Buch lesen: «Simple Truths of Life», Seite 25


Plus, as I found out earlier, I also suffered for the fact that I lived in constant strong tension, which led to nerve-related problems.

Then masturbation can never relax Palantius, since its activation requires a sexual act between two people of different sex, between whom there is love and spiritual affinity. The person will not feel completely satisfied; he will be miss something.

Here I can add my recollection of how in my childhood I once asked my father not to drink beer, and he asked: “But why can't I drink beer?”. Because excessive beer consumption is unhealthy. And in my father's case, beer often led to drinking vodka, and you know how it all backfired.

Next, I will mention my recent dispute with a homosexual male that Palantius relaxation is possible only in mutually loving and spiritually similar couples who are of the opposite sex from birth – naturally, this does not apply to Thiaooubians, since, being hermaphrodites from Nature, they have both female and male organs, and therefore in their case same-sex sex is a natural thing. I suppose there is no need for me to mention what kind of “sex” that guy had with the other guy. As for the consequences, you can see for yourself on the Internet what such “sex” leads to.

In fact, there is only one kind of sex, and it can only be between a man and a woman (if we are not talking about natural hermaphrodites). Everything else is “different things”, if you remember Thao’s message, and some of those “different things” are errors.

I will mention that having said all this, I personally consider oral sex between two healthy people of the opposite sex to be quite a rather natural thing, provided that everything is clean everywhere. It is clear that the receiving side is pleased with the touch, and as for the giving side, there is a reason why taste is one of the five senses – and I do understand that different people have different tastes. I also understand that the reality may be different, and I am mistaken.

Since inaction is also our decision, the consequences from it can also be both favorable and unfavorable. I experienced the effects of putting off the quest for love until later.

I am not the only one. I remember reading a story of a woman on the Internet who lost a guy about seven years ago and did not want to have anyone else. She started having problems with her sexual organs, and doctors directly told her to start having sex before things would get even more serious. She was stubborn. Then she did allow some taxi driver to have sex with her, and this helped open her eyes. The psychological barrier was destroyed, and she again began to look for a boyfriend. At one time, I mentally slightly condemned her for having sex with a practically stranger whom she did no love. But this is what helped her. Of course, the situation could have been different if she caught some sexually transmitted disease…

In fact, I first began to calm down with the fact that others have sex when I was in love with Nikki Aaron from the RT channel, and then I found out about her former love in China. She was looking for a partner among Asian men, and I felt a strong respect for her because of this.

Therefore, if I allow psychological barriers to stand in the way of logic and common sense, I will simply suffer until I realize my mistake and begin to do the right things that the Superior Intelligence needs.

What matters is what is in the present. If a girl will mutually love me, and even better if we will have a spiritual affinity, then there is no reason not to be with her. The opposite would be a terrible mistake. Who we were in other lives physically has no physical effect on our current physical bodies. Only psychology can present a barrier when a person does not have certain knowledge.

It does not matter if you are a girl who was a man in the previous life. The important thing is that your current physical body can only be fully sexually satisfied with a male body belonging to a person who loves you mutually and with whom you have similar affinity. Only then the Palantius will extend to the spinal column and transfer an energy and special gifts to the physiological body which will then affect the person’s physical body.

By the way, a very long time ago, when I was worried about losing my appearance, I had a vision where I saw someone, as I think, from Thiaoouba. It was the most beautiful face I have ever seen! Sorry, girls, but this is so. Its proportions seemed perfect. But another thing I noticed was the feeling of fluid, coming from the face which had a healthy glow. This is not easy to explain for me, but for the first time I saw a relatively similar face with a similar shine in the Resident Evil 3 video game where Jill Valentine looks at her reflection in the mirror – it is obvious that the reason for the shine in the computer game lies in the lighting and in the shaders. I believe that the shine of a living person’s skin is the consequence of his fluidic body being at its best shape.

Returning to the previous topic, there is the saying: “All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players” (From William Shakespeare’s “As You Like It”).14 We play different roles in our different lives which are intricately intertwined with the lives of other people and other creatures. Each person learns in his role what he must learn.

Speaking of actors and different roles… I think this place in my book is a good place to mention how after the release of the remake of the video game “Resident Evil 3: Nemesis” in 2020, I started watching streams of Sasha Zotova, the model who gave her appearance to Jill Valentine, and then a little later I started watching streams of actress Nicole Tompkins who played Jill in that remake. During the playthrough of the remakes of the first, second, and third installments of Resident Evil, Nicole often invited actors from the corresponding games to her streams, including the actors who played Leon and Claire. Sasha also interviewed some of the people who took part in the creation of the remake of the third installment.

The bottom line is that I, a person interested in many things, as well as at one time wishing to connect my life with cinema, really liked listening to the life stories of those interesting people.

But the main reason why I am writing about this is that I have noticed that I no longer feel psychological discomfort when I hear about people living in Los Angeles and working in the film industry.

I have not had a chance to mention this before, but during many years hearing about someone who lives in L.A. or in Miami used to make me feel uneasy. I had the feeling that I did not have something and I was missing something important in my life – I did not feel like a complete, whole person.

But then I heard different stories of people living in the USA – for example, my acquaintances who left the USA to live in China – and droplet by droplet I began to acquire material and spiritual understanding about life, and as a result I learned to live peacefully where I am.

Psychology is of great importance in our decisions. So, for a very long time I could not accept that I do not have a girlfriend and that other people have sex. As a result, I shut myself inside of myself, drowning out the voice of reason and moving farther and farther away the moment when I was finally able to come up to someone and get acquainted with them. Negative thoughts themselves were the reason that many girls turned their backs on me, since my face revealed so many psychological problems that I chose to be having at those moments of my life.

Of course, those people could have tried to help me get rid of those problems, as people change if they learn from their mistakes. But I understand that those girls most likely did not know how relatively simple it is to change yourself, and they also did not know about the truths of life and the Universe – as I said, this is one of the reasons why I am writing this book.

I myself decided that in the case of meeting a girl who has problems, I will try to help her, and I will not give up on her and look for someone “better”. People often complain about their partners, but they themselves do almost nothing to teach them how to live differently without making mistakes. Of course, if a person is very stubborn, then it is really worth breaking up and looking for someone else – it will benefit both, as a knowledgeable person will not suffer because of the stubborn one, and the “abandoned” stubborn person will have a chance to learn from the suffering caused by his stubbornness.

I used to think how many years I would have to live with a problematic appearance, and now I think how much time I just had to waste. How much I could have learned…

I used to think how much time I would have to live without sexual satisfaction, and now I think how many things could be in my life if I stopped being stubborn and were just looking for a girlfriend instead of masturbating.

In fact, it turned out that searching for a girlfriend was the key for me to ending masturbation. It was naive to believe that I could suppress in myself all sexual desires – which I did not want anyway. As we know from psychology, you cannot just remove something, leaving a void. It is always necessary to replace a negative habit with something positive and natural. In my case, I tried to replace one extreme in the form of masturbation, which “replaced” sex for me, with another extreme in the form of a complete suppression of all natural sexual desires. There were hard times when I began to consider rampant sex drive almost a curse, but now I understand that it was an ordinary and natural sign of nature that I needed to look for a suitable girlfriend. Masturbation maffled all these healthy sexual desires, giving a false sense of “sexual” satisfaction. A person who masturbates does not evolve spiritually without going out and learning how to talk to women, not learning how to deal with rejections, how to learn from mistakes, and how to self-discipline.

But then I could not stop masturbating because I realized that after finding a girlfriend sex would not happen immediately, and I was not able to endure for several months. I needed a sexual release in the present due to frequent arousals. Thanks to the NoFap forum and the experience of other people, I have removed many fears from my head regarding the “blue testicles” and other negative temporary effects. Naturally, I try to remove their root cause – fantasies about sex.

Of course, it is worth saying that sex can be earlier if people really get to know each other. The ability to see and read the Aura, and the ability to telepathize can help here. Both will help not to be afraid of the person’s appearance, and sometimes it will even help to see the wolf in sheep’s clothing, as people often trust scammers, who not only have a good appearance, but sometimes they are very charismatic and, seemingly, kind people – so, Auras and telepathy can help to really learn a person as he is, and not as he wants you to think he is.

Of course, people with strange facial expressions can also be evil if they do not yet have the necessary spiritual knowledge.

One day I got a thought that it was easier for me to find the meaning and truth of life than to find a girlfriend. But then I actually was looking for that truth, but I was not searching for the girlfriend. Therefore, it is quite logical that I know the truth about the Universe, but I do not have a personal life. As you sow, so shall you reap.


I was thinking about starting working hard on my book during the cold viral period of the year, so that in the warm, virus-free months, I would have as much free time as possible for my personal life and further education at the school called “The Universe”. If you read this book in 2020, you will no doubt understand that life once again showed me that you need to live in the present moment, and not make big plans for the future that does not exist. Carpe diem…

I was hoping that people who came from abroad would be responsible and self-insulate at home for fourteen days to prevent the coronavirus from spreading all over Russia. Unfortunately, because of those few who still decided to take a walk, we all sit at home and it is not known when COVID-19 will allow us to socialize again…

I go out only once a week to buy food for the next week at the opening of a sanitized store. The food is for my mother and I, and sometimes for our elderly neighbor.

Naturally, I understand that should I become infected with this virus – the chances of me dying will be very high. Also, I do not want to infect my mother, who has also been at home for a month now.

Due to isolation, I began to write my book every day, and I could not help but think how I wanted to write and publish it as soon as possible. It was a strong contrast to the fact that until recently I felt uncomfortable thinking about the publication of such material. And so I thought that if only I could live a little more and finish what I started…

On April 10, 2020, I had my fifth lucid dream in which I no longer experienced any fears. For this reason, it was my longest lucid dream, the recording of which took me about 11 times more lines than in the case of previous such dreams, which took only 3-4 lines.

Before I tell you about the dream, I think it is worth saying regarding what happened a few months earlier. The case relates to the monster “It”. Perhaps I watched a video about this movie on YouTube, and when I went to bed, this monster appeared from time to time in my head – in my still not fully restrained imagination. It was night, dark, and I lay in bed with my eyes closed. Suddenly, I began to distinguish faint outlines… it was that same monster that looked at me from a hole in the ceiling! I realized that my anxiety generated this subtle vision, or, if you wish, my first experience with a hallucination, and I focused on the present and calmed down, taking the vision for what it was. It left and never returned.

This episode with my first and, to date, the last hallucination gave me a reason to think about people who, according to them, hear voices in their heads, see what is not in reality, etc. Such hallucinations are generated by ourselves when we are very afraid of something and at the same time actively use our imagination – in general terms. Not all people understand this and begin to worry even stronger from the hallucinations, thereby throwing new firewood into the fire. Therefore, such people should realize that their decisions to be afraid are the cause of their visions, and then they just need to train themselves to focus their attention on the present moment using 5 senses, and at the same time increase their knowledge about life and the world.

Here it must be remembered, of course, that over many centuries a lot of fables and lies have appeared which in the case of some people are one of the links in the chain leading to hallucinations about Satan, the Devil, and other fictional creatures, like the monster It. But if you have knowledge, then you can relatively calmly determine what is true and what is fiction – just as I was able to weed out a lot of weeds with the help of my knowledge about Thiaoouba.

Now, here is the retelling of my fifth lucid dream.

It was a literature lesson. I was reading perfectly, and I saw that the teacher gave 5. Then she drew my attention by knocking on the desk.

At that moment I gained control of my body.

Ekaterina Vasilievna gave me a note to read (a little smaller than my 5-inch phone). There was something written on both sides of the paper, but the only word I remembered was “кюкв”.

Realizing that this was a new lucid dream, I decided to enjoy it to the fullest this time. I ran out of class. There was no Ekaterina Vasilyevna in the small office to my right. I headed to the right along the corridor to the stairs and ran down it. There was no one. A security guard and several other people stood at the door of the school. I thought he would stop me, but no. I was able to run out into the street.

It was cloudy. Wet road.

I ran and turned to the right behind the school. The diagonal path to the gate still existed (it no longer exists in reality, and the old passage at the gate is closed). But the fence was modern, not the old one that existed when I was really studying. I also wondered if the gate would be closed or open. It was closed and I had to climb over it.

Soon I remembered my physical body, and the lucid dream began to blur, dissolve. But I managed to keep my focus on the present moment which allowed the lucid dream to become clear again.

I ran along my long house.

As I was running up to the entrance, I thought that I was so close to my goal – my apartment. I did not want the lucid dream to end.

So, I was inside the building.

Going up to my floor, I opened the corridor door and ran to my apartment. It had an old blue wooden door. I immediately rang the bell and held it for a couple of seconds. Then I quickly pressed it two more times so that my mother knew that it was me – as we often ring the doorbell in reality.

I started looking for keys in my pants pocket. It was empty. Then voices started to be heard from behind the door. A man's voice told to leave or something like that.

The door began to open, and I cautiously stepped away from it for a couple of meters.

The door was opened by a man with short cropped hair. And there was a woman near him.

They said that mom lives on the other end of our street.

It was clear from the conversation that this was not the first time they had seen me. Then he said, or bragged, that he was working as a designer and someone else. I forgot. I also forgot that it was clear from the conversation that the money had something to do with the fact that my mother did not live there – in a negative way. But this is already one of the cheapest apartments in Moscow…

I do not remember how, but the door of the apartment opposite “mine” was open, and there was a man in the corridor. He also took part in the conversation.

I started asking details about my mother; what kind of house. Not a word.

Strange, but since I knew perfectly well that it was a dream, I decided to run to Marina's house and try to find her apartment. I knew what floor she lived on in reality (her friend mentioned that detail on the dog playground). I clearly thought in the dream that I did not want anything bad or vulgar. I just wondered what would happen and what, or who, I would see in this lucid dream.

On the street, I thought and remembered that the next door to “my” apartment could not be there in reality, since there should be a wall separating the apartments in that place. I also realized that in “my” apartment there was a wall near the door. There is no wall there in reality.

I felt tired running and almost stopped to rest. I thought about this interesting fact. After all, this is a lucid dream. Why can you get tired in it? I was also wondering if I would feel very tired in my legs when I wake up, remembering my physical body. But I kept my concentration on the “real” here and now and continued to live in a place that I knew was a lucid dream.

I sometimes wondered in the lucid dream about how it works. Therefore, I retained my thinking ability, imagination, and memory – which is logical, since the memory is located in the Astral body (soul), and not in the physical body.

I looked around me and was able to make out the smallest details on the sidewalk. For some reason, there were little green pieces on it.

Then two schoolchildren started talking to me about something, and then a modern Vityaz tram passed by. There was only one passenger in it. I mentioned the fact that there were no people.

At my destination the houses were about the same way as they are in real life. But the landscape was different. The first house had a hill with a staircase leading to its top.

The first house had a group of adults. I wondered if I might run by a different path on the right. But then I decided to run past them.

One of them exclaimed something about his mother. Perhaps she died, and he was in grief.

I went around the house.

Strange, but I took it as normal that there were many tiled paths in front of the houses: straight and diagonal. There was almost no lawn. This does not exist in reality (thank God), but in my lucid dream I had the feeling as if I had seen it before.

I was approaching the entrance of the house to which I was running.

The lucid dream began to dissipate, and I could no longer keep my focus on it, although I tried. I gave up when I was fully awake.

My legs were not tired, as expected. But there was something strange happening with the size of the letters on the phone when I immediately began to write down the details of my lucid dream, being afraid to forget them. It seemed like they were becoming higher and thinner, then lower and thicker, and so on until they finally became their normal size.

That night, before my lucid dream, I had a dream about Marina from the village. The dream was sexual in nature. Then I woke up. It was already getting light outside. Then I fell asleep and for some reason decided to check the Moscow Marina in my lucid dream.

It was very interesting to know that in order not to return to my physical body (wake up) I had to concentrate on the reality that was my lucid dream at that moment. Exactly how I must concentrate on reality in the real life in order to be focused on reality. Sorry for the tautology.

Then I could think in the lucid dream, which was not a surprise, since I know that, for example, the intellect remains with the Astral body when we leave our physical body.

But I am not saying that we are necessary located in the Astral body while we are in a lucid dream. So, Thao tells Michel after creating and showing him her illusion that their “astropsychic” bodies were separated from their physical bodies and others. Thao further said that the other bodies were: the physiological, the psychotypical, the Astral, and so on. Following this, she clarified to Michel that a direct correlation was established between their astropsychic bodies, and everything that she imagined was projected in Michel's astropsychic body exactly as if it was happening.

And so I had a question – where was Michel’s intellect during Thao’s illusion: together with the Astral body, physical body, and other bodies, or with the astropsychic body? In the first case, the astropsychic body plays the role of a barrier of some sort. But in the second, to which I am inclined, the intellect, together with the astropsychic body, was in a different place.

All 9 bodies, being an instrument, were created by the Superior Intelligence and therefore they are all material. I have already said my thought that there are smaller particles that end with a vibration of infinite space. So, I think that different bodies are made up of different material units, each of which is smaller than the previous one. For visualization, we can take as an example a matryoshka doll inside which each other doll is smaller.

The Astral body is made up of electrons. If my assumption is correct, then the astropsychic body consists of particles that are smaller than the electron.

And so, when I was running in my lucid dream along a street that felt more than real, even though I knew that I was in a dream, I thought to myself what if it all made from particles that are smaller than the electron? That is, lucid dreams, and just dreams – are the real world, consisting of “low-level” matter that we cannot see under normal conditions. This can be compared to the Parallel Universe whose light and matter never touch our Universe. And if you want, you can think of it as another dimension – for now these details are not so important.

I know that many other people can manifest different things in their lucid dreams at will.[21] They can also instantly change their location, and some can move, as they say, in time.

You remember that I once learned telekinesis by moving the tip of a light thread by the will of thought. I believe that levitation is directly related to telekinesis. So Latoli told Michel that “levitation requires great concentration and quite an expenditure of energy”,15 and it allows even them, people from the ninth category, to travel only at a speed of seven kilometers per hour. Levitation is used by them during certain psychic exercises.

If my assumption about what dreams are made of is true, then it can be assumed that our mind needs far less energy to manipulate those smaller particles which dreams are made of. If this is so, then we can assume why we live in a more “higher level” material world – here we are not able to create our own Laws of the Universe by our own free will, but are forced to live with those Laws that the Superior Intelligence created for us – and, to some extent, itself, since we are one.

Having said all this, I assume that the Higher Self of a person can be responsible for most of what people see in their lucid dreams.

Where is the place where lucid dreams occur? If those particles are much smaller than an electron, then it may be closer than you think…

I did not think that I would write more about dreams, but on May 26, 2020 I had another lucid dream, the details of which were rather unusual for me not to mention it, given that dreams play an important role in my life.

First, I will say that after my first successful lucid dream, I thought about what else I could try to do and learn in them. I thought about looking at myself in the mirror; ask people around to remember the code word in order to actually write it on a certain website – of course, it is unlikely that other people in lucid dreams really have a particle of the Spirit in themselves and therefore they are not “real”, but then who knows; I also fleetingly wondered if you can change your body in a lucid dream; and I also thought about the manifestation of objects in such dreams.

In another dream that I had that same night, but it was not lucid, I was in the village – but everything was not the same way it is in reality. I remember that at one moment I was under the rain on a field at an old stop. Two pipes protruded from it in the middle, standing next to each other. The stop itself was more like a bench with a roof, which saved me from the rain. The scene was taking place on the site of Malye Gorki, if you go from the chapel in the direction of the farm, but there were no houses around. There were either fields or forests everywhere. Opposite the stop there was another one, that looked almost identical. It was on the other side of the road, which was more like a path and was barely noticeable, being overgrown with grass. In the dream, I went to walk further, despite the rain which was no longer so strong. I think that at that time I saw a towering elm tree on my right hand – this is how I knew that I was in the village. I left the forest, which in reality would physically be located between the turn to the farm and the chapel, and tried to remember the entrance to it, do that to tell my friends about my find – and this is despite the fact that there was a road leading to the forest, and while it was covered in grass, but was still clearly visible. I did not see a single building or a single person, as well as animals, anywhere on the horizon.

I woke up and after a while fell asleep again to have a new dream.

So, here is the description of my sixth lucid dream that was similar in length to my previous lucid dream.

I do not remember why, but I had a plastic window frame. I carried it with me and came to the village of Ignatovo where for some reason lived my childhood friend Anton. And he lived in a house where my grandmother used to live in reality. But the house was like a hybrid version of the real house in Ignatovo and our house in Malye Gorki. Stas was also in the house.

We were installing a window that was made in 3D, but it still felt heavy – which I mentioned in the dream – how can a not real window frame existing in a computer be heavy? Thanks to ray tracing, that frame really reflected the light and there was a feeling that it was real. We installed it in a window on the left side of the house where there were long windows consisting of three frames – as in the Little House. We replaced the old right wooden frame with a new one made in 3D. Then I noticed that my friend already had plastic windows installed on almost all other windows. I think that I decided to ask if he needed my window, so as I could take it to my house in Malye Gorki if he did not.

The placement of some rooms was unusual – they reminded me of the rooms that I saw on the second floor of Vladik’s house in Malye Gorki.

Here I had thoughts appear that it was a dream and I could try to gain control over it. With this, I focused on the here and now and gained control of my body.

I was in the house and I thought what to do: go inside where, most likely, old acquaintances were, or run out. I ran out.

It turned out that I was in my village house in Malye Gorki, which surprised me because during my whole dream I thought we were in Ignatovo, even though the house did sometimes look like our village house.

As far as I remember, it was sunny. I went out onto the gravel road in front of the house and looked around, without a clear goal or plan on where I should go in this lucid dream and what to do. I went towards the chapel.

When I was near the neighbor’s poplar, I looked to the left. To the left of Ira’s house and her neighbor Katya, everything was changed a lot. New two-story houses were being built in the backyards, the design of which I tried to remember – I remember how I noted the curled wall of one house. Other buildings were either unfinished or destroyed. I noted for myself how the village was turning into a dacha, a settlement where one house stands right next to the other in all directions.

14.William Shakespeare, As You Like It (S. Gosnell, 1810), 34.
15.Desmarquet, Abduction to the 9th Planet, 226.