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Confident Teens
How to raise a positive, confident and happy teenager
Gael Lindenfield


To my husband, Stuart, who has been the most supportive co-parent I could ever have hoped to have. His optimism, down-to-earth wisdom and sense of fun helped transform many a moment of angst into a positive, uplifting experience.

Table of Contents

Cover Page

Title Page



Part one

What Exactly is Confidence?

21 Golden Rules

Part two

The Angst Tests

The Problems

Answer Time!

A Final Word

Further Help



By the same author


About the Publisher


Would you believe that it has taken me a full six years to summon up the confidence to write this book?!

And that is in spite of:

 having re-built my own confidence from the rockiest of rock bottoms

 achieving a successful career for the past 25 years by helping others to build theirs

 receiving streams of letters and calls from grateful readers of one of my earlier books, Confident Children

 being asked countless times by parents, teachers, youth workers and editors to write this book

and, most importantly:

 having launched two highly confident teenagers into the world.

So, ‘what was your problem?’ you might well ask. In a nutshell, I felt overwhelmed by the responsibility of taking on such a vital task, knowing that never in a million years could it be done perfectly!

Then, thanks to a flash of insight, I realized that was exactly how so many parents of teens currently feel.

The actual task of building enough confidence in children to enable them to thrive in today’s world is just as daunting as writing a book on the subject. The difference is that most parents have to tackle their task without the benefit of hindsight or professional expertise – and they don’t have the luxury of saying ‘No!’

So applying the magic of the ‘Just Do It!’ approach, I started to write. Once in the flow, my problem changed. I found that I had enough confidence and material to write five volumes! The big problem facing me now was how to contain myself and my subject. I knew I had to condense my thoughts into one slim book because how many parents have the time and energy to read much else? I hope that you will find this book easier to read and more practical to use than the encyclopaedia that could have emerged!

Above all, teens need confident parents to set them an inspiring example. Therefore, one of my main aims in writing this book is to provide a self-help tool to build and boost your confidence as a parent. So, although for obvious reasons the content of the book centres around difficulties you may encounter, please don’t lose sight of the positives. The fact is that the vast majority of parents have a great time parenting their teens. I can honestly say that the years I spent with my teens were the most exciting and rewarding of my life. Of course there were some tantrums and traumas – I expected that. (Aren’t the dire warnings about adolescent angst and anti-social behaviour everywhere?) But what I didn’t expect was the amazing degree of fun, companionship and life-broadening experiences that totally outweighed the difficulties. I hope this proves to be your experience of parenting your teen as well.

If from time to time it doesn’t, don’t take all the blame upon yourself. Doing this will neither help you nor your teen. Although as parents we have a powerful role to play in building the confidence of our children, we have to accept that many other factors can be highly influential as well. It is hard enough for adults to feel good about themselves in our current world. More and more people are feeling daunted by the competitive pressure that globalization has brought and the ever-moving goalposts in the world of work. At the same time, vast numbers of us are feeling personal failures. It is proving so hard to keep on top of the hectic lifestyle we lead and live up to the images of perfection that the mass media floods our minds with. Seeing so many adults around them ‘losing it’, is it any wonder that teenagers often feel that they have little chance in the jungle either?

In addition, a number of you will have inherited extra obstacles. Your child may, for example, have a genetic pre-disposition which has stacked the cards against them. A shy or volatile temperament or an intellectual or physical disability can make it much harder for a child to achieve their potential and integrate into their community. Alternatively, your family may have had to struggle with social or economic disadvantages, which none of you asked for – or deserved! Teenagers from minority ethnic groups or from poor communities often have good reason to have less self-esteem and also have fewer chances to acquire the skills that help build confidence.

Finally, please also remember that no one but a saint could sail through these challenging years without frequently running into problems and breaking many of the Golden Rules, which I discuss later. Confident parents are not perfect people. They know they have faults and make mistakes. But they persevere in spite of their own imperfections and setbacks. They do not remain daunted by challenges for long – when they decide to ‘go for it’, they embrace the challenges and enjoy them!

Part one

Raising Confident Teens:

Everything You Need to Know!

What Exactly is Confidence?

She’s an intelligent, talented girl and a pleasure to have in the class, but she could do so much more if only she had more confidence.’

Yes, he does get picked on. If he was a bit more confident they’d probably leave him alone.’

Why didn’t she tell me this herself? If I’d known before I could have helped. The trouble is that she’s so quiet. If she’d only speak up more in class.’

There’s nothing stopping him but himself. He’s got to believe he can do it. He’s too much of a worrier.’

These are the kind of remarks that have sent parents running to see me. Their cry of despair and guilt is almost invariably the same:

I know she needs more confidence, but what can I do? I’ve tried everything. We couldn’t love the children more than we do. It’s not that we want them to be super-successful – we just want them to be happy and give them the best start in life. Where have we gone wrong?

The first task, as in any kind of problem-solving process, is to stop beating ourselves up about what we have or haven’t done. The second is to break down what appears to be an impossibly giant problem into manageable proportions. If you promise to take care of the first, I will now attempt to help you with the second!

Several years ago, after carefully observing the characteristics and behaviour of confident and not-so-confident people and studying the research, I decided that self-confidence is actually a package. In that package we would expect to find a good-enough supply of eight key ingredients. Some of these are personal qualities, which feed our inner confidence, and others are learned social skills, which enable us to handle the outside world in a confident manner. If we are lucky enough to have a good-enough supply of all eight of these ingredients, we seem to have an extra boost of personal power and feel and appear to be what I call Super Confident.

8 Key Ingredients of Super Confidence

Inner confidence:

 self-love (adopting self-nurturing behaviour and lifestyle)

 self-knowledge (reflecting on feelings, thoughts and behaviour)

 clear goals (having a strong sense of purpose)

 positive thinking (expecting and looking for good experiences and outcomes)

Outer confidence:

 communication skills (communicating effectively with people)

 self-presentation (‘looking the part’ of a confident person)

 assertiveness (expressing needs directly and insisting upon one’s rights)

 emotional control (keeping ‘the upper hand’ on emotions)

Meet the Super Confident Teen

Now I’d like you to use your imagination to visualize some teenagers brimming with ‘super confidence’. I am aware that, unless you inhabit a different planet to me, you might find it difficult to bring this image to mind. So here are some clues. This is what you should be imagining:

1. Being full of SELF-LOVE, you would see them:

 eating highly nutritious, well-balanced, regular meals; keeping away from all forms of junk food and going very easy on toxic drinks

 saying a firm ‘No’ to debilitating late nights and all night raves

 sharing their achievements openly and proudly with the rest of the world and never putting themselves down

2. Having a high degree of SELF-KNOWLEDGE, you would see them:

 looking at ease if you saw them confronted with a difficult decision or dilemma because they have such a clear idea of what they believe to be right and wrong

 achieving goals because they know exactly what their strengths and weaknesses are, and they would play on one and avoid using the other

3. Having CLEAR GOALS, you would see them:

 leaping out of bed with enthusiasm each morning because they would be pursuing a vivid ‘life-dream’

 working purposefully. You would never catch them dithering about what to do next

4. Being great POSITIVE THINKERS, you would see them:

 chatting optimistically about their future plans

 looking for the best qualities in the people around them

5. Being highly SKILLED COMMUNICATORS, you would see them:

 listening carefully and patiently before saying their piece

 presenting their case in an articulate and appealing manner

6. Being skilled at SELF-PRESENTATION, you would see them:

 choosing to wear clean, eye-catching clothes

 refusing to wear or be sold clothes that didn’t suit them even though they might be the latest ‘in’ look

 keeping their living space adequately tidy and attractive

7. Knowing how to be ASSERTIVE, you would see them:

 negotiating for their rights using a calm voice and logical argument

 willingly compromising more often than not

 standing up for the rights of people who are not able to fight their own battles

8. Having great EMOTIONAL CONTROL, you would see them:

 calmly doing relaxation exercises before any anxiety-provoking occasion such as an exam or interview

 controlling their temper in the face of frustration

 re-motivating themselves with rewards and positive self-talk when they hit a rough patch or a setback

Would it be a dream to live with such a creature? No, of course not. In fact, I think it would be a nightmare! You might appreciate it for an odd day or two, but not I guess for much longer. You wouldn’t like to live with a paragon of consistent confident virtue anymore than they would like saints for their parents. So why did I ask you to visualize a teenager brimming with super confidence? Well, in self-development work I have found that even if our aim is to reach a good-enough standard 95% of the time, it is useful to have an image of perfection by which to judge our progress and inspire us to attain on the odd occasion!

About the Golden Rules

In the following chapter you will find the 21 Golden Rules for parents, which will show you step-by-step how to build a good-enough measure of inner and outer confidence in your teenager. Hopefully you will find the rules easy to remember so that they can be used as a day-to-day guide. As each rule contains a number of tips, I envisage that they could also serve as a checklist to consult when you encounter a problem that you feel overwhelmed by. I have devised the Golden Rules as ‘standards of excellence’ – reflecting on how you are measuring up against each Rule may give you an idea of where to start making some changes. But don’t forget, as I said in my introduction, this is a ‘rough guide’ and not a ‘bible’– it is good for parents, as well as teenagers, to break rules sometimes!

It is good for parents to break rules sometimes!

21 Golden Rules
Rule 1: Teach by Example Before Giving Instructions

‘I tell myself time and again to overlook mother’s bad example. I only want to see her good points, and to look inside myself for what is lacking in her. But it doesn’t work…’

Anne Frank, Diary of a Young Girl

It is no coincidence that I have put this particular rule at the top of my list. I firmly believe that the single most important thing we can do to help our teenagers develop confidence is to ensure that our own is as strong and healthy as it possibly can be. Ironically, it is during this stage of parenting that our own confidence is often at its most rocky. Not only is it usually midlife crisis time for us personally and in our careers, it is also a time when, as parents, we are continually faced with daunting dilemmas and decisions that we know will have profound consequences on the future of our child. Rarely can we be sure that we will get it right.

Should we put our foot down now or will that make her more rebellious?

I want him to be happy and enthusiastic about his work, but if I let him give up that subject, will it hold him back at University?

If we ban smoking at home, won’t that make them go underground with it and then what?

Once we have made up our agonized mind, we may then have to face a barrage of opposition. We can sometimes feel very isolated and alone. Even those closest to us may disagree with the line we take or the decision we make. Most of us find that over at least some issues we are on opposite sides of the fence to people who have hitherto been great sources of support and love. It’s not just our newly empowered and often rebellious teens who will tell us that we are most definitely wrong. Many of the people who have consulted me have found that, at the same time, they also have to face opposition from their other children, their partner, the grandparents, teachers and sports coaches.

‘Parents of young adolescents are often struggling with their own midlife crisis at the time when their children reach puberty.’

Laurence Steinberg with Wendy Steinberg, Crossing Paths

Being human, many of us will then find that our frustration gets the better of us. We start responding to this criticism in ways that we know we shouldn’t. For example, we might counter our teen’s ‘attack’ with equally hurtful putdowns, such as ‘That’s a bit rare coming from someone with a pigsty of a bedroom like yours’ or an authoritarian reminder of the limit of their power, such as ‘Don’t cheek me or you’ll be sorry’.

Perhaps teaching by example will be the best parenting tool you will ever have. It is likely to continue to wield its impact long after our children have left home, as these examples from adults with confidence problems illustrate.

Josie, a student from a small rural town, was in her first year at university in London – she was referred for counselling by her tutor who spotted that she was underachieving.

My parents hardly ever went anywhere. We lived in a quiet street and although the neighbours were very friendly, mostly we kept ourselves to ourselves. Both mum and dad are quite shy – I suppose I take after them. Mum was on pills for her nerves from the doctors most of the time. She’s not seriously ill or anything. She just gets very nervous and hasn’t got much confidence.

…I never went on any of the school holidays – mum would have worried too much and anyway, I know I would have been too homesick. Our holidays were taken in our own caravan and we usually went to the same spot in Brittany. Often my mum’s sister’s family came with us.

I’m not complaining. I had a very happy childhood. We’re a close family and I always got on well with my younger sister. She’s my best friend.

It was a real culture shock when I came here to university. I’d only ever been to London once or twice before – just to do the usual visits to the museums. I didn’t even have to come for an interview here.

…The girls in hall were very friendly; I suppose after a while I just retreated into my shell. I went out a few times but I felt silly – well, different, anyway. So I just started to make excuses.

But I don’t want to go back home. I like the course and my parents would be really upset if I quit. You see, I’m the first in the family to go to university – it’s funny, they think I’m really confident!

Jill, a 37–year-old marketing manager, was seeking help because she was depressed.

I never thought I’d hear myself saying this but I’m just like my mother – though she’d be the last person to see it. I’m everything she’d like to be. She’s always telling me that she wished she had a life like mine. A busy job, always out meeting people and giving presentations. What she doesn’t know is I hate it. I’m in a panic the whole time. I am always worrying about what people think of me.

And I know I am often considered “stand-offish”. Boyfriends are always saying they can’t get through to me. That’s because I don’t let them. The truth is that I don’t like myself very much – so basically I am like my mother. I can remember getting really mad with her as a teenager when she put herself down all the time. Now I find myself doing just the same. I may not be doing it openly like her, but inside I’m always knocking myself…I don’t think I’ve ever been truly happy.’

Jim, a 29–year-old gas fitter, was dragged to counselling by his wife because their marriage was on the rocks, mainly due to his short fuse.

My dad never stood up to my mother. She walked all over him. But then he never stood up to anyone…I remember an occasion when we were on holiday when I was fourteen. We were on the beach and had set up our chairs and towels. We went off for a swim and when we came back the chairs had been moved and another family had taken our spot. My dad said nothing to them. When I said it wasn’t fair, he just said (as he always did): “It’s best not to make a fuss. It only leads to trouble.”

I was determined no one was going get the better of me like that. But I don’t want to blame him. I should be able to control myself…it’s all a front. You know, inside I’m a real softie. I don’t want to hurt anyone. Would you believe what I really wanted to be was a doctor. I had the brains but not the bedside manner!

And you know this is my third attempt at the marriage game, don’t you?

All these parents had cared deeply for their children. There was never any shortage of love or security. But none of them were good-enough role models in terms of confidence. They would have been heartbroken if they knew what unhappiness this inadequacy had caused. Sadly, it would have been so easy to correct. It is never too late to build confidence.

So for those of you who know that your own confidence is shakier than you would like it to be, here are some tips which I hope will help.

It is never too late to become a confident parent.

Top Tips

Find sources of support before you need them. Ironically, the worst time to be searching for support is when our self-esteem is at its rockiest. If you know that there is a chance that your confidence could plummet under the pressure of parenting your teen, make sure that you have already identified the people to whom you could turn to for help. This could be a professional person such as your doctor, or an approachable teacher at school. Tell them of your concern. (Your lack of confidence may not be obvious to the outside world.) Ask them if they would be prepared to support you through any crisis. You could even talk through some contingency plans with them. To save you worrying alone with some of your worst fears, make plans for how to cope should your worst fear be realized. Preparation is one of the unsung skills of confident people.

Test yourself with these examples:

– Your daughter is sleeping with her boyfriend. What would you do if she became pregnant? Who would you first turn to? What organizations might be your best support?

– Your son is going around with a group of friends and you know that at least two of his friends smoke cannabis. What would you do if the police come knocking on the door one day? Who could best advise you in this situation?

– Your daughter fails an important exam. She is devastated and won’t be consoled by you? Who could you turn to for support?

– Your son’s girlfriend has finished with him. He says he doesn’t care, but he’s become very moody. He isn’t washing or eating very much. You are worried he might be becoming seriously depressed. Who could you turn to? Who might be the best person to talk to your son?

Preparation is one of the unsung skills of confident people.

Meet regularly with other parents of teens – even though you may moan and groan together sometimes, make sure that the majority of your contacts enjoy being parents most of the time. You can either do this informally with friends or neighbours, or formally by joining a parenting network group. (Your library or the Internet will have details of groups in your area.) The test of whether a group or friends are truly supportive of you is whether you can feel free to share your successes as well as your problems. Try it out by telling someone how pleased you were with a good decision you made or how well you responded in a certain crisis. (Tough medicine, I know, for people who lack confidence!)

Start and finish each day doing something that you enjoy. How many times do you go to bed feeling stressed and harassed and then wake-up feeling even worse? Get in the habit of making both getting up and going to bed relaxing and self-nurturing experiences. Try taking an aromatherapy bath instead of a shower; listening to your favourite music instead of the depressing news; reading a chapter of an uplifting novel before reading the paper, or pampering your body with luxurious creams before ‘throwing on’ your clothes in the morning.

Start a new learning activity. Have you ever glanced at your teens’ homework or curriculum and felt woefully aware of how out-of-date some of your education and skills have become? (And, yes, they do rub it in!) Try counteracting the depressing effect of this reality by learning something new. This should be a stretching activity, but an enjoyable one. (You have enough of the daunting kind of challenges in your everyday life!)

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