The Spot

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THE SPOT is an old blacksmith shed in which a gang of men tweeze apart the intricacies of a botched bank robbery. THE SPOT is a place deep in Riverside Park, along the Hudson River, where two lovers walk with a keen sense that their adultery is about to come to an end. THE SPOT is at the bottom of Niagara Falls, where the body of a young girl floats as if caught in the tangled currents of her own tragic story. THE SPOT is a place in a young father's mind where love, fear and responsibility merge in the struggle with his son's potentially devastating diagnosis. THE SPOT lies in the eardrum of a madman plagued by a noisy upstairs neighbour on the Upper East Side of Manhattan. This highly anticipated collection by internationally acclaimed short story master David Means is exceptional not only in it's language but also in the diversity of the narratives, as he searches out with delicate precision the intricate relationship between immortality and grace.

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Faber & Faber
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