The Colors Of A Optimistic World

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The power of the insults - Insults are incredibly painful

The power of the insults - Insults are incredibly painful. But how can I deal with this?

First of all, what we have to deal with it afterwards for possible actions. So not what can I do to prevent this from happening to me, but how do I deal with it afterwards.

We all know you, offenses happen to us in life, whether in childhood, in adulthood, in professional life, in private life the spectrum is infinite. Of course, bullying is also part of this, but also injustices experienced as a child. Exclusions in working life when someone has been promoted, for example, and has passed me by, so to speak, and I don't feel respected or offended.

As we can see, there are many shades. And then comes the question: What do I do with it afterwards? What do I do with this offence, and there it is called the span incredibly wide and indeed one can feel this revenge once. And the statistics unfortunately also say that Amokläufer had become like this because one offended them at some point.

So this example is the one extreme and the other extreme says something quite precious and here starts now with a quote from Stephen Hawking, one calls him the most intelligent person in the world at the moment:"The greatest danger of mankind is a lack of empathy". And how we can deal with offenses is certainly hard to learn empathy at school, even if it sounds a bit hard now. Knowing how you feel, I did it myself and I don't want this other person to experience it that way.

The pop star of physics Stephen Hawking goes back to the fact that, incidentally, has been in 2015, which can certainly google again well the press was full of it. He says no natural disaster threatens humanity as much as the lack of empathy, because that leads to aggression. And if all of us can contribute to it, the insults they have inflicted on us don't lead to new aggressions. But that I also have the chance to learn empathy through it. This is the same cradle, then this is incredibly important not only for you and me, but for all of humanity. In other words, creation in general, not only does this affect mankind as a whole, but also animals and plants in exactly the same way. To be this mindful of wanting to protect this, that this does not happen. And to have a look at yourself.

We have the option of deciding - How do I deal with insult? What does that cause in me? And since the bandwidth - that's why I called the two extremes - is to look at each other and how incredibly important empathy is for humanity.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed for that. That together we can help to bring this important thing forward and bring it into the world. I hope we succeed.

We all know them the stumbling blocks in life

Ever these difficulties - what to do? We all know the stumbling blocks in life. But how can I deal with this?

I think we all know the range is so wide, from everyday difficulties to these really deep valleys that we have to go through.

I think we've all learned somehow that we're growing by our difficulties. I used to get used to looking back at the end of the year. How did the year actually go? And then it turned out that some of the difficulties or catastrophes I had to face were not so bad or sometimes even an advantage. The older you get, the more you can of course take a look at events, which have turned out to be different.

We all know sayings like "If life gives you lemons, ask for tequila or make a lemonade out of it" or something like that. But two other sayings helped me a lot. In the job once when I thought here is nothing going on and actually already wanted to sink down together and then this came along and that, I didn't know where to start and stop. I pinned a line behind my desk that I changed sometime. I don't remember his original name either. My saying was "I ride the tiger his name is stress" and then I sat on top of it had the reins in the hand and went through. That means I rode and didn't watch where to start and complain. But I did it. I went through it and that felt quite different to me.

But another incredibly beautiful saying, I mean it is a Chinese wisdom that says,"A dragon of the climbs wants a headwind". I think this is such a nice picture, when we look at it, if we see in some situations, not this headwind that has caught us not so rigid, but come into motion and look where it is less painful or where is here something nice for me despite everything. In other words, in spite of all the difficulty, I am becoming more open and freer again. Because when we know that challenges have allowed us to grow, i. e. to experience life much more intensively. That also means being freer and everything. Quite the beautiful things we want to have in our lives, and for that we need the headwind. Me anyway! I always grow much faster then, I know that well and yet I'm still afraid when there's something coming to me again where I think it can't be true now. What is that again?

But to know that there are other possibilities. I do not know now which picture corresponds to you there, whether you see yourself rather on the tiger with the reins in hand, and tell you: Yes I ride through it and hold the reins in the hand and am not so the leaf in the wind, which can be driven in such a way. Or if you say I play with it: I am the dragon in the wind, who uses this headwind to climb even higher.

Anyway, I just wanted to show you some new ideas. What's the headwind for me? Ultimately, it is something positive or contains something positive. To call the situation of oneself positive, I think that's a bit difficult for all of us. But it's contained in there and then the headwind may not feel that bad any more. I certainly hope so.

A sovereign "No" can be learned!

You can learn to say a sovereign "NO" - but it is possible - in some areas I can also do it, despite the need for harmony.

Oh dear, that's a very difficult discipline for me, but I can tell you about my little learning successes, but also about my learning things.

So where I managed to say NO, if I'm asked to do something I don't really want to do, it's when you start making me feel guilty.

Examples ... You can't let this one or that one down and they have all sorts of arguments... Why can't you... make me feel bad.

And now I have learned to say to the person... Oh, I'm really sorry, but in this case I have to say NO, but I'm sure you will find someone... often it's about a third person... but also when the person comes directly to me and tries to make me feel guilty. Then I can argue and say... I'm absolutely sure you can do it and find someone... or you can do it yourself... you don't need me for that anymore... and I'm looking forward to your positive reports then... and END.

I don't justify myself anymore!

That's actually something I learned on the job, generally speaking as an "argumentation aid" I was in such a seminar that one doesn't provide arguments why not, because I have just too much work for example or because I'm doing something else. Because that way the other one is always tempted to argue against it.... well, that would be over soon or I can take this off your hands.

NO, do not give any reasons!

So far, in my memory, I have been asked why not? And I said that there are just so many reasons, but I have to stay with my NO, so please accept it now. And afterwards, you can choose a good day, a good way or another topic of conversation or something like that.

As described above, this will work out quite well. But where it's still difficult for me and you can ask yourself why. When they start praising me. With praise and recognition, I really achieve the most.

I also remember an example from the job, and I was actually over 30 years old. I was independent now and that's the way it is, that sometimes you have a lot of work to do and then there are other phases. But I was incredibly busy during this phase, I was able to get along well with four hours of sleep the night over many years. It was so, a client came to my office and said that no one else can do that, you have to do that and prefer to do so yesterday. And I knew very well that this person knew that my weak point is so pleasing because otherwise I have always enjoyed his praise or appreciation very much. So I joked (flattest) back "yes yes" clear I know the trick and so after which I said first quite clearly "no", it was not said that no one else can do that I could not do it myself and so. Then I said,"Everyone is replaceable," because those were his words, I thought I could get him. To cut a long story short, I did it even though I couldn't do it anymore. Of course, I am working hard to make sure that I still have the sovereignty to do what I really want.

Then, of course, I come to a game where there is a need for harmony, I can't say for sure. I had no worries about getting rid of the other assignments or that the client thinks badly of me or something. That wasn't my construction site, so to speak, or wanting to do it right for everyone. These are all examples that play into it, why you don't say NO.

Then I discovered such an interplay again, that when one of them does that, the others withdraw. And now I don't take job examples at all, but more in my private life. Be it in associations, larger groups where help is simply needed, or in families when children take care of their parents. Even if there are several siblings who could actually do this, if one of them does it, the other siblings all withdraw.


This phenomenon - one regrets that then and the others have arguments like: I couldn't do that, how great you do it, no with old people that's really not my thing. One notices that the siblings start whining quite quickly.

I believe that society out there, I don't know what it takes when people do this kind of thing, that's incredibly much work and emotional commitment. You don't want to try this interplay on the back of your parents, let's see what happens if I don't do it. Whether the others will come after all, and not only every quarter of a year, drive up with a thick bouquet of flowers and then maybe invite you to dinner. But it's about the daily or all day or two days or something like that when there's trouble and something has to be done.

However, I have also observed this interplay in the other context with myself, which means that I have withdrawn when I saw it, for example, in the circle of friends or something like that, someone is already doing it. Someone was looking for someone, someone can organize or do that and somebody else was willing to do it, then I put my hands in my lap a little bit and thought that this is the same thing you don't want to do.

For me the solution is already for some time that I offer myself as an auxiliary person for this person. That I don't say that at all in an open conversation, but afterwards I turn to the person who said I take over and then say that you can use me, where can I help you I don't want to stand in the front row I can't do that at the moment, but help those or be a sidekick. It works out pretty well, too, so if you give a little backup.

This topic "being able to say NO" and "the interplay of a power" and everyone else pulling or leaning back is also a difficult thing.

The best thing to do is to think about how you can behave at this moment in time, and already put a few appropriate sentences into your head. Simply phrase it briefly and concisely and stand firm in his opinion. I think everyone should find a way to say NO in spite of the need for harmony.

Letting go and clearing out the clouds frees the soul and gives wings

Letting go and clearing out the clouds frees the soul, gives freedom. No matter whether it's a desk, wardrobe or kitchen - anyone who tidies up and separates from things creates a lot of space for new things... in themselves. Of course, this also applies to the separation of old love letters and photos in case of heartbreak.

It's about letting go of the subject, not about characteristics or habits, but about things. I want to give you a lot of courage to clear out. It has always fascinated me, and continues to fascinate me, what it also does to myself when I clean out my outer surroundings. This starts with the desk, when I start a big new project. It's very important to me that the desk doesn't contain anything that doesn't belong to this project. And doing the ship's work for me, that changes me too. I would like to call it that much more tidier, I would like to call it that way, more tidy up to such a project.

But this ultimately affects the whole apartment or the whole house. From wardrobe to bookcase and so on. I have got used to two very different methods. The harmless method is that I say every day three things should disappear.

It starts in the bathroom, where I think what I have in my hand needs that or I need to open a door of such a cabinet and think, how long has it been there for. Take a good look at it, because sometimes you can't use it at all, because it has changed in consistency or something. Get rid of it now!

Then it is always very important for me that I have a station where I can take what I could use, especially with clothes and books. These are, for example, charitable organizations that take in such sorted-out things. Either they do a flea market with it or they just have their clientele that comes and is happy to take something with them. That's reassuring, because I don't want to throw a lot of things in the garbage cans. But when I know that I can make someone else happy and he can still use it. Then that helps me a lot.

I felt like I was good for myself when I'm on the subject of clothes, for example, and I'm doing it all the way through. You may have different storage locations for coats, jackets, summer and winter clothes or something like that. Sometimes they hang in different places and it might be helpful to work through this topic of "cleaning out clothes".

Quite rigorous people say yes, empty the entire wardrobe and really just hang back and put what you really want to have. Unfortunately, I myself have never managed this before. It would certainly be a great way to do it, I haven't walked it yet, but I look through it and ask myself whether it makes me happy, when was the last time I had it or something.

You have all sorts of things to wear for gardening, renovation or car repairs. If you actually do that, then it makes sense and has its justification to pick up the clothes.

Otherwise, really determined looking to clean out the clothes and shoe cabinet. This letting go of things is not only an act one hands I say, but that does something inside with one inside. This frees tremendously and I would like to encourage you to do so. I mean, spring is the season anyway, I think our grandmothers did big spring house cleaning there. Then the curtains came down and were washed and much more. It's all on the outside, but it's doing something to us inside.

Just to try this for yourself and maybe get infected again, because you'll see how nice it is afterwards. The one to two hours themselves or however long it takes, they may not be so pleasant, but what comes out afterwards is just great and that's why it's worth doing.

With books or also the kitchen cabinets and storage items that have expired expiration dates. The same goes for devices you don't even need anymore, up to tools, which you might not use at all or have double and triple. Just make someone else happy with the functional devices, who could really use them.

Coconut oil is a true beauty & health wonder - Superfood allrounder for health & nutrition
The positive effect of coconut oil on the skin

The skin is man's largest sensory organ, covering an area of up to 2 square metres. They regulate the body's temperature balance, support breathing and prevent harmful external influences. This makes it all the more important to give the skin the attention and care it needs in order to fulfil its tasks in the best possible way.

Those who need help should use coconut oil for body care. The valuable oil not only ensures a velvety and soft skin all around, but also has antimicrobial effects and can therefore positively influence acne, neurodermatitis and psoriasis as well as many other skin diseases. With the help of coconut oil, high-quality cosmetics can be produced very easily by yourself, and of course coconut oil for the skin can also be used pure without any additives.

The protective body shell also has a sophisticated control system and versatile functions. Experience has shown that coconut oil is ideal for natural protection and regular care of our skin. Coconut oil in organic quality is an absolutely natural product, without perfume or other harmful industrial additives. Coconut oil with its natural ingredients is a cosmetic product that supports the well-being of the skin. This is mainly due to the important fatty acids and the antibacterial effect of the oil. Whether pure or as a component of a self-made cosmetic product, coconut oil can nourish and enrich the skin with its valuable ingredients.

Coconut oil is also a real insider's tip for skin care. Models and actresses swear by the effect of coconut oil on the skin. The care secret of vegetable fat lies in lauric acid, a medium-chain fatty acid, which is abundantly present in coconut oil. It nourishes, regenerates and moisturises. It also fights bacteria, viruses and fungi. Not enough reasons to always have a glass of coconut oil in the house? Here come more:

Coconut oil against impure skin (acne, pimples & blackheads)

Acne and pimples occur in many people, especially in puberty, but some of them will never get rid of them for the rest of their lives. Specialist trade and medicine hold numerous remedies against acne and pimples ready, which possess however partly blatant side effects. If you try it with coconut oil, you will soon find out that pimples disappear very quickly after the application and that an already broken out acne decreases step by step. In addition, the regular use of coconut oil prevents the onset of new acne attacks. The effect is derived from the ingredients of coconut oil, which are antimicrobial and thus stop inflammation and relieve it very quickly. Oily skin can also be well cared for with coconut oil.

Coconut oil against wrinkles

While acne and pimples occur especially in adolescence, visible wrinkles appear in the facial skin from the age of 30. If you want to do something about it at an early stage, you should regularly treat your face with coconut oil. The oil has a moisturizing effect and thus prevents wrinkles that almost always result from too dry skin. Coconut oil also provides a velvety skin that looks young and fresh.

Coconut oil against cellulite

The dreaded orange peel skin - called cellulite in medical terminology - affects almost exclusively women and occurs in almost every age group. It is caused by fatty deposits or enlarged fat cells in the skin and the subcutaneous tissue, which show up in the form of small dents. The cosmetics industry is constantly inventing new products to treat cellulite. This should not be the case, because coconut oil for the skin is also a very effective agent against cellulite. It provides the skin with important moisture and tightens it, so that cellulite leaves significantly less traces.

Coconut oil against neurodermatitis and psoriasis

Neurodermatitis and psoriasis are not cosmetic problems, but serious illnesses for which there is still no effective remedy on the part of medicine. However, several studies have shown that coconut oil can effectively relieve both neurodermatitis and psoriasis, and in some subjects the disease was even completely cured. The interplay of moisturizing and antimicrobial ingredients allows the typical centres of inflammation that occur in neurodermatitis to quickly subside and ensures that the skin becomes smooth and supple again.

Coconut oil against stretch marks

Pregnancy stripes are similar to cellulite: they only affect women and are a visual defect that many suffer from. The use of coconut oil allows stretch marks to recede much faster than normal, as experience has shown.

Coconut oil against age spots

Depending on their disposition and physical constitution, age spots appear in many people from about 50 years of age. These are actually harmless pigment deposits in the skin, which many people find to be optically disturbing. The use of coconut oil can prevent the appearance of age spots and also ensures that existing age spots become noticeably paler and therefore less noticeable.

Coconut oil as shaving gel against razor burn

Coconut oil as a shaving gel has several advantages: The razor glides over the oiled skin areas as smoothly as if you were using a shaving foam from the drugstore. Thanks to its nourishing properties, the oil also leaves behind the smoothest and most delicate skin feeling after shaving, promised! Especially when it comes to the typical "shaving spirit" with red dots, the coconut oil has soothing and at the same time nourishing properties. Attention: The bottom of the bath can become slippery!

Coconut oil against sunburn (sun protection & after sun cream)

Due to the thinning ozone layer, the aggressiveness of the sun is constantly increasing in Central Europe. Harmful UV radiation thus penetrates ever more strongly and stresses our skin. This is noticeable, for example, in the form of sunburn. And sunburn is by no means as harmless as many people think, because it can lead to the dreaded skin cancer. It is therefore important, on the one hand, to effectively prevent the occurrence of sunburn and, on the other hand, to treat existing sunburn as effectively as possible. This is achieved, for example, by using coconut oil. This soothes the skin, moisturizes and soothes irritation quickly. Coconut oil is also suitable for preventive use against sunburn, but the recommended period of exposure to sunlight should not be exceeded.


Coconut oil contains a natural sun protection factor of 4 and can therefore be used as a light sun protection during the transition period or as a sun oil on tanned skin. Even after sunbathing, it also has a cooling and moisturizing effect as an après-sun care.

Coconut oil is wonderfully suitable for use after sunbathing. Simply apply the coconut oil to the skin thoroughly. This soothes and moisturises the skin, so that you can enjoy your tan for a long time to come. Once you have burnt yourself lightly, coconut oil is a suitable remedy for calming the skin. Coconut oil soothes the redness and irritation more quickly and provides sufficient moisture to prevent the skin from starting to peel.

Conclusion: Coconut oil absorbs about 20 % of the harmful UV radiation and also protects against free radicals. At the same time it nourishes the skin, gives a subtle shine and contributes to the summer holiday feeling with its exotic coconut scent. In case of prolonged or strong sunlight the oil cannot replace a sunscreen, but it is a great substitute for short stays in the open air.

Coconut oil for a better complexion

Many people are dissatisfied with their skin appearance. They often complain about skin subunits, spots, pimples, wrinkles and so on. If you regularly use coconut oil for your skin and rub it in after showering or bathing, for example, you will notice a marked improvement in your own skin condition in the medium term.

Coconut oil against dry skin

Whoever has to suffer again and again from dry or cracked skin usually helps themselves with moisturizers from the supermarket or pharmacy. However, these products are expensive and contain sometimes questionable additives. It is much easier to combat dry skin by using coconut oil. It provides the skin with long-term moisture and prevents the dreaded feeling of tension.

We know from experience that coconut oil nourishes and moisturizes dry skin. Especially with dry skin and affected areas of the body, coconut oil with its rich care effect can be a great cosmetic product. This is ensured by the minerals, fatty acids and valuable antioxidants in the oil.

Coconut oil is also a real blessing for stressed feet. Simply rub the feet generously in the evening with coconut oil, cotton socks on top and the coconut oil transforms the feet into soft velvet paws during the beauty sleep. If the shoe pinches or the whole night was danced through, an extensive, relaxing foot massage is exactly the right thing. Simply use the coconut oil as a massage oil and pamper your feet with the rich oil.

Coconut oil as a nourishing and effective deodorant (without alcohol & aluminium)

It's natural for the human body to sweat. At rising temperatures, during physical exertion or even in case of illness, our body produces sweat. In itself, this is nothing bad, the only thing that bothers us about it is odour, which in most cases cannot be avoided.

When you start to sweat, it doesn't immediately mean that you smell sweat. The sweat odour does not develop until bacteria decompose in humid, warm body zones. This is where the antibacterial effect of lauric acid contained in coconut oil helps to prevent odours from developing in the first place.

A small drop of liquid coconut oil is enough to create a pleasant armpit climate. Simply melt a pea-sized portion in your hand and apply to the dried armpits after showering. The oil quickly absorbs without leaving a greasy film on the skin or clothing.

Especially when you shave your armpits, coconut oil is the better choice. Many deodorants are enriched with alcohol and fragrances. These artificial substances can get into the body more easily by small injuries by shaving and can thus be stored as toxins in the lymphs.

Since high-quality organic coconut oil has nothing of the kind in itself, it is much healthier, soothing and caring to use this natural deodorant substitute.

Conclusion: Thanks to its antibacterial lauric acid, coconut oil can also be used wonderfully as a natural organic deodorant. It inhibits the proliferation of odor-forming bacteria and has this pleasantly sweet scent, which immediately creates exotic images of the beach and palm trees in your head. Irritated, itchy skin on the armpits, for example after a shave, can also be soothed with the valuable coconut oil.

Coconut oil for foot care in foot bath & foot massage

As a bath additive in the footbath or as a relaxing foot massage before going to bed, the coconut oil gives your feet a velvety soft feeling. Especially when thick cotton socks are put on after rubbing and the coconut oil has time to work in overnight.

Coconut oil as massage oil

Like any other oil, coconut oil can also be used as a massage oil. The vitamins and minerals in the natural coconut oil are good for the skin and have a pleasant scent of coconut and holiday. That it melts already lukewarm melts it can be rubbed and massaged in wonderfully. The exotic coconut scent lets you dive directly into distant worlds.

Coconut oil as facial & body peeling

A scrub that scrubbs and moisturizes at the same time: Melt a small amount of coconut oil and mix it with sugar or sea salt. In the shower, gently rub the masses gently over the moistened skin and rejoice over the smooth, delicate result.

Coconut oil for a nourishing wellness bath

For an exotic, fragrant and caring bath, add one or two spoons of coconut oil to the bath water. The oil dissolves quickly in warm water. The bath nourishes, relaxes and moisturises the skin to such an extent that it is no longer necessary to apply extra cream after bathing.

Coconut oil for nail care for beautiful nails & cuticles

Strong nails with coconut oil - that is also possible! Rub the unpainted fingernails and toenails with a little coconut oil to nourish and strengthen them. The oil can also be used for varnished nails: Then just massage it into the cuticle regularly around the nail. The exotic coconut scent contributes to a summer holiday feeling.

Coconut oil for grazes and cuts

Coconut oil accelerates the healing of minor injuries by helping to regenerate the skin and protecting it from external influences. Due to its antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties, the oil also prevents infection of the wound.

Coconut oil for scar care and scar healing

Who hasn't had any scars and has already thought about what possibilities there are to treat the scars in such a way that they are no longer so visible. There are of course a lot of scar gels and scar creams stuffed with chemical substances. The coconut oil acts like a natural plaster, as its effect is antibacterial. The coconut oil should be used for the injury that has just occurred. Treatment with coconut oil is also very helpful for burns and painful sunburn. Rapid relief is achieved by the cooling effect and cell renewal is promoted. Scar care with coconut oil is therefore sensible for everyone.

The coconut oil is generously massaged several times a day with clean hands, such as a wound and healing ointment, onto the scar or a wound that is no longer bleeding. The oil quickly penetrates into the deeper layers of the skin and leaves a velvety soft feeling. Coconut oil supports the natural healing process and effectively helps the scar heal and fade faster. In addition, a plaster or wound dressing can be used to prevent the clothes from getting dirty. After an operation, the scar should be carefully dabbed several times a day. It is important to always wash your hands well beforehand. Once the injured area has calmed down, the oil can be massaged in in circular movements. If the fingertips are slightly moistened with water, the coconut oil can be transported better into the skin and penetrate into the existing cells.

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