Buch lesen: «The Laws of Life», Seite 4


It cannot be that you lied, and were wrong. You always tell the true, even if it is a lie, a lie is also true to some extent, but not related to the truth, sometimes we are forced to tell a lie, and the listener or listeners believe that it is true, but the most interesting thing is that both sides believe that it is the true (and the side that lies, and the side that believes in it). If you believe in a lie, then it will become the truth for you. Then it will be very risky to believe you.

Believe in yourself, if you believe in the truth

Believe in «Infinite Power» (God) to do what we want, to achieve what we want, and only then, will our desires be right (our desires will not backfire). You may already be thinking, «Hunger. Sins. Poverty. Unemployment. The crime. Suicide. People mourn each other. And yet, what power can I trust if it is the power called „God“ that allows it? If God really exists, then where is the strength now, that I am suffering?»…

Have you ever wondered, if all this is «man-made», and God has nothing to do with it? More precisely, seductive. I’m talking about all our problems with you.

In general, there are two desires in life: the desire of God and the desire of man. God created good deeds, and not entirely good deeds, but it is not God who does all these deeds. God gives, we receive. God’s will is to propose, man’s will is to choose.

In fact, the «Infinite Power» (God) is just, allowing the appearance of good, and evil in life. We talked about the fact that the Laws of Life are the Laws of the Creator, how honest, impartial, disinterested, direct and correct it is. If God allows evil, he has his own reasons. Everything has a limit, meaning and its own goals, its own explanation.

The most important thing, is the great creative force, the just power of life. With his support, we are able to create all the conditions to be / become happy. If we do not accept this help, we will never learn to be truly happy. Law: The result (this is the consequence of our actions) is always equal to the intention (this is the reason for our actions). The Infinite Power (God) will always support us, whether we fall or rise. In the end, everything is caused by our intentions and thoughts.

The main attribute of God is Love, followed by Creativity. So believe in the true creativity of the Creator! Laws of the Universe (science), Laws of Life (nature) are the creation of the Creator created with love. How to find out what the Creator wants? So that we would be engaged in creativity, called «to live».

The direction of our life with you

We said that, if our thoughts turn into truth, then we cannot have dirty, or false thoughts. Law: a person takes what he thinks, not what he wants, but exactly what he thinks (all day). What do you think every day? Every thought matters. This is, who we really are. Therefore, the power of thought is higher than the power of intention, because intention arises from thoughts. Think about the difference between these two concepts – desire and thought. Does desire govern thought, or does thought govern desire? If Truth governs it all, then it’s all good. If truth governs thought, then that’s great, but if thought governs truth, then it’s a disaster. I say this with full confidence, Truth is Power. Let’s go back to the process of thinking.

When you think about something, remember that the whole world is in motion with you. This means that the position of material particles, objects in space changes, and all this is only because thoughts or ideas appear in your head. Do not underestimate the power of thought and imagination. In fact, we deliberately cause an action with our thoughts (inner words).

Let’s try to see the amazing and wonderful creations of this Infinite Power (Creator), and not try to look for flaws, minuses, shortcomings – this will lead to spiritual imperfection, although you may be forty, sixty years old, but if a person has no connection with the Creator, then he remains spiritually minors, but this is not the most important thing that I wanted to tell you. The important thing is that we all have this power, maybe insignificant, very small compared to the Creator, but we must be able to increase the properties (this power) of the Creator in ourselves, the property of this Infinite Power. The more sensitive we are to our Creator, the fuller and happier our life will be. How does this power work? Through you and me, through spiritual union. For example, by reading this book, you establish a spiritual connection with me. It can influence your thinking and give you spiritual strength. This power does not manifest itself directly, it manifests itself through the cause – people, books (this is also the soul of a person), etc.

Truth (the Creator and his Laws of Life) is our internal battery (it does not need to be charged, it does not need a power source), because it is the energy of the whole world, in which infinite power accumulates, so we can use it in our creative activity, in any field, in any profession.

In order to feel God, we connect to Him through the truth, there is no other way. The bottom line, is that you can get a lot from life, but you can’t take all the luck, happiness and fun at once, you can’t take everything out of the Gifts of God, because you can get burned. Law: Before you want something, you must be ready to accept it. If you think you’re unhappy, it’s because you’ve missed out on a lot of opportunities, you might have wanted but weren’t ready to take. If you think you are happy, you see and seize the opportunities you want and are always ready to take. That’s what separates a happy person from an unhappy one, the invented words you believe in – «possible» or «impossible» and «ready» or «not ready».

In order to increase the movement of the truth within you, you will need to reduce the resistance, to the Laws of Life (the Creator), and withstand the weight of the test, because the satisfaction of your needs, does not mean that you are really happy.

Expanding our power of consciousness

«Infinite Power» is a word with a deep meaning that needs a lot of adaptation. The fact that Truth «joined» you, means that you can turn it on, or off as you like, it is a very useful device that grants your wishes or stops if it can harm you, but most importantly you can use her whenever you want, and she won’t let you down.

We are no more powerful than God. But we can gradually raise God’s Power, and Infinite Possibilities within ourselves. It is necessary to feel the required elevated level, and then it is necessary to set a goal to achieve this level, to always be with this strength and not to lose the truth.

If we realize the truth, then we will learn about our creative abilities. We are creative together with you, and our self-confidence is boundless. In order to remove the restrictions, we need to intelligently sort out the useless information recorded in the «unconscious», harmful beliefs and ideas.

We are always doing something, but often we do not fully understand why we are doing it. Knowing how to develop our real nature and our infinite power will help us gradually transform the thought process from the irrational (not comprehended by the mind) to the rational (comprehensible by the mind). This forces us to return to the level of nature (being). Because we are born to be happy.

Voluntary creativity differs from unconscious (involuntary) creativity in that, it allows us to make choices. The «unconscious» has no choice, since it has already formed the way it is, and this is the result of our control of our arbitrary mind, but this does not mean, that the unconscious part of consciousness cannot be changed. Law: to live means to be creative, that is, to be able to manage your mind and body with talent.

Imitation, dependence and slavery are formed in the «unconscious» through a voluntary, arbitrary mind. But you can change using the same word – mind, only not in the direction of «Slave Thinking», but in the direction of Truth. Many people think that a person is powerless before fate, but in practice this is not so. Fate comes not from God, not from itself, but from the environment, because it is formed unconsciously and involuntarily.

I do not think that a person consciously chooses misfortune, failure, bad luck, various problems, all because a person cannot know in advance, all the possible consequences, such a choice is formed unconsciously, depending on the environment. So there is a way out of this situation, since we understand the reasons, you need to either change the environment, which I think is not entirely correct, or change your thinking, from the unconscious to the conscious, that is, take control of your mind, and not let the environment control you.

There is an established order of thinking in the human mind, you need to check how much it corresponds to the truth, if it does, then you can believe in the «unconscious» (our inner voice) through the system of understanding and faith (concepts).

The «unconscious» can do anything, the worst thing is that it can harm you. It can make a person a victim of other people and turn a person into a zombified (hypnotized) or selfish (self-centered) person, no different from an animal. It can also cause us stress and neurosis. Negative, unpleasant, negative reactions and reflexes can be formed. We must be able to act against it.

To do this, you need to act wisely, think more broadly, achieve a state of free choice, and not a dependent slave, have a conscious position. If a person unconsciously believes and lives involuntarily, he will not be able to live voluntarily, he will act on automatic control. That means how a person grows and develops, almost like a programmed robot! This is the «animalistic» stage in the development of consciousness.

The «unconscious» controls all our actions through emotions. You can make a conscious choice only when you refuse to define your actions as normal and abnormal, you need to explore the reason why this choice, why this particular action, and why you consider them normal and abnormal.

In childhood, we lived only an unconscious life, that is, we tried to be what others thought was right (remember the law Similar to Similar), we did not have our own opinion, despite the fact that this is not true, we grew up in such a state of ignorance. But still, spiritual maturation must continue forever, spiritual age is not measured in years, but is measured by growth and expansion of the level of consciousness.

If the unconscious part of consciousness does not allow us to get what we want, instead, it eliminates it, you are not on the right path, you must be on the path based on the Infinite Power.

The mind, which has accumulated delusions, false and erroneous facts, fixes it in the Unconscious part of consciousness. To sum it up: The «Unconscious» is the cause of what we call sins or unhappiness, bad luck and so on.