Dirty Minds 3

Aus der Reihe: Dirty Minds #3
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Dirty Minds 3
Schriftart:Kleiner AaGrößer Aa

Dirty minds – 3

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All rights are reserved by the author.

Original copyright © 2017, by Dunja Romanova.


Dear readers,

Thank you for purchasing my book.

My name is Dunja Romanova. With this book I would like to share my lust and sexuality with you.

This book is the third in a series. Each book contains an erotic story. These correspond in part to my life, my real experiences. The rest is a flip-flop movie. My stories are therefore a mixture of wishes, longings, real adventures and masturbation fantasies.

And now to me: I was born in 1982 in the Soviet Union. Specifically, in Rybinsk, in the sign of Sagittarius. We emigrated to Germany in 1996. Our way led us to Berlin at that time.

I am 162 cm tall and of cosy but aesthetic figure. I've got a full 95 E-cup. My hair is naturally blonde and my eyes are green to bluish. I have been wearing my hair for many years in short and in different colours.

Meanwhile I'm heavily tattooed. To my father's annoyance, I also had the back of my hand tattooed. Well, now you have an optical image of me in the stories. But feel free to introduce yourself to something else.

I hope I can give you a little joy with my fantasies and experiences and/or inspire you to erotic acts;)

Of course, I would be very pleased about a positive evaluation and recommendations. To make reading more pleasant, I write from my own point of view.

Your Dunja

The lecherous patient

Berlin, May 2002: It's a beautiful day, the spring is at its peak and gives the region the wonderful month that the meteorologists have promised us.

Last year I completed my training as a nurse and geriatric nurse. The institution in which I learned has also taken over, the old people's and nursing home Silberherz. Even though the work is sometimes very arduous and brings sad moments with it, I have enjoyed it from the very beginning. Helping other people is one of the most beautiful things you can do in life.

But despite all the professionalism I showed, there were also many funny moments that made me laugh. And there have also been a lot of embarrassing incidents.

And there were situations that embarrassed me and other nurses. These were usually based on the patients. We had a whole series of people with their own special needs to care for and care for. Many of them have remained in my memory and will probably continue to do so.

For example, Mrs. Mühlenbeck from the first floor. A fastidious pensioner who liked to look for the distance without informing. Or Mrs. Becker, who thanks to her Alzheimer's disease never knew where she was. Mr. Pinckert from the second floor told us like a fairy tale uncle only about the old days and Mrs. Christensen sang all day long.

But now we had a new inhabitant in the silver heart. Josef Schmidt, born 1930, born in Spandau. He was 72 years old when he came to us. Mr. Schmidt did not have any major health problems at that time. Only blood pressure and occasional rheumatic surges were causing him problems every now and then.

When I came to work on Monday, my colleague Bettina told me about him. Mr. Schmidt was admitted on Saturday and I was not on duty at the weekend.

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