Accelerate Your Metabolism

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Accelerate Your Metabolism
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Accelerate Your Metabolism:

How To Stimulate Your Metabolism While Losing Weight And Gaining Health & Energy Every Day

(Step by Step Weight Loss Guide With Delicious Recipes Ideas)

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Copyright © 2019 - HOMEMADE LOVING'S

All rights reserved.


What is metabolism and energy metabolism?

Nutrients for the metabolism

Effects of an inefficient metabolism

The right diet for a fit metabolism

The "magic formula" of the dream body

The JoJo effect - and why it exists

The right nutrition for the dream body

Delivering the right energy

Protein - The slimming product

Spice yourself up slim

Physical activity to stimulate the metabolism

The (sporty) mixture makes the difference

The Training Plan

Five simple weight loss tips for everyday use

Saving carbohydrates through simple habit changes

More exercise in everyday life

Be sure to use healthy fats

More proteins instead of carbohydrates

Season yourself slim

What is intermittent fasting?

The theoretical and historical background of intermittent fasting

For whom is intermittent fasting suitable?

Health benefits of intermittent fasting

Intermittent fasting against civilization diseases

Intermittent fasting and diet

Successful weight loss with intermittent fasting

Intermittent fasting and detoxification

The concept of purification

How long do you fast?

Practical Guide: The 16/8 Method in Practice

Other methods of intermittent fasting

Delicious recipes for breakfast

Delicious recipes for lunch

Delicious recipes for dinner

Delicious recipes for smoothies

Closing Remarks


Who doesn't know that? The slender colleague can apparently eat what she wants without putting on a single gram, while even the smallest piece of chocolate makes itself felt on your hips. "I just have a fast metabolism" is what you often hear from people like that. But what is it about metabolism and can anyone boost their metabolism in such a way that they can eat masses of fast food and sweets without gaining weight?

Of course, it's not that simple. To a certain extent, the metabolism is genetically determined, so the big piece of cream cake will probably not remain without regrets in the future.

With a healthy diet, lots of physical exercise and some easy-to-follow nutrition tips, you will get your metabolism going in such a way that you can easily maintain your desired weight even without a diet.

I will explain to you exactly what the metabolism is all about and how you can positively influence it.

With the right diet, it's easy. I will give you tips on how you can accelerate your metabolism through physical exercise and burn fat easily.

Afterwards I will give you five simple everyday tricks that can be integrated into every life and with which you can effortlessly achieve your desired weight, stay healthy and feel completely comfortable in your skin.

What is metabolism and energy metabolism?

So what's with the metabolism now? Strictly speaking, there are several metabolic processes in the body in which different substances - energy in the form of carbohydrates and fats, cell building blocks in the form of protein - are used in the body.

When it comes to weight and weight loss, the energy metabolism is particularly interesting. Energy metabolism is the process by which the calories supplied to the body from outside are converted into energy. This process takes place constantly in every single cell of our body, and at the same time all organs of our body play their role, just like the different instruments in an orchestra.

The food we eat is broken down into its individual components in the gastrointestinal tract. These are then absorbed into the bloodstream via the intestinal mucosa and transported to where they are needed. Our cells resemble small incinerators in which the calories consumed in the food are burned, creating heat energy.

This energy allows us to move our muscles in the first place - every movement, from pressing the remote control to running a marathon, requires energy. In addition to the energy metabolism, the so-called building metabolism also takes place, which serves to build up and maintain body mass and for which primarily protein, but also fat and other substances are needed.

Nutrients for the metabolism

All cells in our body are in a

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