropped it on her lap. The storm brewing on Lucian’s face was on the verge of being unleashed, tempering her anticipation. This was not going to be pretty.

“Get to the point, McDermott,” he practically growled.

“If you do not allow her to continue use of the house as stated in the will, you will forfeit and ownership will transfer to Miss O’Malley.”

Megan’s mouth fell open.

Lucian clutched the chair’s armrests, knuckles white with strain. Megan sensed his control on his temper was slipping. “That’s ludicrous!” he pushed through clenched teeth. “How am I supposed to sell it, then? What potential buyer would agree to have their house available to the whole town?”

“Not many, I agree—” the lawyer began gathering his papers into a neat pile “—but then, Charles didn’t intend for you to sell it. He wanted to keep it in the family.”

“She’s not family,” he gritted out.

“True, but it was plain to see he cared a great deal about her. If you refused to honor his wishes, at least it would go to someone close to him. Mr. Beaumont, I got the feeling that your grandfather wanted you to stick around for a little while. Maybe he thought the town would grow on you and that you’d decide to stay.”

His grip on the armrests tightened. It was a wonder the wood didn’t snap in two. “That will never happen.”

Standing and rounding the desk, the lawyer shook her hand and nodded at Lucian. “Yes, well, it would seem the two of you have much to discuss. I’ll let myself out. Good day.”

Battling outrage and disbelief, Lucian shoved to his feet, paced to the fireplace and leaned his weight against the marble mantel, his back to the room. He’d known the old man was controlling and manipulative, but this... Closing his eyes, he forced himself to take deep, calming breaths. The tightness was returning to his chest.

He didn’t have to hear Megan’s approach to sense her nearness. The faint scent of roses wafted over. “Lucian—”

He stiffened at the soft, irrationally pleasing sound of his name on her lips.

“Mr. Beaumont,” she began again, “I had no idea what Charles was planning. I realize this will make things difficult—”

“You mean impossible,” he interrupted, turning to face her. “He’s made it impossible for me to sell this house.” He fisted his hands. “I don’t know exactly what he expected me to do. I have a life waiting for me back in New Orleans. I can’t stay here indefinitely.”

Her brow furrowed. “I can’t claim to know his reasons, but I’m certain it wasn’t his goal to make things difficult for you. That wasn’t his way.”

“Oh, wasn’t it? He certainly made things difficult for my mother when he cut her out of his life.”

He’d witnessed her tears, the brokenness caused by Charles’s need to control those around him. Even now, he was attempting to control Lucian from beyond the grave. Unbelievable.

“Is that why you never came?” she demanded, eyes brimming with accusation. “Because you couldn’t forgive him for what he did to your mother?”

“How could I forgive someone who wasn’t sorry?” He didn’t tell her Charles hadn’t wanted him here. It was too painful to put into words.

“But he was sorry.” She took a step forward, intent on convincing him. “He regretted pushing her away, I know it.”

For a second, Lucian got lost in her impossibly blue eyes. She seemed to sincerely believe what she was saying. He, on the other hand, wasn’t that naive.

“It hardly matters now,” he pushed out. “They’re both gone. And I’m left here to deal with the whims of a manipulative old man.”

She bristled. “Since you’re obviously so eager to leave, why don’t you?”

“You’d like that, wouldn’t you? Me out of the way so you can be free to come and go as you like? That was probably your goal all along. Why else would a young lady like yourself willingly spend time with a man three times her age?”

The color waned and surged in her cheeks, and when she spoke, he had to strain to hear her. “Your accusations are not those of a gentleman, sir. Charles was a fine man. Good and wise and generous. He was like a grandfather to me, something you couldn’t come close to understanding.”

Whirling away, she strode from the room with her head held high. Lucian sagged against the wall. What was supposed to have been a relatively short and simple visit to East Tennessee was proving to be anything but.

* * *

At the conclusion of the church service, Megan and her sisters, Nicole and Jane, joined their good friends, Cole and Rachel Prescott, in the shade of a sugar maple’s sprawling branches. The Prescotts’ one-year-old daughter, Abby, grinned at Megan and extended her arms, wanting to be held. The sweet little girl had captured her heart the moment she was born. Megan supervised her from time to time, and she liked to think of herself as a favorite auntie. Taking her from Cole, she hugged her close. It wasn’t Abby’s fault that her dark hair and eyes reminded her of a certain haughty gentleman.

Her heart squeezed, remembering Lucian’s hurtful words and the blazing suspicion in his eyes. She’d spent a restless night, reliving their conversation again and again. He was a hard man. Arrogant and close-minded.

“So what do you think Mr. Beaumont will do?” Concern marked Rachel’s expression.

Megan shrugged. “I don’t know. He doesn’t want to stay, yet he won’t agree to leave me in charge.” She gave a dry laugh. “And the last thing he’d want is for the house to go to me. He doesn’t trust my motives.”

Cole’s hazel eyes turned quizzical. “What motives would those be?”

“He thinks the only reason I spent time with Charles was to ultimately gain control of the house, like I’m some kind of opportunist.”

Fifteen-year-old Jane placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. “We all know that’s not true. Despite his advanced years, I found Charles a delight to be around. He always had interesting things to say.” Sometimes Jane and Kate, their cousin Josh’s wife, had accompanied Megan on her visits.

Rachel nodded, pushing her heavy sable waves behind her shoulders. “The man is obviously hurting, and he’s lashing out at you.”

“But he doesn’t even know me,” Megan exclaimed, inexplicably bothered by this stranger’s poor opinion of her. “He just assumes the worst.”

Cole placed an arm around his wife’s shoulders. “His attitude has nothing to do with you, Megan. Something in his life has skewed his thinking. If he spent a little time with you, he’d quickly come to see his error.”

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17 Mai 2019
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