27 Club. How the idols were dying. Sex, drugs and rock and roll

Umfang 25 seiten


27 Club. How the idols were dying. Sex, drugs and rock and roll

1,41 €

Über das Buch

Forever young musicians. Full list and rare facts. The list of «27 Club» is not limited to Amy Winehouse and Jim Morrison. In this unusual club more than 40 names! Richie Edwards, Dmitry Chekov, Alexander Korzhov, Mia Katherine Zapata, Igor Chumychkin, Pete da Freitas and many others! So talented, so young. What other beautiful music could they give the world if they did not leave so early?

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Veröffentlichungsdatum auf Litres:
18 Januar 2018
25 S. 18 Illustrationen
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