Umfang 200 seiten
An Account of Two Voyages to New-England, Made During the Years 1638, 1663
Über das Buch
This is a historical and factual account of the author's two voyages made to New England in the 17th century. When he made his first voyage it was not long after Boston had been settled by the early pilgrims and he describes it as « rather a village than a town, there being not above twenty or thirty houses.» By the time he returned 25 years later, Boston had grown considerably and «had assumed the proportions of a flourishing seaport.» John Josselyn describes the content of his book as «Wherein you have the setting out of a Ship, With the charges; The prices of all necessaries for furnishing a Planter & his Family at his first coming; A Description of the Country, Natives and Creatures; The Government of the Countrey as it is now possessed by the English, &c. A large Chronological Table of the most remarkable passages from the first discovering of the Continent of America, to the year 1673.»