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Schriftart:Kleiner AaGrößer Aa


Are you in faith? When I began writing these texts, I had used an older computer that suddenly broke down. I hadn’t yet secured my data and when I tried to retrieve my texts everything was lost! I was on the edge of a nervous breakdown; I was in desperation and screamed! All that I had written had come from a deep connectivity with my soul. I felt inspired and filled with joy. Now what? I had the feeling of being cut off from my source. I grieved one day, went to bed and tried to comprehend. Even though I had lost these texts, they were inherent parts of me, these were my experiences, and I could not lose them. I exhaled my grief, released it and then immersed into a profound faith. I was suddenly aware, I had to move on, go forward. What I had written once could be written again. Perhaps even more pleasing, that touches my soul with even more resonance. In this night, I woke up shortly after 4 a.m. filled with the confidence that I could rewrite the texts. I got out of bed and wrote and wrote and wrote; each topic elevating me higher and higher. Now I have arrived at this subject: FAITH.

I would like to tell you, trust your soul; it is wise and knows best how to act. Address your divine soul for guidance. Life supports you, Earth supports you, and the celestial powers support you. Deliver yourself into God’s hands, he will sustain you, you are never alone! Breathe out all your sorrow, all your agony, all your grief. Have faith in your strength and courage. Be faithful.

If something in your life happens that makes you falter, then allow yourself to mourn, to be angry, helpless. Only when you accept these emotions, whenever they appear, change will then happen. Do not suppress them. But do not reside in these emotions; move on. Go forward and perceive, all that is important for you is in you. You have nothing to lose. Maybe you cannot perceive your courage and strength for a short period, but these are still integral parts of you. Be assured, you will be guided by your inner-self, by the I AM. Do not surrender. Exercising faith on a daily basis lets it increase and become more beautiful.

Whenever you feel a situation that frightens you, then breathe, consciously breathe out the fear, bless it and let it go. Breathe in light and love. I have done this for over an hour. As you feel the fear disappearing, immerse into your faith, enter your innermost and perceive how fear no longer prevails. Fear is created when we deal with future obligations, things that have not yet happened and will presumably never happen at all. Fear not to survive in life or a hopeless situation can be threatening. In this case observe the fear, bless it and then decide to let it go. Fear constricts, it is the opposite of freedom! What do you want? Live in a box or liberty. This is the question I always ask myself. Remember, I am not holy, omniscient and without fear. It is important for you to know, this is your decision. You decide. Choose your faith, your freedom. Have faith.

You may speak the words:

I AM in faith of my divine guidance

I AM always sheltered

I AM always protected

I trust myself, I trust my soul

I permit myself to perceive all of this and allow it

I am in faith

I bless myself

I bless myself

I bless myself


How do feel about your perception? Do you have the opinion, you cannot perceive the things concealed. Or do you take notice of something but do not allow yourself to feel it, see it or hear it and then discard it. Try to perceive, maybe in a quiet place somewhere in the countryside and admit that there are things not visible, not audible and not perceivable. You will acknowledge that there is more between heaven and earth than the common man is willing to accept. Surely you have thought of a person and instantaneously received a call from him or her. This is one of the great things we can perceive. We are connected to fellow people, we feel them thinking of us.

My husband and I had a wonderful experience. Before going to sleep, I occasionally visualize something pleasant. Tonight I decided to cloak myself within white light. I created a big white cocoon, fluffy on the inside and gently entered. I could behold in front of my inner eye how the cocoon became brighter and the feeling of security grew. It was such a wonderful feeling. I was surrounded by a bright white light. When my husband came to bed later on, he looked around in the darkness and asked me if I have a fresh bedspread. I answered surprised, “No, I do not. I have the same bedspread as you do”. “But your bedspread appears to be much brighter,” he said. Being shortly before falling asleep we did not further discuss it. Next morning at breakfast I asked my husband what he had perceived that night. He said he had the strange impression that my bedspread was much brighter. He could not understand and was irritated. Then I told him what I had visualized before going to sleep. This experience has touched us deeply.

So when you encounter things impartially and open-minded and permit yourself to perceive more than is visible, then change will be definite. Maybe you can perceive what is happening on Earth. Do you recognize the elves and devas in your garden? Do not discard these perceptions, smile, enjoy and say some grateful words to these wonderful entities. You do not have to talk to anybody about it; just enjoy the feeling of being part of it all. Enlarge the frontiers of your perception, this is fun, have faith.

You may speak the words:

I AM prepared for a wider perception

I AM complete perception of the visible and invisible

I honor my perception and trust it

I respect myself

I am in faith

I bless myself

I bless myself

I bless myself


How do you feel? Are you in pain? Do you feel sick? Do you think you cannot change your situation? Do you believe only a doctor can heal you?

Healing begins when you are faithful. When you have faith in your body and soul, then healing is possible. It is said that some diseases are not curable. How do spontaneous regressions happen, where an obviously sick person is immediately healed, in the absence of any treatment? Nobody knows the reason. We do know that healing a person is related to his faith in the healer, be it medical doctor, homeopath or therapist. Well, why not have faith in your own capabilities.

I had been very ill. I had infections in the brain and spinal cord, paralysis, I could only mumble, as if I were drunk. My spinal cord was then punctured. I left the hospital after a two day stay with cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) in a vial. The responsible doctor was enraged; he wanted to treat me with cortisone. I cried all day long, how was I supposed to sustain my family? I did not want to see anybody but my family members. I experienced such a profound process. I allowed myself to be weak and that was a good feeling. When I lay on the couch of my homeopath, still crying, she said, “Karin, don’t cry it’s only a symptom. You will recuperate.” These words touched me deeply and I trusted her and her skills. And of all things, I trusted myself and the process I was going through. Through Applied Kinesiology (AK) she could find out what pathogens were in my CSF and eradicate them. By using the methods of Dr. Klinghardt, she could also unravel and treat the mental causes. After three treatments, all the symptoms were gone and I felt good like never before. That was many years ago and I still feel fine.

I have faith in energetic medicine, like homeopathy and spagyric, because it regards all my aspects, not only the physical. Deep inside I have the urge to be healed of all the sorrow, all the pain and everything that makes me ill. I also believe that other methods help us, if we are prepared to be in faith and accept the process of change and healing. Each person can follow his own itinerary on the road to health. Will you allow healing? Yes, that’s right, allow. I have discovered that we do not allow it, listen to your inner-self. Are you punishing yourself? Do you think you are not entitled to health? Are you carrying a burden for someone else? Are you dismayed? What stands behind this illness? What message is this illness telling you? What are you transforming? Is it actually necessary? Can’t you just start becoming healthy? Do you allow it? Start asking questions, ask your body what it needs? You are not making mistakes, just listen.

What I can tell you is, be good to yourself, even if you are already of good health and even if the others have given you up. Have you given yourself up? May others judge you? Do they have the right to put you in a box? You should rather be angry instead of surrendering. Of course, you can either give up or you can start by being nice to yourself, really nice! You are in the driver’s seat! Leave the others with their judgment behind, send everything back that harms you. Be prepared for the gifts that await you. Allow yourself to take them. Can it be that you deny gifts? For the second time, do not think you are making a mistake. Now let us see what you can do for yourself.


Lie down comfortably, cover yourself with a blanket, and make yourself cozy. If you like, listen to some soothing music. Repeat three times:

I bless my illness

(you may also say,”I bless the pain in my right arm” or whatever grieves you)

I bless my illness

I bless my illness

Breathe in golden light and perceive how it flows through the center of your heart and body. Breathe in a suitable manner. Let this light circulate in your body cells. Imagine how the light is distributed into the cells. Stay in this awareness, your body is filled with light. Your body is light! Now direct your awareness to that part of the body that is now most important. Fill this part with golden light. Be aware, the light transforms your cells and relieves you of all that does not serve you. Breathe out all the grief, all the pain, all the sorrow. You can make a noise when breathing out, haaaa...Everything may leave now; your development does not need it anymore. You do not need illness anymore. Become aware of how the golden light not only heals your body, but how it permeates into all levels of being. Bathe in this light, enjoy it, and feel sheltered and protected. Remember what I told you about the cocoon, you can do that too. Recognize All-That-Is in you, you are a part of God and God is part of you. This has been repeated many times, by me and by others. This does not mean to love only your divine portion; because there are two portions, the divine, amiable and the human, flawed and therefore disagreeable (do you recognize the box?) which may not survive because it is not worth. I can only say, “Oh, my God!” It wasn’t meant so. Well, what did I really mean to say? What am I trying to tell you? Love and respect. Love and respect yourself, love the I AM. Have faith.

You may speak the words:

I AM healthy

I AM now and for all times in absolute health

I AM absolutely in divine security

I permit healing on all levels of my being

I accept healing on all levels of my being

I let all restrictions go

I have faith in myself

I bless myself

I bless myself

I bless myself

Lately I had the idea of letting the golden light flow into my gums. It was a pleasant feeling; my gums appeared to be firm and healthy. I am going to do the same with my teeth. I often bless my organs and other parts of my body. I do this under the shower or when waiting in line at the cash register. I then recite the following:

My dear kidneys, I bless you

My dear liver, I bless you

My dear heart; I bless you

This is all very simple, you can do it anywhere, take your time. If you wish, a person may enter your life and support your healing effort. I have always had this experience. Have faith.


What does expression mean to you? Do you express yourself as you see yourself or do you deny self-expression?

When I started writing these texts, I decided to let myself be guided. A couple of days ago I was invited to a vernissage. A lady and I had a lively conversation and in between I could also behold the pictures and people present. The catalogue described the artworks in very empathic words, but my counterpart and I had no desire to read. We just opened ourselves for the exhibits and let them touch us. Artwork is a language of the heart, of the artist who created it. It can touch us, if it resonates with us, because a person has expressed himself through his art. Art is an urge for self-recognition, to recognize oneself and heal. The artist doesn’t just show an artwork, he shows himself. An artist is a healer. Art changes the world. Bold people, by expressing themselves, lead others. They encourage us to live our lives.

How about you? How do you express yourself? Have you ever painted a picture, danced, played an instrument, done woodworking or pottery. Do you sing, write poetry? Do you allow yourself to simply exist? Do you allow yourself to be free? Or have you never tried because you didn’t think you could accomplish anything? Did somebody say so?

If you are susceptible to any form of expression, then just do it! Do not try to comprehend, just paint, dance, take photos, play an instrument and write, right out of your heart. Do it only for yourself. Joy and delight are the only things important. Do not judge!

A couple of months ago, I had the inspiration, “now I am going to draw my angel of healing.” I bought a canvas and on a sunny summer day I went outside and started to paint. Already during painting I was so moved. If I should judge my art as marketable, I would say no. But that is not relevant, painting has given me so much joy and peace, now the picture is in the bedroom and I always take a glance before going to sleep. Sometimes I also dance in the living room, in earlier days with my baby daughters in my arms. A wonderful feeling.

What is wonderful for you? Do you like to drum? Do yoga? Express yourself. Whatever you decide, do it with all your heart. Have faith.

You may speak the words:

I bless the abundance in me that I will now express

I have faith in me

I love myself

I respect the desire for my actual self-expression

I bless myself

I bless myself

I bless myself


Perhaps you have read a lot about the Inner Child? Maybe you have wondered. The access to your inner child is the access to your joie de vivre. To the aspect that lets you joyfully discover new worlds. Do you allow this? Or did someone say grown-ups do not do this. What does grown-up mean? Does it mean being strict and stern or does it mean taking responsibility for one’s life.

There once was a time when I felt cut off from my joy of life. I was imprisoned in a treadmill of responsibilities. I had a desire for that limitless joy, which emerges from the deepest innermost. I wanted to live again, really live and be free! Where was this source now? Had I lost access? Had it failed me? And after I had lost my job after thirty years of work, I was back in that transformation process. I bought a little teddy bear and whenever I retreated I would hold my teddy firmly in my arms, I couldn’t let him go. I wept so many tears on him until he was completely soaked. I asked my teddy, “What’s happening to me?” I soon found out. The teddy bear was an essential part of me, the part I could not find, the part I thought was lost. After I had wept all the tears of sorrow, I had a sense of freedom. The teddy had helped me into discovering myself. I had found my inner child again. It had been sitting in the corner of an empty room, alone and forgotten. I invited it to return onto my lap. There I took it in my arms and cuddled it. I cradled it, I comforted it, I petted it and said, “I will never let you go again. We both belong together, I will always provide for you. We will never be alone again. I love you.”

Whatever has happened, allow yourself to recognize your inner child. Retrieve it, embrace it, dance and sing with it. It is an important part of you; it allows you to live your life in joy. My teddy has performed very good services and it is absolutely not silly to acquire a little helper, even though my family grinned irritably when I arrived at home. Such an aide can be helpful when searching for awareness, take him with you wherever you go. When observing him, smile and remember your inner child, that it needs your acceptance and loving care. When you are ready to accept and love your inner child, it will award you with freedom joy of life. Have faith.

You may speak the words:

I AM the joy of my life

I AM love to myself and all my features

I allow the joy

I allow the freedom

I bless you my dear inner child because you belong to me

I have faith in you and me, for we are one

I bless myself

I bless myself

I bless myself

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