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Buch lesen: «In Sunny Spain with Pilarica and Rafael», Seite 12



A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, L, M, P, Q, R, S, T, V, X, Z

Abdorman Murambil Xarif. (Ab-dōr´-mahn Moor-ahm´-beel Xah-reef´.)

There is much reason to fear that this Moorish name was made up by Rafael.

Adolfo. (Ah-dŏl´-fo.)

Adolphus. Adolph. A boy’s name meaning Noble Wolf.

Augustin. (Ah-goos-teen´.)

Augustus. Austin. A boy’s name meaning August, Exalted, Imperial.

Alameda. (Ah-la-meh´-dah.)

A shaded walk, as through a park.

Alfonsito. (Al-fŏn-see´-to.)

Little Alfonso.

Alfonso. (Al-fŏn´-so.)

Alphonso. A boy’s name meaning Ready. The present king of Spain is Alfonso XIII.

Alhambra. (Al-hăm´-brah.)

The famous fortress and palace built by the Moors on a hilltop overlooking Granada. The name is Arabic and means Ruddy, perhaps from the color of the stone.

Ana. (Ah´-nah.)

Anna. Hannah. Anne. A girl’s name meaning Gracious. St. Anne, the mother of the Madonna, is much beloved in Spain.

Angelito. (An-hel-lee´-to.)

Little angel.

Arnaldo. (Ar-năl´-do.)

Arnold. A boy’s name meaning Strong as an Eagle.

Arré. (Ar´-ray.)

Gee. The shout of a Spanish driver in urging on his mule.

Arriero. (Ar-re-er´-o.)

Muleteer; carrier.

Ay de mi. (I´ day mee´.)

Alas, poor me!


Short for Sebastiano. Sebastian. A boy’s name meaning Reverend. St. Sebastian, a brave and beautiful young martyr shot all over with arrows, is a favorite saint in Spain and Italy.

Bavieca. (Bah-ve-ā´-ca.)

The name of the Cid’s horse, mentioned in almost every one of the hundred ballads of the Cid.

Benito. (Bā-nee´-to.)

Benedict. A boy’s name meaning Blessed.

Bernardo del Carpio. (Ber-nar´-do del Car´-pe-o.)

A Spanish warrior of the eighth or ninth century. The king long held the father of Bernardo in cruel imprisonment and when at last obliged to restore the captive, had him murdered in his dungeon, mounted the dead body, in full armor, on horseback, and sent that forth to the expectant son, who, in his grief and rage, went over to the Moors. See page 84.

Blanco. (Blan´-co.)

White. In this story, the name of a white mule.

Bolondron. (Bō-lon-drŏn´.)

A sonorous name fit for a braggart.

Brasero. (Brä-sā´-ro.)

Brasier. A pan for holding burning coals.

Cadiz. (Cä´deth. More often pronounced by the Andalusians Cä´-de.)

A fortified city on the southern coast of Spain.

Capitana. (Cah-pe-tah´-nah.)

Captainess. In this story, the name of a mule who insists on taking the lead.

Carbonera. (Car-bon-er´-ah.)

Derived from carbon (car-bone´), meaning charcoal. In this story, the name of a soot-colored mule.

Carlos. (Car´-los.)

Charles. A boy’s name meaning Noble of Spirit.

Carmencita. (Car-men-thee´-tah.)

Little Carmen. A girl’s name.

Catalina. (Cah-tah-lee´-nah.)

Catherine or Katharine.

Celestino. (Thel-es-tee´-no.)

Celestine. A boy’s name not uncommon in Spain.

Cid. (Pronounced in English, Sĭd; in Spanish, Thed.)

An Arabic word, meaning lord, given as a title of honor to Rodrigo (Ro-dree´-go) or Ruy (Roo´-e) Diaz (Dee´-ath) de Bivar (Be-var´), a Spanish hero of the eleventh century.

Cigarron. (Thie-gar-rón.)

The word, meaning a big cigar, appears in this story as a surname.

Compostela. (Com-po-stā´-lah.)

This word, derived from the Latin, Campus Stellae, the Field of the Star, keeps in the name of the City of St. James a memory of the bright star which, according to the legend, pointed out his burial place in Galicia.

Consuelo. (Con-soo-āl´-o.)

Consolation; comfort. Many a Spanish girl is called Consuelo, the full form being Maria (Mah-ree´-ah) del Consuelo, Mary of Comfort, one of the names of the Madonna.

Copla. (Co´-plah.)

A stanza, usually a couplet or quatrain.

Coronela. (Co-ro-nā´-lah.)

Derived from corona (co-rōn´-ah), meaning crown. In this story, a mule of crowning excellence.

Cubilon. (Coo-be-lōn´.)

See pages 235-236.


A deep-gorged river dividing the Alhambra hill from the hill where the gypsies of Granada live in caves.

Diego. (Dee-ā´-go.)

James. Jacob. A boy’s name meaning the Supplanter. St. James the Apostle was for centuries the Patron Saint of Spain.

Dolores. (Dō-lōr´-es.)

Sorrows. The full form of the name Dolores, common among Spanish girls, is Maria (Mah-ree´-ah) de los (lōs) Dolores, Mary of the Sorrows.

Don. (Dŏn.)

A title of respect for a man; Mr., but used only before the Christian name. See Señor.

Doña. (Dō-nyä.)

A title of respect for a woman; Mrs., but given to unmarried women as well as married, and used only before the Christian name.


Ernest. A boy’s name meaning Earnest.

Estremadura. (Es-trā-mah-doo´-rah.)

A tableland in the west of Spain, lying north of Andalusia and between New Castile and Portugal.

Fiesta. (Fe-es´-tah.)


Francisco. (Frän-thēs´-co.)

A boy’s name, meaning Free, common in Roman Catholic countries, for there are at least five saints of this name. The dearest of them all is the gentle Italian, St. Francis of Assisi (As-see´-zee), who loved the poor so well it was said he had taken Lady Poverty for a bride, and who looked upon all beasts and birds as his own brothers and sisters.>

Giralda. (He-rahl´-dah.)

The bell-tower of Seville cathedral. See page 58.

Granada. (Grah-nah´-dah.)

The meaning of the word is pomegranate, and this fruit is emblazoned in the arms of the Andalusian city of Granada, the last Moorish stronghold in Spain.

Guilindon. (Gee-lin-dōn´.)

See page 165.

Hilario. Hilary. A boy’s name meaning Merry.


Isabel; Elizabeth; Betsy. A girl’s name meaning Consecrated to God.

Isabelita. (E-sah-bel-ee´-tah.)

Little Isabel.


Joseph. A boy’s name meaning He Shall Aid. St. Joseph, the husband of the Madonna, is very popular in Spain and many boys bear his name. Girls are often called Josefa. (Hō-zāy´-fa.)

Juan. (Hoo-ahn´.)

John. A boy’s name meaning The Gracious Gift of God. In this story, it is on the Eve of St. John the Baptist, June 24, that Pilarica finds the baby, not on the Eve of St. John the Evangelist, which falls in the winter, December 27.

Juanito. (Hoo-ahn-ee´-to.)

Little John.


A musical group of syllables for a ringing refrain, as Tra-la-la or Trolly-lolly.

Leandro. (Lay-ahn´-dro.)

Leander. A boy’s name meaning Lion-Man.

Leon. (Lay-ōn´.)

The name of a province lying west of Old Castile and also of its capital city.

Lobina. (Lo-bee´-na.)

She-wolf. See pages 235-236.

Lorenzo. (Lo-rĕn´-zo.)

Laurence. A boy’s name meaning Crowned with Laurel. St. Laurence was a Spaniard and bore himself with true Spanish nonchalance even when suffering the martyrdom of being roasted on a gridiron. “I am done on this side,” he said. “Turn me over.”

Lorito. (Lō-ree´-to.)

A pet name from loro (lō´-ro), parrot, like our Polly. Parrots are very common pets in Spain, especially in Andalusia, where they sometimes mock the schoolboys by shrieking from their balcony perches:

“I hate to go to school.
Oh, oh, oh!
For I am such a fool,
And Master beats me so.”

Madrid. (Mah-dred´.)

The capital city of Spain, almost at the geographical centre of the Peninsula.

Malaga. (Mah´-lah-gah.)

A fine old seaport on the southern coast of Spain. Malaga grapes go the world over.

Mambrú. (Mahm-broo´.)

A folk-song name for a soldier.

Manta. (Mahn´-tah.)

A horse-cloth.

Manuel. (Mah-noo-āl´.)

Emanuel, Emmanuel. This sacred name, meaning God With Us, is often given to Spanish boys.

Maria. (Mah-ree´-ah.)

Mary. This beautiful name, variously interpreted as meaning Bitter, Rebellion, Star of the Sea, is a favoritefor girls in all Christian lands, and in Spain, which believes itself under the special protection of the Madonna, is often given to boys as well, being in such cases one among the several names that a Spanish child usually carries. See page 89.

Mariana. (Mah-ree-ah´-nah.)

Marian, Marion. Another form of Mary.

Marta. (Mah´-tah.)

Martha. A girl’s name meaning The Ruler of the House; also, Melancholy.

Melampo. (May-lam´-po.)

See pages 235-236.

Mercedes. (Mer-thā´-des.)

Mercy. Not unusual among the names of Spanish girls.

Milagros. (Mee-lah´-grōs.)

Miracles. The full name would be Maria de los Milagros.

Moreto y Hernandez. (Mo-ray´-to ee Er-nahn´-deth.)

It is customary in Spain for one to keep, as here, the surnames of both father and mother, united by y meaning and. See page 89.

Murillo. (Moo-ree´-lyo.)

A famous Spanish painter of the seventeenth century. See page 168.

Patio. (Pah´-te-o.)

An open court. See pages 90 and 102.

Pedrillo. (Pay-dree´-lyo.)

Little Peter. From Pedro (Pay´-drō), Peter, meaning A Rock.

Peligros. (Pay-lee´-gros.)

Perils. The full name would be Maria de los Peligros.

Pepito. (Pay-pee´-to.)

Little Joe. A pet-name from José.

Peregrina. (Pay-ray-gree´-nah.)

Pilgrim. In this story, the name of a mule.

Peseta. (Pay-say´-tah.)

A silver Spanish coin, looking much like our quarter dollar, but worth only about twenty cents.

Pilar. (Pe-lar´.)

Pillar. Many Spanish girls are called Pilar, the full name being Maria del Pilar, after the Madonna of Saragossa. See pages 221-222.

Pilarica. (Pe-lah-ree´-kah.)

Little Pilar.

Pinta. (Pin´-ta.)

In the circle-dances, the name of a bird.

Puchero. (Poo-chay´-rō.)

A stew made up of beef or lamb, ham or bacon, chickpeas and other vegetables, – a standing dish in all Spanish countries. See page 173.

Quixote. (Ke-hō´-tā.)

Don Quixote is the hero of a celebrated Spanish romance by Cervantes (Ther-vän´-tes). See page 76. Our word quixotic is derived from Don Quixote.

Rafael. (Rah-fah-el´.)

Raphael. A name, meaning The Healing of God, often given to boys in Italy and Spain. Raphael the Archangel, deemed the guardian of all humanity and especially of the young and of travellers, is a saint of the church calendar.

Rita. (Ree´-tah.)

See page 3.

Rodrigo. (Ro-dree´-go.)

Roderick. A boy’s name meaning Rich in Fame, – a name famous in the early history of Spain.

Rocinante. (Rō´-the-nahn´-tay.)

A name, meaning a wornout old cab-horse, that Don Quixote gave to his gaunt steed.

Rosita. (Rō-see´-tah.)

Little Rose. A pet-name from Rosa (Rō-sah.)

Roxa. (Rō-xah.)

Roxana, meaning Dawn of Day. In this story, the name of a cat.

San. (Sahn.)

Saint. The feminine form is Santa (Sahn´-tah.)

Sancho Panza. (Sahn´-ko Pahn´-thah.)

The name, suggesting a round body set on spindle-shanks, is that of Don Quixote’s esquire. Don Quixote, the very soul of romance, arming himself in what seemed to everybody else a ridiculous fashion, rode forth on his lean nag to redress the wrongs of the world, and after him jogged Sancho Panza, on his donkey Dapple, a goblin of commonsense.

Santiago. (Sahn-te-ah´-gō.)

St. James; also the city called by his name. The full name of this Galician city is Santiago de Compostela.

Señor. (Say-nyōr´.)

Sir. Used as Mr. before the surname, not, like Don, before the Christian name. In this story, the children’s father would be addressed by friends as Don Carlos; by strangers as Señor Moreto.

Señora. (Say-nyor´-ah.)

Madame. Used as Mrs. before the surname, not, like Doña, before the Christian name.

Señorito. (Say-nyōr-ee´-to.)

Young sir.

Serení. (Say-ray-nee´.)

See pages 33-34.

Sierra Nevada. (Se-er´-rah Nay-vah´-dah.)

Nevada is an adjective from nieve (ne-ay´-vay), snow; the first meaning of sierra is saw; so that Snowy Saw is the literal name given to the white, keenly cleft mountain-range of southern Spain.

Siesta. (Se-es´-tah.)

The nap after the midday meal, in the heat of early afternoon.

Sombrero. (Som-bray´-ro.) Hat.

Sultan. (Sool-tahn´.)

In Moorish and Turkish lands, Sultan is the title given to the emperor.

Sultana. (Sool-tah´-nah.) Empress.

Teresa. (Tay-ray´-sah.)

Theresa. This name, which means Carrying Ears of Corn, is often given to Spanish girls, because of the sixteenth-century mystic and reformer, Santa Teresa, who was born in Castile.

Tia. (Tee´-ah.) Aunt.

Titirinela. (Te-te-re-nay´-lah.)

A group of singing syllables much like Hey diddle diddle.

Toledo. (To-lay´-dō.)

The oldest and most wonderful city of Castile. See page 186.

Tenorio. (Tay-nō´-re-oh.)

In this story, the name of a tall, thin muleteer.

Ventera. (Ven-tay´-rah.) The woman who keeps an inn. The venta (ven´-tah) in Spain is a poor tavern by the wayside, not so good as the posada (po-sah´-dah) and far inferior to the hotel.

Vigo. (Vee´-go.) A seaport of Galicia.

Virgen. (Veer´-hen.)

Virgin. The Madonna of Saragossa is known as Virgin del Pilar.

Xarifa. (Xah-ree´-fah.)

Xarifa is a Moorish name for a woman. It is used with fine musical effect in Lockhart’s ballad The Bridal of Andalla. There is nothing better than Lockhart’s Spanish Ballads to fill one’s mind with the romance of Spain.

Zinga. (Zin´-gah.) A general name for gypsies in Spain is Zingari (Zin´-gah-e). In this story, Zinga is the name of a gypsy-girl.

Veröffentlichungsdatum auf Litres:
01 August 2017
190 S. 1 Illustration
Public Domain

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