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Buch lesen: «Modern English Biography (volume 1 of 4) A-H», Seite 132


Druid, The i.e. Henry Hall Dixon 883.

Dubois, Alfred i.e. James Stuart Bowes 358.

Eccletus i.e. Luke Howard 1554.

Edwards, Mr. i.e. George Matthews Ede 956.

Elgate, Arthur de Cripp i.e. Thomas Gray 1220.

Eliot, George i.e. Mary Ann Evans 771.

Englishman, A i.e. William Whittaker Barry 183.

Eos Glan Twrch i.e. John Edwards 966.

Ephemera i.e. Edward Fitzgibbon 1060–61.

Erith, Lynn i.e. Edward Fox 1094.

Esse quam videri i.e. John Baker Hopkins 1533.

Ex-Madras Civilian i.e. James Dewar Bourdillon 349.

Father Thomas i.e. Thomas Doyle 913.

Felix, Nicholas i.e. Nicholas Wanostrocht 1032.

Fiat Justitia i.e. Rev. Thomas Binney 280.

Fisher, P. i.e. William Andrew Chatto 600.

Flag Officer, A i.e. Edward Hawker 1385.

Florenz i.e. Charlotte Elliot 978.

Forester, Frank i.e. Henry William Herbert 1440.

Fpaid, I. D. i.e. John Evans 1004.

Gentleman in Black, The i.e. Charles Clarke 631.

Gershom i.e. Julius Edmund Goodwyn 1175.

Goggle, Mungo Coulter i.e. Robert D. Hamilton 1304.

Gohebydd Llandain i.e. John Griffiths 1247.

Grant, Gerald i.e. Gertrude Elizabeth Grant 1202.

Grinn, The Brothers i.e. E. L. Blanchard and Thomas L. Greenwood 1231.

Henry, D. S. i.e. Henry Dircks 881.

Hertfordshire incumbent, An i.e. Joseph Williams Blakesley 305.

Hieover Harry i.e. Charles Bindley 277.

Hogg, Nathan i.e. Thomas Baird 134.

Holdreth, Lionel H. i.e. Percy Greg 1231.

Holt, Sestertius i.e. William White Cooper 713.

Hotspur i.e. Henry Buck 460.

Hotspur i.e. Henry Mort Feist 1032.

Ianthe i.e. Charlotte Mary Bacon 120.

Ingoldsby i.e. James Hildyard 1467.

Ion i.e. Ellen St. John Hunt 1589.

Ishmael i.e. Josiah Harris 1349.

Ismael i.e. Christopher A. M. Harris 1346.

Iskander i.e. Aleksandr I. Hertzen 1450.

Jack i.e. Marianne Elizabeth Godwin 1165.

Jones, T. Percy i.e. William Edmondstone Aytoun 116.

Junius Redivivus i.e. William Bridges Adams 19.

Knot, Maple i.e. Ebenezer Clemo 645.

L. S. E. i.e. Michael Augustus Gathercole 1130.

Lady, A i.e. Charlotte Susan Maria Bury 496.

Lady in the Country i.e. Anna Gurney 1260.

Layman, A i.e. Thomas Carlyle 550.

Layman, A i.e. John Sibbald Edison 959.

Layman, A i.e. Sir Walter Scott 1179.

Layman, A Protestant i.e. William Harty 1363.

Layman of the church of England, A i.e. W. A. I. Grant 1207.

Lee, Gibbons i.e. William Bennett 244.

Lewes, Walton i.e. Jeremiah Bowen 356.

Libertas i.e. Peter Brown 437.

Libra i.e. Edward Brotherton 423.

Manchester manufacturer i.e. Richard Cobden 659.

Martel, Charles i.e. Thomas Delf 853.

Member of University of Oxford i.e. W. M. Hutton 1609.

Miles i.e. Henry Walter 1433.

Mother of Six i.e. Matthew James Higgins 1464.

Myfyr Morganwg i.e. Evan Davies 826.

Myrtle, Harriet i.e. Mary Gillies 1150.

Neil, Ross i.e. Isabella N. Harwood 1369.

Nemo i.e. Aaron Levy Green 1222.

Nimrod i.e. Charles James Apperley 76.

Nordmann, Rudolph i.e. George F. Harris 1348.

Old Follower of Sir H. D. Chad’s i.e. Montagu Burrows 580.

Oliver, Stephen the younger i.e. William Andrew Chatto 600.

Omnium, Jacob i.e. Matthew James Higgins 1464.

O’Reilly, Miles i.e. Charles Graham Halpine 1296.

Outis i.e. Luke Howard 1554.

Owl, the figure of an i.e. Clement Henry Bennett 240.

Oxford Divine, A i.e. Henry Bellenden Bulteel 472.

P–. P–. poet laureate i.e. George Daniel 811.

Page, H. A. i.e. A. H. Japp 1502.

Pamphilius i.e. David Mitchell Aird 34.

Parallax i.e. Samuel Birley Rowbotham 1311.

Pariah, A i.e. Caroline Frances Cornwallis 722.

Parley, Peter i.e. Samuel Clark 628.

Paterfamilias i.e. Matthew James Higgins 1464.

Phiz i.e. Hablot Knight Browne 443.

Pilgrim i.e. Edward Brotherton 423.

Piscator i.e. William Hughes 1578.

Piscator i.e. Henry Walter 1433.

Pobman i.e. John Griffiths 1247.

Pollock, Guy i.e. Robert Douglas Hamilton 1304.

Powdavie i.e. Peter Robert Drummond 921.

Providus i.e. Matthew James Higgins 1464.

Punjabee i.e. William Delafield Arnold 88.

Quid i.e. Robert Allan Fitzgerald 1059.

Reader in British Museum i.e. Andrea Crestadoro 758.

Reuben i.e. Robert Stephen Hawker 1385.

Roberts, Captain i.e. A. C. Hobart 1487.

Rustum i.e. Sir Henry Lindesay Bethune 264.

Santa Croce, Rosalia i.e. Clara de Chatelain 598.

Scriblerus Redivivus i.e. Edward Caswall 569.

Scrutator i.e. Walter Henry 1433.

Search, John i.e. Thomas Binney 281.

Septuagenarian, A. i.e. James Booth 337.

Sister Mary Theresa i.e. Frances Ball 145.

Slick, Sam i.e. Thomas Chandler Haliburton 1280.

Smitheram, T. i.e. Thomas H. Harvey 1367.

Sparks, Timothy i.e. Charles Dickens 443.

Sportsman, A i.e. Charles Clarke 631.

Spot Stroke i.e. Henry Buck 460.

Staff Surgeon i.e. Henry Walter 1433.

Straws i.e. Joseph M. Field 1042.

Student of the Middle Temple, A i.e. J. Beldam 225.

Student of University of Glasgow i.e. William Hamilton Drummond 921.

Summerly, Felix i.e. Sir Henry Cole 671.

Summerly, Mrs. Felix i.e. Sir H. Cole 671.

Swanquill, Sylvanus i.e. John Hewitt 1455.

Templar, Claude i.e. John W. G. L. Daugars 820.

Temple, Neville i.e. Julian Henry Charles Fane 1019.

Thirsty Soul, A i.e. Matthew James Higgins 1464.

Tradleg, Nitram i.e. Edmund Martin Geldart 1134.

Traveller, A Companion i.e. F. E. S. Harris 1347.

Trevor, Edward i.e. E. R. Bulwer-Lytton 1019.

Tuvar, Lorenzo i.e. Wilson Armistead 83.

Two Brothers i.e. A. W. and J. C. Hare 1334.

University Professor, A i.e. Alexander Harvey 1364.

V. i.e. Caroline Clive 652.

Vega, Senor Juan de i.e. Charles Cochrane 660.

Veritas i.e. Joseph Hughes 1575.

Von Beck, The Baroness i.e. Wilhelmina Racidula 215.

Walker, Patricius i.e. William Allingham 736.

Ward, Artemus i.e. Charles F. Browne 442, 1482.

Wattie i.e. Walter Chisholm 612.

West Londoner, A i.e. Matthew James Higgins 1464.

Wittitterly, John Altrayd i.e. E. C. T. Carne 552.

Wmffra, Edward i.e. John Griffiths 1247.

Wray, Leopold i.e. Clara de Chatelain 598.

Yendys, Sydney i.e. Sydney Thompson Dobell 886.

Y Gohebydd i.e. John Griffiths 1247.

Ziska, Leopoldine i.e. Clara de Chatelain 598.

Zoophilus i.e. Edward Blyth 320.

Public health, first lecturer on 1228.

Public houses, clergyman obtaining a license for a house which was not in existence 279,

four hundred houses owned by one person 1051.


Adams 1305,

Bentley 249, 669,

Blackett 669,

Brown 439,

Butterworth 502,

Cassell 568,

Chambers 587–88,

Churchill 619,

Colburn 669,

Constable 696,

Dolman 891,

Gall 1117,

Galpin 568,

Gammon 1119,

Green 1222,

Hamilton 1305,

Hardwicke 1331,

Hodgson 1494,

Hogg 1502,

Hurst 669, 1602,

Miles 1305,

Ogle 1305,

Petter 568.


Bendigo turned preacher 238,

Fistiana 907, 908,

Habet or the law on pugilism 383.


Baldwin 141,

Belcher 224,

Bendigo 237,

Brettle 392,

Broome H. A. 422,

Broome John 422, 1319,

Burn 482,

Cannon 537,

Caunt 573,

Crawley 756,

Cribb 49,

Garrett 1126,

Gully 1258,

Hannan 1319,

Hayes 1399,

Heenan 907, 1416,

Holden 1504,

Holt 1517,

Hurst 1602,

King 1417,

Mace 392, 1602,

Molineaux 49,

Morrissey 1417,

Paddock 1602,

Sayers 392, 907, 1417.

Pugin, Augustus d. 1832 architect, his articled pupils 497, 1038.

Pugin, Augustus W. N. d. 1852 architect, his friend 1196.

Pumps, centrifugal rotary invented 78,

double action air invented 888.

Punch and Judy, account of 678.

Purchas, Rev. John d. 1872 of Brighton, ritualist 1144.

Pusey, Rev. Edward Bouverie d. 1882,

a founder of Pusey scholarship 976,

assisted Forbes in “An explanation of 39 articles” 1075.


Quacks and quackery, revelations of 733.

Quadrille band, Coote 713.

Quakers, See Friends 1690.

Quaternions invented 1307.

Queen’s Bench prison, prisoners received from Westminster hall 441.

Queensberry, William duke of d. 1810, his will 1449.

Queen’s county, lord lieutenant 867.

Quin, Edwin R. W. W. d. 1871, earl of Dunraven 940.


Rachel, Madame d. 1880, enameller of ladies’ faces 770.

Racing, Derby, paintings of winners of 1285,

intelligence agent 1356,

judge of 627,

marquis of Hastings’ career 1372,

race horse, life of a 911,

Running Rein fraud 1470.

Racing men,

Anglesey 71,

Barber 156,

Bowes 358,

Chesterfield 605,

Clark 625,

Cleveland 647,

Clifden 647,

Craven 753,

Derby 863,

Durham 942,

Eastwood 955,

Eglinton 971,

Etwall 999,

Exeter 1010,

Farquharson 1023,

Glasgow 1155,

Graham 1198,

Gratwicke 1210,

Greville 1239,

Gully 1258,

Hargreaves 1337,

Hastings 1371,

Hawley 1391,

Howth 1562,

Hughes 1577.

Raft, Cookesley’s 706.

Ragged schools, early promoters of 1235,

popularised by Guthrie 1265.


atmospheric 137, 453, 732,

axles, lubricating mixture for 337,

breaks, continuous first suggested 219,

buffers, patent 92,

buffers, spring 337, 888,

carriage builders 94,

cases relating to 560,

compensation for personal injury 1288,

coupling screws 337,

curves, laying down of 137,

director, the oldest 107,

electrical communication in trains 377,

excursion and express trains introduced 1474,

fall in 1847 of value of shares 1566,

fish joint 19,

floating 346,

hook headed spikes 476,

Hudson’s frauds 1566,

iron permanent way 845,

lattice girders for bridges 346,

locomotive for an incline 888,

locomotive, the star 888,

mania of 1845 notice of 851,

parallel rail and pedestal 800,

person who attended turning first sod of every new railway 1337,

rails improved 127,

rails, steel 889,

railway king 1566,

signals, self acting 793,

swing bridges 272,

switch invented 1094,

switch, self acting 888,

three foot six inch guage 1060,

ticket system invented 962,

ticket printing establishment 962,

turn table 888.

Railway lines.

Abergele accident 260, 611, 1022.

Bolton and Leigh made 800.

Bristol and South Wales union made 423.

Great Western constructed 581,

Paddington station built 453,

manager 1242,

stock, price of 1242.

Lancashire and Yorkshire, original meeting 421.

Leeds and Selby made 107.

Liverpool and Manchester, promoters of 336,

opened 1171.

London and North Western, fees to counsel for bills 1532,

medical officer 1354.

Midland chairmen 983, 984, 1605.

South Eastern constructed 779,

Round Down cliff near Dover blown down 779.

Stockton and Darlington the first line opened 137.

Swannington and Bagworth opened 984,

Wigan accident 73.

Railway contractors,

Brassey 384,

Brotherhood 423,

Crawley 756,

Cubitt J. 779,

Cubitt Sir W. 779,

Dargan 814,

Eassie 952,

Fairbank 1050,

Gowans 1193,

Hoof 1526.

Ramhurst gunpowder mills 610.

Rams, steam 914.

Ramsay, G. M. R. Dalhousie d. 1880, first baron 804.

Raphael d. 1520 Raffaello Sanzio, drawings by 1283.

Rarey, John S. d. 1866, horse tamer 1145.

Ravenstone castle, Wigtonshire, purchased 343.

Rawlinson, Sir Henry Creswicke b. 1810, discovers cuneiform vowel system 1480.

Reading, look and say method of learning 795,

phonetic method of teaching 711.

Readers, public,

Bellew 234, 973,

Dickens 872,

Holl 1506.

Reaping machine, Bell’s 230.

Rebecca riots 1090, 1472.

Records, public,

account of 709,

arrangement of 1488,

destruction of valueless documents 1334,

made accessible to public 1333,

record commission 709.

Reform Bill,

boundary act 747,

Croker’s opposition to 764,

Roman catholic peer voted against reform bill 92,

tenant at will clause 460.

Reform league, president of 206,

the league dissolved 206.

Reform solicitor, the 4.

Refraction, conical, discovered 1307.

Religious communities, collection of works of instructions authorised by 648.

Religious Denominations.

Associate presbytery of Ireland founded 456.

Baptists, college in Regent’s park 825,

immersion in the harbour of St. John, New Brunswick 928,

missionary soc. 741.

Barkerites at Newcastle 164.

Bible Christian minister 1119.

Brentonites at Bath 390.

Bulteelers at Oxford 472.

Caffin’s religious society at Blackheath 511.

Campbellites in America 526.

Catholic apostolic church,

Albury ch. at 919,

Albury, consultation at 541,

angel 1410,

apostles 85, 541, 550, 906, 919,

apostolic lordship 1207,

bishop of Scotland 321,

Gordon square ch. opened 382, 1410,

Irving 541,

Newman st. ch. 541.

Children of God founded 1153.

Church of Christ at Finchingfield 296.

Church of England See also Ritualism 1691,

baptismal regeneration 1185,

bishop excommunicated 673,

bishop resigned 106,

ch. defence association founded 208,

ch. congresses originated 208,

ch. extension association founded 32,

ch. of E. in Wales, the most popular preacher 1574,

ch. rates, Braintree case 733,

clergyman, oldest in England 964,

court of arches 1185,

crisis or the signs of the times, a sermon 99,

election of bp. Hampden opposed by 13 bishops 1311,

guilds commenced 586,

harvest thanksgivings instituted 1385,

hear the church, a sermon 1526,

holy orders relinquished by Bellew 234,

Clark 629 and Hoblyn 1489,

liturgy, petition to parliament for reform of 1581,

living of great value 817,

priestly absolution, letters on 276,

register books, false entries in 1147,

ruridecanal synods instituted 1385,

weekly offertories instituted 1385.

Congregational Union of England and Wales 296.

Darbyism originated 813.

Disciples of Christ in America 526.

Episcopal church of Scotland, primate 1156.

Freethinking Christians in London 96.

French protestant church 820.

Friends, deputation to emperor of Russia 595,

missionaries 1086,

origin of 718,

plea for liberty of conscience 595,

tent meetings 540.

Girlingites in the New Forest 1153.

Glassites, musical manual for 1585.

Irvingites, See Catholic Apostolic church col. 1689.


college 1222,

converts from Judaism 1449,

first jew a senior wrangler 1362,

rabbi 1222,

synagogues in London 1222,

Talmud Torah sch. 1222.

Latter day Saints or Mormonites 1611.

Moravian bishop 1089.

Mormonism, account of 423,

mormonism and its author 569,

mormonites at Salt Lake city 1611.

New Jerusalem church or Swedenborgians 1611.

Plymouth Brethren,

Ball R. 145,

Congleton, Baron 691,

founders of 1252,

history of 1202,

Orchard St. chapel London 691,

Welbeck st. chapel London 691,

works on the doctrine of 769.

Presbyterian church, The English 62, 158.

Presbyterian ch. in Scotland, a heresy hunt 1520,

first missionary to India 924,

See also Row 1691.

Presbyterian Free ch. minister 1453.

Primitive Methodists Connection founded 350, 655.

Reformed Anglican church bishopric 1416.

Reformed Episcopal church minister 1491.

Reformed Presbyterian minister 1550.

Roman Catholics, Brompton oratory 802, 1012,

Jesuits obtain Hales place 1279,

London oratory 802,

mayor, the first roman catholic 1505,

Moorfields’ chapel ceiling and altarpiece 28,

oratory London 1605,

parliament, second member sent to 1554,

St. George’s cathedral built 913,

scholarships could not be held by 1444,

society of Jesus, ordo compiled 395,

solicitor, the first admitted 177.

Roman Catholic church, converts to,

Anstey 74,

Badeley 121,

Bellasis 233,

Bellew 234,

Bowden 355,

Bowring 362,

Bowyer 363,

Burder 476,

Burns 488,

Caswall 569,

Chatterton 599,

Coffin 667,

Dalgairns 802,

Digby 878,

Dodsworth 890,

Elmsley 988,

Estcourt 998,

Faber 1012,

Fielding 1150,

Flowers 1072,

Formby 1082,

Forster 1086,

Fullerton 1112,

Garside 1126,

Gilpin 1151,

Grant 1203,

Haigh 1274,

Hamilton 1299,

Hawker 1385,

Herbert 1441,

Hope 1529,

Hope-Scott 1532,

Hopkins 1533,

Howitt 1599,

Hutchison W. A. 1605,

Hutchison W. C. 1606.

Sandemanian ch. 1020.

Seventh day Baptists 294.

Shakers in London 1153.


account of 423,

church in London 1611,

minister 1194.

Unitarians, home missionary board founded 208,

works on unitarianism 1144.

United presbyterian church founded 1343.

United secession church minister 1342.

Welsh calvinist ch. London, expels a member 1572.

Welsh calvinist methodist ch. ministers 1573.

Wesleyan Methodists,

Bunting Methodism 474, 475,

Didsbury theological instit. 776, 777,

Fletcher the imposter 1069,

fly sheet controversy 939, 1007, 1245,

Kingswood sch. 776,

persons expelled 350, 1007,

Wesley banner 939,

Woodhouse Grove sch. 776.

Religious services in theatres 406.

Religious Tract Soc., its publications 771.

Renfrewshire, lord lieutenant 1155.

Reptiles, excreta used as medicine 1374.

Resin, distilling without decomposition 1589.

Retort manufacturer, Cowen 736.

Reynell, Charles Weatherby, printer 1591, d. Chatfield house, Putney 13 Jany. 1892 aged 94.

Rhinoceros, a one horned 770.

Ribbon manufacturer, Bray 385.

Rice, Thomas D. d. 1860 actor, original Jim Crow 938.

Richardson, John d. 1836, his theatre 564, 1447.

Richmond, Charlotte Lennox d. 1842 duchess of, ball at Brussels 1239.

Rides and riding, 1400 miles in 14 days 1367,

riding from Holland to Naples 1168.

Ritualism, bishop censured 1075,

bishop Hamilton’s charge 1335,

first ritualistic ch. 1075,

Oxford Argo, the 472,

tracts for the times, remarks on 1168,

writers in 957, 1352 and works on 1026,

See also Religious denominations 1689.

Rivers, pollution of, enquiry 858.

Road roller, steam, patented 629.

Roberts, David d. 1864 painter, his sketches in Holy Land 1253, 1274.

Roof ventilators 369.

Rolls, master of the, Cottenham 726.

Roman antiquities, at Cirencester 465,

at Gariononum 326.

Romney in Kent, liberty of 847.

Rope dancers, Christoff 617,

Hengler 1428.

Roscoe, Thomas junr. d. 1871, his writings 244.

Roscoe, William d. 1831 historian, his dau. 1538.

Rosetta stone recovered from the French 1307.

Rosicrucians 1339.

Rossall sch. Lancashire 1430.

Rossetti, William Michael b. 1829 art critic, his friend 1146.

Rous, Henry John d. 1877 admiral, action for libel against 840.

Row parish heresy case 91, 533, 550.

Rowing, long slow stroke introduced 587,

See also Scullers 1694.

Royal academicians, See Painters 1678,

Baily 130,

Barry 181,

Boxall 364,

Cook 700,

Cooke 701,

Cooke 701,

Cooper 707,

Doo 897,

Dyce 946,

Eastlake 953,

Egg 970,

Elmore 988,

Foley 1073,

Frost 1110,

Gibson 1141,

Gordon 1171,

Grant 1202,

Hart 360,

Herbert 1441,

Holl 1506,

Howard 1551.

Royal Academy, Cousin’s benefaction 734,

Gibson’s bequest 1141.

Royal Society, Kew observatory given to 1130,

refuses to print Herapath’s papers 1436.

Royal Society Fellows,

Alexander 43,

Arnott 90,

Babbage 116,

Babington 117,

Back 119,

Balfour F. M. 143,

Balfour J. H. 144,

Baly 149,

Barclay 158,

Barlow 168,

Barry 181,

Beaconsfield 203,

Beamish N. L. 207,

Beamish R. 207,

Beaufort 212,

Beck 216,

Beechey 220,

Bell C. 230,

Bell T. 232,

Bentham 247,

Bigsby 275,

Billing 276,

Binney 280,

Bird 285,

Bishop 290,

Blakiston 306,

Bland 309,

Blore 317,

Boase 322,

Boole 335,

Bovill 354,

Bowerbank 357,

Bowring 362,

Brandreth 382,

Brayley 387,

Breadalbane 387,

Briggs 397,

Bright 400,

Brinton 402,

Brisbane 402,

Bristol 403,

Brockedon 406,

Brodie Sir B. C. 408–9,

Broke 410,

Bromhead 412,

Brooke Charles 415,

Brooke Henry J. 416,

Brougham 426,

Broughton 428,

Broun 429,

Brown 437,

Brownlow 448,

Bruce 451,

Brunel 453,

Bryson 457,

Buckland 462,

Budd G. 466,

Budd W. 467,

Bunbury 472,

Burgoyne 480,

Burnes 485,

Burnet J. 486,

Burnett Sir W. 486,

Burney 487,

Burrow 492,

Burton 494,

Bury 496,

Butter 502,

Cabbell 508,

Caithness 512,

Caldcleugh 513,

Callender 517,

Calvert 520,

Cameron 524,

Cape 539,

Carington 546,

Carleton 547,

Carlisle 548,

Carne 552,

Carpenter 556,

Carrington 559,

Cartwright 565,

Cautley 574,

Cawdor 576,

Challis 582,

Chambers R. 587,

Chambers W. F. 588,

Chandler 590,

Chelmsford 602,

Chesney 604,

Children 610,

Christie J. R. 615,

Christie S. H. 616,

Christmas 617,

Christy 618,

Clark W. 629,

Clark W. T. 630,

Clarke Sir C. M. 632,

Clarke J. A. L. 632,

Clarke W. B. 636,

Claudet 638,

Clerk 645,

Clifford 649,

Cobbold 659,

Cockburn 663,

Codrington 665,

Cole 993,

Colquhoun 685,

Colvile 687,

Connell 693,

Conybeare 697,

Cook 700,

Cooke 701,

Cooper B. B. 708,

Cooper C. P. 709,

Cooper E. J. 709,

Copeland 715,

Copland 716,

Corbaux 717,

Cotton 730,

Cox 743,

Crampton 750,

Crawford 755,

Crichton 760,

Croft 763,

Croker 764,

Cubitt 779,

Crum 778,

Cumming 784,

Curling 790,

Currey 790,

Dalrymple 807,

Daubeny 820,

Davidson 824,

Davies 826,

Davis 831,

Davy 834,

Dawes 837,

De La Beche 849,

De Morgan 855,

Denham 857,

Denison 858,

De Ros 864,

Dickie 874,

Dickinson John 874,

Dickinson Joseph 875,

Dillwyn 880,

Disney 882,

Dixon 884,

Dollond 891,

Donkin B. 895,

Donkin W. F. 895,

Doo 898,

Douglas 902,

Drummond 919,

Duckett 923,

Dundas 933,

Dunraven 940,

Duppa 941,

Dwarris 945,

Dyce 946,

Eastlake 953,

Eastwick 954,

Egerton 970,

Elliot W. 979,

Elliott C. 980,

Elliott C. B. 980,

Ellis H. 983,

Ellis H. 984,

Enniskillen 993,

Erle 995,

Evans 1003,

Everest 1007,

Fairbairn 1014,

Falconer 1017,

Faraday 1020,

Farr 1023,

Farre 1024,

Featherstonhaugh 1029,

Fellowes 1033,

Fergusson J. 1037,

Fergusson Sir W. 1037,

Field F. 1041,

Field J. 1042,

Finlay 1048,

Fisher 1053,

Fitton 1056,

Fitzroy 1064,

Fletcher 1069,

Flight 1071,

Forbes 1076,

Forbes E. 1077,

Forbes J. D. 1077,

Forbes Sir J. 1078,

Forshall 1083,

Fortescue 1087,

Fowler 1093,

Fox R. W. 1095,

Fox W. 1096,

Frere G. E. 1107,

Frere H. B. E. 1107,

Freshfield 1108,

Froude 1110,

Galloway 1118,

Garrod 1126,

Gaskin 1129,

Gassiot 1130,

Gibbes 1137,

Gilbart 1144,

Glynn 1162,

Godwin 1164,

Godwin-Austen 1165,

Goldsmid 1168,

Gompertz 1169,

Gordon H. P. and J. A. 1180,

Gordon J. W. 1181,

Gosse 1187,

Gould 1191,

Graham Sir J. R. G. 1196,

Graham T. 1198,

Grainger 1199,

Grant R. E. 1206,

Grant Sir T. T. 1206,

Granville 1208,

Gravatt 1210,

Graves J. T. 1212,

Graves R. J. 1213,

Gray G. R. 1215,

Gray H. 1215,

Gray J. E. 1216,

Green 1225,

Greenhow 1228,

Greig 1236,

Greswell 1238,

Griess 1243,

Griffith 1244,

Grubb 1253,

Guest J. 1254,

Guest J. J. 1255,

Gull 1257,

Gulliver 1257,

Gunn 1258,

Gurney 1261,

Guthrie F. 1264,

Guthrie G. J. 1264,

Guy 1266,

Haast 1269,

Haig 1274,

Haldane 1276,

Hall M. 1288,

Hall T. H. 1291,

Halliwell 1295,

Hamilton, duke of 1298,

Hamilton H. P. 1301,

Hamilton J. 1303,

Hamilton W. J. 1306,

Hamilton W. R. 1307,

Hanbury 1312,

Hansler 1321,

Harcourt 1325,

Harding 1327,

Hardwick J. 1330,

Hardwick P. 1331,

Hardy 1332,

Harford 1335,

Hargreave 1336,

Harkness 1338,

Harris 1351,

Harrison 1352,

Harvey 1367,

Harvey 1369,

Hasted 1371,

Hatherley 1376,

Hatherton 1376,

Hawkins C. H. 1386,

Hawkins E. 1387,

Hawkins J. H. 1389,

Head 1404,

Heath G. C. 1411,

Heath J. B. 1411,

Henfrey 1427,

Henwood 1435,

Herapath 1437,

Herschel 1447,

Hewett 1454,

Heygate 1456,

Heywood 1457,

Higginbottom 1463,

Higman 1466,

Hogg 1502,

Hill Sir R. 1474,

Hilton 1479,

Hobhouse 427,

Hoblyn 1489,

Hodgkinson 1493,

Hodgson 1496,

Holland C. 1507,

Holland H. 1508,

Holman 1513,

Home 1520,

Hood 1524,

Hook 1526,

Hooker 1526,

Hope 1530,

Hopkins 1534,

Hoppus 1536,

Horne 1539,

Horner 1540,

Horsfield 1541,

Hoskins 1545,

Houghton 1547,

Howard J. E. 1553,

Howard L. 1554,

Hume 1586,

Hunt G. 1590,

Hunt R. 1592,

Hunter 1594,

Hyett 1611,

Hymers 1612,

Quin 940,

Wood 1376.

Royal warrant 1147.

Rugby, rebellion at 731.

Rugeley poisoning case 1565.

Runic literature 1275.

Rural deans, account of 812.

Ruskin, John b. 1819 art critic, employs J. W. Bunny 474.

Russia, blank passes in 104,

Lancaster schools introduced 1408,

Mennonites emigrate to Canada 1367,

peace with 737,

Sebastopol, siege of 479.

Russia, St. Petersburg, Baird works founded 133,

Alexander column bas reliefs 133,

St. Nicholas bridge built 133.


Sabbath question, collection of books on the 742.

Sacred heart, society of the 797.

Sailors homes established 1226, 1292.

St. Albans, Harriet Beauclerk d. 1837 duchess of, Spanish dances composed for 310.

St. Andrew’s university, principal 394 and rector 76,

only place where degree can be obtained without residence 285.

St. Helens foundries 800.

St. John of Jerusalem, order of 429,

prior of 948.

Safe maker, Chubb 618.

Salford, first member of parliament 423,

Peel park given to 29.

Salisbury, bishop of 858,

Blackmore museum 299,

Salisbury and south Wiltshire museum 1093.

Salmon, killing fifty two in fifty five hours 1061.

Salvage committee, the first formed 348.

Sands, Dick b. 1840 clog dancer 1399.

Sandwich islands, king and queen of in England 317, 505.

San Remo, climate of 820.

Sanskrit scholars,

Brown 430,

Goldstuecker 1168,

Haas 1268.

Saws and sawing, endless band machine 1009,

inventions and improvements in saws 882.

Sax horns, improvements in 882.

Scandinavian scholar, Barclay 159.

Scene painters,

Bough 347,

Danson 812,

Fenton 1034,

Greenwood 1231,

Telbin 1243.

Scheffer, Ary d. 1858 painter, his model for Monica 1511.


agricultural 961,

farm sch. system 1070,

Fellenberg’s system of industrial schools 507,

Hazelwood system of management 1474,

school excursions established 1448,

seven pupils drowned 1070.

Sciography or examples of shadows 1267.

Scotland, Aberdeen, Udney sch. near 291,

baronial architecture 455,

church courts 700,

churches, scheme for building two hundred 534,

congregational union founded 320,

education of women 1300,

etymological dictionary of the language 755,

Ferguson bequest founded 1035,

Glasgow, first provost of 1199,

Glenalmond coll. 1319, 1424, 1532,

great seal, keeper of 1519,

historiographer royal 409, 494,

jesuits introduced 1150,

legitimate king of 1298,

Lockmaben, keeper of 1532,

locomotive engine the first 551,

lunacy commission 744,

poor, board of supervision 47,

premier earl on union roll 753,

Roman catholic bp. 1150,

Rothesay, episcopacy restored in 1525,

royal archers 1529,

royal assoc. for promoting fine arts 755,

secretary of state 804,

Sunday travelling stopped 1424,

Tay bridge, fall of 346,

tramway the first 1193,

Wellington school for criminals 644.

Scott, Sir Walter d. 1832, Abbotsford 317, 1393, 1532,

Greig much like him 1235,

his library 660,

his friends 1150, 1502,

his legal adviser 1141,

sermons by 1179,

Waverley, authorship of 25,

Waverley, MS. of 1286,

Waverley novels,

printing of 738,

Waverley novels, transcriber of 1179,

works purchased by Black 292.

Screw propellers, experiments with 453.


Bagshawe 126,

Bates 192,

Casamajor 567,

Chambers J. G. 586,

Chambers R. 587,

Clasper 637,

Coombes 707.


Behnes 223,

Brodie 408,

Burnard 484,

Campbell 534,

Carew 544,

Durham 943,

Earle 951,

Fillans 1045,

Foley 1073,

Forrest 1082,

Francis 1098,

Fuller 1111,

Gatley 1130,

Gibson J. 1140,

Gibson S. 1141,

Gott 1189,

Henning 1431,

Hinchliff 1479,

Hogan 1500,

Hollins 1511,

Hughes 1576.

Sea, deep sea dredging 1596,

sea water, composition of 1596.

Secularist, Greg 1231.

Selby, St. James’ ch. erected 107.

Selkirk, Alexander d. 1723 prototype of Robinson Crusoe, life of 1557.

Sellis d. 1810 attempts to murder Duke of Cumberland 1320.

Selwyn, George Augustus d. 1791 M.P., his adopted dau. 1449.

Sennacherib d. 680 B.C. king of Assyria, his name discovered on a monument 1480.

Serjeants at law,

Adams 16,

Alderson 40,

Allen 52,

Amphlett 58,

Archibald 82,

Bellasis 233,

Bovill 354,

Burke 480,

Byles 504,

Campbell 526,

Channell 590,

Clarke 635,

Cleasby 643,

Cox 741,

Cresswell 758,

Cross 770,

Crowder 774,

Doyley 913,

Erle 954,

Gaselee 1128,

Glover 1160,

Glynn 1161,

Goulburn 1190,

Halcomb 1276,

Hayes 1398,

Heath 1411,

Hill 1471,

Honyman 1523,

Huddleston 1565,

Storks 1190,

peer made a serjeant 526.

Sermons remarkable 99, 472, 1526.

Serpents, serpent myths 712, worship of 842.

Sewage, method of utilising 113.

Sewing machine, Singer, original suggestion for the 214,

introduced to Bombay 792.


improved 831,

protracting pocket 132.

Shaftesbury, Anthony A. d. 1885 seventh earl, his colleagues 1052.

Shakespeare, William d. 1616, before St. Thomas Lucy 1365,

catalogue of plays in all languages 1391,

chair 1164,

clowns, representations of 690,

dramas produced at Sadler’s Wells 1231,

New Place purchased 1295,

no deerstalker 371,

literary cookery with reference to matters attributed to 377,

Shakspeare soc. 1295,

Stratford library, librarian 1391,

tercentenary 1071, 1349,

twelve plays produced in Dublin 1349,

works in all languages, collection of 1578.

Shakespeare, William, editions of his works,

The Cambridge 629,

Cassell’s illustrated 631,

Clarke’s edition 631,

Collier’s editions 678,

Collier’s reported forgeries 677,

facsimile of the quartos 1295,

Harness’ edition 1342,

Perkin’s folio 678.

Shakespeare, William, his plays, Hamlet, long run of 191,

King Richard ii. Greek version 1558,

Midsummer night’s dream, music for 703,

Titus Andronicus acted 42,

Winter’s tale acted 102,

Winter’s tale, music for 703.

Shakespeare scholars,

Bulloch 471,

Clarke 631,

Collier 678,

Dyce 946,

Halliwell 1295,

Harness 1342,

Perkins 678.

Shakespearian readers,

Bellew 234,

Betham 262,

Glyn 1161.

Shawls, knitted, manufactory for 1350,

shawl manufacturers 626, 1106.

Sheep breeders,

Berners 257,

Garrett 1126,

Hall 1286.

Sheffield, Mark Firth almshouses 1051,

Firth park 1051,

Firth college 1051,

money left to 127,

saw grinders union 405.

Shelley, Percy Bysshe d. 1822 poet, eloped with Clara M. J. Clairmont 621,

his friends 1503, 1568, 1591,

the necessity of atheism 1503.

Shells, collections of,

Broderip 408,

Carpenter 555,

Cuming 783, 1218,

Dyson 949,

Hope 1530.

Sheriff, declining to serve as, Carne 552.

Ship builders,

Elder 972,

Fincham 1046,

Harland 1339.

Ship owners,

Burns 488,

Cunard 489,

Green 1226,

Guion 1256,

Hartley 1361,

Henderson 1425,

Hodgkinson 1493,

Mac Iver 489.

Shipping Companies,

Allan founded 48 bis.,

British and North American founded 786,

Cunard 489, 785–86,

East India steam navigation 1422,

Great Eastern 1170,

Guion line 1256,

Henderson line 1425,

Montreal Ocean founded 48,

Peninsular and O.S.N. Co. formation of 48, 60,

See also Steam ships.

Ships and Shipping,

anchors, inventions in 112,

boats, safety rods for 10,

bow and stern rudder 1422,

Boxer’s rocket 859,

cellular system of building 1259,

Denham’s jury tiller 856,

Dennett’s life saving rocket 859,

diagonal system of building 914,

iron ships sheathed with copper 1208,

Juanita built in 70 days 824,

load line committee 861,

resistance and propulsion of 1110,

screw trenail fastenings 914,

stay sails 1413,

to propel during a calm 494,

water tight bulkheads, invention of 224,

watering, plan of 1054,

wrecked ships, raising of 389.


Arctic 727,

Brazen 1322,

Captain 479, 675,

General Outram 557,

Great Britain 389,

Kent 1029, 1334,

London 915,

Lutine frigate 1417,

Orion 634,

Orpheus 487,

Pacific 571,

Princess Alice 564,

Psyche 649,

Reynard 746,

Thetis 875.

Shoemakers learned,

Beattie 210,

Brown 434,

Burnet 485,

Crocker 762,

Edwards 963,

Elmslie 989,

Fawcett 1028,

Gammage 1119,

Hall 1289,

Hunter 1596,

Pounds 210.

Short-hand, Bradley’s system 374,

philosophic shorthand 1476.

Short-hand writers,

Gurney J. 1262,

Gurney W. 1263,

Harland 1339.


Bishop 290,

Feeney 1031,

Richardson 564, 1447.

Shrewsbury, bishop of 433.