Buch lesen: «English Grammar with Kudjo. Part 3. Понятная и забавная грамматика для детей и взрослых.»
Дизайнер обложки Роман Любимов
© Larisa Lubimova, 2024
© Роман Любимов, дизайн обложки, 2024
ISBN 978-5-0062-7596-6 (т. 3)
ISBN 978-5-0062-2872-6
Создано в интеллектуальной издательской системе Ridero
Третья часть этого сборника по английской грамматике получилась самой интересной и самой сложной. Здесь вас ждут условные предложения, герундий, причастие, инфинитивные обороты и многое другое (не менее интересное). Как и в первых двух частях, это не просто разбор грамматических конструкций, но и использование их в необычных упражнениях. Уровень этой части вырос до intermediate-plus и это чувствуется не только в более сложной грамматике, но и в лексике. Эта книга для детей и взрослых, которые хотят говорить и писать не хуже носителей языка. Для тех, кто любит выдумку, мистику, приключения и юмор.
Follow Kudjo!
Unit 1
Revision of Tenses
Fill the gaps in the story with missing words:
As far as you remember, our friends went to the attic to find the old letters to reveal the truth.
Hundreds of tiny screeching fuzzy ***** with leathery *****, long toenails and dog snouts attacked them in the *****. Have you ever seen bats? For Kudjo and Luna it was the ***** time and, of course, they got scared stiff. They didn’t ***** immobilised by fear. The wave of bats knocked them down and vanished in the ***** of the forest.
While the dogs were lying there trying to ***** what had happened, they heard a strange fluttering *****. They went inside to investigate and saw a tiny grey *****, which had got stuck between two old floorboards. Luna begged Kudjo to help the bat get out of the crack. Kudjo knew that it was ***** to take bats in your hands only with thick gloves. They looked for something like ***** in an old chest of drawers and found some big leather *****. He took the ***** carefully while Luna was making the crack ***** with a poker. One minute more and the pup would be free.
(to be continued)

Change the sentences using the tense in brackets:
For example,
People are afraid of bats. (Present Perfect Continuous) – People have been experiencing fear of bats for centuries.
1 The bat is making a clicking sound. (Past Continuous)
2 Some people call bats heroes of the night (Past Simple Passive)
3 People even celebrate Bat Week every last week of October. (Present Simple Passive)
4 Bats help foresters and farmers protect their crops from pests because bats can eat their body weight in insects. (Present Perfect)
5 Kudjo said that he loved bats because they can eat up to 1,200 mosquitoes an hour. (Direct Speech)
Put the verb in brackets in the correct form:
1 Kudjo was astonished when he /tell/ that bats are not blind.
2 Kudjo thought that bats /use/ the attic for hibernation before the dogs’ coming there.
3 Kudjo just /read/ that bats live in friendly colonies, share information and food and even adopt orphans.
4 When Kudjo looked at the pup, which they /rescue/, it /hang/ upside down and /eat/ some insect.
5 It /believe/ that the first bats /discover/ 65 to 100 million years ago.
Find and correct mistakes in 4 sentences:
1 Kudjo and Luna took care of the pup, fed it with some insects and it told them the colony of bats has been living in the attic for a few months.
2 The pup helped them find the drawer where the old letters were kept.
3 Kudjo and Luna heard some voices outside. Luna’s parents had woken up and are trying to find them.
4 The dogs quickly opened the drawer and grasped a pile of letters, which were tied together with an antique box.

5 Kudjo and Luna kissed the little bat good-bye and ran downstairs, where they were looking for.
Chilly is texting a message to Kudjo. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct past, present and future tenses:
1Hi, Kudjo. How you /do/?
2 Guess what? I just /tell/ that we /come/ to you next month.
3 Everything /prepare/ for this trip right now.
4 Shopping lists /write/, clothes /sort/ out, the bags /check/ at the moment.
5 Luckily, I /find/ a quiet place where nobody can bother me. Oh no! My secret hideout /discover/. Ay me!
Choose the correct option:
1 The bats ***** a symbol of happiness in China and Japan.
a consider
b are considered
c will be considered
2 In cultural folklore, bats ***** as ingredients for medicines and potions in witchcraft.
a were used
b used
c are used
3 They say witches ***** bats to spy on people during medieval times.
a used to tame
b tame
c were used to tame
4 Researchers ***** bats groom themselves as cats do.
a have been discovered
b discover
c have discovered
5 Several animals such as birds, snakes, and weasels ***** to prey on bats
a are known
b be known
c know
Translate the story:
К счастью. родители ушли искать Куджо и Луну в другую часть сада, и им удалось выскользнуть из дома незамеченными. Они спрятали письма с коробочкой в своем тайнике под старой яблоней и побежали навстречу родителям. Те выглядели встревоженными, так как их разбудила и напугала невероятно огромная стая летучих мышей, которая пронеслась прямо над ними. Когда они увидели Луну, они сразу же успокоились и накинулись на нее с вопросами. Куджо и Луна соврали, что они ходили на озеро и не видели никаких летучих мышей. Они даже пытались убедить родителей, что им все это приснилось, как вдруг из чердачного окна вылетел малыш, которого они освободили. Родители Луны сразу бросились на чердак. Луна и Куджо вспомнили, что не закрыли ящик и бросились за ними. Они очень не хотели, чтобы родители увидели, что письма пропали…
(продолжение следует)
Unit 2
Conditional Sentences (real and zero condition)
We use Zero Conditional Sentences to express something which is always true and in this case we can use when instead of if :
If (when) people see bats, they get scared because of bad association with vampires.
The structure is:
If + Subject + Present Simple, Subject + Present Simple.
The zero conditional is also often used to give instructions, using the imperative in the main clause :
If you want to come, call me beforehand.
We use the real conditionals when we talk about future situations we believe are real or possible:
If Luna’s parents allow, we’ll take the pup home.
The structure is:
If + Subject + Present Simple, Subject + Future Simple.
It is also common to use this structure with unless, as long as, as soon as, when or in case instead of if.
We’ll go to the boarding house again as soon as Chilly comes.
We put a comma after the if-clause when it comes first.
We’ll find a new place for the pup if Luna’s parents refuse to keep it with us.
If Luna’s parents refuse to keep it with us, we’ll find a new place for the pup.
Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form:
Luna and Kudjo are talking about the pup.
1 What we /do/ if they /not let/ us take the pup home?
2 It /die/ in the wild without its family unless we /find/ a safe place for him.
3 If my dad /refuse/, I /beg/ my mum to allow us to do it. She has a heart of gold.
4 But if she /be/ scared of bats, she never /let/ you keep the pup home.
5 If she /not let/ me have the pup at home, /take/ it to your place.
6 If I /take/ it to my place, it /become/ my pet.
Finish the conditional sentences:
1 If you heat chocolate, ….
2 Luna’s parents will get angry if ….
3 If you are hungry, ….
4 If the dogs keep barking, ….
5 Luna’s parents will let her keep the pup if ….
6 Kudjo will feel happier if ….

Put the verb in brackets in the correct form and answer the questions using conditional sentences:
1 What /happen/ to the pup if Luna’s parents /not let/ her have it at home?
2 If there /be/ no coffee at home, what Kudjo /do/?
3 What Kudjo and Luna /do/ when Chilly /come/?
4 If Kudjo /eat/ out tonight, what he /have/ for dinner?
5 What color you /get/ if you /mix/ yellow and red?
6 What Kudjo /do/ if he /be/ bored?
Look at the situations and make sentences using conditional sentences:
For example,
Kudjo and Luna want to take care of the pup, but Luna’s parents might be against it. – If Luna’s parents are against the pup, Kudjo and Luna won’t take care of the pup.
1 Kudjo and Luna would like to check if everything is fine with the pup. They are thinking of arranging a picnic in the country.
2 Kudjo is willing to take care of the pup but he doesn’t know how to do it.
3 Luna’s parents don’t mind going to the country but it depends on the weather.
4 Luna’s mum has agreed to help the pup but the final decision depends on Luna’s dad.
5 Kudjo wants to throw a party but all his friends might be busy this Sunday.
6 Luna’s parents might allow her to keep the pup at home as she has been behaving herself recently.
Find and correct mistakes in 5 sentences:
Kudjo’s laws:
1 If you will lose something, you will find it in the last place you look.

2 If you will lose one boot and buy a new set of four, you will find the lost one.
3 If you will be in a taxi and you are late for something urgent, all the traffic lights will be red.
4 If you see the light at the end of the tunnel, it be the light of an oncoming train.
5 When the sandwich will be dropped, it will always land butter-side down.
6 When all else fails, read the instructions.
Kudjo is texting a message to Chilly. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct past, present and future tenses:
1 Hi, Chilly. Haven’t heard from you recently. How your life /be/?
2 you /pack/ everything for the trip?
3 By the way, you /go/ by plane? How many times you /fly/ so far?
4 How long you /stay/ with me? you /stay/ longer if the weather /be/ fine?
5 I hope you /not change/ your mind and we /go/ to the boarding house together.
6 I /look/ forward to it so much!
Choose the correct option:
1 Kudjo said that he ***** believing in superstitions since that meeting.
a started
b has started
c had started
2 He even hung a horseshoe above his door after he ***** it would bring luck.
a had told
b had been told
c was told
3 If a fork or spoon ***** on the ground, a female guest *****.
a falls / will come
b will fall / comes
c will fall / will come
4 If you ***** from a knife, you ***** «angry like a dog».
a will eat / are
b eat / will be
c will eat / will be
5 If you ***** salt, you ***** or face some other problems.
a spill / will quarrel
b will spill / will quarrel
c will spill / quarrel
6 Now Kudjo ***** that if you ***** inside, there’ll be no money in the house.
a believes / will whistle
b is believing / whistle
c believes / whistle
Translate the story:
К счастью, на чердаке был полный порядок и даже ящик шкафа был задвинут. Родители успокоились, спустились вниз и начали собираться обратно в город. Куджо и Луна побежали к своему тайнику под яблоней, чтобы забрать письма. На земле, прямо на их тайном месте сидел летучий мышонок. Он завернулся в свои крылья и тихонько поскуливал. Голодный и замерзший. Куджо и Луна поймали ему несколько мух на обед и малыш повеселел. Его нельзя было оставлять под деревом одного, так как он был слишком мал и беззащитен. Луна и Куджо решили, что если они не возьмут его с собой в город, то он погибнет.
Они подумали, что убедят родителей потом, а пока просто укутали малыша в теплый шарф и спрятали в рюкзак вместе со старыми письмами и загадочной коробкой. Они не знали, чем, кроме насекомых, кормят летучих мышей, но на всякий случай положили бутерброд с сыром.
Пока они ехали, из рюкзака не доносилось ни звука и Куджо подумал, что малыш просто наелся, согрелся и уснул. Но когда они уже подъезжали к городу, он осторожно заглянул в рюкзак и …. никого там не увидел! Что же случилось с малышом? Неужели он выполз из сумки и остался в деревне? Что с ним будет, если они его не найдут и не помогут?
(продолжение следует)
Unit 3
Conditional Sentences (unreal condition of present and future)
We use these sentences to express imaginary situations which are contrary to facts in the present and, therefore, are unlikely to happen in the present or future.
The structure is:
Subject + would (could, might) + V0 if subject + Past Simple or Past Continuous.
If Luna’s parents weren’t so superstitious, they wouldn’t object to the pup.
We usually use were instead of was for all persons in the if-clause:
If I were him, I’d read more about bats.
The following expressions can be used instead of if: provided/providing that, as long as, suppose/supposing, etc.
Suppose you met a vampire bat, what would you do?
Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form of the Unreal Conditional
1 If Kudjo /can/ play football, he /become/ the most famous football player.

2 If he /have/ a car, he /drive/ to the country to look for the pup.
3 How you /feel/ if you /be/ in the pup’s situation? No family, no food, no help.
4 If the pup /not be/ so little, he /survive/ in the wild.
5 Luna and Kudjo /be/ happy if the parents /allow/ them to keep the pup at home.
6 Luna’s parents /not let/ her take the pup unless she /behave/ herself and /promise/ to take good care of it.
7 If Kudjo /can/, he /help/ all bats in the world.
Finish the sentences with the correct form of real or unreal conditionals:
For example,
If Kudjo read about bats, ….– If Kudjo read about bats, he would know what to feed the pup with.
1 If you asked Kudjo to cook you a meal, ….
2 If Kudjo had nothing to do, ….
3 If Kudjo finds the pup, ….
4 Kudjo’s life would be more comfortable and quiet if…
5 When Kudjo goes to Japan, ….
6 They would look after the pup if ….
7 If Kudjo could, ….
Look at the situations and make sentences using real and unreal conditionals:
For example,
Luna’s parents are afraid of bats and so they won’t allow Luna to have it at home. – If Luna’s parents weren’t afraid of bats, they would allow Luna to have it at home.
1 People are scared of bats because they associate them with vampires.
2 The sun might come out later, and they will have another picnic.
3 Luna can’t make up her mind about who to talk first- mum or dad. She has just asked Kudjo for advice.
4 Kudjo has done all his jigsaw puzzles and now he is bored to death.
5 He doesn’t like rain and puddles so he is staying all day at home.
6 Luna has bought an awful collar. Should Kudjo tell her the truth?
7 Luna is crying. Her parents forbid her to take the pup.
Put the verb in brackets in the correct form of unreal conditional and guess the last word of the sentence:
Kudjo’s dreams:
1 If I /be/ a bird or a bat, I /fly/ to other *****.
2 If I /have/ wheels instead of legs, I /run/ far *****.
3 I /eat/ a lot if it /rain/ steaks and *****.
4 If I /have/ a castle, I /invite/ a lot of bats to live in *****.
5 If I /be/ the World Leader, I /give/ all cats and dogs friendly caring *****.
6 If I /can/ meet anyone famous from history, I /meet/ *****.
7 If I /can/ go back in time, I /go/ to Ancient Rome to be the first tamed *****.
Put the verb in brackets in the correct form of unreal conditional and answer the questions:
1 If you /have/ a time machine, you /travel/ to the past or to the future?
2 If you /be/ an animal, what animal you /be/?
3 If a fortune-teller /offer/ to answer one question about your future, what you /ask/?
4 If an alien /come/ to Earth for three days only, what you /show/ it?
5 If you /can/ have any superpower, what it /be/?
6 What spell you /want/ to know if you /be/ a wizard?
7 What you /do/ if you /see/ a bat fly into your room?
Fill the gaps in the story with missing words:
kudjo and Luna were so anxious about the ***** that they completely forgot about the letters and the strange *****, which they had taken from the *****. A day later they were ***** and chatting in Kudjo’s room when Luna suddenly caught sight of the backpack and remembered the *****. She screamed with excitement, rushed to the bag, ***** it, took out the pile of letters and the box and ***** them to Kudjo. They decided to start from the box, but to their great disappointment, they didn’t manage to ***** it. They put it aside and opened the first letter. There was nothing special in it. It was written by a dog who moved to some old ***** after the death of a relative. Kudjo and Luna had read a couple of boring letters more and were about to stop when suddenly they spotted the word «ghost’. They went on to read about the ***** of a dog that had been looking for some treasure for ages. At this moment Kudjo and Luna realised that they were reading the story of Luna’s great-great-great-great-great *****, the dog that mysteriously ***** through a puzzle. Now, they knew what exactly had happened to that lady dog. But what about the treasure? Where to look for it? Where is this ghost now? What house is it haunting? What is there in the ***** and how to open it?
What ***** happen if they opened the box? What would they do if they ***** that ghost? Would it do any ***** to them? A lot of new questions but no *****.
Find and correct 13 mistakes in the sentences that are taken from the letter which Kudjo and Luna found in the attic:
1 A lot of weird and spine-chilling things had been happening to me every day since I moved to my aunt’s house.
2 The very first night I woken up by an ice-cold touch and saw the shape of a dog standing very close to me. Just standing and gazing into my face.
3 I have woken by it every night since then. What would you do if you would be me?
4 I’d tried to escape on several occasions but I have brought back every time. I have a gut feeling that if I’ll try to do it again, something terrible will happen to me. Would you try?
5 I don’t know what the ghost want me to do but what would I do even if I’d know?
6 Uncanny sounds heard in all rooms during the day. Spooky or what? What did you feel if you would hear them?
7 I’m writing this letter to you and it seems I am stared awfully at. Come and help me, please, otherwise I’ll die.
Choose the correct option:
1 Kudjo and Luna ***** all the letters several times but still don’t know what to do.
a had read
b have read
c have been reading

2 ***** in the house if you ***** it was haunted?
a Would you stay / would know
b Would you stay / knew
c Will you stay / knew
3 What ***** if you ***** a ghost next to your bed?
a would you do / saw
b will you do / will see
c would you do / would see
4 Now Kudjo and Luna ***** what happened to that lady dog.
a are knowing
b knew
c know
5 But they don’t know how the box *****.
a opens
b can opened
c can be opened
6 What ***** in the box if they *****open it?
a will they find / will can
b would they find / can
c will they find / can
7 They hope another key to the mystery ***** in this box.
a found
b will be found
c finds
Translate the story:
Куджо и Луна были немного расстроены. Они так долго и тяжело пытались добраться до этих писем, но даже с их помощью не смогли раскрыть тайну семьи Луны. Единственное, что они узнали, это то, что таинственная пра-пра-пра-пра-прабабушка еще долго продолжала обитать в своем доме, но уже как призрак, который не успокоится, пока не найдет свое сокровище. Значит, чтобы снять семейное проклятие, им нужно отыскать это сокровище и отдать его призраку. Но как это сделать? Оставалась последняя надежда- поговорить еще раз с прабабушкой Луны и убедить ее рассказать все, что ей известно. Как только Чили приедет, они сразу же отправятся в этот старый пансионат и не уедут оттуда, пока не узнают все секреты.
Кстати, они совсем забыли про коробочку. Вдруг там найдется подсказка или даже разгадка? Если бы только они могли открыть ее, то сейчас бы не ломали голову. Куджо предложил разбить коробочку молотком, но Луна была против – ведь они могут повредить то, что находится внутри. Тогда Куджо предложил разгрызть ее, но Луна опять была против – ведь Куджо может сломать свои красивые острые клыки. Наконец, Куджо предложил распилить ее, и тут Луна согласилась. Они побежали в кладовку, где хранились все инструменты, нашли отличную пилу и приступили к «хирургической операции». “ Пациент» оказался сложным. Они пилили уже минут 20, когда услышали, что пришли родители Луны. Куджо быстро спрятал пилу и коробку в ящик с инструментами и они выбежали навстречу родителям, делая вид, что играли в прятки. Если бы родители узнали, что они делают, их бы точно наказали.
(продолжение следует)