Buch lesen: «Simple Truths of Life», Seite 27


In the cold period of 2019-2020, I tried to take the natural leafless environment for what it is, trying to see the reason for the need for such a cycle in nature – so that plants can winter the cold – I tried to find beauty in the design and work of nature. This mental approach helped me not to feel melancholy, and it also helped with boredom.

The third rule replaced my old idea that in order not to remain in a sad state all the time, I will get out of fantasies only when I need it. It does not work since it usually takes time to restore focus – which is logical, since everything has its consequences.

Throw a grain into the water, and it hardly sways the water molecules. Throw a stone into the water and the water will not be able to calm down for a long time.

Since the constant presence in oneself has a large “mass”, the consequences of such actions do not pass immediately. From the spiritual point of view, these logical consequences are suffering for the committed mistake; the suffering that, like the waves on the surface of the lake, will pass sooner or later – when this happens in many ways, if not in all, depends on you.

Yes, there are times when something happens, and a person immediately gets full control over his body, but these cases are rare and usually have a negative cause.

The above analogy is also appropriate for the skills of people: singing, playing musical instruments, sports skills, the ability to see Auras, telepathy, telekinesis, etc. If a person does not support those skills, then over time they will get “quiet”. Of course, often, a person can rekindle them.

This partly applies to finding a girlfriend as well. We never know when we may meet a single woman (or a man if you are a woman), and it is in our interest to be in our best light at that moment.

As for architecture, it could be more friendly to human psychology. But there is little that can be done while people use money domestically. Since all people do what will benefit them, builders under capitalism will only think about architecture if it will bring monetary benefits. As you know, “ordinary” people do not have money. At the same time, we have everything we need (knowledge, resources, and technology) so that absolutely all people can live in complete comfort…

Thus, I try to preserve my physical and mental strength to live as happy a life as I can have. This includes doing the right things, such as continuing to search for a girlfriend and increasing my spiritual knowledge through new life experiences.

Interestingly, to increase the chances of finding a second half, you need to stop thinking about sex, the absence of a loved one, and just live as happily as possible. Be yourself!

Of course, this is logical, since with this approach a person relaxes and stops showing his psychological barriers on his face and body language. People are drawn to such individuals. For example, people who have a loved one often attract attention because they can relax in the circle of other people and be themselves.

And if I do not find anyone in this life, then maybe I will not make so many ridiculous mistakes in the next one – which will increase my chances for happiness.


At the end of the main book, I want to mention where else you can find the duality of life.

At one end of the spectrum there are people who believe in everything, even if the teachings from those different sources of information contradict each other.

At the other end of the spectrum are those people who refuse to accept the existence of something greater, that is, in their opinion, beyond science, not realizing that the greater and spiritual is also science, with its own laws and principles of work. Ghosts, Auras, Telekinesis, etc. – everything works according to its own laws. The laws that for many people on Earth still remain undiscovered. All these things can, and should, become part of science.

We should try to be in the golden middle of that spectrum when we do not hurry to take every single thing for the truth, but we also do not hurry to sweep away everything that seems to us to be “supernatural”. This approach will help to avoid many mistakes and suffering.

I myself try to take a neutral position about what I have no ultimate knowledge about. That is, I try not to use the words “I believe, I do not believe” at all. I either know or I do not know and remain neutral regarding some question. This is also important from a psychological point of view, since with this approach you will not be disappointed if your belief turns out to be wrong (and in some cases a person will not be able to admit his mistake at all). And I do not experience any psychological problems because I do not know something – the important thing is that I strive to learn something new.

It is a fact that before people did not know many Laws of the Universe that we know now. People had to prove the reality of the existence of many things that today are considered commonplace. The fact is also that many of those people were laughed at, and some were considered crazy.[25] They did not know that madness is a loss of control over oneself and therefore has nothing to do with the ideas put forward. The maximum that they could say is that a person was mistaken in his judgments and conclusions.

Now the same thing is happening. People do not learn from history, including scientists who should know about the history of their former colleagues.

Previously, people did not believe that electromagnetic radiation existed, but then it was proven to be real. And now, scientists are again skeptical of Auras, and yet their existence has already been proved by Russian scientists.[26]

Perhaps this may be because they do not know that man has not gone through evolution and has everything that he must have in his body. It is clear that they could not know this. But now they have a chance.

You can prove to yourself the existence of Auras if you follow my experience when I myself learned to see them. If I could see them despite all my problems of that time, then you too can. The study of Auras is very important for human society, as the vision of Auras will help get rid of the wide range of problems that we have now.

I believe that it is easiest to prove the existence of the Higher Self. I only had to ask my Higher Self to wake me up at a particular time. Of course, if you are not serious, or you need to learn something else in life, then your Higher Self may ignore your requests.

I could try to prove the existence of telekinesis to help people with the adoption of Michel Desmarquet's book Thiaoouba Prophecy. While working on this book in self-isolation, I tried to practice telekinesis again. I was not able to reach the level where I could move the tip of the suspended thread by a few centimeters, but I will try not to be lazy and practice telekinesis as often as possible.

Scientists themselves could prove the existence of ghosts, for example, using their own video cameras. There are a huge number of abandoned buildings in the world where people lived and died. In general, the more people died in a building, the greater the chance that you will be lucky to photograph the “19% of electrons” that make up ghosts – of course, it is also important for how long a person lived in the building, because 19% of electrons, having memory, return to the places they knew, loved, or hated. If there are many cameras covering the entire building, and the shooting itself takes about a year 24/7, then the chances are very high that 19% of the electrons will be captured on video. If a face is visible, it will be possible to identify which person owned those 19% of the electrons, and when it becomes known that that person is dead, this will be proof of the existence of a soul (Astral body), and people who have experience seeing ghosts will no longer be considered “crazy” or weird.

I had to go through a lot in my life, and I learned a lot, but I also understand that so many more things still remain a mystery to me.

Thanks to my knowledge, I was able to get out of depression and became more calm about what life teaches me. I try to remove all the negativity from my life, striving to go to love, and I hope that you will choose the same path.

The Planet of Sorrows

Part of me wishes this July 6, 2020 addition would finish my book on a joyful note… But on the other hand, I have some cautionary stories that can help other people, and they will also give the Manifesto chapter in my book more reasons for its existence, because we still have something to work on to become a truly civilized society.

On the seventeenth of June, at about 5 pm, I met the girl D in one of Moscow’s parks. She was very understanding and did not oppose my company. We talked with her on various topics and it seemed that we have a lot in common.

Still quite stubborn, I sometimes stuttered in my speech, and then I told the girl about the true reasons for stuttering. Perhaps my words about my knowledge and personal experience flew past her for some reason, and the girl advised me to see a doctor.

She wanted to go riding the scooters, but I did not have the required app on my phone to rent one. We decided that I would buy her some water, and she would pay for the rental of my scooter. At the water vending machine, she chose kvass, which cost 80 rubles. I only had banknotes in my wallet, as days earlier I had given all the coins to my mother so that she could pay for the ticket on the village bus. The machine gave me kvass and my change of 20 rubles from my 100-ruble banknote.

D needed to charge the phone, and we sat on a bench with an outlet under wooden arches. During the conversation, the girl herself decided to tell me about her work in a beauty salon. I remembered this because she mentioned that this particular salon had super-advanced technologies for facial shaping. During her story, D's eyes did not look at me and were not focused on anything.

My first scooter experience went well. Initially, I was a little worried about my health, but in the end everything was fine. While scooter-riding, D casually asked me if I was on social networks and had friends.

Once we were done riding scooters, we exchanged phone numbers.

She had to go for an internship at a beauty salon where she recently got a job in a senior management position. I decided to accompany her and talk more at the same time.

D was a lawyer by training, and between the words she mentioned that in one of the firms where she once wanted to get a job, the boss told her in plain text that their team had deliberately sent a person to jail in order to get his money or something like that. She immediately condemned the act and said that she decided not to work there.

Coming closer and closer to her place of work, I did not get alarmed by the fact that when a dead pigeon lay on the road in front of us, the girl first said how poor he was, and then she began to laugh – she quickly commented that it was so sad, and yet she is amused. I thought she was just very cheerful – she was very positive and sweet all the time.

Not far from the beauty salon, we said goodbye, and she said that we would talk later.

I had flashbacks about Katya who also gave me her phone number, but then refused to write me and meet. Going home, I no longer thought about getting acquainted with someone else, since that would be wrong from a moral point of view.

When I opened WhatsApp at home, I was pleasantly surprised to see a voice message from D. She said that it was necessary to come to the beauty salon in a black and white uniform, and not in a dress, as she did, and therefore the manager sent her for a walk. Well… things happen…

I continued to work on translating my book, which you are reading now, into English and on adding important details that I missed. In the course of my work, I corresponded a little with D.

She was not a photo model, but a pretty, sweet girl nonetheless. Most importantly, she seemed to be a rather sincere and open person. Well, as for some of her shortcomings and problems, I was ready to accept them, realizing that it is difficult to find an ideal person in all spheres on the planet of the first category.

I remembered about the Pareto principle and about the fact that on the day I met D, I just wanted to take a walk in the park that I decided not to go to any more specifically for meeting girls, as I spend a lot of time and energy trying to ask one-two girls if they wanted to get to know me.

On Friday, June nineteenth, D sent me a voicemail saying how a thirty-eight-year-old man approached her to meet her. She mentioned that he was very strange and was following her. She was not very comfortable in the park, and she mentioned how she herself might need to get acquainted with someone so that to be protected. Her voice did not betray any alarm, but rather the opposite.

I thought to myself how I did not want to approach anyone else, but D did not refuse to meet another man.

On the same day, after a couple of other messages, D invited me to a restaurant. I told her earlier that I had money problems, especially after the coronavirus and self-isolation, and she asked again if I was okay with her idea. I understood that a restaurant is expensive, and D and I did not really get to know each other yet, but I wanted to get the experience of visiting a restaurant, and so I agreed. We agreed to meet at 5:30 pm in the park as she had some things to take care of.

D was a little late. I could not help but smell the scent from her freshly washed hair. It seemed that they were still wet. Then I forgot that she said that she lived outside Moscow, and it took her about 20 minutes to get to the park.

Even before our second meeting, I was thinking that I need to tell her about my life so that she knows and can make a decision whether I suit her or not. I thought that I should immediately mention that I am looking for a girlfriend in order to have a serious relationship; it is not easy for me to be alone without love, and so I would not tell such a story if it was not true, as I perfectly understand what most people will think about me.

At the place where the newlyweds leave locks, D expressed her disapproval of marriages of convenience. She was only for a love marriage. Then I asked her about the 38-year-old man and how his inadequacy was expressed – so that I can learn from his mistakes.

We sat down by the pond and continued our conversation. On this day, I almost did not stutter, having done work regarding my mistakes. D noticed this.

I told her my story with stuttering, from the sad events that happened when I was five, and to me forgiving my father for his old drunken act. I got the impression that she did not really believe in the simplicity of the truth of stuttering. Perhaps the fact that I sometimes stuttered because of my stubbornness to get everything out of my head played a role in this.

I think I touched on the topic of Thiaoouba and talked a little about reincarnation. She jokingly rejected the idea of reincarnation. She herself said several times that we live only once. But she told about her dream where she saw Jesus, and mentioned that she believed in him. I found it interesting, as I saw that we had something in common. Because of this, she began to interest me even more. Then she mentioned that she knew quite a bit about psychology…

After some time, she took me to a cafe to deprive me of my “restaurant virginity”.

I ordered myself a Caesar salad, which I once bought for the CEO in the office where I worked as a courier. She chose fish, and we decided to try pear tea.

While talking about movies and TV shows, we came across the topic of Auras and capitalism. I told her that if Aura could be photographed in every clinic, and it would immediately diagnose the physical and mental state of a person, it would leave many people without work – why money is the main mistake of our society. She thought about it and agreed.

We ate and the bill was brought to us. Seeing the familiar figure of 2020 rubles, I immediately remembered ZOZO and how the previous time I saw this number, I was deceived by the book publisher. But, if we take this number as a sign of danger, what could be dangerous in this situation? The girl was pretty sweet and said things that I mostly agreed with. Yes, she called me to a cafe herself at my expense, but it was the beginning of summer, and we had just emerged from the two-month self-isolation – it is not a crime to go once to a restaurant. In addition, in Russia it is accepted for some reason that man pays for a woman in such establishments, and she mentioned earlier in the voice message that usually guys themselves invite girls to cafes, but due to various nuances she decided to ask herself. As for the Cafe Siren' (“Cafe Lilac” in literal translation), in which we were, I knew about its existence for a long time. In fact, the cafe has been around since 1956. There can be no problems here.

I paid by credit card for our dinner, and D told me about the meaning of the blue plastic cup, in which people usually leave money to tip the waiters. She said that usually it is about a hundred rubles. The minimum banknote in my wallet was five hundred rubles. Naturally, I could not tip that much, but I also did not want to leave nothing at all as this was my first time in a restaurant. Then I found the only 2 coins in my wallet – the same 20 rubles that I got from the vending machine with water 2 days ago when buying kvass. Yet another ZO…

I left 20 rubles as a tip, and D and I went for a walk.

I think that it was then that D began to speak in a way that showed that she was not interested in a relationship with me – if I was interested in a girl, I would not be telling her “when you find a boyfriend…”, or something like that. I think that I was a little upset because of this realization, but at the same time I was glad that I was getting at least some kind of life experience, and I was not just wandering alone among a city populated by millions of people.

During the conversation, it became clear that she loves money and material things. She mentioned how she could buy clothes for 20,000 rubles so that they would just hang in the closet. She also loved to travel and visited different countries.

The sun went down, and I decided to walk with D to her stop as it was already dark. She told me that she had made an appointment with a doctor for diagnostics, as she had been sleeping badly for a year, falling asleep only in the morning. By looking at her it was not at all obvious that she had problems with sleep, since I know perfectly well from my own experience what state a person would be in at 10 PM after many months of lack of sleep. D was very cheerful, but I was beginning to yawn…

I told her about my experience with meditation, thanks to which I began to fall asleep calmly and quickly many years ago. I advised her to try to concentrate on the breath or on the sounds around her, and perhaps then she would not have to go to the doctor.

Not far from the stop, she unexpectedly said goodbye to me, touching my hand and never once looking into my eyes. It was so unexpected that I did not even wish her a good night’s sleep. I decided that I would text her good night when I get home, since I did not have a normal internet tariff on my phone.

Naturally, I understood that with this girl I most likely would not have anything. Plus, I could not help thinking about ZOZOZO. Thanks to my spirituality, I realized that this was no coincidence, but I still could not see the full picture…

Anyway, we had previously planned to meet on Sunday for biking in the park, and I thought to tell D upon our meeting more about Thiaoouba and my early sexual experiences just to see what would happen and what I could learn.

But I decided to make a rule for myself that I will not go to any cafes and restaurants with a girl until we are in a relationship – this will weed out those who do not want a serious relationship, but only want to use a person for a free dinner.

At home, I wrote her a wish for a peaceful sleep, and on Saturday morning my mother and I went to the village. We took the seedlings with us.

I arrived in the evening, and a new voice message from D was waiting for me. For some reason she decided to move an old closet out of her room – all because she did not like it. I did not quite understand what this message was for, but it again became clear to me that D and I have a huge abyss in terms of seeing materialistic things.

On Sunday, I wrote to D about the meeting, but mentioned that I was very tired after the trip to the village, in which I had to quickly repair the shower’s roof that blown off by a hurricane wind, and I would just like to sit somewhere and chat. I saw that she was online in WhatsApp but did not reply. After a while, I called her to make the appointment. She said that she had just woken up and could not think of anything that we could go to.

Earlier I read on the Internet about scammers and how girls often get acquainted with guys on dating sites, and if they do not like the man, they just go to a cafe with him to eat for free at someone else's expense. It is interesting to mention that one person wrote that 8 out of 10 girls he invited to dinner just wanted to eat at his expense. The Pareto Principle is back in action…

There I also read how some women pretended to be sick in order to lure hundreds of thousands of rubles out of a man for “treatment”… Then some of the things said by D began to take on a different color…

Having not made an appointment with D, I thought of going to Gorky Park to continue my search for the girlfriend. But I decided that I would go to WhatsApp when I am near the metro – what if D still decides to meet? And she did text me about her desire to meet and ride on the bicycles – did she forget what I told her regarding my sick and tired hands after the village? Or did she not care?

Okay. Despite my physical state, I was not averse to trying for once in the century to ride a bicycle in the park and get some new impressions.

Next, D texted me how we could go to drink tea with ginger… Then she wrote about the solarium, saying that she would stay in it for a while.

At first, I thought to say upon meeting her that I would not go to a cafe, since I can no longer spend a lot of money – in any case, we met to ride bicycles and not go to a cafe. But because of my decency, I decided to warn D that we would not go to the cafe. She wrote that she could pay herself, or we could not go there at all.

The next message I received almost 2 hours later, when D wrote: “Hello, I probably won’t have time…”. She did not answer my follow-up questions, although she read my messages – as was seen in WhatsApp.

D only briefly replied the next day that she had decided to get ready for work. She never apologized for not writing anything at all the previous day, when I was waiting for her in the park for a long time.

Everything was clear here – as soon as D realized that it would be impossible to get the money out of me, she began to withdraw.

Earlier, I stopped searching for a girlfriend on dating websites since no one from normal people answered me, but scammers were happy to spend my time trying to get money out of me – unsuccessfully, since I asked a person to take a selfie with a piece of paper on which was written my code. It helped weed out all the frivolous people, and therefore I was very lonely on those sites. Now it turned out that you can stumble upon scammers while getting acquainted in real life in the outback of an ordinary metropolitan park. In this regard, I decided to give dating sites another chance.

I made an ad that I was looking for a girlfriend and continued to work on the book, occasionally going for a walk in the park to try to get acquainted with someone.

So, in Gorky Park, one pretty girl agreed to meet. Her name was Katya, and she was very laconic. During the conversation, I learned that during the 3 decades of her life she had never had a boyfriend, and she was always alone. The girl said that it suited her and she did not need anyone. In terms of friends, I am also not very worried about loneliness, but as for the girlfriend and love, here the matter is completely different – but she said that she could not help me with this. She continued to be silent, and at one point I thought that maybe the moment had come when I myself should say goodbye to the girl and go for a walk? I also remembered how I myself was silent as a child due to stuttering. I decided that I would try to tell her my story with Thiaoouba – new knowledge could help her to overcome her problems.

It is worth mentioning that the girl, just like D, suggested that I go to a psychologist with my speech stupors, which were still present due to my stubbornness – I continued to make mistakes even though I had had all the necessary knowledge to live a normal life for a long time. In fact, I have not had depression and stress for a long time, since my understandings about life helped me get rid of them, but I still need to remove the remaining black spots from my life canvas… Katya herself signed up for a psychologist to just talk with someone about anything at all.

So, it was not without hiccups, but I told the girl about the main reasons behind the creation of the Universe, its laws, and why I know that this is all true. It took me about an hour.

I realized that the girl was bored when she began to look at the time on her phone. And then she said she had a headache and she was going to leave. She refused to exchange phones and write down the title of the book, since, according to her, she does not read books at all. I wished her all the best, and she slowly left.

At least someone agreed to talk to me, and again I found confirmation that I was not alone on this “Planet of Sorrows”. And I also finally, after more than three years of trying to find a girlfriend, was able to tell someone my life story in real life.

For a very long time, I thought that girls would stop communicating with me after my life story, but in fact almost no one wants to even start a conversation. This is depressing…

Once, while watching an adult movie, I asked why I do not have this? The answer came to me in a dream: “Because you can’t speak”. I understand now that it is so. But how can you learn to speak if most people do not give you a chance to speak up and immediately reject you..?

The reason for my speech problems when talking with the laconic girl lay in the fact that I hardly slept for several nights, as I continued to think or dream about something for half a night…

Then a girl from the dating website texted me that she wanted to meet. I wrote a message, but she did not reply anymore. On that day of July 1, I thought a lot about this, and about other events that happened in the last two weeks. I was thinking if I wrote something wrong? But in that case, why girls do not want to get to know the person better, but bail on him at his first mistake? Loneliness and lack of sleep took over me…

At about noon of that day, I received a message from a girl who introduced herself as Katya. She said she was from the dating site. The girl looked cute in her WhatsApp photo. I was working on translating the book and from time to time I would stop to check if she wrote me anything else. Due to previous events, I subconsciously wanted to believe that this girl was serious. She kept answering me briefly and sometimes asked questions herself.

After a while she asked if I wanted to meet up with her. I answered “yes” and said that I could find free time on any day. To my question “where” she threw off the link to the site of the anti-movie-theatre.

In the back of my mind, I thought about checking the website and checking on Yandex the real existence of this institution at the address indicated on the site. But I only superficially looked for reviews and did not read them when I saw the similar name of the organization. My desire to be at last with a girl and my half-asleep state had overpowered me, and I decided to book a place for 19:00 – just as my interlocutor asked.

Soon I realized that I had given the money to the scammers… no anti-cinema existed at the given address, and the website itself did not even have any contacts except for a chat with the scammer’s bot. People's comments were about the anti-cinema the name of which had the same words, but they were rearranged. This is something I might have noticed, but due to my condition, all the red flags were not properly registered in my mind.

The bank did not cancel the transfer operation, and I could not return the money.

Thinking about how I could fall for the bait of scammers, I again found confirmation that memory also plays a very important role in the decision we make at one point or another in our lives. Had I not filled my mind with extraneous thoughts and reflections, I could have easily spotted a fraudulent website. Psychology also played a role here; D did not mention it for nothing. I wanted to be with a girl so much I could not let the thought that once again I might be of interest to girls only as a tool to replenish their wallet. I did not want to see myself as an unwanted guy, and therefore, even though I had been able to identify scammers more on many occasions, they were still lucky to cheat me exactly 2 weeks after I met D.

I could see this fact because the day before I tried to create a dating ad in the guise of a girl to see what guys are writing and how many messages girls are getting. Even though the ad did not have a photo, more than fifty guys responded to it still, who, by the way, did not write anything special except for expressing their desire to meet. I deleted that ad, but mine received only 3 views and not a single answer – it should have been obvious that the “girl” who wants to unexpectedly meet in a not crowded establishment on the same day of our very first conversation is either not very smart, or it is just a fraud.