Dear little bear!

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Dear little bear!
Schriftart:Kleiner AaGrößer Aa

Dear little bear!

1  Teddy, the little bear

2  Lilly, the little mouse

3  Stella, the little star

4  Jay, the little plush bunny

5  Minki, the cat

Teddy, the little bear

Teddy was a little bear. He loved playing with his friends, walking around and picking flowers. Most of all, he played hide and seek. „Teddy, you can go right away, but first you must have breakfast,“ his mother warned him. „I do not want to eat anything,“ said the little bear, and ran out. „Hello, friends“ Teddy said, as he finally arrived at the meadow. „Bzzz“ the bee and „Hop“ the grasshopper were already waiting for him. „You´re starting to count, we´re hiding“,“ Teddy said to the bee. „One, two, three, four,“ Bzzz began to count. Teddy looked at her frantically because he wanted to find the perfect hideaway. He ran behind a tree, but his fat belly betrayed him. He crouched behind a stone, but his butt was too big to hide. Teddy got up again and went on searching. There he found a small cave. He crept into his knees. It was dark and cramped. Then he heard Bzzz screaming „I am coming! I hope you are well hidden!“ Teddy held his hand to his mouth and chuckled. In no way, he wanted to reveal his great new hiding place with his laughter. It was not long before he heard the hum of his bee-friend. She was very close. Teddy held his breath. He wanted to be the last one to be found. Just as Bzzz wanted to turn around again, because she simply could not find Teddy, she heard a growl. „Oh, no! What ist that?“ she asked anxiously, whispering. Some big, evil animal hide in the cave. Bzzz was terrified and did not want to know what an animal was lurking there. Suddenly it was quiet. Where were they all? When Teddy wanted to crawl out of his hiding-place to look for his friends, he heard screams. „We´ll get him!“ cried a voice. Teddy got scared because the voices became louder and he knew they were coming in his direction. „We´ll drive him out, so he´ll never come back!“, another voice shouted. The little bear trembled all over. „Come out, you git!“ he heard. Teddy held his breath and suddenly it happened. „There it is again!“ Bzz whimpered. „That growling,“ she shouted. „This is not a bad animal! This growling I recognize immediatley. This is Teddy who did not want to eat breakfast!“ laughed a familiar voice. „Mom!“ cried the little bear and crawled out. „Mom, I was so scared,“ he cried, climbing to her arms. „You see little bear, even if you like to play with your friends, you still have to eat something.“ Bzz, Hop, Teddy and the others suddenly had to laugh loudly. The whole excitement, just because Teddy did not want to eat anything. They went home safely and happily.

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