Upon The Tree-Tops

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"Often, when listening to the hermit song, I wondered that at the first note of the king of singers all other birds were not mute. But evidently the birds have not enthroned this thrush. Possibly, even, they do not share human admiration for his song. The redstart goes on jerking out his monotonous ditty; chippy irreverently mounts a perch and trills out his inane apology for a song; the vireo in yonder tree spares us not one of his never-ending platitudes. But the hermit thrush goes on with sublime indifference to the voices of common folk down below. Sometimes he is answered from afar by another of his kind, who arranges his notes a little differently. The two seem to wait for each other, as if not to mar their divine harmony by vulgar haste or confusion…" 'Upon The Tree-Tops' is a book on the different species of birds found in the mountainous parts of America. The narrator of the book living in a lone farmhouse in the heart of the Green Mountains, receives a friend and fellow bird lover, and between them they explore the area for birds of different kinds.

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Good Press
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